Blue and White Society Chapter 731: Everything can be an electric fan

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Everyone in the underground city-state was forced to draw their attention and could not even blink. This obviously limited the ability of most people to display their strength.

Some members were quickly arrested.

“Hey, hey, hey! Who’s behind me!”

“Don’t touch me! You bad guys!”

“What happened?”

“Ah, my eyes… are so dry, why can’t I blink?”

“It’s the surface people! The surface people have invaded! Those sinners are coming!”

The citizens were confused. They had no idea that they were coming from the Blue and White Society, because this kind of thing had never happened in the underground city-state.

Their understanding of the outside world comes almost entirely from the Internet.

It can be said that many netizens must bear the blame for all the bad impressions underground citizens have on the surface.

Many internet names never care about what they say on the Internet. After taking off the disguise of reality and lacking social supervision, they spread a lot of negative and violent remarks, or express themselves in funny and clumsy ways.

Citizens believe that most people on the surface are impetuous, surly, vain, selfish and conceited.

Citizens never actually come into contact with real people on the surface. What they can see are real-time, non-TV programs and people close to daily life, including live broadcast Internet celebrities.

All these factors prevent this misunderstanding and prejudice from being alleviated and answered.

Even though they saw some positive things, in the end, some comments said it was just a show, and the citizens decided that it was so.

Even if people say this, they only account for a very small part of the comments.

Under this kind of cognitive bias, even if only one ignorant netizen says it is false among the countless comments, citizens will believe it. After all, they are more willing to believe that the comments of such a small number of people are true. I would like to think that this one surface person is the only one who tells the truth. And those who encourage and praise are nothing but hypocrites.

This phenomenon is more common among people who are less exposed to society and more isolated at home.

There are a lot of them on the ground, not to mention the citizens are cut off from society by a crust!

After realizing that the surface people had invaded, they immediately exploded, thinking that the members were going to go on a killing spree.

Unexpectedly, the members just gathered them together and cuffed their hands.

After all, these citizens in front of me have never been to the surface, and those who have gone to the surface will never come back.

It can be said that the purpose of these citizens’ existence is more like ‘charging’ the Gaia Church.

It is like a generator, giving them the power of faith.

Blue and White Society does not intend to kill this pig-like character directly.

Belief itself is not a sin. Even if you believe in Gaia, which once enslaved mankind, and even if the power of faith they nourish is being used against mankind, it is not a sin.

“Destroy all the idols!”

Catherine led the members and began to destroy all the statues of gods in the city-state.

“Boom, boom, boom!”

Large statues of gods collapsed one after another, and the small statues of gods worn by citizens, whether they were portraits or sculpture pendants, were also confiscated and destroyed.

At the same time, several Best Controllers flew into the air, acting like cranes, and installed the fourteen elevators that were shot down along with the members in fourteen low buildings.

The club members present are all engineering experts, and they installed the elevator very quickly. Many of the missing materials and tools could be found directly from the Gaia Church’s industrial area.

This elevator is not a contained object, not even a derivative. It is just an ordinary large elevator.

However, once this elevator is installed and the person entering carries a special ‘elevator card’ and presses the 2nd floor, he will be randomly teleported to any place within 15,000 kilometers away. In an empty elevator.

Perhaps when the elevator door closed and opened again, they came to a shopping mall in Seoul, or a hotel in Europe, or even an elevator in the White House.

Fifteen thousand kilometers, covering both ends of the earth, and even more.

Therefore, even if the elevator you enter is on this side of the earth, a person may appear in the elevator on the other side of the earth.

All you need to do is bring the ‘Elevator Card’ derivative. At this moment, each member of the team has one card, and the elevator has been set up, which is equivalent to setting up a ‘random portal’.

In critical moments, everyone can retreat to the surface without resorting to Mo Qiong’s ability.

This is of course for everyone’s safety. You must know that this is at least fifty kilometers deep underground, and the surrounding rock walls are filled with high-temperature molten magma.

Once there is a problem with the rock wall, everyone only needs to rush to the nearest elevator and evacuate immediately.

Those citizens and hard workers are powerless to stop this.

There were also people who instilled faith in attacking club members when the idols were confiscated, but their sight was limited to looking at the sky. Since they had little combat experience, they would be in trouble if they could hit the club members.

Only the surviving guards or priests hiding in various places can still cause some trouble to the members.

“Huchi Huchi…”


While Catherine was destroying the giant statue, a statue swirled towards her!

The statue is ten meters high and three meters wide. If such a heavy and clumsy giant statue is thrown out, it should spin slower and slower under the air resistance, and it will stop soon.

But no, this is an electric fan statue!

Inspired by the faith of a priest, the characteristics of electric fans will strictly cause objects to spirally rotate like fan blades. No matter how great the resistance in the medium is, they will continue to rotate forcibly and will never be stopped. !

At this moment, the colossus was spinning at high speed, like a helicopter propeller, and one end was about to hit Catherine in the face.

Looking at this terrifying power, if it were smashed hard, it would probably turn into pulp.

However, Katherine pulled out the poor alloy blade and slashed it head-on, immediately cutting the stone statue open, and the broken stone pillar quickly ejected, directly smashing a house.

It must be said that this kinetic energy is really large. Thanks to the statue itself being made of ordinary material, just granite, the poor alloy blade can easily cut through it.

Using a strong force when cutting, Catherine’s short body slipped through the cut in the granite and landed lightly on the roof of a house.

The statue, which was obviously broken, still did not stop rotating.

Looking carefully, on the back of the statue, the image of the God of Electric Fans is engraved like a mural, so as long as you pray to the mural, you can make it rotate.

However, after the propeller-like boulder stupidly swept away the two houses, it moved further and further away from Catherine, showing no signs of looking back, as if the electric fan had detached itself from the ceiling and was dancing wildly in the air.

In addition, it rotates and rotates, and the direction in which the ‘fan’ flies itself cannot be controlled by the prayers.

“Death!” Catherine’s eagle eyes moved slightly, and she instantly found the priest who was raising his head to pray not far away. She ducked over and beheaded him with a sword.

“Senior, be careful!” Qi Yi, who also had his eagle eyes open high in the sky and continued to observe the ground, suddenly mentally transmitted.

Katherine made a tactical dodge in an instant, and at the same time, she missed several bullets next to her!

It turned out that behind the dead priest, there were two guards hiding in a private house.

From this position, while paying attention to Qi Yi, you can also have a clear view of the dead priest.

Because they were forced to pay attention to Qi Yi in the sky, they were unable to lock Catherine’s position, so they deliberately let the priest go out and be exposed.

It was expected that Catherine would come up and kill the priest, and when she appeared in the priest’s position, she also appeared in their field of vision.

This is like looking up at the national flag, and someone can see it under the flagpole.

Unfortunately, Qi Yi could see this little trick clearly from high in the sky.

Katherine reacted very quickly and easily dodged the ‘black flame warhead’ fired from the ambush.

“Kill the one in the sky first!”

Between the buildings and in the corners, there are many priests and guards hidden. They have faith that exceeds that of the citizens, and each of them is good at using faith to fight.

For a time, the flames of the kitchen **** and the freezing air from the air conditioner flew into the sky one by one.

In this regard, Qi Yi had no expression on his face and even wanted to laugh a little.

Because these people do not block their vision in order to attack, any flame or freezing air will fly thinner and smaller.

It’s like needles shooting out from the bottom up.

Qi Yi’s eyes were filled with tears, and his eagle eyes were looking at the earth. Seeing all the attack trajectories clearly, a Best Flying Sword flew dexterously and swung away.

With the top combat power being held back by Mo Qiong and others, it is impossible for these rotten fish and shrimps to hurt him.

The tears in his eyes were just caused by him not blinking for a long time, and the modified eye mask secreted liquid on its own to soothe the eyeballs.

It was much moister, and two lines of liquid silently dripped from the corners of his eyes, making him look like he was crying silently.


Suddenly, his whole body turned around unconsciously.

He didn’t know that a wave of invisible ink was silently printed on his back from behind, and it turned out to be the portrait of the electric fan god.


Qi Yi was shocked. The person was spinning around like a propeller in the sky, spinning faster and faster, making a whirring sound.

With such rotation, he couldn’t see clearly the attack coming next.

All I know is that after he rotated, high-speed rotating swords, steel bars, and roof beams suddenly rushed out from various corners of the city…

Even an entire house spiraled into the sky!

The electric fan **** can make any attached object rotate at high speed. The more religious the fan, the faster the rotation speed.

In the underground city-state, almost all the houses have portraits of the electric fan **** engraved on their foundations.

If this portrait were printed on a person, then the person would be an electric fan… driven by faith to dance in a spiral.

It can be said that everything can spiral.



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