Blue and White Society Chapter 839: In order to fulfill one’s own way, one abandons one’s own way

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Mo Qiong never expected that Polo brought the corpse not to negotiate terms.

There is no reason to talk to the Queen, we can only start with emotion.

Polo asked the Queen to give up destroying the universe, and actually proposed to the Queen with a corpse of infinite energy as a gift.

“How is that possible! Isn’t the Queen cold-blooded and emotionless?” Mo Qiong asked in confusion.

Polo smiled and said: “Who said that?”

“…Qimu and Kelon all said so.” Mo Qiong said.

Polo shook his head and said: “They are wrong. The Queen has high intelligence. As the Queen of the Zerg, she can have all the abilities of all creatures. She is a perfect creature. She can only have richer characteristics than other species. It is impossible. Less.”

“If she has no feelings, it means she has a defect.”

“The reason why Kelon and the others think so is that the Queen was too indifferent to life when she was fighting. In fact, Hailey is a being who can perfectly balance rationality and sensibility. When she should be ruthless, she can even directly degrade her emotions. …and sometimes, she will suddenly evolve emotions, which can even be richer than humans. She will also be angry, unhappy, sad, excited, and give herself a sense of expectation… ”

“Don’t think that these will affect rationality. She can combine the two to a just right degree and bring out the positive side of sensibility.”

“She devours all things, which comes from the desire to eat. Eating is the simplest happiness. If she is ruthless, she will not even feel the joy of eating. So when she faces food that surprises her, she will She has very rich emotions. Over the years, she has been lying on the corpse, absorbing infinite energy, and has always been happy…”

“Remember, she is the strongest creature, don’t use human concepts to measure her mental state.”

Mo Qiong nodded, but still couldn’t understand. Even if Polo realized that the Queen had feelings, how could he make the Queen fall in love with him?

“Did you use any characteristics to make the Queen…” Mo Qiong stopped talking, after all, the Queen would definitely hear it.

Polo said generously: “It doesn’t matter, just say it. Did I use some kind of containment object to make the Queen fall in love with me? Impossible, Mo Qiong, if it is forced mind distortion, she can Evolve stronger psychic resistance.”

“I just moved her with my sincerity. I really fell in love with Hailey.”

It is completely difficult for Mo Qiong to understand, how is it possible? Impress the Zerg Queen with your sincerity? Are you kidding me?

Let’s not talk about whether the Queen will be so easily seduced, but where does Polo come from sincerity?

Suddenly, Mo Qiong realized that the Queen could not be mentally twisted, but Polo could.

There are many contained objects about love. The Venus sculpture is a contained object that Mo Qiong once experienced during the containment failure on Meng Island. It is the ultimate art, and anyone who sees it, touches it or feels it , will all fall in love with that sculpture and will not allow it to be damaged or harmed even a little bit anyway.

There is also the dream lover pillow. If you lie on it and sleep, you will fall in love with whatever you dream about. Even if you dream about dead objects, it is the same. Even if you dream about a stone, you will fall in love with that shape. Stone.

Polo’s situation should be a ‘love at first sight effect’. If you close your eyes in front of the container mirror, you will fall in love with the first creature you see when you open your eyes.

Using this, as long as the first person he sees after opening his eyes is the Zerg Queen, he can truly fall in love with her.

As for his corpse with infinite energy at that time, the Queen would definitely taste it personally nearby, and would also open up her own sensibility to make herself happy.

This gave Polo the opportunity to express his love to the Queen.

Is this the strategy Polo has been hiding in his heart? I am afraid that the elucidators who worked hard and sacrificed heavily to **** him to the Queen never imagined that Polo was going to propose marriage…

“Oh my God…How dare you…Aren’t you afraid of failure?” Mo Qian was speechless. How could Polo be confident that he could confess his love successfully?

Polo smiled and said: “Isn’t failure the same as not doing it?”

“The Queen destroys everything, devours everything, and if she continues, she will be the only one left in the entire universe and dimension.”

“Rationally, she doesn’t need a partner, and she has no similar species. She is the Zerg, and the Zerg is her. All the seemingly thoughtful little bugs are just a part of her.”

“But emotionally, she actually wants it. Note, it’s not a need, it’s just a want, and you can have it.”

“It doesn’t matter because she is lonely. Even if she is alone for endless years, her characteristics will allow her to live well.”

“But if there is an independent individual who loves her wholeheartedly and is willing to accompany her and coax her in her heart forever so that she is not lonely in her heart, then she will be very happy.”

Mo Qiong said dullly: “Doesn’t she mind that you twisted your mind and fell in love with her?”

Polo smiled and said: “I absolutely love her, and I also voluntarily triggered the love at first sight effect. This is enough. She doesn’t care if her characteristics are distorted. Note that she is not in need. As long as she wants, she can create thousands of Thousands of individuals who love her.”

“However, throughout the ages, I am the first and only one to take the initiative to do this.”

“So, she likes me.”

Mo Qiongxin said yes, who would let him fall in love with the Zerg Queen?

As soon as she was born, she swept across the world and killed countless creatures.

The Queen leaves the world with only fear and despair. Who will love her?

To this day, everyone in the Blue and White Society believes that the Queen is a destroyer with no emotions at all.

It is true that she does not need others to love her, but if someone comes out who loves her sincerely, she will be very happy.

Of course the Queen can see that Polo loves her from the bottom of his heart and even from the information level. It can also be seen that Polo voluntarily used the containment object to achieve this effect.

For the first time, someone took the initiative to use a contained object to fall in love with me, and then proposed to me, bringing unlimited energy.

So, the Queen agreed, it was that simple.

She is a perfect creature, she can have everything that any creature has. Friends are what humans have but she doesn’t.

Even if it is something like a weakness, it is not called a defect. Only the absence of it is called a defect. As long as she likes it.

She swallowed Polo, implanted her consciousness into her soul, sealed the information, and did not allow anyone to tamper with it, unless they were stronger than her. Therefore, even a tomb cannot be erected on Lingdao, because Polo has fallen into the tomb of love.

Polo said: “I love the world and mankind, so I used the containment object to make myself fall in love with her. All this is to make her stop.”

“Of course, I love her most now, but the people outside and the beautiful world are still my second favorite.”

“And for me, she promised to collect all the bugs and stay here quietly.”

This is a containment method that sacrifices one’s strongest beliefs.

Polo was voluntarily distorted by his mind, and downgraded his love for the sake of the world he loved most. Let the Queen be her favorite being.

At this moment, Polo, if the Queen insists on destroying the world, he can even stand on the opposite side of the Blue and White Society for the Queen and personally destroy the things he once protected.

Because only this kind of Polo can make the Queen like her, and then it is possible for her to settle down for what has become her second love in Polo’s heart.

In order to fulfill one’s own way, one abandons one’s own way.

Mo Qiong said confusedly: “That’s it…you succeeded in getting the Queen to settle down forever, stay here with you, and live with that body?”

Polo shook his head and said: “Forever? Are you kidding me? Hailey will never give up swallowing everything she knows.”

“She just rested for thirty years for me.”

“You have…five years left!”



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