Blue and White Society Chapter 978: Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun

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Mo Qiong split the earth open again, carving out a crater in the newly assembled earth.

The pit leads straight to the center of the earth, and there is a black iron-nickel core in the endless lava.

Mo Qiong pulled it out, but the iron-nickel core condensed under high pressure exploded instantly when exposed to low pressure.


Mo Qiong activated the force field shield on his body to release the shock wave, and found that the core had turned into a piece of iron and nickel lava. Except for picking up a piece of best metal inside, there was nothing strange about the rest.

The Orochi Gaia said: “This piece of Best Metal was probably dug out of the center of the earth in the past ten thousand years. No one has picked it up here.”

“Hao also tried to take out the core, but it was meaningless. What he took out was just ordinary core material.”

“The real characteristic is the point where all the pressure in the core of the earth is concentrated. If a gap is opened in the center of the earth in some way, the contained object will disappear. If it is filled back again, the contained object will be contained. Things exist again.”

This is a contained object that is there when the earth is there and is not there when the earth is not there.

After the explosion of the earth, the containment object originally disappeared, but Mo Qiong gathered the remains of the earth back together, making the center of the earth the site-shaped containment object again.

Mo Qiong said: “Is this what you ancient gods have researched?”

Orochi Gaia said: “Hao is the one who has the knowledge about this thing. I only know a little bit. Well, Hao has a monopoly on the secrets about the earth’s core, but not at the beginning. One day, an ancient **** died inexplicably. After it fell, Hao banned other ancient gods from studying or even using the earth’s core.”

“The cause of death of that ancient **** was that the universe he belonged to suddenly disappeared.”

“Oh?” Mo Qiong frowned slightly.

If the ancient **** dies, the universe will not be destroyed, but if the universe is destroyed, the ancient **** will definitely die.

Orochima Gaia continued: “Since then, Hao has been able to obliterate any god. It is precisely because of this that he has become the strongest ancient **** and rules us.”

“We all suspect…Hao knows the real way to use Best Metal. No, it’s not suspicion, it’s certainty, because the ancient gods killed by Hao all died when the universe they belonged to disappeared.”

“By the way, Hao’s relic should have a piece of best metal.”

Mo Qiong waved his hand and controlled Hao’s Best Metal Levitation.

This piece of best metal was left behind after Hao’s death. At that time, Mo Qiong only cared about the Sunset Bow and did not care about the best metal, so he put it away casually.

Looking carefully now, Mo Qiong still didn’t see any clues.

No matter how Mo Qiong controls it, it is just a normal piece of best metal.

Mo Qiong shook his head and did not go into details.

His top priority now is to talk to Sanqing first.

As a legendary ‘omniscient’ containment object, he really wanted to see it.


People around the world have returned home,

Blue and White Society has disclosed picometer technology to all universities and handed over Fermi-level technology to scientists around the world.

In just over a day, nanomaterials have become the most common materials.

Two days later, humanity’s ruined home was rebuilt. With various nanoscale engineering machines, building a building is as easy as building blocks.

Cities around the world will be rebuilt, everyone will have apartments to live in, and basic drinking water and food will be distributed.

Of course, money has not disappeared. If you want more, you still have to work.

Business, scientific research, engineering, and even learning itself are also a kind of work.

And except for the service industry, past work experience is almost useless.

Because of technology, development is rapid.

Everyone knows that times have changed.

The evil alien civilization ‘Apocalypse’ is eyeing the world and may wipe out mankind at any time.

The ‘Order’ has provided technology for this, so now all mankind must focus on scientific research and engineering for the continuation of the race.

The entire society is like a machine, running rapidly.

Many people cannot adapt to a society that changes too fast, but that doesn’t matter, as long as they don’t give up on themselves.

Because it’s not just one person who doesn’t adapt, it’s everyone who doesn’t adapt.

There is no problem of being isolated. Everyone is learning and using new and emerging products.

Even if they all know, these products will be eliminated in a week.

This new generation was created by countless top scholars who were selected by Mo Qiong and made gods by Mo Qiong. They went to Chuangjie Mountain and worked hard for several years.

Various tools that are simple to operate, have a lot of room for play, and have a high degree of freedom are put on the market at a relatively low price.

Then borrow the imagination and creativity of all mankind, borrow these tools, participate in the design, and fill in a huge database, which is the creative workshop.

These creative ideas and design concepts enrich the application directions of basic technology.

They will greatly make up for the world’s top engineers and researchers.

On the third day of the new era, simple-to-operate, civilian micro-spacecraft are already as cheap as cars and are sold online.

Anyone can, after simple training, drive a spaceship to mine…

Of course, it is definitely too late for some people to study mathematics, physics and chemistry now. Are they destined to only work in the service industry or do simple jobs?

That’s not the case, there are still combat abilities that can be learned.

Air walls have become popular all over the world, adaptive seeds are planted on a large scale, and various magical and resistant things such as red wood and lightning strike wood have entered the market.

What should I do if I am weak? It’s okay, you can train your mind, hone your will, and try your best to improve your beliefs. If you reach a certain standard, you can be pierced by the stigmata after passing the test…

You can then control powers such as the ‘Kitchen God’, ‘Air Conditioning God’, and ‘Electric Fan God’.

Of course, the name is not called the Power of Faith, but the Force…

Although many people feel that this is not scientific at all, the scientific community unanimously states that this is science, so those who are on the fighting side have no choice but to believe that this is science.

There is no way, the ‘Blue and White Society’ and the contained objects are bound to each other. In the universe where the ‘Blue and White Society’ exists, there will be contained objects.

After awakening the memory of 1999, many people’s beliefs have become close to those of Blue and White members.

If they understand the concept of contained objects and have the concept of containment, then they will be judged as members of the Blue and White Club…at least peripheral members.

The more Blue and White members there are, the fewer people can go to other universes.

If you randomly transfer to a universe and end up being infected with the birth source of new containment objects, and then unluckily, new omega containment objects emerge, it will be really endless.

In short, the spread of containment ideas must be curbed, and various products must be popularized in different ways.

Choose the best ones and absorb them into the Blue and White Society, or send them to other worlds to become gods.

For those who are not good in various fields, there is nothing they can do. In this ever-changing society, where technology is exploding every day, they can only be mediocre.

At the same time that society was turning to star civilization, a major reorganization was also completed within the Blue and White Society.

On November 11, the large arbitration system was abolished.

The six major arbitrations will only have the power of ministers, and will no longer have the power to jointly rule on all matters in the Blue and White Society.

Musk is the Foreign Affairs Department, David is the Research Department, Kaimen is the General Affairs Department, Barr is the Supervision Department, and Xu Yin is the Finance Department.

The five of them were originally the five ministers. After the arbitration responsibilities were revoked, they were still ministers.

But the largest and most important director of shelter is vacant, because it was Kelon Guan at first, and Chimu Guan later, and now both of them are dead.

Mo Qiong thought for a while and appointed the new Omega member Gou Ye as the director of shelter.

The fusion of Gou Ye and Mo Qiong, it can be said that all Mo Qiong’s achievements belong to Gou Ye. He is also a very senior member of the club. As the director of shelter, it is reasonable.

At this moment, the two have separated, and both sides have genetic defects.

But it’s not particularly big. It can be repaired through picometer-level genetic modification technology.

As for the soul, Mo Qiong felt that he had lost nearly half of it. The kind that didn’t grow well was simply gone. It seemed that it had grown into Master Gou’s soul.

With this, Master Gou’s soul became extremely powerful, and he could actively split his mind like Adams did.

One soul can have many minds, and one mind has many functions.

It should be said that he is indeed Mr. Gou, no one else is so lucky.

On the other hand, Mo Qiong’s soul is extremely fragile. Once his soul is traumatized, even if it is only a small injury to an ordinary person, it will be a huge blow to him, and he may be completely destroyed.

Thanks to Lan Baiji, who created the Black Book and changed the deadline, everyone has no time limit.

As long as Mo Qiong does not attend the wedding, he will never die of old age.

Otherwise, the side effects of this fusion earring will cause Mo Qiong’s soul to plummet, and he will probably die in a day or two…

Then he will become the president with the shortest reign after Kelon… No, in fact, Mo Qiong has not officially held any inauguration ceremony, and he is not the president in name.

It’s just that everyone agrees that he has been able to exercise the rights of president. Mo Qiong is the only person in history who has dismissed the six arbitrations before he was officially president…

The six major arbitrations have no opinion on this at all.

In this case, Mo Qiong finally contacted Sanqing.

It is now confirmed that even if he has not set foot on the High Mountain, he has not held any ceremony to inaugurate the president.

He is now the president of this contained object.

After all, besides the president, who else can remove the six major arbitrations and decide to abolish the arbitration system with one word?

“What’s the trouble? Mo Qiong.” A young voice echoed in Mo Qiong’s heart.

Mo Qiong’s name was mentioned as soon as he came up, which surprised him.

But as an ‘omniscient’ containment object, this is nothing.

“May I ask which saint it is?” Mo Qiong asked.

“Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun, fellow Taoists can call me Master.” The voice said.

Mo Qiong raised his eyebrows, and sure enough, the contained object was a role-playing Sanqing.

According to the experience of past presidents, it is said that this ‘Shangqing’ is the one who ‘talks the most’.

“Is there a price for communicating with the master?” Mo Qiong asked first.

“Hahaha, not yet.” Shangqing laughed.

Mo Qiong did not comment, but continued to ask: “Do you really know everything? Do you know all the contained objects?”

“Of course, just ask.” Shangqing said with a smile.

Mo Qiong took out the Book of Heaven and asked: “Please tell me clearly the characteristics and price of this thing.”

“I don’t know.” Shangqing said bluntly.

“???” Mo Qiong was stunned.

What the hell? have no idea?

Don’t you mean omniscient? Why don’t you know the first question?



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