Blue and White Society Chapter 445: The bumpkin from modern times

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As long as Mo Qiong cooperates with the research department’s plan.

Canaan made his purpose clear and immediately began to assign tasks.

“Mo Qiong, you enter the mecha and stand by. Xiaogou, you wear red earrings and enter the virtual machine. We need you to receive all of Xiaoyou’s body sensations and what he sees and hears, and convert them into virtual reality data backup. ”

“Xiaoyou, open your soul sensing to Xiaogou and prepare to travel through time.”

After saying that, Sister You immediately shouted: “Ready!”

Master Gou’s face suddenly became unnatural, and he unconsciously wanted to lift his hair. He always felt like there was something on the back of his neck, but he had short hair and could not lift anything.

He twisted his body again, as if something felt strange, but he also knew that this was caused by Xiaoyou’s feelings superimposed on his.

“Uh…I’ll go! Let Xiaoyou stay here…” Mr. Gou said hurriedly.

Sister You said sharply: “Just stay here honestly, your personality is not suitable for this task.”

Master Gou was dissatisfied and said: “Why am I not suitable?”

Canaan shook his head and said: “Shut up and execute the order.”

Gou Ye had no choice but to sit in the virtual machine coquettishly.

Mo Qiong smiled and said: “I can mentally connect with Sister You, and I don’t need to rely on the characteristics of a soul mate to send information back and forth.”

Canaan said: “I know, it’s two different things. Xiaogou is responsible for data backup. You must also maintain a mental connection with Xiaoyou, cooperate with her at any time, and provide her with various support across time and space. It is not appropriate to be distracted.”

Soon, Mo Qiong forced a spiritual connection with Sister You and gained Sister You’s sight and hearing. Master Gou is her soul mate. As long as Sister You is open, Master Gou can directly feel it.

For spiritual connection across time and space, apart from Mo Qiong, only soul mates can do it.

Ever since, the three of them seemed to share the same body and traveled through time…

Sister You controls her body and has two spiritual assistants in her consciousness.

“Mo Qiong, we have sufficient weapon support. There are launchers on the arms and waist of the mecha. We will load you with whatever firepower you need… If necessary, you can provide fire support, Aerial strikes, weapons delivery…transport private satellites, bulletproof sports cars, multi-functional infantry vehicles, heavy tanks, armed helicopters, and even small submarines to Xiaoyou across time and space…” Canaan detailed the support provided by the club for the time-travel operation. .

On the left side and behind the mecha where Mo Qiong was, there were warehouses filled with various resources, equipment, and weapons.

Canaan said: “You are familiar with the operation. Depending on the situation, if there is anything we have not prepared, you tell us. Our workshop is nearby and we will make it immediately and send it to you. From the missile boat to the We can prepare daily necessities quickly.”

Mo Qiong lamented that this time-travel configuration is a fortress…

Although this mecha has many functions, the driving system completely fits his body. The simple function of walking and swinging arms only requires him to buckle the mechanical torque, wave and kick.

Mo Qiong quickly became familiar with the operation and shouted: “Ready!”

Canaan said excitedly: “Then start the transmission of people across time and space. The target is the bedroom of the traveler D-005685!”

Sister You raised her head and looked at the tall mecha. She saw the mecha stretched out its arm, pointed at her, and suddenly popped out a soft cushion.

“Bang!” Sister You disappeared instantly.

The location of the time travel is provided by the cell phone video of a traveler from that world.

It’s a pity that the time traveler was shot dead, and the Blue and White Society didn’t get much information. Otherwise, the Blue and White Society would have more and better landing spots to choose from.

The reason for the killing was the time traveler’s lack of cooperation. Because he looked like an ordinary person, he was slightly negligent during the interrogation.

In the end, he found an opportunity to rise up, and relied on a set of “civilian safety skins” to defeat fifteen peripheral personnel, one of whom died.

In the end, he was killed by a stray bullet because the energy of the ‘skin’ was exhausted.

That skin was the prototype of the nano-protective film that was later popularized by the Blue and White Society. It can isolate corrosion, high temperature, high voltage, and even bulletproof.

But so far, Blue and White Society has not completely imitated the power of the original version, and has only managed to isolate high-voltage electricity.

In the time of that time traveler, the United States no longer needed guns to protect itself.

With the development of productivity, due to the increasingly serious shooting incidents, scientists invented a set of nano-protective films, which can protect themselves, reduce national accidents, and not harm others, thus gradually promoting the ban on guns.

However, due to the difference in times, the time traveler relied on his strong self-protection ability to defeat fifteen peripheral personnel.

Spraying oil on his body and igniting him turned him into a fireman, destroying electrical boxes and creating a leakage environment. These may have been mentally retarded operations in his era and would not cause any trouble, but in the Blue and White Society at that time, they caused everyone inconvenience. A minor annoyance.

This is a generation difference. Fortunately, two important things were harvested from the corpse of the time traveler, and some information was collected.

The brand new smartphone can be folded and rolled at will, or even attached to the body.

The other party’s identity certificate can also be used for multiple purposes such as ID card, driver’s license, bank card, and social security card. It can be said to be a full cartoon…the material is also quite soft and can be folded or adsorbed on the body.

Now that these two things have been almost studied, this task has been handed over to Sister You.



Gongsun You was wearing a nano-skin that had been charged with electricity, and a piece of advanced fashionable clothes designed by Blue and White Society, and hit the bed in a bedroom.

On the phone, there is a selfie of the time traveler on the bed. The bed is very unique, and there are many indecent pictures on the background wall, making it easy for Mo Qiong to lock and release.

“There are books!” Gongsun You immediately got off the bed and looked through the bookcase opposite.

“Buzzing buzzing…” The mobile phone attached to the back of his hand suddenly vibrated.

Mo Qiong said immediately: “Did you answer the phone as soon as you got there?”

Master Gou said: “It may be a missed reminder. After being missing for so many years, the traveler’s mobile phone must have suddenly received a lot of squeeze reminders when he returned.”

“Don’t make any noise! ​​None of that!” Gongsun You asked the two of them to be quiet in his mind, pointed at the phone and said: “It’s an alarm reminder…”

On the screen, it was displayed in English that someone had broken into the home illegally and whether to call the police.

When Gongsun You looked at the photo, wasn’t it him?

I quickly clicked “Refuse to call the police” and listed the target as a friend, then raised my head and looked around for the camera.

Sure enough, there are security monitors in every room and even some electrical appliances.

When the smart housekeeper of this house sees someone who is not on the safe list appearing in the house, it sends a reminder directly to the owner’s mobile phone. The owner only needs to click ‘Yes’ to instantly call the police.

“Fortunately… this AI is not much advanced. At best, its processing power is relatively powerful.” Gou Ye said.

“The dean said that the civilian technology here is slightly higher than that of the Blue and White Society.” Mo Qiong said.

There are many paper books in the house. Obviously, no matter how advanced the technology is, books will still exist.

Reading has fun that multimedia reading does not have.

Gongsun You turned over and over, and was pleasantly surprised to find that these were textbooks for time travelers from childhood to adulthood.

“Turn slowly, don’t miss every page, the virtual machine here is being backed up.” Canaan said immediately after learning about it.

Gongsun You doesn’t need to be taught, he just reads it bit by bit.

During this period, his cell phone kept reminding him: all the ingredients in the refrigerator were broken, the bill was overdue for two years, and on what day did XXX come to see him.

From this, we can understand that the time traveler seems to be an otaku. He has been missing for two years and no one has found him yet…

This allowed Gongsun You to stay at his home safely, transcribe books, and eat meals all sent by Mo Qiong…

“These books are very important, but there is no most important history book… We still know very little about the social conditions there…” Mo Qiong said.

Gongsun You sighed: “The mobile phone is in arrears, and his family’s bills are also in arrears for two years, and the Internet is also disconnected.”

“Why is there still electricity?” Master Gou asked.

Mo Qiong said speechlessly: “Sister You, didn’t you read the book you just flipped through? The energy crisis here has been resolved long ago, and a certain amount of free electricity has been achieved for all people.”

“There is always a public free Internet, right? Go out and look for parks or something…and see what the money is like. Get one and let’s see if we can print it…” Gou Ye said.

Gongsun You smiled and walked out of the door.

The houses outside are not much different from modern ones, except that the floors are higher and the materials look similar to those of the Blue and White Society headquarters.

The family lived in a very remote place. Gongsun You was looking for network signals while walking… walking around with his mobile phone.

But when she saw the pedestrians, Gou Ye and Mo Qiong were all shocked.

“Holy shit… is this a Guoben parade?” Master Gou said in shock.

I saw that all the pedestrians were wearing very little. They were basically traveling in underwear, but the style did not look like underwear, they were all very exquisite.

Some pedestrians even went out without any underwear and some tattoos on their bodies.

No clothes on, no clothes on, but everyone holds an umbrella. The umbrellas are very ornately decorated and full of fabric. I don’t know what they mean.

Gongsun You passed by a group of naked men and women in embarrassment. Those pedestrians also looked at Gongsun You with funny eyes, as if Gongsun You was too silly in his long sleeves.

It made Gongsun You stand out from the crowd, which was quite awkward.

“They seem to think you are vulgar…Sister You…” Mo Qiong couldn’t help but say.

The corner of Gongsun You’s mouth twitched and said: “I know! Are you crazy? You look better without clothes and an umbrella?”



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