Blue and White Society Chapter 698: Immortal torture

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The cost of nanomedical technology is extremely high. This guy is dishonest, just torture him.

If you kill it and repair it, 100 million US dollars will be gone.

But Mo Qiong couldn’t bear it anymore and wanted to hack him to death. Anyway, this guy’s soul is immortal and he can just be resurrected.

Soon, a few hours later, Dr. Mu once again led people to restore the ether.

Ether soaked in the jar, and after a moment of silence, he said, “What’s the use of killing me? Haha, I’m immortal.”

Mo Qiong said coldly: “Luo Yan, activate his divinity. Divinity is ‘the divinity of those who remove all divinities’.”

Ether laughed loudly and said: “You try.”

Luo Yan tried to activate the divinity of ether, but found that it was ineffective.

Ether said: “The immortal will not be deified, because my soul cannot be erased or changed in any way.”

“But you will still be tortured and driven crazy by the backlash. Haha, we have a lot of things to torture you.” Mo Qiong said.

The cost of a golden apple activating divinity is higher than the absolute cost of activating divinity itself.

It is typical that the cost is stronger than the surface properties, which is common among containment objects.

Even more, neither of these are the main characteristics of the golden apple. The main characteristic of the golden apple is to eat it and enter the state of the root perceiver.

The soul of the fifth element is immortal and can resist deification, but it cannot resist backlash.

It can be seen that its absoluteness lies between the two.

So in theory, there should be some particularly powerful mind-distorting containment objects in the club that could drive him crazy.

However, Ether sneered and said: “Are you going to use the containment object to torture me? It’s useless. Only the collapse caused by the divine impact will release the state. It cannot be released by using other methods to make me collapse.”

“But you can take the initiative to lift it, right? If you can’t bear the pain, do you still dare to say that?” Hua Yin said fiercely.

Yita clenched his fist and said: “Then I need to see it! If you want to save people, you can, let me beg for mercy!”

“Haha, it’s great that your soul is immortal. You are a D-class personnel forever. How magnificent!” Gou Ye said.

Aether cursed and said: “I am an eternal D-class personnel, and those eight people are also eternal divine beings! I am not at a loss!”


For three consecutive days, Huayin and You Xin tortured Ether.

It made him feel pain twenty-four hours a day without interruption.

Even, hormone gloves were brought in to maximize his senses.

Obviously, this guy is a tough guy.

No matter how he was tortured, he was still enduring the backlash from the eight divine beings and would not be relieved.

I have relented a few times, but I just hope that the Blue and White Society can give him a condition that he can accept and give him a chance to really escape.

He determined that Blue and White Club could let him go on the surface, but in reality they could catch him back at any time, without any chance of lying to him.

During this period, they also tried using the properties of other contained objects to cause the ether to collapse.

Unfortunately, Ether did not lie on this point.

Golden Apple does not recognize other forms of collapse, and collapse caused by other characteristics will not remove divinity.

On the contrary, after he went crazy, he couldn’t even give up on his own initiative. He only focused on being aggressive like a madman and couldn’t communicate.

Everyone had no choice but to help him out of his crazy state and continued to torture him in other ways.

Mo Qiong said: “Something is wrong. Doesn’t this guy know that we can’t let him go?”

“Of course he knows. It is precisely because he knows that we have many ways to release and catch him that he asks so much, just to prevent him from being caught easily.” Huayin said.

Mo Qiong shook his head and said: “I’m not referring to this, I mean…he should know that we can’t give him a chance. If we really agree to his various demands and let him go, it will only mean that We are secretly confident that he will not be able to escape.”

“So this is a dead end. If we really give him the golden apple, he will not come into contact with the divinity of those eight people…”

“Even if he uses the Golden Apple to deal with us again and is arrested, he will definitely rely on our eight brothers as bargaining chips to continue to argue with us.”

Master Gou muttered: “Yes, he seems to be looking for abuse.”

“Looking for abuse?” You Xinxin said why?

Mo Qiong suddenly stood up and said: “Yes, yes, he is looking for torture! He is just using us to torture him and delay time. He has other plans!”

“If you think about it carefully, why does he want us to resurrect him? If his soul is immortal, wouldn’t it be better to just remain a corpse?”

“But he deliberately did not let go of his divinity, and then made us realize that he was not dead, and then resurrected him. This is just asking for abuse. After we knew that he could be resurrected, why not just torment him in any way?”

Everyone said yes, he could obviously continue to be a dead person, even if his soul could not move, it would still be better than being tortured by them.

But he deliberately revealed that he could be resurrected, making himself the most fearless D-class personnel in history.

A D-class personnel who was least afraid of death fell into the hands of the Blue and White Society… Is there something wrong with his brain?

What? Is it very comfortable?

There must be nothing wrong with Aether’s brain, he did it on purpose.

Because death is even more unacceptable than becoming an eternal D-class personnel…

“He cannot accept death, because death cannot rest in peace. He will be in emptiness forever until the end of time. This kind of immortality is more painful than death. So he would rather be tortured by us, at least… he can still talk. , there is still a glimmer of possibility…to be free.”

“If he really dies and no one resurrects him, his soul will stay awake forever in a world of nothingness, with no hope and nothing to do…”

“He would rather become an eternal D-class personnel.”

After Mo Qiong finished speaking, he immediately led people to Etai’s room.

“Come on, what’s next…” Aether lay on the ground and said weakly.

“The next step is death…” Mo Qiong said.

“Huh? Haha, I am immortal.” Aether said.

Mo Qiong said: “It doesn’t matter, then just immerse yourself in the infinite torture.”

As he said that, he killed Aether with one knife.

Five days, a full five days of waiting.

He did not choose to give up the divine being, he still persisted.

“Are you going to keep wasting with him? He’s been wasting his time for decades. Are eight brothers going to be like this for the rest of their lives?” Huayin said.

“No, he must be hiding something. Dr. Mu, did the proposal I asked you to apply for last time be passed?” Mo Qiong asked.


After everyone dealt with the consequences of a series of events in New York, they chose to resurrect the ether again.

“Huh…” Aether breathed greedily.

When he found out that he was resurrected, his eyes flashed brightly, and he sneered: “Is something wrong? I was sleeping sweetly. You woke me up because you can’t help but talk to me again?”

“It’s nothing. We used these five days to apply for an experimental proposal and it has been approved.” Mo Qiong said.

“Oh? What experiments are you going to use on me again?” Aether laughed.

Mo Qiong said calmly: “I’m not taking you, I’m letting another D-class personnel eat the golden apple.”

Ether’s eyes trembled slightly, and after being stunned for a while, he said angrily: “Ha! What qualifications do D-class personnel have to sense the source? He will not gain anything.”

Entering the state of a root perceiver is not something everyone can gain. Eating golden apples only gives people the possibility of such perception. As for what can be perceived and how detailed the perception is, it depends on personal quality.

The Little Brotherhood has countless geniuses throughout the generations, and it is evident that only the second generation has gained a little bit.

It’s like people have the possibility of cultivating immortals, but most people will never be able to open the Niwan Palace.

Mo Qiong said: “There is no need to gain anything extra, just being able to perceive some of the characteristics of the contained objects is enough.”

“Such as yours, the fifth element. We want to know its specific properties.”

Etai was shocked, and then tears suddenly fell down, and he cried: “No, I will do it!”

“…” Everyone was stunned.

Are you scared?

Etai said bitterly: “You finally thought about it, yes, I lied… The immortality of the soul is not a good thing, not even emptiness. It is the real infinite suffering.”

“The fifth element transformed my soul into a regular dodecahedron. After the death of the physical body, my soul will still be attached to the body and will be immortal.”

“However, I still feel… suffocation, pressure, and all the feelings of cell decay and degradation, all of which are transmitted to me exactly. Even because of the lack of pain shielding and anti-pain hormones under the brain’s self-protection The secretion of pain that living people cannot feel at all, my soul will clearly experience…”

Everyone raised their eyebrows, it turned out that this was the case, so he would rather seek torture, hoping that someone could resurrect him, rather than leaving him trapped in that situation forever.

Ether said: “You have dismembered me, right? Divided me into many parts, and soaked me in liquid. I can feel all this, and in the soul state, my consciousness is completely exposed to that kind of pain, You can’t numb yourself, you can only experience it deeply and engrave it on your soul in detail and unforgettably.”

“It’s extremely painful for you to repair me little by little.”

The human brain will also forget. In order to block the pain, it will forget some memories, but the state of the soul will not. He will experience it very clearly and remember it deeply.

Day and night, it echoes over and over again.

“As time goes by, even if my body turns into powder, into fly ash, into molecules that are recombined and absorbed into other living things, I will not lose their feelings. Even if I return to the earth, in the Under the transformation of nature, it became a part of countless living things. Eventually, all species died out, and the world became dead and silent, leaving only the collision between elements…”

“Me…and my feelings will never end.”

After listening to Aether’s words, Huayin said coldly: “Really? We will burn you and use it for fertilization. Let your soul be with the universe until the day when the earth is destroyed and the solar system is destroyed. It will not stop on that day, even when the universe ends.”

“Don’t be like this, let me be a D-class personnel. Where can you find an immortal, eternal D-class personnel.” Ether begged for mercy.

“You haven’t dehumanized our people yet!” Huayin said angrily.

After a moment of silence, Aether said: “No, I don’t dare. You, a vicious woman, will definitely burn bridges! Use my corpse to fertilize!”

“You! Draft grandma!” Huayin stabbed the knife into the glass jar, killing the ether.

Then he dragged his body and said, “I want to feed him to the dogs!”

“Then it is even more impossible for him to detach the divinity of us humans, because if he has not detached those eight people, he still has hope. If he can detach them, we can never resurrect them. As you said, He will fall into endless suffering and will never have hope,” Mo Qiong said.

He knew very well the attitude of the Blue and White Society, and there was nothing he could do about it. If there was a way, he would definitely find a way to let Ether rescue those eight people.

This means that someone is always thinking about him.

If the soul of Ether is immortal, I am afraid that no one in the world can resurrect him, which will be the ultimate despair.

That’s why he was so tenacious and persistent in dragging eight peripheral members of the Blue and White Society until they were beaten to death. Let the Blue and White Club keep thinking about him and try various methods to make him compromise.

In this way, he can ‘float ashore’ to take a breath from time to time.

While being tortured, I could still keep telling myself: Hold on, the Blue and White Society still remembers me, and they will resurrect me.

In this way, as long as the Blue and White Society still remembers, as long as those eight people are not dead, as long as this organization is not destroyed, as long as the Blue and White Society still has the technology to repair him…

Then, he still has hope and can endure it.

“So, we have to find something that can control his thinking.” Huayin said.

Obviously, hypnosis is useless. The will of ether is extremely strong, and some coercive and harmful control will be resisted by the fifth element.

And some particularly powerful containment objects simply drove him completely crazy, making him unable to give up voluntarily.

After much thought, Mo Qiong thought of a more suitable one.

“One of them should be suitable.” Mo Qiong said.


Mo Qiong said: “Evil Mystical Techniques. The book in the Evil God Game records many secret techniques, many ways to change people’s thinking and make people worship the Evil God crazily. And this is actually from a certain perspective , not crazy, but a different kind of sobriety.”

“I don’t know the specifics. David should know that he is the only person who uses magic without going crazy.”



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