Blue and White Society Chapter 444: Traveling through ‘the future’

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Mo Qiong and his group went down the elevator and arrived at an extremely open assembly workshop.

Here, a huge vehicle with a height of thirty-five meters is parked on a landing gear.

It looks like a mecha, but it has no sense of science fiction at all. It looks like a humanoid crane or an excavator.

“Is this for me?” Mo Qiong could tell at a glance that it was a powerful ‘crossbow’.

Canaan nodded and said: “You sit in and control the robotic arm to easily move 400 tons of weight. If the weight is lifted at full power, its maximum load-bearing capacity is 600 tons.”

But then Canaan shook his head and said: “It’s not that it can’t be bigger, but things happened in a hurry, so we temporarily recruited a heavy-duty assembly machine from the Mars Project and transformed it into this.”

Mo Qiong asked: “What do you need me to banish?”

Canaan said seriously: “Perhaps you have always thought that banishing all contained objects to another world is a once and for all containment method.”

“But in fact we have to consider more, such as the God of Gaia, that thing may break through containment at any time. It is easy to banish it, but it is a creature with high intelligence and superpowers, and can appear anywhere in the sea of ​​the earth. This is an absolute characteristic. We have reason to believe that even if He is exiled, he can come back instantly. Exiling it is equivalent to unsealing it.”

“There is also δ-58, the King of Antarctica, a huge iceberg creature that brings freezing conditions wherever it goes and is almost immortal. Unless we melt the entire Antarctic, we can only use a large amount of icebergs every day. The missile continues to suppress it and confine it to the South Pole. However… we cannot banish it because it is also bound to the South Pole in some way. Its movement is equal to the deflection of the magnetic pole. If it is banished, the earth is equal to the deflection of the magnetic pole. Losing one pole of the magnetic field is not a good thing…”

“There is also Omega-169, the world-destroying chess game. It is a game of Go. Every once in a while, a human will be randomly selected to play against the chessboard. The human will play black. If black finally wins, the chessboard will be reset. . If White wins, the universe is reset. In other words, the survival of all living beings depends on a ‘human-machine war’. Of course, the consequences are said by the chess player, but we rule out the possibility of the chess player lying. He is just an ordinary person. Through mind reading, we determined that when he was teleported to the chessboard, he was suddenly implanted with the memory of losing the world.”

“Forty-five years have passed so far, and the chess game has not yet been played. Because we can’t win at all… The combination of the wisdom of our humans and computers is always at a disadvantage, so we resorted to cheating and stealing We changed a key chess piece. That was the move we regretted the most, because the chessboard also cheated, and the cheating was even more ruthless. It directly turned the unused black pieces into white pieces, and the chess game must use its pieces. It is a very strange substance that we cannot copy or transform, so…it is a losing game. Black can only play white, so what else is there to play?”

“The only way is to delay. Now after forty-five years of delay, the chess player is already eighty-five years old. Once he dies, Black will lose. Although we use various methods to extend his life, There is nothing immortal in this world.”

“We don’t know if exiling this chessboard will reset other universes, and we don’t dare to bet on it.”

Canaan gave several examples of the futility of exile, and Mo Qiong became more and more upset the more he listened.

Some animals can come back after being exiled. Exiling them is equivalent to letting them go.

There are contained objects that are bound to somewhere on the earth or to certain ethnic groups. Exiling them would be worse.

Most of them are items that they don’t dare to gamble at all and cannot tolerate any accidents.

The world-destroying chessboard is one, and so is the Zerg Queen.

Like the Queen of the Zerg, even if she is exiled, she should be able to come back. She is a time bomb. One day, she suddenly becomes unhappy. Humans will be GG, and the Blue and White Society dare not touch her at all.

Almost all Omega containment objects are in an extremely delicate state, and if there is a slight mistake, it will destroy the world. If the error tolerance rate is less than 100%, we would rather maintain the status quo.

The act of expelling omega-level containment objects is almost the same as scientists guessing that nuclear bombs can destroy aliens, so they drop nuclear bombs on aliens who have not invaded yet but have the ability to destroy the earth. This is a decision no sensible government would make.

Mo Qiong’s banishment method can only be used as a retreat. When the existing balance is broken, the dead horse will be used as a living horse doctor.

Exclude those that dare not move, exclude those that are useless if moved, and exclude those that are worse if moved…

Even like Taotie, you can’t get close at all.

In the end, there are only a few dozen containment objects that are necessary and can be used for exile, and most of them are in the stage from Beta to Gamma.

Canaan said: “Exiling a contained object doesn’t mean just throwing it away. Like the proliferating wax statue, I really don’t dare to be so worried about letting it proliferate indefinitely in another world. If you can, don’t let it go. .”

“My idea is to still carry out containment and maintenance, but move the location to another world, so that even if the containment fails, it will not be on Earth.”

“Also, we must ensure the ability to recycle, that is, if we exile it, we can regret it and take it back again.”

“So your first task is to banish her.”

As he spoke, Canaan pointed to a tall woman walking down the other end of the passage.

Seeing this woman, Mr. Gou’s lips twitched.

Mo Qiong raised his eyebrows and recognized that this was Sister You.

“Hello Mo Qiong, I am Gongsun You.” The woman smiled.

Mo Qiong hurriedly shook hands with her and said, “Hello, Sister You.”

Master Gou said depressedly on the side: “Dean Canaan… you won’t let me merge with her, will you?”

Canaan said: “This is the only way, this is the least side-effect recycling method.”

Master Gou felt embarrassed and sighed: “Any two people can fuse together, why do you have to find us two?”

Canaan said seriously: “You know, if you are not a soul mate, fusion will have serious mind-distorting side effects. One of you will be assimilated by the other’s mind and lose all personality. Xiaogou, please be serious. ”

Master Gou immediately said loudly: “Yes!”

Sister You said deliberately from the side: “I have no problem.”

Mo Qiong touched his Adam’s apple and said, “Fusion? Could it be…”

Canaan smiled and said: “Yes, those are a pair of earrings. If two creatures wear them separately, they will be forced to merge into a new individual. They may not inherit the advantages of both parties, and may be deformed, but their absolute characteristics must be the same. Yes. Of course, the compatibility of soul mates will be very good. The fusion of Xiao Gou and Xiao You is a perfect individual, so they are needed for this experiment.”

Mo Qiong did not expect such a thing to exist, and immediately said: “The earrings are held by two people respectively. Even if one of them is in another world, once they are both worn, they will be in the same place due to fusion?”

“Use this method to bring back the members who have traveled through time? But how to ensure that it must be the return from another world, not the past here on earth?”

Canaan asked an assistant to fetch a box and opened the box. Inside were two earrings, one red and one blue.

No need for him to say anything, Gou Ye said: “This is very simple, because the fused individual must be in the position of the red earring wearer.”

Canaan nodded and said: “I have even chosen the place to travel. The productivity is one era ahead of ours. According to the testimony of the travelers, it was the Earth in 2098 AD.”

“What! The future?” Mo Qiong said in shock.

Canaan shook his head and said: “It is not the future in the narrow sense. There is no Blue and White Society in that world, and there are no containment objects. It is the earth of another world, which has evolved seventy-six years longer than ours. It is considered part of our future. It’s possible, or it’s one of the consequences of a world without containment objects.”

Mo Qiong said: “I chose a future world when I first came up. Do you plan to acquire their technology?”

Canaan said: “Yes, through some of the equipment on the time traveler, we can determine that the civilian technology of that world is already slightly higher than ours, let alone cutting-edge technology. We must know that our technology leads the world, and The cutting-edge technologies of countries around the world are actually decades ahead of the civilian technologies circulating in society.”

Mo Qiong said in shock: “You want to obtain their military technology? Isn’t it too dangerous? Why not start with a relatively backward target first?”

Canaan smiled and said: “You said before that you had traveled to a magical world. You almost crushed it by yourself, and gained some extraordinary knowledge, and you could also give the earth from there. Injecting something similar to spiritual energy. But our world has an iron limit after all, and that knowledge is far less important than technological knowledge.”

“If we just want a place to house the containment objects, we can settle in a primitive world. Use the resources and land there to build containment bases.”

“But what about the problem of going to work? Even if we still have some ways to recycle members across time and space, we can’t station too many members in a different world.”

“Training local people is one way, but it takes time. In this future world, there are very efficient intelligent systems. Although they are not yet so-called intelligent life, there is no essential difference from our AI technology, but the maturity of the technology The speed is much higher than ours. As long as we get the energy technology, AI management technology, and nano production lines of that world, we can open up unmanned bases in each deserted world and cooperate with some local people. We can maintain them almost just by observing. Containment is safe. If an accident occurs, send a specialist to deal with it, or simply abandon the base without causing casualties to your own personnel.”

Mo Qiong took a deep breath, this way he would not allow the contained objects to wreak havoc in other worlds and suppress them, but also keep the contained objects under control and not occupy a large number of his own manpower.

He said: “These technologies will also be of great help to our society. Our containment bases on the earth also need these technologies… I know what you mean. I am just worried that in the face of people with much higher technology than us, In Earth’s civilization, society members are in danger, and technology is not so easy to obtain.”

Canaan said: “Step by step… We are all earthlings. It is not difficult to integrate. If there is an accident, you can strike and support across time and space… Besides, we have containment objects. That is almost impossible with technology. bridge the gap.”



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