Blue and White Society Chapter 743: After this battle you will be the elucidator

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“The Grand Arbitration…” Mo Qiong quickly told everything about the underground city-state.

Including situations where Quite does not believe in God at all, and Quite himself is trapped in his own containment… etc.

Keron said weakly: “Really… The Church of Gaia will not give up. In the near future, no, probably today, they will launch a crazy attack on the deep-sea prison.”

“Why?” Mo Qiong asked.

Kelong said: “Because their headquarters has been taken over by us, the losses have been extremely heavy, and almost all of them have been exposed. If we don’t fight now, they will only become weaker and weaker in the future until they are wiped out by us.” That is to say, the time when they have the best chance of rescuing Gaia is today!”

Mo Qiong said in confusion: “No, I’m asking why they still want to rescue Gaia? Their archbishop has seen Gaia’s true nature. He wants to destroy mankind, including his own believers.”

Kelong smiled: “Not everyone thinks like Quite. Don’t underestimate the beliefs of a thousand-year organization. Maybe their ideas are ridiculous in our eyes, but I want to say… they are true. Want to atone for humanity’s sins.”

“Frod saw through Gaia, but he still chose to assimilate his own thinking and let himself forget that resurrecting Gaia was tantamount to committing suicide. Why? Because what supported their efforts was not Gaia, but the one who rescued Gaia. This belief.”

“It is the belief that their ancestors have made countless sacrifices for this.”

The Church of Gaia has a history of more than two thousand years, and most of its core members are passed down in families.

The current members of the Gaia Church are all descendants of the scholars of the Geodivination School.

Especially since ancient times, they have lived in a closed environment for a long time, doing what they think is right in isolation, generation after generation, generation after generation… forming a very strong clan consciousness.

“For them to give up on rescuing Gaia is tantamount to denying the efforts of all their ancestors over the past thousand years and denying the value of their own existence.”

“The reason why Quite did that was that he was reluctant to part with the inheritance of his ancestors, which just means that his thoughts are not firm and his consciousness is too low. In fact, more bishops and archbishops regard the ideas passed down by their ancestors as true wealth, rather than anything material.”

After listening to Ke Long’s words, Mo Qiong cursed: “What kind of idea is this? Their ancestors are ancestors, isn’t it the ancestor of all mankind? They don’t want to deny their ancestors, but they forget that the gods were Sealed by the ancestors of mankind!”

Kelong said: “You don’t need to evaluate whether their ideas are right or wrong. They just think they are right, and the rebels are guilty. Clan and humanistic ancestors are two concepts. The ideas of the former are passed down from generation to generation and are deeply rooted. . As for the latter, the people in the church don’t even know their last names.”

“Believe me, they will do the same even if they know that rescuing Gaia means death or even infamy for eternity. Most of them are willing to accept the moment of realizing their dreams and perish.”

Mo Qiong murmured: “How could…”

Kelong smiled and said: “How can you have such a firm belief? Mo Qiong, you must always remember to respect your enemies.”

“If you think they are ridiculous and underestimate their willingness to sacrifice for their ideals, you are totally wrong.”

Seeing Mo Qiong deep in thought, Kelon added: “Do you know that there were only a dozen people left in the Blue and White Society?”

Mo Qiong nodded and said, “Of course I know.”

Kelong said: “The Blue and White Club at that time was the craziest. The leader at that time was the second generation president and the only female president in history.”

“At that time, all the bases operated by Yiyi were destroyed by various countries, and there were no containment items on hand. More than a dozen people were shouted and beaten by the whole world, like roving terrorists.”

“The mainstream idea at that time was that containment should be in the hands of all countries, and our idea was ridiculous and sinful.”

“The Blue and White Society was about to perish for a time, but the second-generation president did not give up and led everyone to adhere to the concept of unified containment.”

Mo Qiong pondered, from the perspective of various countries, the philosophy of the Blue and White Society is indeed evil… to keep such dangerous and important things in the hands of a detached organization, without being controlled by any agency.

But now, the thinking of the Blue and White Society is the mainstream. Contained objects are scattered in the hands of various countries, and there is always an endless battle. Not only against the newly born contained objects, but also against other host countries. The collective power of mankind has been extremely consumed and wasted.

Kelong said: “The situation of the second-generation president at that time was: if she gave up, all the efforts and sacrifices of her predecessors would be in vain. If she persisted, then we might continue on the wrong path of sin. Confused. And doubts tortured the members of that era all the time.”

Mo Qiong took a deep breath. Now many members can persist. Most of the reasons are actually the support of the Global Council.

This sense of mission on behalf of all mankind is a kind of support.

As for the second-generation president, there was almost no support, and all the people in the world received was denial. If you don’t make it through later, you will undoubtedly be infamy for eternity.

Kelong said: “Under the denial of the whole world, the life and death of the Blue and White Society depends on the choice of the second-generation president. That kind of effort without hope will almost destroy the Blue and White Society.”

“But in the end, the second-generation president made a decision at that most important meeting: Maybe we are all sinners, self-righteously pursuing a career that will subvert the world. But I firmly believe that I am right, and I am not wrong. , if I am wrong, just kill me, only death can stop me. Otherwise, I would rather persist, even if it leads to destruction, and will be infamy for thousands of years, and even be called the biggest criminal in the history of mankind!”

“I have become the original sin of extreme evil, and I have realized that I die in despair carrying this guilt that harms all mankind.”

Mo Qiong took a deep breath. He didn’t know how to evaluate that kind of consciousness.

If this is a wrong path, then there is no doubt that it is extremely sinful, and its guilt and despair of ideal collapse are unimaginable.

Strictly speaking, this kind of awareness of going all the way will make the mistakes more and more wrong, which is very bad. It can even be said to be a lunatic, which is the kind of awareness of a typical terrorist.

Kelong said: “I’m not saying that people in the Gaia Church have this kind of consciousness. I just want to say that the madness that supported the second-generation president at that time. Everyone said she was wrong, and she knew that continuing to persevere would be a mistake. She would die and be infamy for thousands of years, but she still had to go on because her predecessors had already made huge sacrifices. She just wanted to die at the moment when she realized her dream, or on the way to realize her dream, instead of denying all the efforts of herself and her predecessors. died on the road.”

“Now, the Church of Gaia has the same madness.”

“Mo Qiong, this is an organization that dug with shovels for a thousand years to find Gaia’s Ark, and then collected Gaia’s body underground for eight hundred years!”

“Two thousand years of persistent inertia have made them not care about sacrifice or the evaluation of others.”

Smart people all know that the idea of ​​the Church of Gaia will eventually end, and Quit is such a smart person.

Quite is not the only such smart person. Kubedo, who was in charge of Gaia’s Ark, was also on Easter Island back then. He must have known that Gaia would kill them.

But surviving after unblocking Gaia is not the organization’s first pursuit.

Smart people clearly know that the final outcome will be bad, but they still make themselves stupid and go crazy with the fool. This is love.

“Mo Qiong, I heard that you want to become the president?” Kelon said suddenly.

Mo Qiong grinned and said, “Yes, I think so.”

Keron smiled and said: “After stopping the Gaia Church this time, or sealing the released Gaia, if you are still alive, you will be the elucidator!”

Mo Qiong was shocked. After this incident was resolved, would he be the elucidator?

He didn’t even ask for how big a role Mo Qiong would play in this incident.

“Your achievements are enough to be recognized by everyone. We just have to wait for this matter to be over before we have time to initiate a referendum on elucidators.” Kelong said with a smile.

Mo Qiong understands that as long as Kelon launches a referendum and makes his record public, he should become the elucidator.

Needless to say, the importance of the time-travel team to the Blue and White Society is that it itself has contained many contained objects.

As long as the Church of Gaia is completely destroyed in the future, there is no doubt that Mo Qiong has contributed to it. Because now Mo Qiong’s characteristics are the most critical to a decisive battle with the Gaia Church.

The elucidator referendum requires six great arbitrators to initiate it, but since Kelon has said so, it is obvious that even if he dies by then, Wu Yunmo and other arbitrators will help him initiate it.

Becoming an evangelist is the only way to become a president.

Mo Qiong did not expect that Kelon would already recognize him.

“Thank you, Grand Arbitration.”

Kelong shook his head and said: “There is nothing to thank. You are already qualified. Even if you become an evangelist, you are still far away from being a president. Remember, the most important quality of a president is courage. In a certain sense, Speaking of which, the president is the one who takes the biggest blame.”

“Take… take the blame?” Mo Qiong was stunned.

Kelong said: “Since the second generation, the position of the president has had absolute dictatorial power. Then the six-arbitration system has been used as a buffer, and the president will only be elected in chaotic times and major disasters.”

“In fact, we need someone who dares to directly make a big bet on the fate of all mankind. This requires vision, courage and luck.”

“Any decision can make the president a hero, or it can become a heinous sin.”

If you are right, you are a legend, if you are wrong, you will be blamed entirely.

“I understand!” Mo Qiong said solemnly.

Seeing this, Kelon suddenly smiled slyly and said: “I am very optimistic about you. In order to cultivate your courage to take the blame, I want to ask you for a favor now.”

“Help? Please tell me.” Mo Qiong said blankly.

Kelong’s mental power secretly sent a message: “Help me steal the golden apple…”

“What!?” Mo Qiong was confused.



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