Blue and White Society Chapter 805: All that’s left is courage

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Adams lay silently on the sand in a daze, but in fact, he had secretly hidden Best Metal under the sand and unfolded it.

Best Metal formed an underground warehouse, and Jiang Long was inside, having just been sent in.

It’s just that there is no chance for him to show up yet, because high in the sky, there is a small ball of light with wings overlooking everyone.

Jiang Long stayed in the Best Metal Warehouse, sitting cross-legged and meditating.

The eyebrows twitched, and a trace of soul jumped out.

The spirit recovered quickly, sprouted flesh and blood, and quickly returned to Mo Qiong’s appearance.

“How are you doing over there?” Jiang Long asked quickly.

“There are only three gods left in Chuangjie Mountain, and I have sent the others to Mars.” Mo Qiong said.

“Great! There are only three left…do they think you are dead?” Jiang Long asked.

“That Sun God may have been deceived too much by humans, and he is a brainless man. But this is actually the most correct character for him. The ancient **** is not suitable for playing dirty tricks. But that Tai Feng seems to be able to The negotiator is reflecting on the failure of the ancient gods, but they should all think that I am dead,” Mo Qiong said.

As early as after meeting Jiang Long, Mo Qiong helped Jiang Long enter the Yuanshen realm. After all, the step of knocking on the palace was too easy for him.

Then Mo Qiong placed a trace of his soul in Jiang Long’s Niwan Palace.

When he sent Jiang Long to Adams, he was actually giving away his resurrection point.

Of course, if he does this, he must prevent his soul from recovering, leaving a gap and repeatedly destroying himself.

Otherwise, once recovered, this small portion in Jianglong Niwan Palace will not count.

This move cannot be prepared for a long time, after all, the happiness value is limited. You can only prepare to die and leave a resurrection point temporarily.

Because Aton continuously wanted to mentally brand Mo Qiong to surrender, Mo Qiong was also constantly chipping away at his soul. Regarding the incompleteness of his soul, Aton and other gods did not pay attention or think much about it.

Most likely, Aden thought that Mo Qiong was completely annihilated and disappeared under that terrifying blow.

Mo Qiong knew that there was no use in trying to escape, and he couldn’t win with force, so he deliberately angered the ancient god.

Among the two choices, only the second one might be chosen by the Ancient God. After all, we should go out first and then talk about it.

And this kind of **** who wants to go out first and talk later has been sent away by Mo Qiong.

The remaining Aden and Taifeng are actually the two choices they don’t want to choose.

So what Mo Qiong said was nonsense. He was just reminding the irritable Aden: I don’t want to save Kelon at all, and I don’t want to talk to you at all. I’m here to clean up you. You can either kill me now. Or just go out and have a fight with me.

Combined with Mo Qiong’s will, it is impossible to compromise. Even if he is forcibly tortured and domesticated, his consciousness will completely collapse in the end, without any sense, and he will not be able to use his abilities properly.

Aton finally had only one choice, to kill Mo Qiong.

Mo Qiong can also use this escape to join Adams and Jiang Long, and start with three billion flesh tribes to accumulate the power to kill gods.

“It’s a pity that the Chef Ding’s Blade and a piece of Best Metal were not taken away from me in advance?” Jiang Long said.

Mo Qiong said: “I sent you away in front of them. They thought you were being sent back to Earth. If I took the two containment items away for you and left them there with bare hands, they would be confused. ”

“This is inconsistent with my attitude of fighting them. How can I send the weapons home in advance when I want to fight?”

“Leaving two containment objects will help them think that I am really dead now.”

Jiang Long said: “But actually we don’t have much time. You sent Taotie away. It’s hard to say how these three billion people will be dealt with…”

Mo Qiong said: “There is a high probability that they will be kept, because when Taotie came in before, the gods lost a lot of energy. If they had prepared this group of people at that time, they could easily restrain Taotie.”

“Although Taotie has been sent away now, the Blue and White Club outside may send Taotie in again at any time. At least this is what the ancient **** thinks. In order to prevent the outside from throwing in some deceptive things from time to time, the ancient **** must Leave this human race as cannon fodder in case of emergencies.”

“However… it is likely to reduce ‘maintenance costs’ and save energy… deliberately starving a large area…”

Jiang Long said: “As soon as possible! Activate the genetic characteristics of these people as soon as possible. Their hatred for the ancient gods is as high as the mountains and as deep as the sea.”

“All that is left between rebellion and rebellion is courage! All that is left is an opportunity and a leader who can rise up and shout.”

“The restrictions of the ancient gods are totally wrong. If they were nicer to the flesh race, even eighty years would be enough to tame these people into slaves, not to mention eight hundred million years.”

“However, the ancient gods did not even provide them with the most basic survival needs. They had neither spiritual sustenance nor material sustenance. Even survival was a luxury. Such methods are absolutely impossible to tame higher intelligent species.”

Mo Qiong nodded. He agreed with Adams and Jiang Long’s ideas, but he also felt that the ancient god’s methods were too cruel.

Humans can be domesticated, but they can never be domesticated this way. This isn’t even a slave, it’s really just meat. Slaves can still try their best to survive. The goal of twenty-year-olds is to live to thirty years old, and the goal of thirty-year-olds is to live to forty years old. Even if it is extremely slim, at least you can have such hope in your heart. This kind of low-end demand, if used well, is enough to make people dare not resist.

However, the flesh tribe here has no hope, and they will die when the time comes anyway.

Deserve to die? This directly leads to the fact that the people raised are not afraid of death at all. People who are not afraid of death can do anything.

“It’s very simple to inspire their courage. Mo Qiong, you can’t even imagine what kind of courage they actually lack…” Jiang Long said excitedly.

Mo Qiong pondered for a moment and said: “A clean death?”

Jiang Long said: “That’s right! The souls of those who committed suicide and resisted the war entered the sun wheel and suffered forever! This is the reason why there has been no major rebellion for 800 million years. The ancient gods deprived intelligent creatures of their last chance. Dignity, the right to choose death.”

“Once there is a way to ensure that these people’s souls will be annihilated after death, they will be three billion lunatics!”

Mo Qiong’s eyes were slightly red, it was just that simple.

The reason why they did not resist was simply because they would die if they resisted.

“Adams said that you only need to help them achieve the realm of the soul by knocking on the palace, so that they can burn the soul and have the means to self-destruct to prevent the ancient gods from absorbing their souls.” Jiang Long said.

Mo Qiong said: “It’s useless. Their self-destruction speed is too slow. The ancient gods can put it into the sun roulette to suppress the soul before it burns out. They can’t even self-destruct.”

“But they don’t know! We don’t really want them to blow themselves up! If we have to sacrifice them to kill the gods, then we might as well sacrifice ourselves.” Jiang Long said.

Mo Qiong slapped his head and said: “Forgot, it’s just courage, they just need this courage.”

Let these people step into the realm of Yuanshen, and then teach them the method of burning Yuanshen, so that they think they can completely annihilate their souls by themselves, and then they dare to resist.

The real main force in killing gods is Mo Qiong and the others.

“In addition, if you step into the mysterious side to practice, you can activate the dragon template in your body, and then divert the energy of the ancient gods.”

Mo Qiong said: “Don’t you also have the ability to fly? This must be opened before the Yuanshen Realm. Otherwise, as soon as the Yuanshen Realm is opened, the ancient gods will have their energy taken away and they will immediately come to kill. It is equivalent to a direct all-out war. ”

“With the ability to fly, they have some ability to protect themselves after the war begins.”

“Well…but we don’t know how to open it, unless you can contact Emperor Daughter Sang.” Jiang Long said.

To activate the flying characteristics of the descendants of Emperor Daughter Sang, a ritual must be performed.

People have long forgotten this ritual. These people are regarded as meat people, with an average life span of only twenty years old. They are not allowed to use words and paintings. It is a ghost if it is not lost.

After giving birth to several generations, the emperor’s daughter Sang died of old age, and her soul was imprisoned back on the sun wheel.

In other words, Mo Qiong had to contact her to know what the ritual was.

But here comes the problem. He doesn’t know what the soul of the emperor Sang looks like. Everyone who has seen her has died of old age.

Mo Qiong was thinking and suddenly said: “By the way, that woman you said before was the daughter of Emperor Yan?”

“Yes, what’s wrong?” Jiang Long said.

Mo Qiong said: “I just think of Emperor Yan’s other daughter, Jingwei.”

“It is said that the women of the Yandi clan have the ability to transform into birds. This is actually consistent with what you said. You said that the price of flying characteristics is that you gradually turn into a bird, right?”

Jiang Long nodded and said: “That’s right! After so many years, Emperor Daughter Sang must have accumulated enough costs and completely turned into a bird. Are you saying that her soul may also be like a bird?”

Mo Qiong said: “At least one of her phases is in the form of a bird… She can also be reattached to her human body. The soul may be the same as ours, a twin soul. It can be in human or bird form. .”

“But we don’t know what the bird looks like! How do you lock it?” Jiang Long said.

Mo Qiong said: “Maybe…it looks like a Jingwei bird?”

“It looks like a raven, with a tattooed head, a white beak, and bare feet?”



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