Blue and White Society Chapter 31: Sing and harmonize

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Mo Qiong led the police into the hotel. Along the way, he could see traces of a fight in the living room, kitchen knives and iron bars on the second floor, and children standing motionless against the wall.

As for the situation at the scene, Mo Qiong just tells the truth.

When checking the children, the police also found that they were somewhat autistic. Only the oldest one spoke after everyone repeatedly comforted them.

When asked why the children did not speak, the child said: “Can’t speak, can’t cry…if you make a sound, you will be beaten…”

Say a word and hit him once, and then hit him again until he cries. No matter who it is, after crying a hundred times, they will be beaten a hundred times, and no one will dare to cry again for the hundred and first time.

Simple, crude and effective, so much so that even if they were brought all the way from the north to the south, even if there were others passing by, not a single child would make a sound.

This child told the story of being transported all the time, but that was all.

As for where his home is, which cities he passed through, and who was involved in the transportation process, he doesn’t know anything.

As for the family information of these children, five of them were provided by Mo Qiong. Their parents and their registered residences were all recorded one by one by Mo Qiong.

At this moment, he not only took the initiative to notify the parents of the five children, but also provided relevant information to the police.

“Okay, young man, do you remember these things so clearly?” a policeman said.

Mo Qiong said with a smile: “Because I have a friend whose brother was kidnapped. It has been four years and he still hasn’t been found. So I am particularly concerned about this kind of thing. I read several posts on the forum about finding children. The posts were all posted in the past few months, I remember them very clearly. ”

The policeman nodded, patted Mo Qiong on the shoulder and said: “There are many such situations. Those who have not been recovered for four years like you said are definitely no longer in the hands of human traffickers. The situation of the child is also very… Complex.”

Mo Qiong said: “Some of these children are from the north. They were sent all the way here and must have experienced several transfers. I think there will be a large number of gangs behind these people.”

The police said: “That’s for sure. The superiors will intensify the interrogation. Maybe your friend’s brother also committed the crime.”

“I think so too. Well, I have a few questions to ask them. Is it okay?” Mo Qiong asked.

“If you want to ask questions, ask them here. After they take them away, they will no longer be under my control.” The policeman said.

Mo Qiong was stunned and said: “Why?”

The old policeman smiled and said: “We are just a county town, and it is impossible for us to lead the investigation of a gang that commits crimes nationwide…”

After he explained it for a while, Mo Qiong understood.

After arresting so many people, it is impossible to find out all the people behind it, so these people will be sent to the city, where several large task forces will be sent for interrogation, and will be investigated together with similar cases in other areas.

The interrogation data of human traffickers caught across the country must be compiled and analyzed carefully by the task force to find out which groups of people are actually a group of people, and then merge several related cases into one case. Once the investigation is clear, the net will be closed and a nationwide arrest and rescue operation will be carried out.

The county bureau will now take charge of it. After a rough interrogation, it will be handed over to the city.

That’s why there aren’t that many rules here. When several policemen heard that Mo Qiong was looking for a child who had been missing for four years, they didn’t mind him questioning him.

In the county bureau, a human trafficker was sitting on a chair, shouting that he wanted to go to the hospital.

“Hey…oh…send me to the hospital…” The trafficker was the one who had half of his teeth knocked out by Mo Qiong with a stick. He couldn’t even speak at this moment, so the police only gave him a brief treatment. , but the pain is still unbearable.

With a creak, the door opened, and Mo Qiong and a policeman walked in.

When the trafficker saw it, he immediately became silent and huddled in his chair.

The policeman sat at the table and spread out the record book, while Mo Qiong walked straight to the trafficker and looked down at him.

“What…what’s going on…is he an undercover agent?” The trafficker was so afraid of Mo Qiong that he was trembling all over.

When I saw Mo Qiong, I could enter the interrogation room and thought he was also a policeman.

The police didn’t say anything, and they didn’t formally talk to the traffickers about the routine pre-interrogation speech. This actually shows that this is not a formal interrogation, and theoretically the traffickers can say nothing.

But the trafficker didn’t know, and no one told him.

“Have you seen this?” Mo Qiong took out the longevity lock.

The trafficker looked at the longevity lock with a sad face, shook his head and said: “I’ve never seen it before…”

Mo Qiong said indifferently: “You should think carefully before answering.”

The trafficker shuddered, hurriedly looked at him again, and said: “Brother! Don’t hit me…I…I really don’t know you.”

Mo Qiong was very disappointed. The trafficker probably wasn’t lying. When he looked at the longevity lock, his eyes didn’t change at all.

Of course, maybe he forgot, or maybe he was a scheming guy, and Mo Qiong couldn’t tell.

After thinking about it, Mo Qiong changed the question: “What did you use to transport the children? Where were they before coming here?”

The trafficker said honestly: “They came from Feixi… in a van.”

“What about earlier? Don’t squeeze toothpaste from me!” Mo Qiong glared at him.

The trafficker yelled, hurriedly telling him all he knew about the entire itinerary.

The police officers who were watching looked at the well-behaved trafficker in amazement and quickly recorded a large number of clues given by the trafficker.

Generally speaking, unless you are a real old fox, violence can destroy people’s resistance.

Just like the methods they used to make the children extremely well-behaved along the way, the traffickers were now like little chickens in front of Mo Qiong.

They are not afraid of the police, but of ruthless people.

Some things that the police may not even be able to ask, but now he told Mo Qiong one by one, and his psychological resistance completely collapsed.

In this state, the police can fight him, but that would be torture to extract a confession.

But Mo Qiong is not a policeman, and Mo Qiong’s fierce impression was created before they were arrested.

What kind of beating was used to extract a confession at that time? Just subduing them.

Being beaten before being arrested and being beaten after being arrested are two different things, with different natures.

Mo Qiong did not hit him again at this moment, but the impression had been deeply implanted in the heart of the trafficker.

This human trafficker had half of his teeth knocked out with a stick before. It can be said that Mo Qiong had a psychological shadow on him. Now he is afraid of Mo Qiong.

Mo Qiong just stood in front of him and made the trafficker dare not hide anything.

After explaining almost everything, Mo Qiong continued to ask: “Is there anything else? I would also like to ask other people, if I find that you have something to hide… Well, I have a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and I don’t see asymmetry the most. ”

As he spoke, Mo Qiong looked at the other half of the trafficker’s teeth.

The trafficker burst into tears and begged: “Brother, I really have nothing to say. I am just a small character. They may indeed know more than me, but I only know so much. Please let it go.” Me.”

Mo Qiong nodded to the policeman, indicating that this was enough.

The policeman smiled at Mo Qiong, took the man out, and brought in another one.

A few hours later, all four traffickers were interrogated by Mo Qiong, and the process was extremely easy.

The police looked at the rich confessions and determined that this was a very large gang, spanning seven provinces and involving at least hundreds of criminals. Unfortunately, this confession does not have formal legal effect, and what these few people know is only the tip of the iceberg. Perhaps this information can be integrated into other trafficking cases, pieced together, and analyzed comprehensively, but that is the task of the task force.

“Okay, little brother, you can ask so many things.” The old policeman smiled.

Mo Qiong smiled and said: “If you confess, you will be lenient. Everyone has been arrested. It doesn’t matter whoever asks.”

“It’s not just about bullying the weak and being afraid of the strong, so you have to have a ruthless person like you to deal with them. By the way, I see you keep asking about this longevity lock, but they don’t seem to know it,” the old policeman said.

Mo Qiong nodded and said: “According to their accounts, they all joined in the past two or three years. Only one of them may know what happened four years ago.”

“Yes, there is another one in the hospital. Just ask everything you want.” The old policeman said.

Among these five people, the one who has been involved the longest is neither the bald man nor the shop owner, but the guy who was kicked to the core by Mo Qiong.

His lower body was broken, and he exercised violently afterwards, causing more and more pain until he was bleeding heavily.

He was the only trafficker who was sent to the hospital for treatment of his wounds.

Mo Qiong personally came to the hospital to find him. He had already completed the operation.

“Hello, I’m here to see you.” Mo Qiong walked into the ward with the police.

“Don’t come over, I was wrong, I was really wrong.” The trafficker cried immediately when he saw him.

Mo Qiong walked straight to him and sat down next to him, took out the longevity lock and said, “Do you know this?”

The trafficker was stunned for a moment and said: “Longevity Lock.”

“Do you know whose it belongs to?” Mo Qiong said with a smile.

“Qin…Liang, it’s written above.” The trafficker said softly.

Mo Qiong sneered. Compared with the other four people, this guy’s answer seemed normal, but it was actually very strange.

He must have known what Mo Qiong wanted to ask, but he just gave nonsense answers. In comparison, the other four simply said they didn’t know, unlike him who was deliberately pretending to be stupid.

“Did you throw it into the waste recycling station in Hefei?” Mo Qiong asked abruptly.

“It’s not me…” After the trafficker finished speaking, he was stunned.

Mo Qiong asked: “Who is that?”

The police also looked at him, because they obviously knew.

The trafficker remained silent.

“Pah!” Mo Qiong kicked him off the bed.

The human trafficker screamed, looked at Mo Qiong in horror and said, “I…I’ve been arrested! Don’t the police care?”

The policeman who came in with Mo Qiong hurriedly pulled Mo Qiong and said, “Don’t do anything, this is in the hospital.”

The trafficker breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the police had indeed taken care of him. Unexpectedly, Mo Qiong kicked him again.

He shouted in pain: “Why do you still hit me!”

Mo Qiong said calmly: “Because I am willing to accept mediation.”

The trafficker was stunned, and the policeman next to him couldn’t laugh or cry.

“I’m sorry, I think he’s unhappy. I was impulsive. Please mediate, policeman…” Mo Qiong said to the policeman on the side.

The policeman blinked and said: “If it’s just a verbal conflict and you hit someone, we can mediate as much as possible… You can pay him some medical expenses.”

“Okay, no problem.” Mo Qiong said.

“I don’t accept it!” the trafficker said hurriedly.

Mo Qiong asked: “What should I do if the other party does not accept mediation?”

The policeman frowned and said: “Then you will be punished. If it is minor, you will be fined five hundred and detained for not more than five days.”

After hearing this, Mo Qiong kicked him away again.

As the trafficker wailed, Mo Qiong said: “I’m sorry, I was impulsive again… Please mediate, brother, the police.”

“I don’t…”

The trafficker wanted to say more, but when he saw Mo Qiong raised his foot, he immediately changed his words: “I accept, accept…”

Seeing that he was giving up, Mo Qiong squatted in front of him and said, “Tell me where you sent this kid Qin Liang four years ago… I want to know everything about him.”

“You’ve already been caught, so just confess. You don’t have to tell me, but I will never give up.”

“Don’t worry, there is no need for the police to embarrass you. I would rather accept detention than beat you until you can’t take care of yourself.”

After hearing this, the police were shocked and said: “You are still a college student, you will be detained and put on file.”

Mo Qiong said calmly: “I don’t care.”

The policeman said with enthusiasm: “Yes! I’m going to write a self-criticism right now, just to say I didn’t hold you back.”

“I’m really sorry.” Mo Qiong said.

“Even if it’s a small matter, I’ll be punished. If I have to take action personally, it won’t be as simple as writing a self-criticism.” The policeman laughed.

Seeing the two singing in harmony, the trafficker collapsed.

One is willing to be detained, and the other is willing to write a review. This is really desperate.

“Brother, I say, I admire you, I really admire you…”



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