Blue and White Society Chapter 745: Someone has to take this step

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The ultimate containment measure for all absolute characteristics.

Mo Qiong widened his eyes and said, “Is there really such a thing?”

This is actually a dream, a dream that all members long to exist and find.

It can be said that the Blue and White Society’s biggest pursuit is to one day find this ‘ultimate containment measure’!

The reason why it is said to be a dream is because the contained objects are all kinds of weird and everything is possible. There are no containment measures in the world. After countless members worked hard to contain them, measures were put in place.

Different containment methods have different containment methods discovered by humans.

It is simply impossible to say that there is a way to solve all contained objects in the world. This idea is like an ‘Aladdin’s magic lamp’, it is a fairy tale.

The reason is simple. If there is a way to erase all contained objects in the world, then this method itself must be an absolute characteristic.

Did it also erase itself? Theoretically it could be possible, but the probability of its existence is too low.

Because this is like a virus appearing in the world, it will kill all viruses and also kill itself…

The probability that such a virus will appear is so low that it is unimaginable, and it feels like a fantasy.

Kelong said: “Yes. The omniscient containment object gave the answer. The second and third generations asked the same question and got the same answer.”

“Then what’s the answer?” Mo Qian asked with a trembling tone.

This is the ultimate pursuit, the answer that Blue and White Society dreams of finding!

Kelong smiled bitterly and said: “I don’t know. Neither the second generation nor the third generation said it. The third generation said that the answer has a meme, and once it spreads, it will cause serious consequences. The consequences may be worse than an Omega-level disaster. It’s scary. The fourth-generation president also asked this question, and he said the same thing… Hahaha, no president is obedient. If the fifth-generation president had the chance, he would definitely ask this question, regardless of the previous ones. There’s a ban! Hahaha!”

Mo Qiong felt as if he was discouraged for a moment. That was probably the price of hiding it deeply.

Perhaps some real answers can be given to matters that do not exceed the capabilities of the contained object. But once questions beyond its scope are asked, the ‘omniscient containment object’ may tell lies, or add side effects such as memes and mind distortion to the deception in order to maintain its image of ‘omniscience’ .

This is consistent with the urinary properties of the contained objects, as is the case with Excalibur. In order to maintain its so-called supreme strength, it always uses mind distortion to win, making people feel that it is impossible to resist this sword.

Even if the holder of the Excalibur is defeated, the Excalibur will distort the mind of that person, making him feel that the Excalibur is weak. It’s not that the Excalibur is not strong, but that the holder is too weak, unworthy of winning, and unworthy of its performance. More power.

This kind of influence that makes people forcefully think so and unconsciously think and do this is the distortion of the mind.

If this influence can be transmitted through the person being influenced, then it is a meme.

The same should be true for the ‘Omniscient’ containment object. Both presidents were affected, but they don’t know what the specific impact is, and they can’t say it. If they say it, they will be passed on to others, so they will rot in their stomachs and carry them with them. After entering the coffin, only the succeeding president can understand it.

Insufficient information, we can only speculate so much.

“Didn’t the fifth-generation president ask?” Mo Qiong said.

Kelong said: “Because before Polo became the president, the headquarters suffered a devastating blow. Nothing was left in the president’s office, and it was completely annihilated. And the president was in that disaster. If you take office at that time, you will not have the opportunity to use ‘omniscient’.”

“We checked the scene in detail and found nothing left. The contained object may be destructible.”

Mo Qiong regrets that such a powerful containment object can be destroyed.

There are many such containment objects, and many of them have been destroyed by the Blue and White Society in history. Nowadays, there are many things that can be destroyed, such as the Venus sculpture, but no one has been willing to destroy it. If you really want to destroy it, it will only take one shot. There is also the Tribulation Rider. As long as Rhydian does not leave an heir, the Tribulation Rider will become extinct after his death.

The fifth generation president is the most genius president in history. The second generation, third generation and fourth generation, some of his achievements in dealing with many Omega-level containment objects were helped by ‘omniscient’.

But the fifth generation did not, and he happened to meet the empress, who died in less than a year after reigning. To a certain extent, this may be the most realistic ending for human beings facing an Omega-level containment object. It is truly despairing.

Mo Qiong looked at Kelon and said: “Do you want to use the golden apple to try to sense the ultimate measure?”

Kelong smiled and said: “When perception crosses a certain zero point, it can distort the rules of the world, and it is called a ghost. This kind of thing is not true, it is just a theoretical conjecture.”

“But if there is an ultimate measure in the world, then I should be able to sense it sooner or later if I experience it long enough. This is the ability that Golden Apple can seriously demonstrate.”

Just like when assassins sensed eagle eye and stealth, if there is a universal feature in the universe that can solve all contained objects, then it should be possible to sense it after enough time.

Mo Qiong sighed: “You may never be able to sense it. Maybe it does not exist. Maybe it is like the characteristics of me and the Zerg, which cannot be read.”

Kelong said with a complex expression: “If the ultimate measure does not exist…then we have no dream.”

Mo Qiong was shocked, yes, there is no such method, so is the Blue and White Society actually delaying endlessly? To delay the arrival of some kind of destruction, even a destination more terrifying than destruction.

No one wants to think so. Although the probability is very low rationally, deep down in their hearts, all members firmly believe that it exists, thinking that one day, they will solve all the contained objects in the past, present and future. , let everything return to ordinary.

This is the ultimate ideal of Blue and White Society. How can we deny the ultimate answer we dream of?

If they deny this, they will lose a large piece of support in their hearts.

Ke Long stared at Mo Qiong and said: “Mo Qiong, no matter what, you have to try. Even if it cannot be read or even found, someone should take this step.”

“We cannot always think, ‘I will do it in the future’, ‘I will succeed one day in the future’. Tomorrow after tomorrow, how many tomorrows do we have? One day we may not be able to survive.”

Mo Qian had nothing to say.

We cannot leave everything to future generations to figure out a solution. Each generation has its own responsibilities.

They always say that we will be successful in the future, but we still have no clue.

Now there is a path that can theoretically lead to the answer. Although it is extremely slim, but because the probability is too low, we cannot say: Forget it, what if it doesn’t work? No need to try.

Then the ultimate ideal of the Blue and White Society will never be realized.

Mo Qiong looked at Kelon’s firm eyes and realized that he could not possibly convince this man.

He has made up his mind!

Perhaps one day in the future, he will regret his decision and hate himself at this moment.

But at least for now, Kelon has no regrets.

“Even if, even if you see that answer, hundreds of millions of years may have passed and we have already been destroyed by the containment object.” Mo Qiong said calmly.

Kelong also said calmly: “Isn’t there still the uncanny valley? One second of reality, and there are ninety-five years in it…”

Despair and regret showed in Mo Qiong’s eyes. This man had thought of everything. Yes, he could think of it, and Kelon must have thought of it too.

But to have Kelon become an immortal, be wiped out by the golden apple, fall into a state of eternal death, and be placed in the uncanny valley, that is simply the most desperate situation in the world.

If it’s just about eternal death, there might be another solution.

Maybe the universe will be destroyed and the immortals will be liberated. Maybe some containment object in the future can obliterate the immortal soul, maybe even the Insect Emperor can do it.

Theoretically, there will be a day of relief from that endless suffering.

But throwing him into the uncanny valley is equivalent to delaying the moment of relief three billion times!

Even assuming that a hundred years later, everything in the universe disappears, and the immortals can be liberated. That Kelon has experienced at least 300 billion years of suffering!

To put it another way, for how many years the Blue and White Society has protected the world, Kelon may have to bear three billion times the torture for that time.

“So what if you see the answer? Can you tell us?” Mo Qiong stared.

Kelong directly sent a copy of the appearance of the dodecahedron soul to Mo Qiong. He had written down the state of its soul when he checked the ether before.

“The souls of all immortals are the same. You can shoot your spiritual power into the immortal realm of the soul.” Kelon said.

If the target chosen by Mo Qiong has exactly the same kind, then it is possible for him to hit any one of them. There have been only a few immortals in the past and present, and they can only be counted with one palm. Mo Qiong could always contact Kelon’s soul after several attempts.

Mo Qiong growled: “What if I die!”

Kelong smiled and said: “There are always latecomers.”

Even if there is no Mo Qiong, there will always be something that can be used to contact Kelon using other methods.

Kelong is full of hope for the future and trusts in those who come after him. He firmly believes that everything is moving in a better direction. But he himself is like a treasure that has been stuffed into the legendary Pandora’s box, full of infinite disasters: hope.

Today, tomorrow, or even at any time in the future, Blue and White Society can find ways to dig out this treasure.

“You will definitely regret it.” Mo Qiong said sadly.

Kelong pursed his lips and said: “Anyway, when I regret it, there will be no regret medicine.”

Mo Qiong opened his mouth and found it difficult to breathe.

Kelong smiled and said: “The ultimate measure has not been found. I should know a lot about some other general characteristics. If you want to pry out some good things from me, I am afraid it will take some effort. I hope you can use them then. Let’s try some fresh tricks… Grasp the central idea of ​​‘I am extremely eager to be resurrected’. You or the newcomers can use it yourself, but don’t be inferior to me.”

This is probably the person who has tricked himself the most in history. He has simply divided his current self and his future self into two people, and then tricked him to death because the other one has not yet been ‘born’.

Mo Qiong held his head, only feeling the huge pressure coming towards his face.

To help Kelon realize this plan, Mo Qiong felt that he had to apologize to all members…

He may be stripped of all his medals, and the so-called evangelist may also be ruined.

But Mo Qiong didn’t care. This responsibility was nothing compared to what Kelon had to bear.

But he couldn’t refuse Kelon. As Kelon said, it’s the only feasible way now. Why don’t you take it and give it a try?

Mo Qiong sighed and said: “Although you are the great arbiter, I still want to scold you. Damn it, grandma, you said earlier that the president needs to have the consciousness to become a sinner. In fact, you are simply afraid that I will reject you. ”

“Don’t say that, it’s true.” Kelon smiled.

Mo Qiong said: “I’m sorry.”

Kelong was startled, with a flash of disappointment in his eyes.

“I’m sorry that I can’t bear this for you. When you hate me in the future, I won’t talk back.” Mo Qiong said.

Kelong smiles.



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