Blue and White Society Chapter 744: Ultimate Containment Procedures

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The fifth element has long been stripped away from the captured etheric head. It is actually his pineal gland, and the two are integrated into one.

Eating this pineal gland is equivalent to merging the fifth element, and the soul is immediately immortal.

If there are no children, this kind of immortality is extremely terrifying and cannot be reincarnated, which means that the mind will experience endless suffering in the ultimate sobriety, beyond the limits of the senses.

The corpses were decomposed by bacterial colonies and maggots, digested by insects, and even devoured by higher predators until humankind became extinct, until the earth was destroyed, until the sun disappeared, and until the universe died.

The particles from the corpse of the immortal will forever convey to the immortal all the experiences of thousands of years, ten thousand years, and billions of years.

Eternity is a terrible word. Once any state is called eternity, it is an unimaginable experience.

Just imagining that kind of despair in the imaginable realm is enough to defeat the strongest human being.

Kelong mentioned several times that he wanted to try to become an immortal.

Of course it’s not that he is stubborn, nor does he want to live forever. Kelon, who has used the golden apple, is bound to die. Even if he becomes an immortal, it is impossible to still live in the material world.

It can be said that becoming an immortal when the golden apple was about to obliterate him was tantamount to directly experiencing the most terrifying consequences of immortality.

However, by doing this, he just wanted to continue the state of root perception forever and impact the realm of ghosts.

This possibility is too illusory, and other major arbitrations simply do not agree.

But Kelon was unwilling to accept it. At this moment, he actually asked Mo Qiong to steal it for him, and directly transform himself into an immortal in the last moments of his life.

“Why bother? Once you become immortal, there will be no regret medicine.” Mo Qiong said sadly.

Kelong smiled and said: “But if we become ghosts, maybe we can end the era of containment.”

Mo Qiong said solemnly: “I have never believed in ghosts. This is simply a level imagined by Mozi. You can tamper with the rules and settings of everything with just your thoughts. How is this possible?”

“Ten thousand steps back, even if there are really ghosts, I don’t believe that root perception can let people reach that level. Root perception has always been to let people know some silent messages. Why do you have perception? Can we directly observe the origin of the twisted universe by breaking through the limits? ”

Kelong said: “Actually, I don’t believe it either…well, just believe it a little bit.”

“Then you still…” Mo Qiong said in confusion.

Kelong smiled and said: “The Heavenly Ghost is only the highest pursuit. I am mentally prepared that I will not be able to become the Heavenly Ghost. But other than that, I also have the second best goal.”

“The next best thing?” Mo Qiong was confused. If not for the ghosts, what else could he do?

Kelong said seriously: “Listen, what I’m going to say next is top secret.”

Mo Qiong looked stern. He didn’t know why Kelon wanted to tell him this, so he just listened carefully.

Kelong smiled and said: “The period of the second generation president was the most difficult period for the Blue and White Society. With everyone in the world facing enemies, even if you have the consciousness to fail and become the biggest criminal in the history of mankind, it is impossible to say that you will rise. Just rise.”

Mo Qiong nodded. He had always wanted to ask, even in such a desperate situation, how did the second-generation president with only a dozen people manage to revitalize the Blue and White Club?

Kelong recalled: “My teacher once told me that the second-generation president accidentally came into contact with a contained object that was almost omniscient. He could communicate with it for a moment every once in a while, and could only communicate for a short time. For a while, and often for a year or two, it can answer almost any question.

“Most of what he said has been proven to be completely correct. Including the characteristics of Omega-level containment objects, they were all said accurately. Later, the second generation even directly asked about the characteristics of one of the containment objects. What the containment measures can be has been answered.”

“Just like God.”

Mo Qiong was stunned. He directly knew the weakness of the contained object or the possible containment method. This is great!

Even if it can only be used once for a long time, as long as it is used on the blade to suppress one or two Delta and Omega-level containment objects, it will be a great merit and the effect will be heaven-defying.

Even that thing should be able to answer, at this moment, where is an undiscovered and extremely dangerous contained object.

Then the second-generation president was able to rush over and solve it.

All of these things can be said that after suppressing or destroying several powerful containment objects, the desperate situation of the Blue and White Society was immediately reversed, not only the reputation was improved.

Also because of the world-destroying containment objects, countries no longer dare to directly use weapons of mass destruction to bomb the Blue and White Society indiscriminately.

In this way, there is a lot of room for relaxation, and we get rid of the situation where the company may be destroyed at any time, and only then can we have the capital to be slowly revitalized later.

Otherwise, once the Blue and White Society’s base is discovered, the army will directly come over and destroy it as a terrorist organization. He wanted to be taken into custody in order to save people, but he was regarded as having bad intentions and was hunted down by the authorities everywhere. That’s a dead end.

Mo Qiong was surprised: “There is still such a containment object? This is more powerful than the golden apple. What is the price? What does it look like?”

Kelong smiled bitterly and said: “I don’t know… the second-generation president is very afraid of that contained object and keeps a lot of things secret about it. We don’t even know what it looks like.”

“We only know that after the second generation died, he hid it in the office, told us not to look for it until we were in a desperate situation, and only allowed us to ask for information that would help with the current containment crisis. If it said anything about it, Don’t believe anything that is not relevant to the current crisis.”

“In other words, let us only treat that thing as a detector of the characteristics of the contained object, and do not ask or believe other questions. After the second generation died, the later Grand Arbitrator and Elucidator immediately went to the office to search, one after another Several times, nothing was found, no contained items were found at all.”

Mo Qiong was speechless and said that he would not use it until the desperate situation was reached, but in the blink of an eye the great arbiters went to find him…

He said: “The person you are looking for is not qualified to use it, right? Even if it is in the office, no one will know which one it is.”

“Yes, we later learned that the condition was ‘President Blue and White’, because the third generation president later found the containment object in the office. But the strange thing is that after using it twice, the third generation also If you choose not to tell us what it is and say that the second generation is right, you may be an extremely clever liar. The truth is often mixed with words that cannot be falsified. Later users must have their own discernment and cannot be contained. Believe whatever the thing says,” said Kelon.

Mo Qiong immediately said: “I believe that the two presidents are both people with their own discernment. You also said that as presidents, their decisions are often extremely important and involve the fate of mankind and even the world. Either a heroic savior or an extremely evil original sin. Since two presidents in a row said this, it definitely makes sense.”

Kelong said: “Of course I understand, but before the third generation president died, he asked all future presidents not to ask a single question.”

Mo Qiong tilted his head and said: “What’s the problem…”

Kelong looked deeply and said: “The ultimate containment measure for all absolute characteristics…”



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