Blue and White Society Chapter 388: Battle of tactics

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“Ogus! How are you!” The other ascetics also saw the scene just now, and their faces turned pale with fright when they saw Ogus being hit on the cheek.

With one operation, Ogus fully displayed all his achievements in magic shield. He instantly created more than a dozen layers of magic armor. He can be called a master.

However, he was still hit by the missile. The despair in this could be felt by other ascetics.

Unexpectedly, Augus said blankly: “Huh? I’m… fine.”

“This is…an ordinary magic missile.”

An attack equivalent to a strong man’s punch is the standard power of a magic missile.

This is the lowest level normal attack for wizards. It is basically used to deal with ordinary people, or to interfere with spellcasting among wizards.

Ogus never expected that the magic missiles used by the Demon King to break through more than ten layers of his defenses were really just magic missiles… their power was really just that.

“What do you mean… going through so much trouble just to attack me normally?” Augus was confused.

How did he know that Mo Qiong didn’t bother much at all and really just launched an ordinary magic missile.

Although most of the energy was offset when it penetrated the defense, and even the entire structure completely collapsed, as Mo Qiong’s arrow, it is impossible to dispel it. If it does not hit the target, it will be impossible to dispel it in this life. Even if the energy level is completely low enough to be invisible, the force itself will be imbued with it, and the energy itself will still have impact.

Magic missiles rely on collision to deal damage. As long as the speed does not decrease, the power is there.

Augus was shocked and felt like he was being played.

The blow just now could have killed him with any powerful spell, but the Demon King chose to use the least powerful magic bullet, which was only equivalent to a punch.

“Is it a warning? Tell me, it would be easy for him to kill me, so that I can retreat in the face of difficulties?” Augus hesitated.

The Demon King is indeed powerful. Even though he just hit him a little bit, his magical attainments are astonishing.

It was more like deliberately using only the minimum attack for fear of killing him.

“Damn it!” This is a great humiliation for the wizard.

Ogus knows how powerful the Demon King is, but he can’t retreat! It was a matter of faith and the survival of the church. If he backed down, the Unitarian Church would fall apart.

However, this is the Great Demon King. With such terrifying magical attainments, and even normal attacks with such high magic penetration, does he really have a chance of winning?

“Bang!” Another magic missile came over.

One shot after another, and finally it was released like a barrage of cannons!

Augus used a magic shield to block without belief, but he couldn’t stop it at all.

Penetrate! penetrate! penetrate!

The shields exploded one by one, the barriers were pierced one by one, and the magic shields looked like paper.

He didn’t know that if it were replaced with a real shield, even if it was just a wooden shield, it would at least force the missile to make a detour.

And his energy barrier is basically virtual. As long as matter continues to advance, it will be the same as air.

No matter how strong the gravity of a planet is, as long as the rocket continues to move forward, even if the speed is as low as fingertips and far less than the escape velocity, it will eventually be able to escape the pull of gravity.

Facing an absolute arrow is far inferior to physical defense.

Essentially, it is equivalent to using water to block water. Magic defense takes the field energy shielding route, which is equivalent to using a method similar to electromagnetic shielding to block signal propagation.

Interference with transmission? It has a miraculous effect against normal magic attacks, but against the ‘ignorant’ green arrow fired by Mo Qiong, it is the same as nothing, and he doesn’t even bother to go around.

At the back, Augus gave up his defense.


It doesn’t hurt much anyway…

On the scene, missiles were continuously condensed in front of Xina, bombarding Augus indiscriminately.

Although the damage of this missile is extremely low, no one can bear the impact of dozens of rounds.

Ogus was beaten madly, his face was bruised and swollen, his head kept tilting back, and his whole body was twitching from the impact.

Bleeding from the nose and teeth came out. No matter how low the damage was, he was stunned. Half of his teeth were lost, and he felt like he had been hit in the face dozens of times by a strong man.

“This is…”


“Use normal attacks…”




“Will you wear me to death?”

Ogus was repeatedly interrupted from casting spells, and he stammered and roared: “Molik! How long are you going to see this!”

There are only a few top wizards in the mainland, and he counts as one, and Molik, who is enshrined in the Red Kingdom, also counts as one.

Ogus, who felt that he would be beaten to death if he continued like this, quickly urged Molik to take action.

“Okay, after that I want twenty manor fiefs.” Molik took the opportunity to raise the price.

“Here you go!” Augus agreed directly.

Molik smiled but did not move.

Mo Qiong noticed him, and corresponding to Fulla’s description, this man was the wizard who would not die even if he dissected himself.


Suddenly, behind the Maiden Knights, among the tens of thousands of peasant followers, a dozen men scattered everywhere suddenly exploded.

In the wreckage after the explosion, there was a large amount of powder and unknown mucus, which were scattered on the surrounding ground.

Another man inserted his hands into the ground and cast spells, and those things spread quickly.

The soil on Xina’s side suddenly seeped out grease, and suddenly turned black, like sludge filled with methane gas.

“Poof!” A girl knight reacted immediately, rushed forward and chopped off the man’s head with a sword. However, although the head fell off, her hands were still spreading this sludge magic.

It didn’t stop until this guy was cut into dozens of pieces with random knives. However, the mud had spread over a thousand meters in a radius, and thousands of people stepped on it.

Ogus’s eyes lit up and he immediately fired an accelerating cannon.

Mo Qiong threw a stone and it appeared out of thin air at the other end, hitting the red-hot iron ball accurately.

It was directly hit far away, preventing the methane oily surface from being detonated.

“Interesting…” Mo Qiong didn’t say anything, jumped out of the window, and after a few steps, he opened the largest air wall and blasted straight into the sea in Xu Island.

For wizards, there are many ways to ignite the oily surface.

Although the optimal detonation time has passed and the density of the biogas has decreased, it is not a problem to ignite a raging fire and form a sea of ​​​​fire.

The black-robed wizard Molik is different from most wizards in that he is very physically strong and does not fly. He rushes directly to the area that has been oiled by the puppet and uses the detonation technique in the air.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a large amount of heat around him was gathered and concentrated into the ground.

Smoke first appeared on the ground, and then flames quickly rose up, followed by towering pillars of fire. A series of small explosions occurred, and waves of fire spread.

“Ah! Ah!”

The farmers had never seen such a scene before. Their bodies were stained with fire, and they immediately ran away wildly and rushed around.

For a time, thousands of people were covered in a sea of ​​flames, and the entire oily surface burned violently.

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened.

Everyone looked up in shock and saw a large column of water falling from the sky and hitting the ground.

The water column was about ten meters thick, like a mop, and it continuously sprayed out of the air, plowing the sea of ​​fire back and forth several times.

This is naturally Mo Qiong using the air wall to expand his surface area and send all the sea water he hits into the air of another world.

Then with the help of gravity from another world, a water column is formed to impact the fire scene and extinguish the fire.

“So strong…can actually create so much water…No, there are fish in the water!”

Ogus and Molik originally felt that they were worthy of being the Demon King, but then they realized that they were completely wrong. The water might have moved here through time and space!

Otherwise, how could you create fish and shrimp when you create water?

And this water is rich in salt, this is sea water!

“I almost forgot, we are fighting an existence far away in another time and space! From the beginning to the end, this demon king is fighting us across countless worlds…”

“What is the principle of this time-space transcending summoning technique? How to construct magic power to distort time and space?” Molik murmured.

You must know that the demon who imparted his knowledge could only occasionally and intermittently chat with him across time and space, and would often lose synchronization and automatically disconnect.

Let alone summoning things here and exerting power here, it is even difficult to have a stable phone call!

Compared with this, the devil behind the witch is indeed a devil. Talking across time and space is as easy as breathing, and he can summon so much sea water. He is so powerful.

Recalling the previously rumored meteorites and hellfire, these things can be sent, but I cannot come. There is only one possibility…

The Demon King’s body is so powerful that even meteorites, hellfire, and seas are nothing more than skin flakes on his body.

Both Augus and Molik felt that the pressure was overwhelming, and they both felt that the mountain was standing still at the tip of the iceberg.

“Hurry up and join me in casting spells!” Augus shouted.

Molik nodded heavily and frantically injected magic into the steam cloud.

“Magic can perform chemical transformations, and magic can make up for the conditions required for some chemical reactions…use simple materials to create compounds.”

Mo Qiong was amazed over there, and Mo Qiong was equally astonished here.

For the same chemical reaction, not a single element is needed on the earth, and some also have requirements for environmental temperature and pressure.

But in other worlds, the lack of certain conditions can be made up for by the magic power of frequency modulation, electrolyzing water into hydrogen and oxygen. Here you can ‘magically decompose’ water into hydrogen and oxygen, no electricity required!

“This guy oiled the ground and then ignited it to form a sea of ​​fire. To them, this combination is an advanced magic that they have studied hard in daily life. Gee, if they were given a physics book, wouldn’t it be another problem? Can you invent more profound magic?”

Mo Qiong’s thoughts changed rapidly. He observed the scene and saw the wizard Molik frantically injecting magic power into the steam that enveloped the entire scene.

Although Mo Qiong extinguished the fire, the seawater absorbed too much heat and released a large amount of water vapor.

The water vapor condenses and does not disperse, which is obviously controlled deliberately by Molik.

“Is this…huh?” Mo Qiong discovered that the steam was rapidly adding charge-rich substances, and soon formed a considerable electrostatic field.

“Ah, does this guy know about electricity?” Mo Qiong looked at Molik, and without saying a word, he rushed ashore and dismantled all the large lightning rods on Xu Island.



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