Blue and White Society Chapter 607: Beauty post

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Yesha set out again, heading to Danbo Country.

This time he has a handy weapon, the famous sword An Gang.

He had heard of Doji Kiri Yasutsuna, the new name given to him after he killed Shuten Doji with this sword.

So on the way, he was studying the essence of this knife. Of course, he couldn’t see anything. He even felt that this knife was not as useful as the watermelon knife he used back then.

On the way, Ye Sha asked Mo Qiong: “What do you mean when you say Abe Seimei is a master of operations?”

“It is said that ghosts and gods often visit him. This should be true. If you bring wine and swallow a boy outside his house, he will immediately know that you are a person of ghosts and gods, so he has prepared banquets and drinks inside and ordered the attendants to carry weapons. Standing on both sides, it’s a combination of soft and hard tactics. I guess this isn’t the first time I’ve done this.” Mo Qiong said.

Ye Sha said: “He said that his magic power was low, and he relied on his identity as the son of the white fox to let the ghosts and gods from all over the world give him some face. He heard that ghosts and gods visited him, so he treated him with courtesy. It is reasonable. He is probably here all year round. The basic operation of the ghost circle.”

“After that, he elevated my status and gave me a lot of face. No wonder all the ghosts and gods from all over the world are willing to befriend him.”

Mo Qiong smiled and said: “This is what makes him so powerful…I now seriously doubt that all the ghosts and gods who terrify Kyoto were promoted by him like this.”

“So Shuten-douji is just a little monster with only a little ability, but he is exaggerated into an extremely powerful monster? That’s not right, doesn’t it mean that tens of thousands of troops can’t do anything to him?” Ye Sha said.

Mo Qiong pondered: “There are only tens of thousands of troops in the entire Kinki region. Ask Watanabe Tsuna, why did they fail to annihilate Shuten Doji?”

Ye Sha looked at Tsuna Watanabe, who was accompanying him with a grimace, and several of Tsuna Watanabe’s retainers and samurai.

On this trip, they were very high-profile. Under the banner of general and emperor, they openly went to attack Shuten Douji.

Although the force is large, there are only twelve people including the four followers and Ayou.

Ten thousand people can’t do anything to Shuten Doji, but can twelve people do it? Ye Sha is really of the blood of Inari God. This is reasonable, but he is not. Isn’t this a gift?

“Watanabe, why did you fail when you sent tens of thousands of troops to annihilate Shuten Doji? Is he really that powerful, able to defeat tens of thousands of you?” Ye Sha asked.

Watanabe Tsuna noticed that Yesha did not use honorifics and wanted to correct him, but it seemed that because of what Abe had said to him, he was very respectful to Yesha and did not care about Yesha’s rude questions.

“In the Mountain God Hall, the great general once sent Sakata Kintoki to attack Shuten Doji. Sakata Kintoki was extremely powerful. He held a giant ax and often killed ghosts and demons. He was the **** of the five directions and five earths, Kintaro. Sake. Tundouji was also afraid of him and did not dare to confront him head-on. Unfortunately, Kintaro was too upright. After going deep into the Tanba Oe Mountains, Shutendouji released poisonous miasma, ghost springs, demonic fires, and rolling stones. He also moved the mountains, changed the terrain, and moved the army. After being imprisoned, Kintaro finally escaped after remembering the White Fox Lord’s instructions and praying to the river **** for guidance.” Tsuna Watanabe said.

Ye Sharan, co-author: Is there a **** under the general?

Kintaro and tens of thousands of people were trapped in the mountains by Shuten Doji’s magic. It was nothing more than poisonous miasma and demonic fire. Moving the mountains and changing the terrain was too powerful.

As expected of a great demon, tens of thousands of people were defeated like this.

“Wait a minute, how many thousands of troops does Luo Jing have?” Ye Sha asked.

Watanabe Tsuna was startled and said vaguely: “Well, the military strength is indeed tens of thousands…”

Ye Sha said: “Don’t lie to me. It would be bad if I misjudged Shuten Doji’s strength and our crusade failed.”

Watanabe Tsuna looked at Ye Sha, and remembered what Abe Seimei said about Ye Sha’s miraculous powers, so he said: “Mountain God Hall, to tell you the truth, it’s not tens of thousands, just close to tens of thousands.”

“Oh, that’s right. It’s usually exaggerated. If it’s said to be tens of thousands, how many people are there specifically?” Ye Sha asked.

Watanabe Tsuna said: “Nine hundred and forty-five people.”

“What the hell?” Ye Sha almost choked to death.

“You are so ‘close’, why don’t you stay far away?”

Ye Sha was speechless. There were more than 900 people, almost tens of thousands?

Watanabe Tsuna didn’t think there was any problem with this at all, and said: “I don’t know anything about the Mountain God Hall. According to the usual practice, as long as there are a thousand people, it is tens of thousands of troops.”

“But you don’t have a thousand people here!” Ye Shaling said.

Watanabe Tsuna felt like he was looking at a math idiot. He looked at Ye Sha and said naturally: “That’s why I said it’s close. Nine hundred and forty-five people, isn’t it almost a thousand?”

Ye Shaxin said that you still think that I am poor in math, but I am a Buddha!

Soon he figured out how to calculate this. First of all, the first basic axiom: more than a thousand people should be called tens of thousands. This is a convention.

The second basic axiom is that rounding should be done to the point where no further rounding is possible.

Here another concept of ‘near’ and ‘colloquial omission’ is introduced.

So there were nine hundred and forty-five people, rounded up, it was nine hundred and fifty people, and rounded up again, it was one thousand people.

Based on the first axiom, one thousand equals tens of thousands, so nearly a thousand people equals nearly tens of thousands.

Since the word “near” can be omitted for convenience in spoken language, in informal situations, it can be directly referred to as “tens of thousands of troops”.

Mathematical genius!

He understood that ‘tens of thousands’ here is a constant! No, to be precise, it is a ‘defined value’.

It is normal for a thousand to be called tens of thousands. There was only one thing Watanabe Tsuna concealed before, and that was the omission of the word ‘nearly’. In formal occasions, such as when reporting to the emperor, this ‘nearly’ should never be omitted. It can only be omitted when speaking normally.

In addition, one thousand means tens of thousands, which is a very formal term. It cannot be one thousand means thirty thousand, nor can it be fifty thousand, it must be ‘tens of thousands’. This is a defined value!

If the number of people is thirty thousand, then it is hundreds of thousands. Only when the number is between one thousand and nine thousand, the word tens of thousands can be used.

Then Ye Sha asked curiously: “What if there are only nine hundred people? Can it be close to a thousand?”

Watanabe Tsuna said with an expression on his face: “How is this possible? Nine hundred cannot be one thousand!”

Ye Sha asked curiously: “There is obviously not much difference between the nine hundred and nine hundred and forty-five people, but one of them is ‘nearly tens of thousands’. What do you call the other one?”

Watanabe Tsuna blurted out: “Less than tens of thousands.”

“!!!” Ye Sha was shocked. Sure enough, tens of thousands was the final word.

“I’m sorry, Chief, are all Fusang people so tight that they burst into pieces?” Ye Sha said.

Mo Qiong said: “It will be fine in the future, but in this era, Fuso has a small population. Except for the Kinki area, other places are ghost places. They have just transferred some cultural knowledge from the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and they pay attention to all aspects. Comparing with the Tang Dynasty, there were tens of thousands of people in the Tang Dynasty. Some written and spoken sayings were passed down, but the problem was that there were not so many people on the Emperor’s side, so this convention was adopted to facilitate writing. After all, the Emperor approved nine hundred It’s outrageous for an army of forty-five men to conquer someone.”

“It will take another two to three hundred years, after the iron-making and farming technologies have been digested, and after a round of population explosion, this habit will disappear. After all, they have only just left the Stone Age for a few hundred years, so you can’t expect them to be so casual now. Tens of thousands of troops can be mobilized, especially since the Heian court is completely decayed and is in a period of cultural ease.”

Ye Sha nodded, even though the so-called tens of thousands of people could not help but swallow the boy with wine, it was too exaggerated.

But it is an indisputable fact that Shuten Doji defeated more than nine hundred people. Now that twelve of them have passed, they are still looking for death.

But you still have to go, Ye Sha did it because of Mo Qiong’s order, and Watanabe Tsuna did it because of the general’s order.

On the way, Tsuna Watanabe was very worried at first, but after seeing Ye Sha’s ability to make rice out of thin air several times and his motorized tricycle, he was shocked and regained his confidence.

In addition, I don’t know if they are too arrogant. Along the way, there are always civilians who heard that the general sent Watanabe Tsuna and the White Fox Lord invited the mountain **** Shiroyasha to conquer Shuten Doji, and they all took out their own food or drinks. Entertain them.

For a while, the crusade team felt quite proud.

Ayou is also very proud. Since meeting the general, she feels like she is floating. She often accepts farewell gifts from the villagers and promotes Bai Yasha’s reputation and deeds.

On this day, in a mountain village in Tanba Country, because there was no road and no one knew where Shuten Doji was, Watanabe Tsuna went to find the local chief guide.

Ye Sha was sitting on a rock, eating the cross-time takeout given by Mo Qiong.

Suddenly, a woman with fair skin as white as snow, wearing a clean and refreshing civilian dress, walked over.

With admiring eyes, she came to Ye Sha holding a bottle of wine.

Ye Sha ate half of the chicken leg and was stunned because this woman was so beautiful.

With long black hair, snow-white skin, and stunning facial features that he had never seen before since time travel, Ye Sha was immediately shocked.

“I’m going to die, I’m going to die! Why do you look so beautiful!”

In the 21st century, this woman would have scored eighty points, but here, she would have scored full marks!

Because the contrast is too strong! During these days, he was already competing with Diao Chan, let alone actually seeing Diao Chan?

The women I saw in the past were either dry, with stubby hands and feet, or with dark skin, small eyes and bucked teeth. In short, they all have very obvious flaws. When Leng Buding saw such a woman with exquisite facial features, outstanding appearance, slender figure, neither shriveled nor thick, and very well-proportioned, Ye Sha was immediately attracted to her.

Compared to this woman, Ayou is nothing but a bag of scum.

“The Hall of the Mountain God…are you the Hall of the Mountain God?” The woman’s voice was like a clear mountain spring.

“Yes, yes, yes…” Ye Sha said.

The woman immediately said with a look of admiration: “My father said that you are a great god, and you are going to conquer… to conquer that big monster, and asked me to bring you wine… and… also asked me to serve you…”

“Okay, okay…what? Serve?” Ye Sha took a deep breath, okay! This is great! The mountain people are simple and honest! Your father is very knowledgeable!

Ye Sha stepped forward excitedly and held the beauty’s hand. It felt so smooth and soft.

The woman lowered her head and shyly took out one hand.

Suddenly, Ayou shouted and rushed over: “In the Hall of the Mountain God, she is a monster!”

Ye Sha was startled and quickly let go, only to see the woman looking at Ayou in confusion with an innocent look on her face.

“How do you know she is a monster?” Ye Sha asked.

Ayou dragged Ye Sha, glared at the beauty and said: “She is too beautiful to be human! How can a human be so beautiful? She must be a monster!”

“…” Ye Shafu was stunned. Seeing the jealousy in Ayou’s eyes, he knew that this beauty was threatening Ayou’s status.

Immediately scolded: “Asshole! Don’t blame others for their innocence. You are ugly and you don’t allow others to be good-looking?”

Ayou was scolded by Ye Sha and did not dare to fight back. She held Ye Sha’s arm and looked at Ye Sha with pleading eyes, hoping that he would not say that to her in front of so many people.



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