Blue and White Society Chapter 808: Soul-pulling

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“Without any knowledge, without any culture, rotten flesh like ants… Why! Why do you still have such a belief!” Aton felt so uncomfortable.

He has never reflected on why he lost, but the deepest impression left on him by the rebel army is the belief that they will never give up.

Once you start, you have no intention of looking back.

He recognized that humans could burst out with such amazing faith back then, but why could this group of meat people do the same?

The scene in front of them completely confused the ancient gods and simply slapped them in the face.

Because this means that their 800 million years of so-called suppression and training are simply ridiculous! It’s no use at all!

He felt that he valued human beings enough. Instead of letting humans manage themselves as he did in the past, he established various strict rules in order to stifle human potential.

Let human beings live like pigs, confused and ignorant, all in order to destroy them psychologically and ideologically, leaving only a pool of flesh and blood.

Obviously, however, all this was in vain! If you don’t care about it for three days, you’ll go to the house and uncover the tiles!

“Tell them what you are doing for!” Mo Qiong shouted.

“For the ice and snow!”

“For the stars!”

“For the Platycodon flower!”

“For Kunlun Mountain!”

“For the big bear!”

When this was mentioned, everyone yelled about what they wanted to see most.

That thing is also their name.

The people here all chose their names after being a little sensible.

Billions of people shouted at the same time, and the noise shook the sky.

Looking like a rainbow, what he shouted was all kinds of ridiculous things.

At least in the eyes of the ancient gods, it was extremely ridiculous!

Can such an astonishing obsession be unleashed just by relying on these ordinary things?

Yes, that’s enough.

This is like a mysterious treasure. We know it exists but have never seen it, so everyone will look for it.

This is the same as the ancient gods pursuing the supreme truth. There is no distinction between truth and truth.

For those who have never seen snow, snow is as precious as the ultimate truth of the universe.

“We didn’t realize this in the past, but Emperor Yan’s daughter realized it as early as 800 million years ago and told her children these things, making our restrictions meaningless.” Tai Feng nearly groaned.

Aton also felt very angry because the emperor’s daughter Sang did this in front of him, openly leaving seeds in the hearts of future generations.

In embarrassment, a piece of best metal flew out of his mouth.

The sky unfolded into an ultra-thin disk several kilometers long, slicing towards the crowd.

His instinct was to save energy. After all, controlling Best Metal cost him almost nothing.

However, in mid-air, Best Metal suddenly turned a corner and cut into Aton himself.

“Dang!” Aden didn’t move at all.

Even when Mo Qiong used the Stigmata to pray and made the Best Metal rotate at high speed, it only caused the air to stir violently.

As for Aton, not even a spark could be scratched off.

This is the reason why Aton was sealed in by the rebels. This guy is physically immune.

In the next second, Best Metal quickly changed from a disc into countless hair-like lines.

These lines extended toward the crowd, killing tens of thousands of people in an instant!

Tens of thousands of souls flew out of the pulpy body, burning with strange flames, and crashed into it with a bang.

“No!” Mo Qiong quickly stopped him.

But this group of people were so upright, fearing that they would be caught by Aten’s Sun Roulette, they decisively blew themselves up.

With loud bangs and strong mana fluctuations, the feather **** Gabriel was slightly shaken back.

But Aton remained unscathed, and even absorbed the remaining power, which was a small gain in energy.

As a god, as a mysterious source, this kind of mana can be absorbed by just a thought.

“Although your resistance surprised me, but you just want to kill the gods, what do you think of me!” Aton said coldly, while a ball of light condensed on his fingertips.

Blooming with intense energy, like nectar and jade liquid.

In order to save energy, he poured out in the direction of the crowd restrainedly, like a golden torrent.

As long as a human being touches it, it will be melted in an instant.

However, a huge black wall stood in front of everyone, which was Adams’s.

Adams’ control ability is better than Mo Qiong’s, and he directly makes the black wall stand upright like a two-dimensional mountain peak.

Mo Qiong took over immediately and remotely controlled the metal to fly forward.

The golden torrent crashed into it, but it did not let the black wall take a step back.

Don’t say half a step, it’s still moving forward!

On the other hand, the Ancient God has no way to stop the progress of this wall.

However, it is still too dangerous to use Best Metal in front of the ancient gods. Although the ancient gods cannot stop Mo Qiong from moving the metal, they can change the shape of the metal.

The black wall was restrained in the blink of an eye, and turned into thousands of silk ribbons, dancing wildly in the air, looking to strangle tens of thousands more people.

To deal with the Ancient God, you must ban it by default in this battle.

Mo Qiong smiled and shot Best Metal far away.

This time, they faced not one ancient god, but three.

Tai Feng never made a move, but the feather **** Gabriel flew away and chased Best Metal.

Mo Qiong glanced at Tai Feng, a little surprised. He wanted to lure away the two ancient gods with two pieces of best metal.

Although the other ancient gods are far different from Aton in terms of energy, their mental strength is not bad at all.

With Best Metal, their combat effectiveness will be much closer to Aton.

Unexpectedly, only Gabriel was fooled and ran away after him.

“Get up!” Adams held his sword in the air.

With a surge of magic power, a square sculpture was condensed on the desert, and it turned out to be the Kitchen God.

That is what Adams and Jiang Long have already prepared, one every one kilometer, covering hundreds of square kilometers.

Without the supervision of Feather God, people broke the rules and built sculptures privately, and no one took care of them.

As for how to use it, Adams has already taught everyone. People on the ground were covered in darkness and prayed to the nearby air-conditioning **** at the same time.

Although there are only 200 million people on the front battlefield, there are more than 2 billion people in the distance behind. Although they are only mortals, there is no problem in praying.

Even if it is just a very low-cost and super shallow believer, a small number can become a large number and a continuous flame can be gathered.

Billions of flames, plus a huge pillar of fire that Adams and Jiang Long personally prayed for.

The human side looked so arrogant that the sky was burning red with fire.

Mo Qiong looked at Aton with bleeding eyes, while Adams and Jiang Long had bleeding palms. It was the blood of the stigmata that smelled like roses.

For this mission, these two Gamma personnel were also stained with stigmata, in order to better use the characteristics of the house **** and increase their combat power.

Of course, there is no point in expecting these fires to harm the ancient gods.

The purpose is to break down the golden torrent released by Aten.

You must know that both the kitchen **** and the air-conditioning **** do not create energy out of thin air with the power of faith, but draw materials from nature.

Such a huge flame immediately drained the energy from Aton’s hand.

In an instant, the huge torrent of energy was broken into pieces by countless humans, misappropriated and emptied, leaving only a stream.

Mo Qiong used the wall of air to shock it and bounced it all towards Jupiter.

Although this was just a drop in Aden’s bucket, he was still angered by this method.

“You are well prepared…”

“Mo Qiong, I will torture your soul until the end of time.” Aton smiled coldly, and the sun wheel above his head spun at super speed.


Countless people felt their souls shaking, and then were suddenly pulled out from the Tianling Cap!

Twenty million initiates fell like dominoes, and one after another the souls fled towards the sun roulette, like a meteor shower.

The scope of the soul-drawing is getting larger and larger, spreading towards people further away.

Behind Mo Qiong, there are hundreds of millions of people without souls. Once their souls are extracted, they will be annihilated.

On his own, Mo couldn’t have shot back so many souls in a short period of time.

Aton went all out and no longer conserved energy, but actually planned to take away the souls or souls of three billion people in one breath!

“So strong!” Adams and Jiang Long looked heavy.

This is the ancient **** without the suppression of forbidden demons. Three billion people are born and destroyed easily.

“Phew!” Mo Qiong suddenly stepped into the sand cave on the side.

There is also a piece of Best Metal hidden there.

This is for teleportation. Mo Qiong got into the best warehouse and appeared next to Aton in an instant, above the sun roulette.

“Don’t touch my things!” Aden knew Mo Qiong’s ability, so how could he let him mess with the concrete objects of his laws.

With one finger, Mo Qiong was imprisoned.

Mo Qiong was shot from a self-inflicted wound, so only his head was left, which was regenerating rapidly, but he couldn’t actually move the roulette wheel.

His purpose was not to shoot directly, but to directly use blood to dye a painting on it!

Electric fan statue!

The characteristics of Mo Qiong are endless. He dips the brush in ink and swings it hard, and the ink dots he spills can fall on the wall according to his wishes, and finally form a picture.

For the same reason, the rose blood from his eyes fell on the roulette wheel to form a blood image.

The natural freezing air sprayed from the neck coagulates and dries up the blood.

“Stop me!”

The high-speed rotating sun disk suddenly rotates in the opposite direction!

This is an absolute characteristic. How can we resist Aton’s mysterious side law? The laws on the mysterious side are equal to the normal laws of nature, and the laws of nature have to adapt in the face of absolute characteristics.


This sudden reversal directly interrupted Aton’s ecstasy.

Not only was the sun roulette unable to operate normally, it was hit by this torque and cracked!



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