Blue and White Society Chapter 806: Simple dream

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Jingwei looks like a crow, but has patterns on its head, a white beak, and red feet.

Based on this description alone, Mo Qiong can’t figure it out. Could it be that the color of the crow’s beak and claws simply changed?

Even so, what should I do with the pattern on my head? What pattern will it be?

Mo Qiong thought hard, then Adams suddenly opened Best Metal and said: “Come up, the elf is not looking here.”

Under the cover of Adams, Mo Qiong and Jiang Long climbed out of the soil.

The breeding farm is very large, covering approximately one million square kilometers. Although Yu Shen is responsible for taking care of the meat tribe, it is impossible to scan everyone all the time.

The cheaper way is to create millions of elves and just monitor them freely every few hundred meters.

As for Quetzalcoatl himself, he is symbolically high in the sky.

Based on Adams’s observation and testing in the past month, he discovered that Quetzalcoatl was only for everyone to see as a shock.

In fact, most of the time, the meat tribe is not monitored at all.

By listening to the sound characteristics of all things, Adams realized that the feathered **** was dreaming a lot of the time, and occasionally talked in his sleep.

In the long and boring prison life, Yu Shen may only be able to daydream to pass the time.

As for the tracking of the elves, Adams had long discovered that there were big loopholes in their patrol paths. After observing them for a while, he concluded the timing of the blind spots.

Taking this opportunity, Mo Qiong and Jiang Long climbed out grandly.

In order to blend into the meat tribe, both Mo Qiong and Jiang Long were naked.

“Don’t worry, the elves can’t detect the extra you. They only record newborns and don’t consider the possibility of sudden extra adults. Their main responsibility is to supervise these people and not violate the ancient gods. rules,” Adams said.

Mo Qiong said: “Just because no one will come in for tens of millions of years, so many situations are not considered?”

Adams said: “That’s the truth. The ancient gods actually… don’t have any management system. They just set up whatever rules they think of, but they follow the old rules.”

Mo Qiong muttered: “The ancient gods had no civilization… With countless years of wisdom, their social structure is not as good as the true sociality of ants.”

“This is indeed a strange thing. Have all their wisdom been used to perceive the root algorithm?” Adams curled his lips.

Mo Qiong said: “They have different thinking patterns, they don’t need it, they disdain it! Only the weak need civilization.”

Adams took them and introduced a group of people.

This group of people were naked, both male and female. Most of them looked to be only fourteen or fifteen years old, with relatively numb expressions. They were sitting in the excavated, cool sand pit.

“Jiejie, this is our captain, Mo Qiong, he can take you out.” Adams said.

The leader, a woman named Platycodon grandiflorum, is twenty years old. Although she is still very young, she has some indescribable maturity.

Among this group of people, she is already considered the eldest sister.

Her waist-length hair was disheveled, she was thin and pale, and she looked like she had just given birth a few days ago.

Kikyo’s eyes lit up and she said, “Can you really defeat God?”

“Are you afraid? If so, I can send some of you away first.” Mo Qiong said with a smile.

Jikyo shook his head and said: “It doesn’t matter whether he kills God or is killed by God. But he…”

The woman pointed at Adams and said: “… He promised to take me to see the platycodon flowers. It is impossible for anyone to make such a promise… I want to see… so I want to live.”

Mo Qiong looked at Adams, who smiled and said: “She only pursues this. No, it is insignificant to us, but to her, Platycodon flower is the Tao.”

“Huh?” Mo Qiong was stunned.

Adams quickly introduced that this human race still has a language inheritance. It is just that they cannot write words, but they still have language.

Even the emperors Sang and Chisong passed down many stories. Because of the ancient gods’ ban, they were not mainly human stories.

What Emperor Nusang has passed down is the story of nature.

It is the birds weaving their nests with leaves in their mouths to block the cold wind; it is the big trees with roots that protect against the flood; it is the fish swimming upstream to lay eggs.

It is the dripping water that penetrates the rock, and it is the buds that push through the rock formations.

The sky covers all things, and the earth carries all living beings. The four seasons rotate, cold and heat alternate, the moon waxes and wanes, and the sun and noon shift.

The mountains, rivers, flowers, trees, and animals on the earth were all told by the emperor Sang to the children who were destined to die.

Di Nu Sang didn’t teach any principles, but she actually taught everything.

So after all these years, they still know flowers, birds, the rising and setting of the sun, and the ebb and flow of tides.

It’s just that painting is not allowed. Those things only exist in imagination and in the mental pictures that come from oral description.

Over time, everyone has a different understanding of the same thing, and no one has seen it anyway. Something as simple as a flower will make them think of death, and they will try their best to figure out what it looks like.

The less you know and the more uncertain you are, the more beautiful a thing will be, and the more you want to see through that veil to see what it looks like.

That kind of beauty is breathtaking and bone-crushing.

In order to pursue this kind of beauty, the meat people will sacrifice everything. It’s like seeing a lotus flower once with your own eyes, it’s like seeing the great road.

The emperor’s daughter Sang just told the children countless things that they will never see in this life.

It was enough that what Mo Qiong saw today was still a human being.

After 800 million years, rational intelligence has indeed degenerated somewhat, but high intelligence is high intelligence. With language, it can never degenerate into ordinary animals.

Their lives are very boring and hopeless, and fantasy is the only thing they can do.

If they have never known that there are seas, stars, trees, mountains and rivers in this world, then they will not think about it.

But it is precisely because they clearly know that there is, but it is their sin that makes it impossible for them to see it from birth to death. Even, they are not allowed to draw or record what they imagine.

This kind of torture, this kind of failure to get what they want, actually makes their brain supplement ability extremely amazing, and it seems to have evolved.

And this is actually understanding.

In this mysterious side of Chuangjie Mountain, almost all humans are geniuses.

They don’t know what the ocean really looks like, but they have an ocean in their hearts. I don’t know how majestic the green hills are, but I have my own green hills in my heart.

Knowing mountains but not knowing mountains, knowing water but not knowing water. They have already given up their lives, just to forget about death.

Mo Qiong didn’t know what kind of state he would be in after helping them kowtow. It might be far beyond the Yuan Shen state.

Adams said: “The earth in their eyes is childish and imaginative. You can’t imagine what the things we take for granted look like in their hearts and how attractive they are. It’s torture. It is a poison to their minds, and at the same time, it is also an antidote to a life of despair.”

“In just over twenty days, I have convinced hundreds of millions of people to resist. This number is still increasing, and their dusty dreams are spreading rapidly among them, like waves.”

“The first person I saw here was Platycodon. She only had two dreams: to see the flower her name represents, and then die cleanly.”

Mo Qiong said: “You can pass on the look of Platycodon to her.”

Adams shook his head and said: “I want her to see, smell, and touch platycodon flowers with her own eyes. If it’s just a mental sensor, it’s actually no different from her coming up with another possibility.”

“Mo Qiong, we must win this battle.”

“The ancient **** must die and take everyone else home.”

Mo Qiong smiled and said: “Three billion people are too many… I can’t send them all away in front of the ancient gods. It seems that I can only kill the ancient gods in front of them.”



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