Blue and White Society Chapter 385: Battle of Faith

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“How many times have I told you, this speaker is just a medium, it’s useless if you keep it.”

After demonstrating the power to change the nature of ten thousand people, Xina took the trumpet that Mo Qiong threw at her as a treasure.

The reverse song must be played by the tape recorder in person to be effective. It can be recorded. After all, the members relay it through the liaison, but the superiors must also be notified to turn on the tape recorder and play it.

If the containment object itself is not playing, then the song of reversal is just good music.

Therefore, it makes no sense for Xina to hold a loudspeaker. She can neither contact the shelter base nor have membership rights.

“It’s so great, your power is so great.” Xina couldn’t help but sigh as she looked at the various nobles in the crusade group who were buzzing in her ears and persuading her to establish a religion.

This large-scale crusade group used up almost half of the strength of the Red Kingdom.

There are actual nobles, heirs of large families, knight commanders, well-known bishops, and even unknown exorcists.

They have changed from a group protected by the social system to a group that has been excluded. This is a huge change in a country’s ideology.

Can a landed aristocrat say that women are not allowed to own land? Doesn’t that mean you have to give up your territory?

As an heir to a large family, can we still say that women are not allowed to inherit? Then wouldn’t he lose his inheritance rights?

At this moment, the legion that was originally attacking the witches immediately turned to instigating the witches to overthrow the only religion, at least to overthrow the influence of the religion in the Kingdom of Red.

Mo Qiong was completely indifferent to this. He used the Song of Reversal just because he didn’t want to destroy an army of 10,000 people, and he didn’t have that many bullets.

Ten thousand people is too many.

After nearly a month, he was really annoyed by these short-sighted people, so he simply helped Xina get a group of people to support her.

Otherwise, even if he can protect her now, she will be the enemy of the world and unable to survive alone, and she will die a violent death one day.

Xina was naturally excited that a large number of people suddenly supported her. If the king really converted and there were a large number of female lords in the aristocratic circle, the entire social atmosphere would naturally change.

Xina, who has studied with Mo Qiong for a month, fully understands this truth.

However, when she looked at the more than 8,000 people, she couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

“Down with the dark church and overthrow the false belief in gods!”

More than 8,000 people were chirping, and the scene was very lively, but the voices were each more childish than the last.

Xina covered her face and said: “Why are they all children!”

At least half of these eight thousand people are underage, they are simply an army of lolita.

Looking at a group of little girls shouting and waving their fists, Xina didn’t feel high-spirited at all.

“This is not my problem, this is their own problem.” Mo Qiong was also helpless. It was obvious that most of the people in this crusade group were very macho, and it was beyond his control to become a lolita. He himself Isn’t that the case for everyone…

“But if they are so young, what can they do?” Xina pursed her lips.

Mo Qiong smiled and said: “They have become smaller and stronger.”

Xina soon discovered that the physical fitness of these people had not decreased at all, and had even become more flexible.

It’s just that the original armor can’t be worn anymore, so everyone is wearing a robe and a piece of cloth or something.

However, this matter can be solved easily. They organized a crusade group of 10,000 people, including a lot of supplies and baggage, as well as craftsmen accompanying the army.

Just make the original armor smaller. The armor originally worn by one person can be worn by two or three people after being remade.

After a few days of delay, a new group of girl knights was established.

They carry lances or giant swords that are much larger than themselves, and they lift their weight with ease, giving them an extraordinary aura.

A new faith banner was launched, calling the Unitarian Religion the Dark Church, and exposed many of the church’s faults and the truth of its fabricated myths.

Everywhere he went, the theory of annihilation was preached.

There is no evil or justice in the world. Gods and demons are the same existence. Even gods have thousands of faces, and so do gods and demons.

The gods of the church have fallen. They take money, deprive their land, persecute the people, and constantly exploit believers in the name of God without ever giving anything. In comparison, the devil wants nothing.

It is man himself who really opens up the land and brings mankind from barbarism to civilization.

Overthrowing the old religion, the new belief is not the devil, nor anyone in the myth, but the pioneer of mankind.

The first human being to create writing, the first human being to invent tools, the first human being to establish a kingdom…

Only by believing in and worshiping the pioneers will there be more followers.

When the Human Religion forces pressed hard into Ruishengdu, they had already won the support of many people at the bottom of society. Because of the betrayal of countless ruling classes, a large amount of evidence of myths and falsification was exposed.

Those evidences shattered many people’s beliefs.

How can any so-called prophet be inspired by God? A Loli count revealed the truth. The prophets of the past were all dramas directed and performed by the church.

How can there be a Holy Son who has risen from the dead? A beautiful bishop revealed the truth. It was the early missionaries of the church who voted for a certain dead saint to be the Son more than a thousand years ago.

One by one, countless secrets that had been concealed for thousands of years were revealed, and the foundation of theocratic power was severely hit.

By the time the church troops arrived at the city to stop them, tens of thousands of people were already surrounding Xina.

Most of them are from the bottom of society. After their faith is shattered, they can only live in the present, that is… after overthrowing the church, they will pay a lot less taxes.

“Extremely evil! You actually serve the devil!”

“A bunch of depraved women, you all should be burned to death.”

“From now on, you are no longer the nobles of the kingdom!”

The former members of the expedition team who defected to Xina found that their family had abandoned them.

After all, they are still a minority. After becoming women, their younger brothers, who originally had no inheritance rights and were originally serving their own family, immediately focused on their position.

For this, everyone in the Maiden Knights had already expected this, and for this reason, they decisively turned to Xina, hoping to change the old laws and doctrines.

Otherwise, like the two thousand people who did not surrender and insisted on running home even if they became women… they would end up on the streets or be secretly killed.

Yes, 2,000 of the 10,000-person subjugation team returned home, but after they returned, their families didn’t care that they were made to look like this by the Demon King. Some of their relatives didn’t even recognize them at all. They said they died in the battle.

What is even more cruel is to directly say that they are witches and burn them to death. It can be said that they are not even treated like the female members of a normal family.

Anyway, even the appearance has changed: our lord is a man, how can a wild woman say that she is a lord? Must be a witch!

The more than 8,000 people who follow Xina are relatively smart and know that if they don’t change the status quo, they will die. Either burn to death or starve to death.

“Down with the Dark Church, the world belongs to mankind!” the Girl Knights shouted, and the people who had recently followed also shouted.

The faces of the members of the Papal Guards in front were ashen, while the king on the city wall was uncertain.

An archbishop said angrily: “Heresy! If you overthrow the belief in gods, how can you believe in the devil! How can you fools believe such ridiculous remarks!”

Unexpectedly, after hearing his words, the girl knights laughed one after another.

Xina said: “I serve the Demon King, but the great Demon King does not need faith. When we overthrow the fallen church, it is not to change another god. It is to take back the destiny of mankind from the hands of God and return it to God. Humanity.”

“A **** who only asks for things from humans is not worthy of belief, but a being who is truly worthy of worship does not care.”

“The devil told me that people must rely on themselves.”

The archbishop looked horrified, what? Not converting to the devil?

The king in the city was also confused. The witch was so busy, but in the end it was not for her own beliefs?

“Then what do you believe in? You believe in the devil. Overthrowing the divine religion doesn’t mean converting people to believe in the devil?” The king sent someone to shout and asked.

Xina shook her head and said: “Human beings should be free in their beliefs. Worshiping the Demon King is my business alone. The Demon King gave me knowledge and changed my destiny. He did not ask me to build a tall palace for him and guide him. The world is dedicated to him.”

“You also say that gods and demons cannot come to our world. In this case, the so-called shelter is nothing more than human beings’ wishful thinking.”

“I would like to follow my lord forever, but he doesn’t care.”

As she said that, Xina was a little disappointed. Changing the times was just a small wish of hers. What she really wanted was to follow Mo Qiong.

For this reason, she would rather have nothing. However, this is just her wishful thinking.

The eyes of the king on the top of the city lit up, and he thought that the purpose of the witch was actually so simple, to return destiny to human beings. Did the devil behind it really not ask for anything?

In a world without a church, believe in humans themselves. So the tens of thousands of people following witches are probably because they don’t have to pay taxes to the church, right?

There is no need to constantly serve in the name of serving God.

This is so good.

The king originally decided that if the witch was too strong, he would convert to the devil, which would be nothing more than changing a **** to crown me.

Who would have thought that even this would not be necessary. Without the suppression of divine power in the future, he would be proud and proud, and would have fewer constraints.

In the future, one-tenth of the income will be given to the church, wouldn’t it be possible to stop giving it?

Can the land given to the monastery be recovered?

The king will make a profit once he settles the score! The only thing that has changed is some laws targeting women, which is nothing.

At this moment, he even wanted to help the witch eradicate the church, but he held back in the end.

The power of the church is deeply rooted. What if the legendary devil is not so powerful and the witch fails?

The group of ascetic monks below also possess extraordinary power!

Thinking of this, the king regretted a little: “I shouldn’t have let Molik help the cult. Molik is immortal.”

As a king, he naturally took in some wizards. Molik was a powerful wizard who got knowledge from the devil and was very powerful.

Although he couldn’t deal with the siege of hundreds of knights, killing anyone was not a problem. In order to win over the wizard, he gave him a large amount of money and materials every year for him to do some evil research.

Because he didn’t know that the Protestantism promoted by Xina was so beneficial to him, he had previously sent Molik to help the church.

At this moment, Molik was wearing a black robe and standing beside the group of ascetic monks.



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