Blue and White Society Chapter 80: Drama player

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On the boundary of Huashan Chunyang Palace, a Chunyang player leisurely soared over the snowy field.

Looking at the falling snow around me, I felt relaxed and happy, and walked step by step towards Tai Chi Square relying on Da Qing Gong.

This was a rare trek back to the sect for him. After all, he was tired of seeing the scenery.

As we were about to arrive, we saw on a snowy peak, covered in heavy snow, a Tiance soldier, holding a large flower fan from Yaoxiufang, dancing gracefully against the wind and snow.

In the vast snow-capped mountains, the sharp red robe and armor, coupled with the big fan of dihua flowers, are indeed eye-catching.

“…” The Chunyang players were all dumbfounded. They couldn’t help being attracted and stepped over there.

“What is this… Oh my god, which military master is secretly practicing his dance moves here?”

Chunyang players were extremely confused, a little confused as to whether this was the military master or Xiufang’s daughter. In the past, there was a military commander who wore colorful clothes and danced in all directions?

“Is the cross-dressing function finally available?”

He was so driven by curiosity that he even forgot what he wanted to do back in the sect.

With a few moves, he arrived on the snowy peak, landed not far from the dancing Tiance, and watched closely.

Only at a close distance did he see that it was not a military man, but a military girl, but she didn’t wear as little or cover up as other military girls. From a distance, he thought it was a man. .

“Okay, it turns out it’s a woman…” the Chunyang player curled his lips.

Put away the image of the military man dancing with his fan in your mind, and quietly admire the military woman in front of you.

Looking closely, the fan dancer wearing armor has a unique flavor.

When it dances, there are no fancy special effects of the show at all. The red ribbon floats freely, and the big fan blows the falling snow.

She was graceful and graceful, and her heroic posture was blended into the dance. Under the heavy snow, he couldn’t help but be fascinated by it.

What a realistic dance move. He never imagined that simple and refreshing dance moves could be so beautiful without those special effects.

When moving, the body is graceful, the jade sleeves of the fan in the hand are blown by the wind, and the clouds and water flow when turning, which is round and natural.

Little did he know that the dancer in front of him was a living person, a dancer from another world.

Art is universal. After watching the dance in the show twice, you can reproduce it exactly, even more beautifully.

The dance movements in the game are just a few movements repeated back and forth, coupled with some special effects. How can they be compared to real dance?

At this moment, none of the dancer’s movements are completely repeated. Even if it is a repeated dance routine, the second time she dances, she will have a different feeling.

The same low Shuyun hands, the same fanning flowers and dancing in circles, the same turning in circles, seem to be repeated, but in fact every detail is different and every movement has changes.

Maybe the hand is a little higher this time, maybe the rhythm is a little faster this time, maybe the manner of turning has changed this time.

Many of the details are based on the dancers’ true movements rather than mechanical routines.

The heroic armor robe, coupled with the familiar fan dance, blends some otherworldly styles, and countless details come to mind, making players fascinated.

With the help of the computer screen, he could not see many ways in this dance, but he felt extremely shocked.

“Bah bang bang…” Seeing the military girl gradually stop, the Chunyang players couldn’t help but applaud and applaud.

“Okay! It’s so beautiful. How did you dance?” he typed.

The military girl closed her fan and couldn’t help but look at him.

At this glance, the player was immediately stunned. The military girl was wearing a veil and could not see her face clearly, but her eyes were unusually attractive.

How to say it? I have seen many exquisite eyes in games, but looking at these eyes again, I feel extremely moving.

This is a pair of eyes that are completely different from those of goblins.

It is not a pair of bright and beautiful eyes, but they are very real. Through the screen, he can vaguely feel the real eyes.

It has a kind of imperfect beauty, a kind of eyes that are not perfect, but are more impactful than perfect.

The player was stunned, but did not hear the military girl speaking softly. Her face was obscured, and her voice was deliberately kept very low, so the player did not hear anything.

Only what she said was displayed in the lower left corner: “Jianghu is in an emergency, please give me something to eat!”

“…” The Chunyang player was speechless, came to his senses, and then said with a smile: “It’s easy to talk, accept this hundred gold, and let’s dance again.”

The military girl wanted to shake her head, but she restrained herself and said, “I have no energy left. You…give me something to eat, preferably hot…”

She was really out of energy. She was really tired after dancing under the heavy snow for so long.

“It’s hot…haha.” The Chunyang player didn’t understand, but seeing that she didn’t want money, just food, he couldn’t help but find it fun, and immediately traded it to the other party for a bowl of good soup.

I saw the military lady holding hot soup, suddenly turned her back, and seemed to be drinking secretly.

The Chunyang player was stunned. He didn’t know what this meant. He just ate what he had to eat. Why did he have to eat while hiding behind his back?

“By the way, she is still wearing a veil… Oh, does this mean that she needs to lift her veil to drink soup, but she doesn’t want me to see her face?”

It is not necessary to take off the facial pendant when drinking and eating in the game, but some players prefer to take off the facial pendant first and then eat. The euphemistic saying is: how to eat while wearing a veil!

The military girl in front of me is obviously also this kind of player, but she is deeper into the drama and her inner drama is richer!

Since you are wearing a veil, you really won’t show it to other players. If so, how can you easily take it off in front of others? But I want to eat again, so I control the character to eat with his back to others.

What an inner drama this is!

“Haha, I get it, I’m such a little drama queen, awesome!” Chunyang player thought, he had seen many such drama queens.

Currently, Chunyang players are extremely interested in this military girl, and they can’t help but have romantic thoughts.

As for whether the player behind the military girl in front of me is a man or a woman, it doesn’t matter. I’m just fascinated by the dance, the look in the eyes, and the care.

Especially after chatting with the other party for a while, the Chunyang player was even more attracted to this military girl.

The military girl in front of me claimed that her beloved horse died in battle, and her martial arts skills were disabled, so she retired from Tiance Mansion. Now she is retreating to the world, obsessed with dancing, and traveling among thousands of mountains and rivers.

Go to the inn on time to eat and sleep. It seems that the game is life, living a life of tight clothing and food.

Because I only have one life, so I should cherish it and never fight.

My savings have been used up, so I occasionally go to work as a handyman in the sect to do some daily living. If you are out of town and really have no money, you can go to various sects or city gates to beg or perform as entertainers…

Such remarks directly amused the Chunyang player.

He invited the opponent to play in the arena, but he didn’t want to fight. There is no need to take her to brush equipment. It seems that she really has no interest in this world anymore.

In this regard, Chunyang players did not take it seriously, but found it more interesting.

“You are really good… Well, since we have come to Huashan, we have to visit Chunyang Palace. Come on, let’s fly up.” The player said.

However, the military girl said: “My martial arts has been abolished, so I can’t do it lightly.”

Chunyang was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered this ‘personality’, and then cooperated: “You quite respect the setting, that’s it, it’s okay, I’ll take you up.”

Not waiting for the military girl to refuse, Chunyang used the Great Qing Gong to take her up high, flying in both directions.

“It’s so beautiful here…” the military girl said.

“Of course, we haven’t reached Chunyang Palace yet. Let’s go, I will take you to the high ground of Chunyang Palace.” Chunyang said.

However, the military girl suddenly said: “No, take me to a remote place. I don’t want to see Chunyang Palace.”

“Uh…here, could it be that we, Chunyang, were the ones who disabled your martial arts…” The player was stunned, guessing what was going on in the opponent’s mind. Could it be that the opponent had set up his martial arts to be disabled by a certain Chunyang Taoist priest? Or maybe the beloved horse was killed by Taoist Chunyang?

The military girl was silent, so the player had no choice but to follow her wishes and take her into the air into the remote snow-capped mountains.

After several ups and downs, Chunyang continued to cooperate with the other party in chatting, and even racked his brains to think about the other party’s mentality and tried to add drama.

Suddenly, Chunyang joked in mid-air: “If I throw you down from here, will you be stimulated to open up the Rendu and Du meridians and regain your martial arts skills?”

He didn’t believe that the military girl really didn’t know how to do Qinggong, and he just wanted to add to the drama at this moment.

However, the military girl hurriedly said: “No! I really don’t know how to do Qinggong, don’t do this! I will fall to death…”

The Chunyang player smiled. He heard the other party say more than once that there is only one life in life. If you die, you will really die, so you don’t want to fight.

How can a playable game really only have one life?

I saw him typing: “It’s okay, if you are going to die, I will die with you!”

While typing, he gave up the operation and saw the two of them falling from the sky.

“Ah!” A woman’s scream echoed throughout the valley, suddenly bursting out from the headphones.

The emotion contained in that voice was so desperate.

The Chunyang player was startled by the scream and trembled all over. Looking at the screen again, he found that he was fine, with residual health but not dead.

But he saw the soldier girl falling on a frost-covered stone and dying, her blood dyeing the white snow red.

“What’s the sound?” The Chunyang player held his earphones and stared blankly at the corpse, a little confused.

I saw him typing at the corpse: “Well, I seem to hear something.”

“Forget it, how long do you have before you can be resurrected?”


“Speak, you can go back to the camp, and I will find you at the resurrection point.”

After waiting for a long time, he became a little panicked when he saw that the body neither disappeared nor stood up.

“Are you still here?”

“Are you angry with me? I’m sorry, I’m sorry, we agreed to die together, and I will cut off my meridians right now.”

The player immediately clicked on his menstrual veins, fell down with a pop, and became a corpse, lying next to the soldier’s wife.

After a while, Chunyang sat up again, wandering around the body in a daze.

“I was wrong, I was wrong!”

“You are resurrected!”



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