Blue and White Society Chapter 386: Magic energy

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“You… are ridiculous! How can people not need God… Don’t be deceived by the devil!” the archbishop said excitedly.

Ogus, the ascetic monk on the side, stood up and stopped him, shaking his head: “No need to say anything.”

It makes no sense, that Xina’s Protestantism means being strong without desire.

It is simply inexplicable that some people would establish a belief that requires nothing.

Xina’s teachings not only win over the ignorant people, but also win over the monarchy.

Cheating? Yes, if the reputation of the divine religion is still very good, even if the people want to avoid paying taxes, they will not believe the witch’s words.

However, eight thousand nobles and priests betrayed him and exposed too many things.

Don’t be deceived by the devil? But I have been deceived by God.

Ogus knew very well that there was nothing more to say. This group of heretics must be eliminated. The only way to save the situation was to defeat the opponent with force.

I saw him taking off his linen robe, throwing it into the air, and then stepping on it.

The robe was hanging in the air, unable to be stepped on, and even carrying him high into the sky.

Not only him, but each of the eight ascetic monks has this ability, but some are sitting and some are standing, flying in their royal robes.

Xina was startled and heard Mo Qiong’s voice in her mind: “Finally, I met someone with real ability.”

The previous crusade was not without extraordinary characters, and some exorcists who were secretly raised by the great lord were also among them.

Mo Qiong will undoubtedly have to study this.

He discovered that this world is different from the earth in terms of natural laws, and there are some additional laws.

As a result, it has a different energy.

“Perhaps it is the so-called magic power, or aura. In short, it is a type of energy. There is no such thing in the earth and universe.”

“People in this world can use some special methods to control that energy, and then use that energy to touch objects and apply force to matter, and then they can control visible things.”

If most people in this world are using the laws of nature, then wizards are using those additional laws.

Without those additional laws, the world is still the same, still functioning, but without the mysterious side.

With those additional laws, there is also a mysterious power.

I am afraid that the more complex the additional laws are, the richer and more powerful the mysterious side will be.

Mo Qiong has obtained some basic skills from the exorcist and has learned to use them.

As a member, he is very sensitive to this knowledge.

For example, telekinesis, by emitting sounds of special frequencies and rhythms, can resonate some of the energy unique to this world, causing it to exert force on objects, and combine it with mental force to locate the direction of the force to drive the objects.

Another example is enchantment. Engraving special carvings on silver can inhibit cell activity and destroy the body’s self-healing efficiency.

What’s even more bizarre is that through the use of that energy, the heat in the environment can be concentrated and transferred.

This usage can ignite the target and even create an open flame. It can also freeze the target, causing the enemy to become hypothermic.

Fortunately, these exorcists cast spells too slowly and could not transfer too much heat at one time, otherwise Mo Qiong would have almost failed to save Xina.

During the research and analysis, Mo Qiong almost felt that these ridiculous knowledge were universal characteristics.

But later he denied it and named it additional law, or magical knowledge.

Because this kind of knowledge still follows the laws of nature.

For example, the power of thought to drive objects must also follow Newton’s three major motion mechanics. It doesn’t mean that there is no inertia, it doesn’t mean that it is unstoppable, it doesn’t mean that there is no need for acceleration.

Thermodynamics also obeys. This energy will be consumed, but the world environment itself is constantly being generated.

“It’s like the world has a few more tools, and the power it can exert can also appear naturally in the world itself.”

“Without using the difference between pressure and ambient temperature, scientists can also remove the heat from materials through laser cooling.”

“Wizards also use this method. The principle is the same, but the tool they use is magic.”

Mo Qiong learned it personally, and even after using it for a while, he understood the essence of the so-called magic.

It’s not supernatural, it’s just surreal, and it’s a super-terrestrial reality.

In this world, this is a set of serious knowledge.

Use tools or physical qualities that people on earth do not have to apply the laws of nature. Earthlings use machines and compounds, while wizards use magic and spiritual power.

Just like a disease, this medicine can cure it, and that medicine can also cure it.

The logic of treatment is the same, but the medication is different.

Except for the earth, other worlds seem to have received “expansion packs” and “patch packs”.

The Earth has also been beaten, but it is an absolute feature pack.

“Xina, you can fly too.” Mo Qiong said.

“I…I can’t fly, this is too difficult.” Xina said in embarrassment.

Witchcraft is difficult to learn, and even if it is learned, it is difficult to master and control.

Just like an engineer, it takes practice and practice makes perfect.

Mo Qiong and Xina learned at the same time, and both of them knew how to do it, but Xina could not yet use a piece of clothing to prop herself up like the ascetic Augus.

“It doesn’t matter… you recite the incantation, and I will use my mental frequency to apply force.” Mo Qiong said.

He has no body there, and the mental power connected to him alone is not enough to cast a spell, but Hina’s cooperation and vocalization will be enough.

I saw Mo Qiong using his mental power to push the special energy, and then pushing Xina directly into the air.

“Whoops!” Xina felt herself being pushed by a force and quickly rushed to a height of more than ten meters.

But then the push disappeared, and she fell freely in an instant.

But before she could scream, another wave of magic hit her, and she floated in one direction again.

In this way, Xina was floating left and right in mid-air, like a free elf, flying freely.

This is Mo Qiong shooting magic power to hit Xina, just like hitting with an air wall.

“It’s a pity that this is not an absolute characteristic, and it is indirect twice.” Although Mo Qiong cast a spell to make Xina fly, he even combined this witchcraft with an absolute characteristic, making it fly within a few days of learning. Can be manipulated at will.

However, objects over there still cannot be sent to the earth, except for magic power.

Because Mo Qiong connected to Xina’s spiritual power, what he shot out was magic power, not other substances.

The mental power touches the magic energy, and the magic energy touches the object to complete the use of telekinesis. Pure mental power cannot touch conventional matter.

It’s as if mental power is a bow, magical energy is an arrow, and Xina, who was cast into the sky and flew up, is just a target.

“But this kind of energy that can be directly touched by spiritual power can be emitted to the earth.”

“It’s a pity that the casting effect has been weakened…”

“But it’s better than nothing.”

Mo Qiong was thinking about how to use the energy from the other world. Compared with before when he couldn’t bring anything with him, now he can at least shoot some magic power.

Unfortunately, he is a small water pipe and the earth is a big leaky pond.

The other world itself is breeding this energy, so it is replenished while attenuating, always maintaining a certain concentration.

But the earth is not good. It depends solely on Mo Qiong to bring some magical power from another world, and it will be diluted after boasting…

Unless you do a lot at once, you can ensure that there is a small area on the earth where you can cast spells stably for a certain period of time.

“It’s really troublesome. I’m moving magic across time and space to cast spells. I might as well be throwing garbage across time and space.”

“But after my mental strength becomes strong, it’s hard to say. I am a small water pipe now, but I might become a big water pipe in the future.”

Mo Qiong put aside his thoughts of giving back to the earth for the time being, and instead focused on the few ascetic monks on the opposite side.

He needs more knowledge and more usage.

In another world, this knowledge has not been weakened, and there is sufficient magic power. Mo Qiong can use his absolute characteristics to perfectly perform his spells.

For example, when using telekinesis, the group of ascetic monks in the sky opposite cast spells continuously, but Mo Qiong did not. He only needed to cast them instantly. The subsequent effect, under the effect of the characteristic that constantly advances the magic power, the driven magic power, It will be unstoppable until it hits somewhere.

As a beginner, even with the most primitive mage’s hands, Mo Qiong can forcibly interfere with the opponent’s spellcasting and disperse the magic power mobilized by the opponent. Any magic barrier is useless, it must hit the target.

“This is the absolute legal wear.”



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