Blue and White Society Chapter 300: I believe in it, what does it have to do with it?

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In just four hours, Mo Qiong and Gou Ye acted separately, cooperating with the local government and some peripheral personnel.

A total of more than 970 people were arrested. Many of them were relatives and friends of the fourteen people who had been to the jungle tribe, as well as neighbors, colleagues, and a few unrelated people.

Pull out a piece of radish and bring out a piece. Those people have family members. The more they investigate, the more they investigate, and nearly a thousand people are arrested!

They all have wooden pillars like that in their homes!

If not, we will temporarily take it away for investigation and put it back after confirmation.

“Is there more?” Mo Qiong looked solemn.

“It’s gone for the time being. Fortunately, they don’t like to go out anymore, otherwise it would be more than that.” Gou Ye said.

Now that he is caught, the police station can no longer accommodate him, so Nava directly vacates an apartment for resettlement.

“D-80749 and D-80750 are here.” I saw a bulletproof vehicle coming downstairs from the apartment, and two men in blue uniforms were escorted by peripheral personnel.

“Mo Qiong, you come for interrogation. I will take D-class personnel to check and clean these people’s houses.” Gou Ye said.

Mo Qiong nodded, walked directly into the interrogation room, and asked people to bring in the two men he initially arrested.

These two men are brothers, one is named Zaku and the other is named Penggu. Both of them have become monks.

But according to information provided by the temple, they have not gone to the temple for three years and only practice at home.

“…After you came back from the Lazy Clan, you made a totem out of wood. Every day you asked someone to bring a live chicken, slaughtered it yourself, and wiped the blood on the pillar. Is that right?” Mo Qiong asked.

“Yes.” Zaku confessed.

Mo Qiong asked Peng Gu again: “You live with your brother, and you watch him perform sacrifices every day, so you sacrifice with him. Then you asked the chicken giver to give two chickens every day, right?”

“Yes.” Peng Gu also admitted.

Mo Qiong sighed: “Then your friend also came to see you, and happened to bump into you making sacrifices, and then he also participated. Then your friend’s parents also set up totems at home, and then other relatives accidentally discovered it. , so friends of friends and relatives of relatives all worshiped this totem…”

Zhagu said dissatisfied: “What’s the problem? Is this the reason why you arrested us? I bought the chicken myself and made the pillars myself. I worshiped sincerely at home. I didn’t steal or rob.” , Is it against the law if I don’t kill anyone?”

“Don’t worry, we will treat your injuries and let you go back soon. But before that, you must clearly explain who has seen this totem, and no one can be left out.” Mo Qiong said.

“I believe in Buddha, I have no distractions, and I don’t know anything.” Zhagu said calmly.

Mo Qiong raised his eyebrows and said, “Buddha? You call that thing Buddha?”

As he said that, he directly called up a picture on the screen. It was a totem pole fragment brought from the scene. It was not fully displayed, only a small part was exposed, but it can be seen from that small part alone. That is part of a very abstract figure, and it is definitely not a Buddha.

Zhagu smiled and said: “Do you know what Buddha looks like? I believe in it and will not be shaken just because it looks like or unlike the so-called Buddha statue.”

“Buddha is just a mortal, and his philosophy does not let you smear wood with blood. Sorry, I really know what Buddha looks like. We have Sakyamuni’s DNA and can restore his appearance. You Do you want to know?” Mo Qiong said with a smile.

Zha Gu looked at Mo Qiong in surprise, then shook his head and said: “Do you really know? Well, I am not interested in the appearance of Buddha. I take back what I said before, then it is not Buddha, well… it is God.”

Mo Qiong was shocked by this man’s one-second change of religion, and said in astonishment: “Is it so casual? Why do you believe in it? Worship it? Can you tell me a reason?”

Zha Gu thought for a moment and looked at his younger brother Peng Gu next to him.

Peng Gu also looked at him, and then the two asked together: “Why do Christians believe in God?”

“Because they believe that there really is a God, and it is God who created all things and living things. So do you also want to tell me that this pattern created the world? So you have to worship it?” Mo Qiong said.

Zagu said: “Whether it created the world, I don’t know.”

“Then what is it worthy of your belief in?” Mo Qiong said.

“…It…it is a great existence…” Zaku said for a long time, unable to explain, and then looked at his younger brother.

Peng Gu also looked at him and said, “Brother, how about saying it is an indescribable pattern that cannot be described?”

Zagu glanced at his younger brother with admiration, and then said: “Yes! It’s not God, it’s an indescribable pattern, indescribable. This is what we worship! Do you understand what I say?”

“…” Mo Qiong once felt that he was being played, but thinking that it was a contained object, maybe this was their true feeling.

“You made up a temporary doctrine? Since it has no meaning, can you try not to worship it? Or not to sacrifice to it?” Mo Qiong asked.

“How can we not offer sacrifices! We are so pious!” the two brothers said seriously.

“What are you so pious about… It’s just a piece of wood with a pattern carved on it. Do you think it’s a god?” Mo Qiong said.

Zhagu couldn’t resist Mo Qiong, so he simply said: “I know, I carved it myself and I don’t know it’s wood? But I’m really pious, so be it, then it’s not a god, okay? Do you believe it?”

“Okay, I understand, you go down to heal your wounds and take a rest first.” Mo Qiong waved his hand and asked someone to take the next batch.

In this way, he interrogated more than a hundred people in succession and finally sorted out their detailed characteristics.

The act of religiously believing in that pattern is an absolute characteristic in itself.

Sacrifice to it is done every day, and one has to understand the process without any teacher.

It’s funny to say that when these believers were interrogated about what kind of **** they were, what doctrines they had, and why they believed in it, they couldn’t explain it at all.

Some people simply say that it is indescribable and indescribable.

In short, what they believe in is that pattern, and they can even treat it as a piece of wood instead of a god, but their worship will not change.

It doesn’t matter what the totem is called. Some people call it the spirit of all things, some call it Buddha, some call it God, and some call it Holy Light. Even the names of God of Destruction and God of Wealth came.

The most outrageous thing is that there is a Chinese believer in Thailand who calls him Guan Erye!

But when the people of the Blue and White Society belittled the so-called God and the so-called Buddha, they were not angry, as if they were not talking about their inner beliefs, but about passers-by.

They just used the names of some gods to answer Mo Qiong’s question, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to tell what they were. When they were pressed, they directly said: It’s not a god, it’s not a god, okay? That’s a pattern, you’re blind! Don’t you have any idea?

It seemed as if Mo Qiong himself was the one whose mind was twisted.

They will not be disturbed by any external objects in their belief in that totem. On the one hand, it is the forced effect of mind distortion, and on the other hand, because this kind of worship has no flaws.

There is no doctrine, no entity, no description of its greatness, no summary of its divine power, not even anything to defend.

Because there is no need! I believe in it, what does it have to do with it?

You said it is just wood with patterns carved on it? Yes, I carved it myself.

You say it won’t save me, but will only harm me? I know, I didn’t let it save me.

With this belief, I don’t eat oil or salt, nor eat hard or soft food.

It would be nice to say that it is really that pure, but for believers who make sacrifices every day, they are actually rewarded.

As long as they perform sacrifices that day, they can decide in advance what they dream about during their sleep that day.

All the plots in the dream can be written and completed while awake, and then the dream will be exactly what you want, and it will be extremely clear.

Every believer has the ability to write scripts for dreams and set them in advance.

In dreams, you can have a life of glory until death, you can have a night of extreme affection, or you can have experiences that can only be found in countless books and movies.

During sleep, the brain will construct an extremely clear dream world, and everything in it exists to complete the dream script.

They can become lords of billions of galaxies, ancient feudal emperors, and immortal gods. Or become the commander or **** of one side in a vast epic battle.

Everything you dare to think but don’t dare to think about, long for but don’t desire, and have in reality but don’t have, will all come true.

In addition to their imagination, I am afraid that the only thing that limits them is: don’t sleep, get up and eat.

“Because of this, they quit their jobs and became a monk.” Mo Qiong frowned.

In dreams, believers can realize all their dreams, which is more terrifying than drug addiction.

At first they could still go about their daily work. Except for spending a few minutes every day to worship, there was no difference from usual.

But after doing whatever they wanted in their dreams too many times, they all sank. This is not a forced sinking, but a natural addiction and a voluntary obsession with sinking.

I originally slept once a day and went to work normally the next day, but then I didn’t want to go to work, so I just asked for leave, and then went back to sleep…

After that, it got deeper and deeper. Don’t work, spend almost the whole day in bed except for offering sacrifices and eating.

They were spending their savings, and when they really had no money, they went to work odd jobs. Use the money you earn to buy some sacrifices, then have a good sleep, and live a life like salted fish, which is called: sincere worship to the Buddha.

In short, in reality, all the ideals and pursuits are gone, and the ambitions and ambitions once were are gone, replaced by sleeping and dreaming at home!

The fragile human mind is simply unable to resist this experience.

Just like a drug addict, as long as he can live a life of starvation, he can muddle along in reality and put all his sustenance in totems and dreams. Some people even quit drug addiction because of their belief in totems…

Fortunately, there are still many believers who have not discovered this ability of their own.

There were about three hundred people who simply wanted to offer sacrifices and then do whatever they should, just like eating and drinking.

After Mo Qiong inquired, he found that they indeed always felt that they had “something to think about during the day and dream at night”, but they just hadn’t realized yet…this kind of dreaming about day to day and night could be made up at will!

This reflex arc… actually saved them. These more than 300 people have not tasted the forbidden fruit yet, and are still living a good life, they just do one more thing every day.

As for the believers who have discovered that they can think of dream scripts in advance, without exception, they have fallen into despair, become extremely lazy, and have given up their efforts.

Their lives have been ruined by themselves, and deleting their memories cannot restore what was lost.

“Huh…this is nothing…the problem is this guy…”

Mo Qiong looked at a piece of information and a believer told him that he filmed the sacrificial process and posted it on a video site.

It was released in 2015, six years ago! View count… 510,000.



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