Blue and White Society Chapter 728: A greedy old dog

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Despite the problem of happiness value, it can be stored in a cheating way through hormones. But Mo Qiong is a typical Blue and White Society thinking.

So it can be said that he has undergone transformation and become countless times stronger.

But he is still frantically looking for his own weaknesses, thinking of countless strategies against himself…

This makes his calmness look very depressed.

The bishops were all panicked, thinking that Helen had been made depressed by them.

“The test was overdone. Helen was only nine years old. This abruptly deprived her of a year of happiness. This was a major blow to her piety.”

“Don’t let her get hurt anymore. I’ve collected enough meat just now, right?”

“Enough is enough, she is still too young, it is more important to train her so that she can live happily for some time in the future.”

The bishops said that they had notified the archbishop.

With self-healing, collecting meat becomes very simple. Of course, the cut meat will not grow on its own.

Only Mo Qiong’s ‘subject’ can heal himself, and priority is given to regaining consciousness.

Self-healing starts from the part with the brain. If there is no concept of brain, it will heal itself from the side with more weight.

In other words, no matter how many pieces it is broken into, only the largest piece will trigger the feature. Unless there are more brain cells in the small piece.

As for the situation where there are only two molecules left and both molecules are the same size, the characteristics must only choose one of them to start regeneration.

After thinking about his weaknesses, Mo Qiong finally started to think about something happy.

For example, how can this characteristic match with his absolutely hit characteristic?

If he is broken, there is no doubt that he will not be able to use his abilities in his unconscious state.

However, there are still many wonderful uses for predicting the situation.

During the test on him, the Gaia Church tried a situation where his head was left behind and his body was vaporized by an ultra-high temperature of 3,000 degrees.

After that, Mo Qiong grew from his head and reshaped himself into his complete self.

Of course, it must be fast and not separated for too long. Otherwise, the body will have been abandoned by its characteristics before it is broken, and the head will grow back on its own.

It is impossible to leave a resurrection point in advance. If a part is judged to be Mo Qiong’s body, first of all, its status cannot be replaced.

For example, hiding a kidney in a safe house is useless, because shortly after the kidney was removed, Mo Qiong grew another kidney…

The ‘status’ of the previous kidney has been replaced, as if a certain judgment has been covered. In the future, even if Mo Qiong’s whole body is broken into molecules, the kidney that was cut earlier will not trigger regeneration. It will not be judged as part of Moqiong.

So it makes no sense to ‘leave seeds’ all over the world.

Otherwise, the bishops would not have used his flesh as bullets. After the wound had grown back, the cut flesh would have nothing to do with Mo Qiong in terms of characteristics.

However, Mo Qiong thought that if he faced a fatal attack and was about to be destroyed, he could throw his head out in advance.

With his absolute hit, his head can be thrown to an alien fishing city or some other safe area in an instant.

If conditions do not allow it, it is also possible to cut off an arm. I predict that I will be beaten to pieces next, so I throw an arm to another world in advance.

After that, because the body was vaporized or something, it was broken into countless parts, so the intact arm in the other world will grow into a complete him.

This is a disguised form of shooting yourself, shooting yourself in a self-destructive way.

“You can finally shoot yourself. The price is a certain amount of happiness, plus you must quickly self-destruct or be destroyed, so that the shot part is judged as the subject.”

“It’s too expensive for one person to fly Thor in this way.”

“But once in a while, it can still be of great use.”

While Mo Qiong was thinking, Archbishop Wangguan and Bishop Fibo arrived.

They were all extremely excited when they heard that Helen lasted for three hours and fifty-nine minutes and had molecular regeneration.

“Good boy! You have done well, and you have made great contributions to the church! We will definitely be able to welcome the Mother Goddess when she comes.” The Archbishop said happily.

Mo Qiong laughed in his heart. In the eyes of the church, Helen’s appearance was an extra trump card.

Not only the black flames, but also the powerful regeneration ability make Helen an excellent seedling, enough to cultivate into the strongest bishop in history.

“Unfortunately, I am an undercover agent.”

Mo Qiong smiled, he realized that this group of people already trusted him very much.

In other words, they are eager to have one more subordinate like this, and do not want to question such a good prospect because of some low-probability possibilities.

“Helen, your next task is to study and be happy. As long as you are happy, we will consider any request.”

“Tell me, what do you want?” the Archbishop said boldly.

Mo Qiong tilted his head and said with a longing look: “I want to see God…”

“Hahaha! Yes, you will see it one day, but not now. Is there any more?” The archbishop was very satisfied with Helen’s piety, thinking that after Gaia is rescued in the future, Helen’s happiness will definitely increase Suddenly there was a huge wave of storage.

“Then…can I meet the archbishops and the holders of the artifacts? They must all be very powerful…” Mo Qiong looked like he was obsessed with a girl.

The archbishop and others were not surprised by this request.

Just like fans want to meet idols, the three archbishops and several artifact holders can be said to be the idols of all citizens in the Church of Gaia.

This requirement is very simple, but it can greatly increase Helen’s happiness. The benefits were so great and so easy that the Archbishop agreed without any objection.

“No problem, all senior leaders will hold a meeting in four days. You can also participate.” The archbishop smiled.

Mo Qiong nodded innocently and said in his heart: “It’s done…”

For the next four days, Mo Qiong lived happily.

The church no longer abused her. On the contrary, it valued her very much, especially her emotions.

According to the arrangement, the church formulated a five-year plan to train Helen into the best pastor within the next five years.

All kinds of fighting methods that use faith are included in the curriculum.

Mo Qiong even inquired that the church also had a ‘bed god’ and a ‘fan god’ that had not been made public, and both of them had been developed by the church for many combat uses.

But she is still too young, and the church does not plan to teach her now, but later.

But after a while, Mo Qiong won’t be able to learn anymore, because in four days, once he recognizes all the senior officials, the company will launch a surprise attack.

“Mo Qiong, when you fused lotus seeds before, you almost hurt me to death.” Che Yun said.

Mo Qiong found an opportunity to pass the information to Che Yun. The club was already actively preparing for war, waiting for him to get it done.

However, when bearing the pain of fusing Lianzi, Che Yun also felt severe pain because of her soul mate.

“Are you okay?” Mo Qiong asked.

“Fortunately, I held on, and after two hours, the pain did not change any more. Every organic compound that has been maintained in your mouth is still causing severe pain,” Che Yun said.


Learning that Che Yun did not experience severe pain at the molecular level, Mo Qiong realized that there was actually an upper limit to the soul mate’s transmission feelings.

Super-limited pain, beyond a certain level, is a pain that cannot be simulated by any natural means. Among them, spiritual transmission is also a simulation method, and the feeling of transmission has a limit.

When Mo Qiong made waves, Che Yun also made waves. But it doesn’t mean that there is a tsunami on his side, and there is also a tsunami on Cheyun’s side.

The pain is beyond limits, but the ‘water pipe’ of a soul mate is limited.

This terrible pain was given to Mo Qiong by Lian Zi, not Che Yun, so what Che Yun felt was purely transmitted to her by Mo Qiong. How much Che Yun can feel depends on the upper limit of a soul mate.

Lianzi can inflict unlimited pain, but soul mates do not have this characteristic.

Four days later, Mo Qiong was neatly dressed in a pure white robe, looking extremely holy.

Fei Bo took her and waited in the main hall early.

There is still some time before the meeting, and some high-level officials have arrived one after another. Some of the high-level officials live in the underground city-state, but they have never shown up before.

‘Dadi’ is responsible for picking up people, so he should be the last to arrive.

Those who have arrived at the scene at this moment are the ‘Crown’, ‘The Hindsighter’ and ‘Razor Mantis’.

Fei Bo introduced them one by one, while Mo Qiong memorized their faces and even recorded them using the ‘Visualization Computer’.

The person who knows later is the bishop holding the coordinate glove. Once the stones he moves are arranged in a diamond-like distribution, they can no longer be moved. It’s like being rooted and anchored in a location equivalent to the earth.

Using this, once this guy throws the stone circle carved like a **** into the city, the city will have a stable faith output point for this guy.

As for the Razor Mantis, that is a guy who has been transplanted with two mantis forelimbs. The specific function is unknown. I only heard that those two razor-like forelimbs have the absolute highest slashing speed.

Mo Qiong is very concerned about the so-called ‘absolute number one’. If he has absolute speed, Mo Qiong can still understand, what the **** is absolute number one?

He passed the information to the club, and the club estimated that as fast as the fastest in the world, the slashing speed of the Razor Mantis would be ‘a little’ faster than it.

“Is this Helen?” A man whose clothing was obviously different from others walked into the hall.

“Yes, Archbishop Quite.” Fibo quickly lowered his head and said.

Mo Qiong was delighted, there was another archbishop! Now among the Archbishops, only the ‘Earth’ who controls Gaia’s Ark has not yet arrived.

He stared at Quite, and Quite stared at her, frowning slightly.

Then he continued to walk forward, but after taking three steps, he couldn’t help but look back at Mo Qiong. It seemed that Mo Qiong’s eyes made him feel familiar and uncomfortable.

“Are you very religious?” Quite hesitated for a moment and said.

Mo Qiong immediately said with an excited expression: “I am willing to dedicate my life to the Mother Goddess!”

Everyone nodded with satisfaction and looked at nine-year-old Helen with admiration.

However, Kuite’s expression changed. Looking at the satisfied crowd, he wondered: “Where is her piety? She is so eager for power, full of extreme worship of power and money!”

“…” The bishops present looked stunned, what the hell? Have something wrong with your ears? Helen is willing to sacrifice her life for the Mother Goddess. How can you hear her extreme worship of power? What kind of reading comprehension is this?

“Are you talking about Helen?” The archbishop suspected that he had heard wrongly.

Quite was also a little confused. He stared at Mo Qiong, and then said: “I’m right, this feeling is unmistakable! Look at this look! It’s full of greed for power! This is obviously an old man who is obsessed with profit. Dog! ”

Everyone looked at Mo Qiong and looked at him carefully.

As for Mo Qiong, he looked respectful to Gaia, but there was an uproar in his heart.

“Oh my God! This archbishop doesn’t believe in God!”



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