Blue and White Society Chapter 389: I am here to exchange knowledge

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First, the oil on the ground surface is ignited, and then the evaporated water vapor is activated with a large amount of charge and lifted into the sky, providing sufficient conditions for the formation of cumulonimbus clouds at low altitudes.

At this time, Augus had already controlled the whirlwind to pass over the Maiden Knights and came to the steam cloud.

He stirred the dark clouds in the sky, the air currents rolled, and the small water droplets collided violently, forming clouds with positive and negative charges, trying to trigger thunder to fall.

These two wizards may not know anything about electricity, but they can still invent magic by observing natural phenomena and replicating them over a long period of time.

They directly regarded the principle of triggering thunder and lightning as two flints striking fire, not to mention that a lightning bolt was actually produced.

“Boom!” The lightning did not fall, it just danced like an electric snake in the dark clouds and made a huge sound.

Seeing this scene, Augus smiled and succeeded.

Thunder to them represents the power of heaven, and triggering thunder and lightning is also the witchcraft that they believe has the highest damage to a single target.

Since the farmers failed to be burned to death, they took advantage of the situation and created dark clouds to kill Xina.

It is impossible for anyone to be struck by lightning and not die. From ancient times to the present, no matter how powerful the wizard is, he cannot withstand this blow.

He continued to beat the thunder clouds, and at the same time used magic to guide, forming a wire to connect to Xina for ‘spell locking’.

The next bolt of lightning will definitely hit her!

Other people might not understand this, but Mo Qiong could see it at a glance. As soon as the two wizards stuck their butts out, Mo Qiong knew what they were going to do…

I saw him shoot the lightning rod directly, and the towering metal rod appeared out of thin air on the ground below Xina. The ground wire was driven deeply into the ground by Mo Qiong’s magic power.

The lightning receptor is as straight as a magic gun and looks more like a weapon.

Ogus and Molik saw each other solemnly: “Have you finally come up with a stronger weapon? What is this? A magic gun? It looks a bit weird.”

The magic power itself is also a good conductor. Seeing that Ogus connected it with magic power to connect Xina with the thunderclouds in the sky, Mo Qiong didn’t know how to dispel it, so he simply made a magic lead to connect the lightning. Connect the device to Thunder Cloud. Just in case, a second line was made to connect half of the magic lead to Augus.

The magic leads of the two formed an H in mid-air.

Now, Augus can’t understand it.

“Sure enough, the devil will not dispel my magic power…”

In his opinion, there is only one way for Xina to avoid being struck by lightning, and that is to find ways to cut off the magic leads so that when the lightning comes out, it may not hit her.

However, to cut off the magic power itself, you also need to use magic power. The magic power used to dispel is itself connected to yourself.

In the wizarding world, he once saw someone using a magic barrier to block lightning, but he was still hit. Instead, a huge luminous electric ball formed around him, making him hit more evenly.

So cutting off the magic lead in theory is actually very difficult in actual operation.

Seeing that Mo Qiong did not choose to cut off the magic lead, but instead connected a line to the magic gun, he couldn’t help but be confused.

“What’s the use of this?” Augus looked at Molik inquiringly.

Molik didn’t understand either. Judging from experience, lightning must have struck the nearest one.

At this moment, Xina was in mid-air, and the needle on the ground was further away from the thundercloud in terms of height.

Similarly connected with magic leads, wouldn’t it be possible for the lightning to kill Xina instead of just killing the needle?

Xina also felt that it was too dangerous for her to fly in the sky, so she quickly said: “My lord, it’s going to thunder, put me down quickly!”

Mo Qiong said: “What are you doing down here? Are you looking for death?”

It’s okay for Xina to be in the sky. The air-termination device is a better conductor. Use magic leads to connect the thunderclouds, and all the lightning will be directed to the earth.

If she had her feet on the ground, then she would be looking for a split. A small part of the lightning would split off and pass through her body into the earth. Even if it was just a tiny bit, she would be dead.

“Don’t get close to the surface. I will keep your surroundings dry. By the way, stay away from my magic lead. Keep a distance of three meters… no, more than ten meters.”

As Mo Qiong said, he pulled Xina away but still kept her in mid-air.

In Augus’ view, what is the use of a witch moving sideways? At that height, it is still closer to the thundercloud.

If the magic spear was really used by the devil to absorb thunder and lightning, the devil did not want her to die, so he should put the magic spear in the sky, as close to the thunder clouds as possible.

At this time, the electric charge of the thundercloud collided, sparking a dazzling electric light, and a lightning visible to the naked eye bloomed instantly.

The lightning was guided downward from Mo Qiong’s magic wire and gathered on the lightning receptor. The sea-fixing needle stimulated light and directed the thunder and lightning into the earth.

Augus was stunned for a moment and continued to stir the thunderclouds in disbelief.

Somehow, this time it was more difficult than before. Of course, Mo Qiong’s lead is continuously taking away current from the thundercloud, and it will take more effort to make the thundercloud bloom with more powerful lightning.

After finally stimulating high-energy lightning again, this time both magic wires lit up.

Mo Qiong’s lightning bolt split the magic spear directly, and Ogus’s spear also diverted a wave of thunder and lightning, which made him extremely excited.

But his expression changed in an instant, because he saw that only a small section of his wire led to the lightning. When it passed through Mo Qiong and reached the node, it made a sharp turn and ran to Mo Qiong’s wire again. .

The magic wires of the two people were originally H-shaped, but the electricity drawn from the left side turned at the middle horizontal bar, and the light of lightning formed a ‘丩’ in the air.

Thunder and lightning refused to go to the section leading to Xina.

“Why? Why don’t you chop her!”

“Be it the thunder cloud or the wire, it was obviously me first, so why did the lightning go to him!”

After trying several times in a row, Lightning always chose the path paved by Mo Qiong, and Xina was not hit in the air.

Lightning turned around and jumped to the ground as if he had taken medicine.

The so-called strongest thunder strike was completely broken, and Augus felt depressed.

He deeply realized that the devil’s witchcraft attainments were much higher than his, and there must be some secret that he didn’t know about.

Mo Qiong smiled and said: “Stop it. I never chose to kill you from the beginning to the end. Can you just stop it?”

“If I want to kill you, you can’t stop me.”

As he said that, he heard a pop, blood burst out from Molik’s forehead, and a projectile penetrated his brain.

“Hiss…” Ogus looked at Molik who was shot in the head and fell to the ground in horror.

This sudden blow came without any warning. The projectile appeared out of thin air and directly hit the forehead with great power. Let alone hide, it was impossible to react.

Compared to the previous magic missiles, the power of this blow is much higher.

Ogus smiled bitterly. His mental strength was already very weak and he could no longer perform complex spellcasting. Even if he could, he would not be able to deal with the most powerful demon king in history.

“Why? Why exactly?” As a wizard, someone showed a mystery in front of him, but he couldn’t understand it, which made him heartbroken.

“Isn’t this obvious? The route I constructed is more attractive than yours. The electricity will choose the shortest path, even if it looks longer. I have to say, the magic is really easy to use and the conductivity is very good. ” Mo Qiong said.

“I still don’t understand…Aren’t your magic wires the same as mine?” Augus asked confused.

“The terminal is different. My lightning rod is a more attractive target for lightning than Xina. Do you understand?” Mo Qiong said.

“You mean, because of love?” Ogus said.

Mo Qiong: “…”

He couldn’t help but ask: “Two iron **** of the same volume, one heavier and one lighter, fall freely at the same height at the same time. Which one will hit the ground first?”

“Of course it’s heavy.” Augus said.

“Why can you stir up lightning by stirring up dark clouds?” Mo Qiong asked again.

“Because lightning represents turmoil. When restless things are stirred, anger will erupt, just like disturbing a sleeping but bad-tempered knight.” Augus said.

Mo Qiong smiled and said: “I understand, so you use a philosophical perspective to understand objective phenomena… No wonder you have only a half-understanding.”

Although wizards are also studying objective facts, their thinking mode is very fantasy, and they will mix theology and philosophy to understand, and there is always a lot of empiricism in it.

But he doesn’t need to know the wizard’s view of magic, he just needs to learn more and richer uses.

“What do you want?” Augus asked.

He heard the devil’s voice appear directly in his mind: “I don’t want anything, I just encounter this world by chance and come to you to exchange knowledge. It’s you who have been chasing my agent, haven’t you?”

Augus said solemnly: “But you want to subvert my faith!”

“Is your faith amazing?” Mo Qiong said.

“…” Augus was stunned.

Mo Qiong said: “Human beings have their own disbelief. If you want to believe in non-human beings, why don’t you transform yourself into a monster? Just like him…”

As he said that, another shot crashed into Molik’s body.

“Are you still pretending to be dead?”

Molik’s brains had come out, but now he slowly stood up and said hoarsely: “As expected of the Demon King, he has been seen.”

Ogus said in surprise: “You are not going to die?”

Mo Qiong said: “This guy is not a good person. He insists on being a bug. The human body is just his tool for casting spells. His true self has long been transferred to the bug’s body using secret methods.”

As the most mentally powerful witch in the world, Fulla, who only knew how to attack mentally, saw this through her fight with Molik and talked about it with Mo Qiong in the Blue and White Club.

Molik’s so-called immortality is actually because he turned his body into an ‘external limb’. Even if his brain is damaged, it will only affect his ability to think better, but will not cause him to lose consciousness.

The entire body is actually a biological machine. If it breaks down, it can be repaired, and if it is broken, it can be replaced.

Molik claims to be immortal unless the insect itself is destroyed.

“But if your body is completely blown up, wouldn’t you be dead?” Mo Qiong said.

“How do you know that the one in front of you is not my puppet?” Molik said with a smile.

“Try it…” Mo Qiong said and fired again.

This time, it was hit on the foot!

“Ah!” Molik howled miserably as the bullet passed by his body and scratched his flesh-worm body.

“How did you know!”

Mo Qiong said: “I know now…”

Fura is much stronger in this world than on Earth. When she fought with Molik, she saw the insect’s body using telepathy.

Although it looks like the infrared version, the image is very special and does not prevent Mo Qiong from shooting at the target.

You will know where the main body is, just let the bullet fly for a while.

Molik shouted in fear: “Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me! I am also a servant of the devil, one of my own!”

He finally panicked. His real body was found, and his immortal body was still a piece of shit.

“I am willing to fight for you! Subvert this world!”

Mo Qiong said: “I have no interest in this world, I am only interested in the source of your knowledge. Tell me, what is it that contacts you? How does he communicate with you across time and space, and what are the restrictions? ?”

He really doesn’t care about the world, but he cares about his own world.

There is a being who can contact here across time and space, and can contact the earth across time and space. He must ask clearly, so after he learned about Molik, he must ask Xina to come to him.



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