Blue and White Society Chapter 843: Resurrection of Kelon

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President Blue and White has a lifelong tenure.

Polo once became a president, he remained a president for life.

Before the sixth president takes over, Polo will be the president as long as he is alive.

Of course, the whole society can remove him, but after all, everyone thinks he is dead, and no one has ever done so.

So for any club member, in fact… Polo is still… Blue and White Club President!

He is now the Queen’s man, but he is also the president of Blue and White.

It’s like the general manager of a company changes jobs and joins a hostile company, and will soon go back and annex his original company.

But before he officially takes office, as long as he is still the general manager of the original company, he must fulfill his responsibilities even on the last day, the last minute, and the last second.

With this basic sense of responsibility, let alone President Blue and White, even in an ordinary society, as long as a general manager has professional ethics, he will work seriously until he leaves office.

Polo is undoubtedly one of the most responsible people in the entire human society.

His belief shines for an era.

Although the situation is different, Polo loves the Queen from the bottom of his heart, which means he has changed jobs. He must first consider the Queen’s position.

But what Mo Qiong said was to tell him again: At the same time, you are still the president of Blue and White, and you have not resigned.

This is undoubtedly forcing him and taking advantage of Polo’s sense of responsibility.

Polo’s second strongest belief is that he cannot do anything about the current affairs of the Blue and White Club even though he knows that he is still the president of the Blue and White Club.

Even if five years later, he will join hands with the Queen to destroy everything, but after all, not yet.

At this moment, he must do his best to help the Blue and White Society without affecting the Queen.

He must fulfill his duties as president in the crack between his twisted mind and his powerful beliefs.

Note that this is an obligation.

Mo Qiong’s words were heartbreaking. He was forcing a person who had already done his best for the Blue and White Society to do his best again.

Because as long as you can still think, your responsibilities as a member are not complete.

So Mo Qiong was also very sad because he put Polo into an extremely difficult situation.

When Polo distorted his thinking, Polo stepped into an endless hell.

As the president of the Blue and White Society, he committed himself to the Queen of the Zerg, stood on the side of the contained objects, and even made the judgment that the Blue and White Society was the biggest enemy.

During this period, mankind and the shelter project he sacrificed for also had a deep love from the heart, but it was suppressed by the distortion of the mind.

It’s like killing your mother for the sake of your wife.

In this case, the only reason he could calm down was: ‘I am no longer the president of Blue and White. President Polo has died in the battle. Now I am the Queen’s man. After so many years, the Blue and White Club may have a new president now. Resisting the Queen and protecting humanity is the new president’s business and has nothing to do with me. ’

Only in this way can Polo make himself feel better.

It just makes me feel better.

Polo knew that there was no way he could use the Queen to work for the Blue and White Society.

It’s impossible, he himself can’t pass this test. It would be great if he could not use the Blue and White Club and instead work for the Queen.

It’s precisely because you can’t do it that you feel pain in your heart.

Both things are important, and he is caught in the middle. No matter who dies, he cannot accept it.

From the perspective of strength, he could only watch the Queen destroy everything, and then as the president, he would bear the greatest responsibility and pain.

This is the torment he is destined to suffer when he chooses this method of containment.

What’s even more uncomfortable is that he still doesn’t want to forget this memory.

Mo Qiong revealed this, making Polo unable to escape and trapped in torment. ‘You are still the president of Blue and White’! This is simply forcing Polo to die.

“Have you seen, these are the members, they are the greatest threat to you.” Polo stroked the Queen’s hair and said.

The Queen felt the pain in Polo’s heart and said: “I will help you delete these annoying ideas.”

Polo shook his head and said: “No, forget them, just like forgetting you, it is better to die.”

“If you forget, you won’t think so.” The Queen stretched out her finger and touched Polo’s forehead.

Polo did not resist, just said: “Don’t…”

In the end, the queen withdrew her finger. This was not the first time.

She knows how entangled Polo has been in his heart over the years, and this is precisely Polo’s charm.

Mo Qiong’s forced words made Polo even more painful. The angry queen immediately looked at Mo Qiong coldly.

Mo Qiong felt like he was being targeted by the most terrifying thing, as if he was about to die in the next moment. This feeling was like being cut down by the Supreme Divine Sword.

“Even if you kill me, please listen to me.”

“President, although I have been implanted with the characteristic of mortality, before that, I will definitely become the Blue and White President. When I set foot on the High Mountain, I will inform you.”

“You can help the Zerg to destroy us in five years. At that time, no matter what you look like, you will still be just a bug.”

“Five years from now, humans and Zerg, who will live and who will die, will each depend on their own abilities.”

“The outcome has nothing to do with you.”

Polo smiled when he heard this.

To relieve the burden from my heart, the sixth generation president was born.

At that time, Polo will completely separate from the human race and become a “Zerg”.

Only by letting go can he keep his heart from conflicting with the imposed mental distortion.

Only then can he gain true peace.

“Is it okay?” The Queen looked at Polo.

She really hopes that Polo can let go of the Blue and White Society.

Polo smiled and said: “He is right.”

The Queen immediately pointed at Mo Qiong and said: “You! What is your name? Oh Mo Qiong! You are the sixth generation of Blue and White President! Five years later, you and others can resist even though you lead me! I will eat you!”

Mo Qiong smiled and said: “I want to be the president. After all, it is empty talk. But of course Polo knows that he is the best candidate in his heart.”

The queen turned back and said: “Who is it?”

Polo rubbed the Queen’s hair and said: “Kelong…”

“What’s wrong with him? Why hasn’t he become president yet?” the Queen said.

In Polo’s mind, the person most qualified to succeed him as president is Kelon.

Kelong is fully qualified to be the president, evangelist, and member of Omega Club, and has fought alongside Polo.

When he went to find the Queen, Polo did not take him with him. In fact, he hoped that he would live to become the president of the company in the future.

As soon as Mo Qiong opened his mouth, Polo knew what he was planning.

This is a unique perspective that frees Polo from his conflicted heart and allows Polo to become the queen’s man with peace of mind.

Let the Queen take the initiative and decide to have the Blue and White Club quickly appoint a president! He even appointed Mo Qiong. Of course, in order to save Kelon, Mo Qiong asked Polo to name his candidate.

Although this is a tacit understanding between Mo Qiong and Polo, in fact, it is also true.

Polo was truly tormented by two positions. Although one was greater than the other, the importance was not much different.

The Queen has always felt sorry for Polo, but Polo refused to use special means to forget those beliefs, because it was an insult to those beliefs.

Mo Qiong touched the pulse and found the only way to make the Queen willing to take the initiative to save Kelon.

Just like the Queen gave the Blue and White Society thirty years for Polo.

To deal with the Queen, any threats are useless, let alone coercion.

As long as you talk about feelings, there is still a glimmer of hope.

That’s what Polo did back then, and it’s what Mo Qiong does now.

The birth of the sixth generation president of the Blue and White Society is not a big deal. To the Queen, it is just an extra leader for the people who will tremble under her fear five years later.

“Kelong…is in boundless pain. He is immortal and his soul has been transformed into a regular dodecahedron…”

Mo Qiong quickly explained the situation of Kelon.

He didn’t ask for anything, he just told Kelon’s experience. He believed that Polo had his own opinion.

Sure enough, Polo said solemnly: “Beyond the limit of pain, immortal soul, brand new containment object, Hailey, do you want to try it?”

The queen narrowed her eyes and smiled: “Bring him here.”

Mo Qiong rushed out of Xu Island, and not long after, he shot Kelon’s soul into Polo’s hand.

The Queen grabbed Kelon’s soul and revealed it directly, making the soul visible as if it were matter.

“Try it!” Polo smiled.

The queen devoured it without hesitation, which made Mo Qiong’s heart pound.

“Uh-huh, it takes a long time to digest. I like it! I remember it!” The queen smiled with squinted eyes. She meant that she would have a good taste of this guy in five years.

Polo smiled and said: “As long as you like it, there is still a consciousness in it. I am an old friend. He is the best candidate for the president.”

“Oh…” the queen licked her lips.

Polo asked: “Will he feel endless pain?”

“Yes, as long as he is dead, that is, unless he is alive.” The Queen said.

“Is this trait transferable?” Polo asked.

The Queen was silent for a while and said: “This is so troublesome, it will take a long time…”

“Forget it.” Polo smiled.

Mo Qiong was stunned. Is it too troublesome?

Of course he is not qualified to ask the Queen to do anything. Even Polo fully respects the Queen’s wishes.

Polo loved her even more than the shelter he had sacrificed for.

More people from the Blue and White Society have sacrificed their lives. Even if the identity of the president is recognized again, and Kelon is a member, Polo can save nature, but if the Queen is not willing, then forget it.

In the face of spiritual distortion, faith can only work in the cracks.

The Queen said it would take a long time, so naturally it would really take a very, very long time.

If it’s too troublesome… isn’t there still a poor Mo? In the Queen’s opinion, it doesn’t matter which of you becomes the president.

“If Kelon is resurrected, he can be freed from pain! It’s just that he will die within seven days, preventing him from resurrecting.” Mo Qiong couldn’t help but say.

Polo looked at the Queen and said, “Really?”

“Yes…this characteristic keeps killing him. Even if I resurrect him, he will die instantly. This transfer is also very troublesome. But I can reset his death time. After all, it has the premise that he will die after seven days. This time has already been exhausted, but I can reset it to the state where there are still seven days left,” the Queen said.

As she spoke, the Queen raised her hand and traced her fingertips in the air, directly drawing blue ripples. These shadows quickly filled in and turned into real objects, which turned out to be Kelon’s body.

Mo Qiong’s eyes went straight, is it that simple?

The queen fiddled with it a few times, and then the dodecahedron soul flew out and was injected into the human body.

In an instant, Kelon was resurrected.



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