Blue and White Society Chapter 81: Block World Evolution

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The Chunyang players kept guard for a full hour, and the corpse of the soldier girl was still lying at the foot of Huashan Mountain.

No matter how the player tried to revive her, the other party remained indifferent and did not respond.

“Can’t dead people talk…”

The Chunyang player was really panicked: “Aren’t you? So principled? Just saying one life means one life?”

“Get up!”

“Hey, you don’t want to play anymore?” The player kept sending texts, but the deceased never replied.

The Chunyang players became more and more panicked as they waited. Page after page of messages were posted, but the military girl refused to resurrect and was very stubborn.

This made him a little sad, realizing that the other party was really playing the game, really treating the game as life, and really strictly following the rules he had set for himself.

If you die, you will not be resurrected. If you die, you will really die.

And he killed the other person’s only life in the game.

“Sorry, this life is not a good one, is it?”

“You don’t have to be so serious, can you just click on Resurrection?”

Chunyang was a little anxious, and suddenly thought of something, and said: “No, it’s not resurrection! This is not death, this is serious injury! Just click on that spot to heal!”

He suddenly thought that since the other party was so serious, he must give the other party a way to step down.

As it happens, players in this game don’t actually have a real explanation for death. All deaths are serious injuries.

“You’re wrong! You’re still alive and healing!” As he said that, Chunyang was suddenly startled, and then thought that the other person’s character had a character whose martial arts had been disabled.

According to what I learned from the brief contact, even if the fall was only a serious injury rather than death, the other party would not have the temperament to do the exercise to heal the injury, because the other party respected his personality extremely.

I am the one who made the mistake. It was because he was too disrespectful, because he didn’t understand the other person well enough, and because he valued the other person’s life as a real life, he killed her.

For a moment, he felt extremely guilty.

“Don’t be like this… Okay! Okay, I understand! I’m going to call someone to rescue you, just hold on!” the Chunyang player said, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone to call his gang relatives and friends.

What he is looking for is a Yaoxiu player. In this game, only the Wanhua, Five Poisons and Qixiu sects have the ability to resurrect.

“It’s late, I’m already asleep, what are you doing?” a man said on the other end of the phone.

“Get online quickly! Human life is at stake!” Chunyang players shouted.

“What? Are you being killed by someone?” said my friend in confusion.

“I killed an army girl, come and save her!” The Chunyang player briefly talked about what he encountered in the snowy mountains.

After hearing this, my friend couldn’t help laughing and said: “Hahaha, you are a drama queen…”

“This is called playing games, come on!”

My friend said: “Why are you so anxious? She doesn’t want to be resurrected, so why should you? I know this kind of player, they are just a small account, wait until she changes her account and start a new life.”

But the Chunyang player didn’t care and insisted that his friends come online quickly to save people.

“Hurry up, she is seriously injured now and may die at any time!” Chunyang said.

After hearing this, my friend chuckled and said, “Damn it, you’re so bad at middle school? She can still get up even if she lies dead for a year.”

He climbed up very slowly. When he reached the boundary of Chunyang Palace, he suddenly found that Chunyang Palace was gone!

Tai Chi Square and Zuowang Peak have all disappeared!

“Eh? Did you change the map?” his friend said.


“Why hasn’t it been changed? Where has your Chunyang Palace gone? Why is this mountain bald? Has it been moved to the sword discussion platform? I’ll go take a look.” My friend asked curiously.

“Don’t run around, come here quickly!”

The Chunyang player didn’t care about his sect at all at the moment. Due to his strong insistence, his friends had no choice but to rush to him.

But after running for a while, he said: “Your place is too remote. I’m out of breath. Come pick me up.”

The Chunyang player had no choice but to run over to pick up the other player, and the two flew together to reach the corpse.

However, when I came over and took a look, the body was gone.

“Where are they? Where are the military girls?” Yaoxiu’s friend said.

“It’s too late…she’s dead.” The Chunyang player said in a low voice.

“Isn’t it just offline?” Yaoxiu’s friend said indifferently.

The Chunyang player said sadly: “No, she is very serious. Since she is seriously injured and her martial arts skills are useless and she cannot save herself, she can only be saved by others. But it is still too late. Her offline means that she feels that she is seriously injured. It’s been too long, and she will die… People only have one life, and if they die, they will die. She will not be online again…”

“Huh? Is there such a way to play? Do you need to be so serious?” said my friend.

“Of course she is so serious. Do you think I am joking with you? She is such a serious person. I understand her, but I understand it too late…” the Chunyang player said in a low tone.

Feeling that something was wrong with the other person’s voice, my friend said unexpectedly: “Uh… you like her?”

Chunyang said in a low voice: “Her dancing posture is beautiful, and her eyes are even more beautiful.”

My friend was speechless and said: “Oh, aren’t they all the same? Isn’t it just that dancing looks good? I also look good dancing. I’ll show it to you!”

As he spoke, his enchanting horn began to spin in circles, and even released a segment of the Queen Mother’s sleeves waving.

However, this seemingly gorgeous dance did not interest him at all. Instead, it made him cherish the unrepeatable dance from before.

Chunyang stood on the snowy peak, silently checking the ID of the military girl just now, and found that there was no such person, which meant that she had deleted her account.

“Hahaha…” He laughed sadly. That dance and that person were so unique that no one could replace them.

Looking back at this moment, everything seems like a dream.

“It’s different…you guys are different.” He said softly.

“Why is it different? By the way, you said she was a military girl before? That’s not right, how did Tiance dance? Are you probably dreaming?” My friend asked strangely, wondering if he was hit by reality. Hallucinating.

Chun Yang was also surprised by this. At this time, an announcement to stop the server appeared in the game.

Due to a major bug, a large number of building data from all sects disappeared. In order to ensure that player data is not lost, the server was stopped urgently to fix the bug.

“Emergency server shutdown, is it a big bug?” my friend murmured.

Chunyang was also in a daze. He didn’t care about the sect’s buildings or anything like that. He just thought that if the dance just happened because of a bug, wouldn’t it be possible that he would never see it again?

“I’m just telling you why I didn’t see Chunyang Palace when I came here. I’m so confused. The sect can also lose data! Oh no, is Xiufang gone too?” the friend said in shock.

But Chunyang no longer cared, and he quietly quit the gang.

“Damn it, why did you quit the gang? What are you doing?” the friend asked in shock.

“I won’t play anymore. All the fun in this game is not as good as the dance before. I regret not understanding her earlier.” The Chunyang player said, directly cut off his meridians, and then logged off.

My friend said anxiously: “No, are you already A? Look for her! Check her ID, ask on the forum, ask in various groups, you can always find her.”

Chun Yang said: “I will look for him, but here in the Tang Dynasty, the military girl who can dance the fan dance will never appear again.”


During the more than ten hours of driving, Mo Qiong was basically operating the computer,

By the time Dengzhou arrived, low-dimensional people from other worlds had completed large-scale immigration from more than a dozen countries. Except for people from very far away countries, basically all people from the central countries had entered the MC world.

The current population of the MC world is about 10 million, and large-scale construction is underway.

Those who have never learned magic can also take advantage of living beings to obtain a large number of resources and buildings from various game worlds, especially NPCs that can generate unlimited items.

In the MC at this moment, there are countless pavilions, fireworks and water pavilions, forest gardens and villas, and ancient Taoist temples.

Except for remote areas, the places where low-dimensional people mainly live have been transformed. The once fuzzy block world has gradually been transformed into something closer to a real world.

Those mosaic-like images can basically only be seen in the sky, but when the land is covered with stone slabs paved by low-dimensional people, the clarity reaches movie level.

High-definition game materials are constantly mixed with MC world blocks to improve the image quality of the entire world.

These materials from the game can be multiplied by putting them on the desktop and then right-clicking to copy them. Therefore, the buildings in Jianwang Sanli, Mo Qiong collected them mainly from the building materials of blue bricks, red tiles, carved dragons and painted buildings.

Buildings can be copied countless times, demolished and rebuilt, and countless styles of buildings can be built.

While relocating a large amount of high-definition game supplies, several low-dimensional people who interacted deeply with the players died there.

Because even if they repeatedly say that they are afraid of death, players will not really think that they are afraid of death, which often leads to many tragedies in the end.

However, Mo Qiong recovered the bodies of these few, resurrected them, and asked them to learn more earthly literature and art, such as poetry, sculpture, painting, literature and music, for later use.

“That’s it, tsk tsk, my neck is sore.”

Mo Qiong had been riding in the car for a day and playing on the computer for a day. His back was sore and his neck was sore. After bidding farewell to the driver, he returned to school with his computer bag on his back.



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