Blue and White Society Chapter 840: Destroy the Blue and White Society first

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Polo tried his best. When everyone was thinking about how to deal with the Queen forever, he firmly believed that it was impossible.

Then she twisted her mind, and Juanjuan planned to make herself entrusted to the Queen forever, and she would never recover, just to delay it for a while.

He has been delaying the Blue and White Society for thirty years. This time is just a blink of an eye for the Queen.

But for humans, it is one generation.

The next generation must complete the unfinished business of the previous generation.

Polo has achieved the ultimate in his time, and no one can complain that he left such a big hidden danger.

If we didn’t do this, there would be no human beings now.

Polo has fulfilled his mission, and the rest will depend on those who come after him.

Twenty-five years have passed since thirty years. This time is too short. If Mo Qiong hadn’t come in this time, the Blue and White Society might not have known about it and would have been destroyed suddenly, without any preparation.

But now that I know it, I still have time to think about it.

Of course, things have to be done step by step, so Mo Qiong will keep it in mind for the time being.

“The main purpose of my coming here is to know if the Queen can be moved to another place.” Mo Qiong said.

He talked about the invasion of alien civilizations and the fact that the Blue and White Society now has other universes as its containment base.

Although Polo has sided with the Queen, his belief in loving her deeply is not gone.

Conservation projects and humans still concern him, and they are at least his second most cherished existence.

Polo said: “It turns out that Hailey has no hatred for humans. She does not necessarily want to devour everything from the earth.”

“Everywhere you rest is rest. I’ll say hello to her, and you can just send Xu Dao away.”

Mo Qiong nodded, and the first problem was solved.

Although Polo said it easily, before that, how could the Blue and White Society dare to touch the Queen casually?

What should I do if Xu Dao was sent to another universe in a flash? The Queen thought it was an attack and went berserk? Even if they don’t officially annihilate any race, they can casually annihilate individuals who touch her without even saying hello.

Fortunately, Polo was still alive, but even so, Polo also said that he had to say hello and inform the queen.

Of course, maybe Polo did this just because he respected the queen from the bottom of his heart.

But as the current mediator between the Blue and White Society and the Queen, since Polo said this, there must be no problem.

“It would be easy to move the queen wherever she wants…” Mo Qiong nodded.

However, Bolo apologized: “But I’m sorry, no matter where you send Haili, after the expiration of the term, the Blue and White Society will be the first to be eliminated.”

“Ah? Why!” Mo Qiong was stunned. She originally wanted to take advantage of the Queen’s point of view.

Unexpectedly, the first person the Queen wants to destroy must be the Blue and White Society?

Polo said: “Because I once told Hailey that the biggest threat to her is the Blue and White Society. I hope that she will destroy the Blue and White Society after a thirty-year break. Then she can start from wherever she wants. Where to start…”

“Hailey… agreed, so cherish these last moments, you can’t hide or escape.”

“This…” Mo Qiong didn’t know what to make of his expression.

Polo, who deeply loved the Queen, was very conflicted. He believed that the Blue and White Society was the biggest threat. For the sake of mankind, he asked the Queen to wait for thirty years, but for the Queen’s sake, he also recommended that the Queen destroy the Blue and White Society first.

So if you want to throw the Queen far away and let the Queen destroy it elsewhere first, this will not buy the Blue and White Society any more time.

She does not necessarily have to start destroying the earth, or even start destroying humans.

But the Queen must have started her destruction from the Blue and White Society.

Blue and White Club only has five years.

“I understand.” Mo Qiong did not make any comment on what Polo did.

Since he sacrificed himself for the Queen, he would naturally think about the Queen.

Before implementing this plan, as the president of Blue and White, would Polo not have thought of this?

He must have considered it, but he still did it. On the one hand, this may be the only way. He could only choose to fight for the Blue and White Society for these thirty years.

On the other hand, he may have bought more time for mankind.

Because the thirty years have expired, if the Blue and White Society has no strategy to defeat the enemy, there is still a way to continue for a short period of time for mankind, and that is to collectively leave human society and go to an uninhabited universe to have a fight with the Queen. A losing war.

The Queen must first destroy the Blue and White Society, then in turn, the Blue and White Society will be a magnet and a mocking monster.

Whichever universe the Blue and White Society is in will be the first to be destroyed.

Then all the power of the Blue and White Society is concentrated in a certain universe, and the Queen can be attracted to the same universe until the Blue and White Society is destroyed.

After that, the Queen can eat whatever she wants and slowly devour the multiverse. When it is the turn of mankind and the turn of the planet to give birth to the Baltic Planet, the people on Earth may have survived for dozens or even hundreds of years.

Polo may have realized that he would say such words and give such suggestions to the Queen, thus leaving a little time for mankind.

A hundred years is not short. It has only been a hundred years since the Blue and White Society was founded.

With these extra hundred years, anything is possible for mankind.

So after listening to Polo’s words, Mo Qiong was neither excited nor angry. He could only realize that Polo really tried his best.

Vitality is created little by little.

After a hundred years, where humans will go is really not something he can worry about.

“Can I still go out?” Mo Qiong said after a moment of silence.

Polo smiled and said: “Let me ask.”

I don’t know how long it took, probably about an hour.

Polo said: “You are very good. The Blue and White Society sent you here. You are really a party person. If it were anyone else, you would be dead if you lied to her.”

Mo Qiong said: “How do you say it?”

“Hai Li has determined that your characteristics can only be used by you. She will resurrect you and then let you use this characteristic on her. All you have to do is cooperate.” Polo said.

As soon as the words fell, the two people suddenly disappeared from the white space.

In a daze, Mo Qiong’s senses recovered and he returned to his body.

And in the virtual island, it is no longer pitch black. Although the border is still like a black wall, a lot of visible light has inexplicably appeared inside and filled the air.

This is a large virtual island, larger than Mo Qiong’s fifty square kilometers island.

Whether it is in the sea or on the island, there is no grass growing, no life, not to mention a blade of grass, not even microorganisms.

A little girl about the same age as Gou Ye in fighting condition, with no discernible race, perfect and delicate facial features, and a purple exoskeleton armor all over her body.

She was sitting cross-legged on the beach, holding her left knee with one hand and her right knee with one hand, supporting her chin.

Polo seemed to be very used to being resurrected. He walked to the girl with ease, picked her up, put her in his arms, and sat cross-legged on the beach.

He always had a smile on his face and seemed to always have endless fun in his heart.

The girl is used to having a cold face, mixed with a hint of laziness.

Polo was surprised when Mo Qiong returned to his body, because that was the image of the new human being evolved by Che Yun.

He smiled and whispered a few words in the girl’s ear. The girl’s cold face suddenly smiled funny, and she also laughed in Polo’s ear.

The two of them did not shy away from anything, and Mo Qiong heard clearly that Polo was asking why people today look like this, like aliens. The girl told Polo that Mo Qiong merged with an evolved woman and now has eight senses. She has made the two of them stay in this state forever and can no longer be separated… Qi Qi!

“…” Mo Qiong stood on the beach, the waves crashed over and submerged his ankles, and he was at a loss.

When I touched my earlobe, sure enough, the earring was gone…



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