Blue and White Society Chapter 332: The indescribable great sword

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The Blue and White Society’s research capabilities are undoubtedly top-notch. It could not be easier to take over the Non-Human Foundation data and continue to research and produce mature results.

In the near future, Life No. 2 will be sold in the mall and provided to members.

It is said that in the research materials, there is also the idea of ​​Life No. 3, but the research has just begun and is in an embryonic state.

Life No. 3 will further strengthen wisdom and once again appropriate some functions from the subconscious functions of the human brain to the main consciousness.

It is very likely that humans will have a sixth sense from now on.

“But there is no need to think about Life-3 in the near future. Lego’s series of ideas are amazing, but the theoretical basis is insufficient. It is still too far away to complete and develop them into real technologies.” Gou Ye said.

“But the help of the unexpected design book for scientific research can still shorten a lot of time, right?” Mo Qiong said.

Mr. Gou nodded and said: “That’s right, but there are still great restrictions on their use. Regarding the arrangement of the Intelligent Rats, the above means that they will be incorporated into a special organization. Just like the time travellers, there is plenty of space on Virtual Island, waiting for you. With the Beta Medal, you can use it to guarantee a batch of Intelligent Rats.”

“Isn’t it used as a D-class personnel?” Mo Qiong frowned.

Gou Ye said: “In some cruel experiments in the future, there will be no shortage of D-class personnel. On the contrary, there are too many of them… After careful consideration by the superiors, the Blue and White Society will restrict the reproduction of those intelligent mice collected. Use planned eugenics instead of random breeding to limit the growth of the number of wise rats. ”

“Among them, a series of rules and ‘etiquette’ will be formulated for wise rats, teaching female rats to reject male rats, and shaping their sense of shame, and learning to know honor and disgrace. Only those who violate etiquette and the law, and the circumstances are serious, will be D-class rat.”

Mo Qiong grinned and said: “In the future, if these mice want to have offspring… do they have to fall in love first?”

“Haha, there are no rules without rules! They can be regarded as products of science and technology, and we will not exterminate them. After all, the problem of D-class personnel has been solved. Providing a habitat in Xuzhou is the bottom line.” Gou Ye said.

It is not appropriate to have a second higher intelligent race in society, but this is not necessarily the case within the Blue and White Society. The group of time-travelers even includes orcs, and they do not care about a group of smart mice.

The two were chatting here. When it came to the rewards of this mission, Mo Qiong undoubtedly had another medal.

Mo Qiong performed well and received four medals in the collection of the design book, but only two for the hormone gloves.

Including the original thirteen medals, he already has nineteen Alpha medals.

There is only one Alpha left before reaching Beta level.

“It’s so fast. I’ve only graduated a month ago and I’m almost at Beta level.” Mo Qiong said with emotion.

Master Gou smiled and said: “If you accumulate twenty Alphas, you will be out of the novice stage. Very good, you are the first one to be promoted this time. It is also good luck that you discovered the Mohist underground palace. There is no such thing. A big discovery, you only have four or five at most.”

Mo Qiong nodded. The Mo family’s incident was a series of contained objects being pulled out, and the subsequent events all started from the Mo family.

Without that wave of digging graves, judging from past inertia, it would often take more than a year for new members to achieve Beta, or they would sacrifice themselves when encountering something beyond their capabilities.

After all, there are not many new contained objects appearing every year. Many club members actually save a dozen Alpha medals through long-term tasks such as guarding tasks, escorting tasks, or finding trash cans, etc., and working hard throughout the year.

By far, the greatest threat level for contained objects is Beta level.

The next is gamma level, then alpha level and delta level, and omega is the least.

The Alpha level is the safest, but it is a particularly rare one.

Often this kind of containment can also provide some help to the Blue and White Society.

There are very few new club members who actually reach the Beta level through containment. Those like Mo Qiong who have been promoted to the Beta level through several waves of containment merits are even rarer and more enviable.

“What are the benefits of being promoted to Beta?” Mo Qiong asked.

Mr. Gou said: “First of all, the mall is more open, and you can buy some rarer products… Let me think about it, you can buy a virtual machine yourself, and three thousand containment points, as long as you can afford it , you can hone your willpower on your own, but if you can afford it, you may not be able to afford it. It consumes too much power, and Xu Dao has not developed, so don’t even think about it…”

Mo Qiong said speechlessly: “Tell me something I can think of…”

“More adaptive seed high-end products, more technology products. There are only some more general features that can be used by everyone. Extreme Island has already taught you, and the rest are specific It can only be used by specific people, such as crisis mantras…” Gou Ye said.

Mo Qiong asked strangely: “Crisis mantra?”

“Registering a containment object can only work for people with a height of no more than 1.4 meters.” At this point, Gou Ye squinted at Mo Qiong and smiled.

“…” Mo Qiong said with a black face: “How to use…”

“First experience a real near-death crisis. At that moment you have to say a mantra of no less than five words. Once you say it, the sentence is registered. Later when you encounter a crisis of the same level When you do this, you will automatically say this.” Gou Ye said.

Mo Qiong was stunned, this is very useful, but the height is no more than 1.4 meters… This… can only be used in the **** form.

Gou Ye said: “In order to ensure that you are truly close to death when you register, you must do so under the many safety and first aid facilities of the research department. They will use a containment object to artificially kill you and then rescue you. ”

“Do you have that mantra?” Mo Qiong asked.

“Of course, I…” Mr. Gou was startled and shook his head: “Of course I didn’t, I’m too tall…”

Mo Qiong suddenly looked at Master Gou with a strange sideways smile.

Master Gou took a puff of cigarette, coughed and said: “By the way, there is another good project. It can help you paint your weapons or certain equipment with indescribable pigments, making them indescribable. .”

Mo Qiong tilted his head and said: “What’s the use of being indescribable?”

Master Gou smiled, took out his virtual island ball, soaked it in the sea water, and then got into it.

After a while, he came out carrying something. That thing… Mo Qiong looked at it for a long time and didn’t know what it was.

Is it long? Not long. Is it square? It’s not square either. Is it round? Not even round…

As for the color…he couldn’t tell…it was a color he had never seen before, and it seemed to be beyond the colors that could be matched by the three primary colors.

Mo Qiong looked blankly at the thing in Mr. Gou’s hand and asked, “What is this?”

Master Gou smiled and said: “Indescribable… a great sword!”



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