Blue and White Society Chapter 809: Flash

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Adams had to admire Mo Qiong’s quick wit.

This sudden soul-draining move will wipe out everyone in one breath, which is really thrilling.

However, Mo Qiong thought of a way to crack it in an instant. When he saw the sun wheel on Aton’s head spinning when he was casting a spell, he immediately thought of using the electric fan **** to counteract it.

Use super-skilled abilities to teleport, draw, and pray, all in one go.

Reversing the direction of the sun roulette seems to have seriously affected Aton’s ability and interrupted the soul-draining.

To my surprise, the sun roulette cracked directly.

The damage to the Sun Roulette seemed to have a great impact on Aton, and the ancient god’s expression became extremely ferocious.

The originally shining golden light became much dimmed and even shrank in size.

Of course, as he dimmed, the roulette wheel repaired itself and became as round as ever.

Obviously, Aton made up for this at a considerable cost.

“Throw yourself into a trap! Die!”

Aton was so angry that he instantly burst into intense light like a solar flare, directly drowning Mo Qiong.

This angry blow was too fast, and Mo Qiong might not be able to react, and it might even be useless to react.

Because Aton was very shrewd and controlled the best metal warehouse when Mo Qiong teleported to turn into countless hair strands.

He knows Mo Qiong’s ability very well, so this is to prevent Mo Qiong from teleporting.

“Mo Qiong!” Adams was furious.

Mo Qiong saved 200 million people. These 200 million people were all initiated into the Tao. Therefore, after their soul-drawing was interrupted, they could fly back to Niwan Palace on their own.

But because of this, Mo Qiong got close to Aton. His body had just recovered halfway when he was attacked mercilessly by Aton.

How can you escape this! Jiang Long and Adams knew very well that Mo Qiong did not intend to die in battle so soon, so they did not prepare a ray of soul on the two of them in advance.

The way to save resurrection points is to consume your soul at all times, so that the trace of resurrection points can always count.

This is not a long-term trump card. It has a short shelf life and will greatly affect the combat status.


The strong light dimmed, and there was nothing left where Mo Qiong was, only a twisted air.

Adams’ breathing almost stopped. Mo Qiong was too close to Aton, and Aton’s attack was too decisive and huge. Even if Mo Qiong reacted and shot a ray of soul to escape, he would not be able to escape the bombing range.

Unless teleportation, only teleportation!

But Aton demolished the last beste warehouse, and the first two beste metals fell into the hands of the feather **** Gabriel.

Three pieces of best metal cannot be teleported. Where else can Mo Qiong go? Leaving the uncanny valley?

If he left to survive, then the battle would have been lost, because by the time he came back, at least several decades would have passed.

All three billion people will die.

“Mo Qiong! Mo Qiong!” Adams wailed heartbreakingly.

“It’s over! Our souls will suffer forever! This ancient god’s methods should not be so cruel, right?”

Of course he was not afraid, but he said this deliberately to prepare the ground in advance, hoping that after losing the battle to the death, Aton could leave the souls of everyone on the field.

In this way, after Mo Qiong comes back, people’s souls will still be there, and it is possible to recapture and resurrect them.

How could Aden know so many schemes? Seeing him crying, he secretly thought that Mo Qiong should die this time, right?

Immediately said solemnly: “You will know my methods after you try them.”

Adams was relieved when he saw what he said. He immediately turned cold and the lyre flew out of his eyebrows. It was during this time that he took the time to refine the magic weapon. The material was very poor, but it was still a magic weapon.

“Do you dare to listen to me play a piece of music?” Adams said quietly, sitting cross-legged in mid-air with the piano across his knees.

“I don’t make a choice!”

Aton manipulated the Best Metal mercilessly, piercing Adams’ chest, and quickly expanded into a tree, tearing it apart.

He had previously used the Sun Roulette to extract souls on a large scale and bombed with high-energy flares. The loss of energy after the battle made him feel distressed.

Especially the Sun Roulette, which was damaged by Mo Qiong. This is the embodiment of his law. The energy consumed to repair it is enough to bombard it with a hundred flares.

After solving Mo Qiong, Best Metal is enough to handle the rest.

“Humans are still too dangerous. We should spend more energy from the beginning and remove the brain stems of all meat races.” Tai Feng said. He looked down at the crowd, which was like an ocean.

Aton was reluctant to **** away so many souls and said angrily: “You should clean them all up.”

“Ant! You are so afraid of humans!” Adams’ soul was sucked by Aton, grabbed him, and even laughed.

Aton was furious and directly injected green energy into Adams’ spirit.

Adams immediately trembled, his soul twisted, but he did not say a word.

“That’s it? Little Lizard, are you kidding me?” Adams still mocked.

He knew that the more he said this, the less Aton would kill him. At the same time, we will also focus on him to buy some time for everyone.

While Aton was torturing Adams, Jiang Long cut off one of his fingers and sneaked up to Tai Feng, who had been standing by and watching.

Tai Feng didn’t notice it at first, but one of the hundred heads suddenly turned towards Jiang Long and roared.

Dead objects can detect the assassin’s pace. After all, the assassin’s pace is not invisible, but ignored.

Tai Feng’s one hundred heads are not just for display, they are actually one hundred completely different types of heads, including the organic thinking type! A brain that is like a simple calculation program.

This is the same as the camera recording someone passing by and triggering an alarm.

“Dang!” Tai Feng snorted and slapped Jiang Long on the back with his sharp claws.

However, this confident blow got stuck.

Looking again, Jiang Long’s skin turned out to be a layer of poor alloy.

Tai Feng does not know poor alloy, but he can also see the superiority of this material.

In order to make himself stronger, Jiang Long finally gave up on improving his physical fitness after the battle with Gaia, and instead chose to sew poor alloy into his body.

Most of the bones in his body are made of poor alloy, and even most of the muscles are covered with a thin layer of poor alloy like a membrane.

This makes him very resistant to being beaten!

I saw Jiang Long grabbing Taifeng’s hair and sewing it on his fingers.

Through the suturing properties, Jiang Long can connect any objects together as if they grow together.

Of course, Tai Feng’s body is also physically immune, and it is impossible for a needle or thread to pass through it. However, the needlework itself can also be fused.

In other words, Jiang Long did not use Taifeng as a suture, but used his golden hair as a needle and thread to pierce himself.

With each hook and loop, Jiang Long’s fingers and Tai Feng’s hair seemed to grow together.

“Boom!” Tai Feng was furious, and one of his heads spurted out cold flames, blasting Jiang Long away and freezing him.

But that finger was still hanging on Tai Feng’s gorgeous hair.

“Disgusting!” Tai Feng’s hair burst into flames and his fingers were completely evaporated.

However, Jiang Long smiled inwardly, just fusing one finger was nothing like an attack.

The key lies in the “unrepellable snake venom” hit by this finger.

Tai Feng is different from Gaia and Aton. This guy is an ancient **** with flesh and blood.

With hundreds of heads and a huge body like an orc, although the normal damage can be ignored, the indestructible snake venom is a special kill!

Jiang Long put poison into the cut off finger, and then sewed it with Taifeng’s hair. Although it was quickly destroyed, during the short time of fusion, the two were one! The toxicity spread directly.

After being poisoned by this poison, any living thing will definitely die within three hours.

Tai Feng is so immortal that he is just a life of flesh and blood. What’s the use of physical immunity, it has to be poisoned!

“Huh?” Feeling that the cells were necrotic, Taifeng tried to repair them.

However, it is meaningless. This kind of snake venom is useless for any treatment.

“What did you do!” Tai Feng asked.

Of course Jiang Long would not say it, but said with an annoyed look on his face: “It failed…”

Tai Feng angrily took away Jiang Long’s soul: “It’s poison! This is poison…the antidote!”

Both Jiang Long and Adams remained silent.

Because this poison can actually be cured. For the ancient gods, the snake venom destroyed the physical body, and one could live by replacing it with a body made of dead things.

Tai Feng was a little panicked, because he felt that it was necrotic, and any treatment or ability to generate flesh and blood would not work.

The hair has become necrotic in large areas and is spreading to several heads.

He seems to have a special liking for flesh and blood life, and he keeps thinking about how to treat it.

“This guy has some tricks up his sleeve, it would be good to kill one of him.” Adams chatted privately with Jiang Long.

Jiang Long said with a little regret: “It was too hasty, there were too few people who could enter the Tao, and the strength of the ancient gods was not minimized. We have no chance of winning at all.”

They were waiting for the ancient gods to take away their souls, but they saw the two gods looking in the same direction in surprise.

There, Mo Qiong stepped on a Best Flying Sword and held the feather **** Gabriel in his hand, pulling out his wings as he flew.

Besides, there is also a piece of best metal, forming a basket shape, which is already filled with a large basket of wings! Or thousands of pairs!

“Hey!” The two of them were surprised. Mo Qiong didn’t leave. How did he escape just now?

Aton and Tai Feng were also surprised by this question and looked at Mo Qiong in surprise.

Determined to save these three billion people, it almost prevented Mo Qiong from returning to Earth.

Even if it takes a few milliseconds to go back and forth, it will be at least several months.

However, since Mo Qiong was determined to kill the god, he had naturally been thinking about how to make up for this problem.

He realized that there was actually a landing point where he could return immediately as soon as he left, without consuming any time at all.

That is the fog of the uncanny valley. If you set the landing point directly on it, the moment Mo Qiong leaves is equivalent to contacting the teleportation node, and then he will be sent back to the uncanny valley at the same time…

Mo Qiong didn’t even see anything. He felt as if he hadn’t gone out.

But he was sure he was out, because he appeared a hundred kilometers away!

Entering the Uncanny Valley, it is possible to land anywhere in the desert, and there is no fixed appearance point.

Mo Qiong went out and came in without even knowing whether Planck time was used or not. It was directly equivalent to suddenly appearing at another point in the desert from one point in the desert.

There is no other time and space in Chuangjie Mountain, and Best Metal was demolished one by one because of the ancient gods, unable to form a closed warehouse.

Shooting himself onto the entrance conveyor belt is the only way Mo Qiong can flash in Chuangjie Mountain, which is equivalent to flashing randomly in the area.

Through this, he was completely sure that he could really break the seal of Chuangjie Mountain easily.

The things he shot away were definitely not stuck somewhere.



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