Blue and White Society Chapter 730: Absolute attention gift

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Mo Qiong shot himself by taking advantage of the difference between absolute hit and molecular regeneration.

In fact, from the beginning, Mo Qiong could shoot himself. For example, if he cut off his hand and threw it away, his hand would become an arrow. Cut off the head and throw it away, the head becomes the arrow.

But what’s the point? Shooting a part of the body was not what he thought of shooting himself.

But it is different with molecular regeneration. This feature gives priority to the parts with brain cells. Therefore, after Mo Qiong’s head is shot away, the entire body must be repaired from the head.

In an instant, Mo Qiong appeared in the Best Chamber of the Deep Sea Prison, and here, an elite team of twenty-five people was on standby.

Among them are two Gamma Club members, four Best Controllers, seven Undead, seven Deep Divers, and five Valkyries.

There is even a Best Controller who is a secret weapon, named Qiyi, codenamed “Tears”. His characteristic is very simple: attracting attention.

Also called the Absolute Attention Ceremony.

When he opens his eyes, he has an almost mocking attraction. Once you see him, you can no longer take the initiative to look away.

No matter what, Qi Yi must be in sight. Of course, if passively causes loss of vision, then the trait ends.

In other words, if you want to break this effect, you only need someone else to help block it.

In addition, when Qiyi himself closes his eyes, this absolute attention ceremony will also be lifted.

On the surface, it seems that this feature is very useless, even if Qi Yi blinks, this effect will be released.

But in fact, Blue and White Society has helped him develop his features to the extreme, blink of an eye? It doesn’t exist. Qi Yi has been modified so that she can never blink. Her eyes will secrete liquid on their own to soothe themselves.

As for the passiveness that causes the loss of vision and the removal of characteristics, he can also solve it, that is, the mental power forcibly transmits his current appearance to others.

This is equivalent to seeing him, which will trigger the characteristic.

In other words, unless the mental power is stronger than his, or the target cannot be sensed by the mental power, he can force the target to look at him.

Qi Yi himself is also a master of spiritual power and possesses Best Metal.

Most of the people in the Gaia Church should be unable to resist his attraction.


The first was a bomb with a huge yield, which hit Razor Mantis directly in the face.


With a loud noise, the temple area, which had never been disturbed for thousands of years, was blown away.

Citizens in the underground city-state looked over one after another. Countless churches, temples, and halls were destroyed by the shock wave. Many guards and priests did not even respond, and were blown into charred residue.

Hundreds of buildings were destroyed in one blow, and the casualties were not counted!

“What happened?” The citizens were confused and looked towards the explosion site.

In the rising dust, strange figures suddenly appeared one after another.

They were wearing black combat uniforms with blue and white badges on their backs. There were men and women, and they were all as imposing as dragons.

Not only in the temple area, but also in the citizen area and the hard labor area, many blue and white members suddenly appeared.

What’s more important is that in everyone’s minds, a picture was inexplicably transmitted to them. It was a man standing under ten light balls.

Located high in the sky, with a piece of black iron flying beside him, stepping on it in the air, bouncing slightly, overlooking the city-state.

That was Qi Yi. He appeared so prominently in the sky that thousands of people saw him.

And he stared at a pair of eyes that were even more deadly than David’s, and scanned the ground. When he saw anyone who didn’t raise his head, he sent a mental wave towards them.

In an instant, one citizen after another couldn’t help but raise their heads, turned their eyes to him, and stared in horror.

Not only the citizens, but also the bishops who survived the explosion were forced to pay attention to Qi Yi as soon as the dust settled.

They couldn’t take the initiative to look away. Everyone looked up at the sky in confusion, looking at Qi Yi standing in the sky.

“So many people survived…”

Gou Ye, Wu Yunmo, and Catherine, together with the two elite team members who came for support, rushed into the ruined conference hall.

After experiencing the most violent impact of the missile explosion here, ten people still survived.

Both archbishops have cell regeneration, and bombs of this magnitude cannot kill them.

As for the bishop level, Hindsight, Razor, Fibo and five church scientists all survived.

Of course, their survival is quite unusual. The explosion destroyed their skin and flesh, revealing the stone bodies hidden inside!

“They turned out to be stone men…” Mo Qiong and Che Yunde suddenly appeared and said in surprise.

“Is it the stone from Easter Island? When Gaia was given a body, a few stone people were also transplanted…” Wu Yunmo said.

The stones on Easter Island can be transplanted into any life, as long as they are willing to endure absolute claustrophobia.

These people no longer just had a few stone limbs transplanted, but their entire beings were replaced with stones bit by bit.

A total granite guy.

This is theoretically possible. Cut off the hand, press a strip of stone up, and the strip becomes an arm. Repeat this, and replace one side of the body bit by bit, from the inside out, including the brain. Replaced.

Just like Mo Qiong will not lose consciousness immediately after beheading, as long as the stone head is pressed up during the short dying moment, the person will have a stone brain due to the strange transplantation properties.

Now Easter Island is taken into custody by the Blue and White Society, so these people are all people from the beginning of the last century!

It seems that this method has also made them immortal in disguise, which is similar to the wooden people.

At this moment, the bishops, who looked like movable statues, were being forced to raise their heads and look at Qi Yi in the air.

“Damn it… Blue and White Society!” They yelled, but they could only see where Mo Qiong and others were standing from the corner of their eyes.

And soon, Mo Qiong and the others were stuck out of sight, leaving them to rely on guessing.


Archbishop Quite made a prompt decision, waved his right hand and prayed in his heart.

A burst of extremely violent flames immediately surged out of his body, sweeping the entire place instantly.

The Kitchen God!

Every bishop here has tattoos of various false gods all over his body, so that as long as they pray seriously, they can release the power of the air-conditioning god, the kitchen god, and the electric lamp god.

The flames released by Quite are extremely strong, with an ultra-high temperature of 6,000 degrees Celsius, just like the surface of the sun.

And it was so huge that it instantly submerged the ruins of the temple and burned the ruins that had been bombed once again.

What is surprising is that these flames did not hurt himself or his teammates at all. Obviously, under the control of faith, one can distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

Otherwise, if those stone men were burned normally, this level of high temperature would be enough to crack the stone.

“His, what an amazing flame…”

There is no doubt that Kuite’s purpose is to use this violent wave of flames to wash away the ground and burn the members to death.

However, when the flames rose to more than one meter high, he was forcibly restrained by himself!

Gou Ye and Catherine were forced back by the flames and jumped into the air to avoid the impact. The rest of the burning was far away, kept at a safe distance, cooled down by the air-conditioning god’s air-conditioning body protection, and coupled with their own fire resistance, they could bear it.

As for Wu Yunmo, he directly entered the dark quantum state without any damage.

Mo Qiong jumped out of the sea of ​​fire, his injuries recovered quickly and there was no problem.

“Ha! Quite, why do you have so many beliefs? Aren’t you an old dog obsessed with profit?”

Hearing Mo Qiong’s words, Kuite was startled and said angrily: “What nonsense are you talking about!”

“There is no need to deny that the belief in Stigmata depends on what you believe in most. The old dog you see who is greedy for profit is yourself.” Mo Qiong said.

Quite’s mouth twitched, his face gloomy.

Mo Qiong said: “To be honest, we didn’t plan to take action now. You have to thank you for not believing in Gaia, otherwise I can continue to pretend.”

“Archbishop…” Although Fipo and other bishops were not so pious, they still put Gaia first. But they didn’t expect that their archbishop puts power first…

Quite yelled: “Don’t listen to their nonsense! The Blue and White Society likes to destroy other people’s beliefs. Are they themselves noble?”

“Damn it, why can’t the flames rise?”

Kuit kept trying to enlarge the flame, but the flame only burned on the ground, but it never exceeded 1.7 meters.

“Vision! We can’t cover the person in our vision!” A bishop scientist waved his hand in front of his eyes.

I soon discovered that when his hand was about to cover Qi Yi in the sky, he suddenly stopped.

Can’t do it! He couldn’t even pass his hand across his eyes because he couldn’t even see it for a moment!

It is precisely because you cannot lose your field of vision for a second, even if you blink, so any attack that attempts to block Qi Yi in your eyes is an active loss of field of vision and cannot be done!

The flames rose up to his eyes and were interrupted by himself!

A seemingly useless gift of absolute attention actually has endless uses.

If you make good use of it, it means that no matter what super-wide-range attack the opponent uses, there must always be a gap! Health gate!



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