Blue and White Society Chapter 30: Whoever is cowardly has a guilty conscience

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The five people rushed to the street in panic. At this moment, it was dark and there were already pedestrians who had gotten up early.

Just the fact that the bald man was knocked down from the second floor with a stick and fell to the ground was enough to attract attention.

Then four more people ran out of the hotel, shouting for help, and many passers-by immediately gathered around them.

“What’s wrong?”

“Why did you jump off the building?”

The boss was a local. When he saw the villagers around him, he hurriedly said: “Someone was playing tricks in the store, smashed up my store, and beat me and my customers.”

The bald man and others also hurriedly spoke up and told all about Mo Qiong’s previous arrogance and unreasonableness.

When they said this, they were naturally thinking about the children upstairs. Those children cannot withstand investigation or cross-examination.

If they just ran away and these children were left unattended, the police would definitely investigate and their affairs would be exposed.

Even if he runs away by then, he will have no choice but to flee in the future, and the shop owner will abandon his family business and go into hiding.

So leaving the child behind and running away is absolutely impossible in normal times. It is equivalent to leaving behind the evidence of the crime.

But just now, they didn’t dare to stay where they were.

A few people ran out because they were afraid of being beaten to death by Mo Qiong.

It was really Mo Qiong who was looking for trouble before and created such a bad temper for himself.

These people talked nicely and tried to put things through, but Mo Qiong had such a strong temper.

So, how can they still pay off the temper shown by Mo Qiong just now when they all killed him?

At that time, they were all thinking: They will die, they will definitely be beaten to death! This stupid young man will definitely beat us to death!

Feared, they even abandoned their children and fled in panic.

But when I came out to see the villagers, I suddenly felt lucky again.

If we can encourage the villagers to help together at this moment, then they won’t have to run away.

Just beat Mo Qiong half to death, and then move the children before the police arrive. It will be up to them to do whatever they want.

“Here he comes! It’s him!” The boss pointed at Mo Qiong who came out of the hotel.

Of course Mo Qiong will not let them go. Regarding Qin Liang, we need to ask this group of people.

“Don’t worry, there are so many of us here, what can he do no matter how arrogant he is?”

“That’s right, he didn’t dare to do anything…”

As soon as the villagers finished speaking, they saw Mo Qiong slap the boss in the face, sending him flying two meters away.

In an instant, several people who were eager to come up and help deal with Mo Qiong were stunned.

They were all dumbfounded. They didn’t think anything of it when they heard it said before. Now that they saw it with their own eyes, they immediately felt that this was too outrageous!

How dare you hit someone in front of so many people?

“Run? Can you run?” When Mo Qiong saw the bald man and others trying to get out of the crowd, he immediately stepped after them and dragged them back to the field one by one.

“What the hell, I’ll fight you!” The man who scolded Mo Qiong before had the most explosive temper. Now seeing that Mo Qiong was unarmed, he regained some courage and pounced on Mo Qiong.

With one kick, Mo Qiong kicked the man away and knocked down another man.

The bald man watched tremblingly as Mo Qiong beat them to the ground with three blows, knowing that he would not be able to escape.

“He probably didn’t see that those children were not mine…”

“There is still a chance…”

The bald man didn’t know that Mo Qiong had already called the police, and he thought it was just a fight.

I saw the bald man shouting hurriedly: “Folks, help!”

A few flesh-and-blood people couldn’t stand it anymore. In their eyes, Mo Qiong was just a cruel and unreasonable outsider.

How can you watch someone beat someone in front of them? Will definitely help.

Two people rushed up to hold Mo Qiong down. Mo Qiong stretched out his palms and pushed hard, pressing them on their chests.

I saw the two of them retreating, taking seven or eight steps in a row, before crashing into a car on the opposite side of the road.

“Don’t listen to their nonsense and help randomly. These people are upstairs…” Mo Qiong hadn’t finished speaking yet.

I heard the person who was pushed away yelling: “Fart, I saw you beating someone with my own eyes. I don’t care what your reasons are, it’s wrong to hit someone.”

Mo Qiong raised his brows and said simply: “Really, in that case, just stay around and don’t let them escape! The police will make their own decision when they come…”

After everyone heard this, someone immediately wanted to call the police.

“Yes! Call the police to arrest him. He beats you in front of so many of us. You don’t have to be afraid when the police come.” Someone said to the bald man.

The bald man was crying and sweating profusely.

Under normal circumstances, when seeing this kind of situation, everyone must help. First, arrest and subdue the attacker, then call the police and wait for the police to arrive.

He was waiting for this opportunity so that he could take time to hide the child.

However, Mo Qiong was too powerful. Several people who wanted to help were easily pushed away by him. Coupled with Mo Qiong’s words, everyone suddenly changed the direction and wanted to call the police directly.

This is normal, but they must not meet the police like this.

“Don’t call the police! Don’t call the police.” The bald man hurriedly called everyone.

Everyone shouted: “Why?”

The bald man shouted: “Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. Don’t alert the police about this trivial matter.”

Everyone looked at each other: What the hell? Didn’t you just shout for help? Why is it such a trivial matter again?

Mo Qiong tilted his head and couldn’t help but smile.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a bald man getting up with a smile on his face, and said to the swollen face: “Little brother, you are amazing, you are convinced, we are convinced…”

“You have to be merciful and merciful. Don’t hit me. We won’t call the police… Let’s not care about it, okay?”

Now he just wants to send this plague **** away quickly…

However, when these words came out, others were in an uproar.

Are you too cowardly? Five people were beaten like this by one person, why don’t you care?

“What are you afraid of him doing!”

“Yes, call the police, you are the victim!”

The onlookers were all stunned. In their eyes, these five people were innocent. It was a disaster from heaven. Mo Qiong, a ruthless man, beat them like this for a trivial matter.

They are responsible for this matter wherever they go. What are they afraid of?

The bald man and others also felt aggrieved. Obviously they were justified, but it was clearly Mo Qiong who was looking for trouble, and then the conflict became more and more serious.

But now, they were beaten violently, but they only dared to beg for mercy and did not dare to call the police…

This is a guilty conscience, this is shady, and there is no way to justify it.

“Forget it? Who will forget it with you!” Mo Qiong slapped him again, causing the bald man’s nose to bleed.

“Stop fighting…stop fighting…” the bald man covered his face with his hands, kneeling and trembling.

However, Mo Qiong took out the longevity lock, hung it under his hand and showed it to him: “Do you know this?”

“What is this? I don’t know you…” the bald man glanced at him and said.

“Pah!” Mo Qiong punched him again and said, “Look carefully! Think carefully before you speak!”

“I really don’t know you. I’ll give you money! I’ll compensate you! I’ll compensate you! Stop fighting!” the bald man wailed and took out a wad of money from his body.

But Mo Qiong didn’t even look at it. Instead, he said, “If you don’t know him, I won’t hit you. You can call the police.”

“Fuck! Too arrogant!”

“He beats you like this, and you give him money? Are you stupid!”

Passers-by couldn’t stand it any longer and felt that Mo was extremely poor.

Just when a few passers-by grabbed the guy and tried to rush him, they heard the bald man yelling: “Don’t bother the police, let’s go private… I’ll add another 20,000, can I accept it? I’m really convinced.” Stop it!”

The passers-by were really convinced by the bald man’s reaction…

Mo Qiong sneered: “Do you really know why I hit you?”

“What?” The bald man was startled and looked at Mo Qiong blankly.

At this moment, passers-by shouted: “The police are coming!”

Sure enough, a dozen police officers walked in from outside the crowd, a strong police force!

“That’s him! He’s the one beating people!”

“That’s so arrogant. I’ve never seen anyone hit someone so arrogantly!”

“Sure enough, someone called the police, so many came.”

Everyone pointed at Mo Qiong and the police looked at him.

I saw that Mo Qiong was catching up with the two people who were running away. The two people wanted to escape because he was beating the bald man, and then they saw the police coming.

However, Mo Qiong threw a stone casually, knocking one person down, then strode to catch up with the other person, kicked him over, and dragged him over.

“Stop it!” a police officer shouted.

But after hearing this shout, Mo Qiong still took action and knocked another person to the ground.

At this moment, five people were paralyzed on the ground and trembling, with only Mo Qiong standing.

“Don’t move! You dare to hit people when you see us!” the policeman shouted while glaring at Mo Qiong.

Onlookers looked at him and felt that Mo Qiong was really too arrogant. He still beat him when the police came. Are you looking for death?

Unexpectedly, Mo Qiong smiled at the police and said, “If I don’t beat them or subdue them, what will happen if they run away?”

“The children are all on the second floor. Send them to the hospital first. I see a few are injured.”

The policeman was stunned, looked at him and said: “You are…”

“Oh, I am calling the police. These five people on the ground are all human traffickers.” Mo Qiong said.

A dozen policemen immediately stopped approaching him, and the leader suddenly said: “So that’s it, we thought you were the human trafficker…”

As soon as I finished speaking, I felt that it was not right to say this, as it seemed to imply that Mo Qiong was too cruel.

After coughing twice, the policeman said again: “Your mobile phone number is…”

“The tail number is 1440… By the way, I also know the parents of five children and can help you contact them.” Mo Qiong took out his mobile phone and called up his phone number to show them.

“That’s great…uh…you’re too harsh, right?”

After the police confirmed that Mo Qiong was the one who called the police, they immediately became much kinder.

But seeing the injuries of the five on the ground, I was a little surprised.

“It’s not heavy. I was almost killed by them on the second floor. They hit me on the head with an iron bar. If I hadn’t reacted quickly, I would have died. By the way, they even used The knives are all on the second floor,” Mo Qiong said.

The police officers nodded and said, “Yes, you did the right thing. You must not be lenient in subduing such vicious criminals.”

After hearing the police’s approval, everyone was stunned.

“Isn’t he the fierce criminal? What…are these five lying on the ground?” someone asked in confusion.

But some people who understand said: “Don’t you understand? These five are human traffickers! The kidnapped children are upstairs. This kid is not beating up people, he is calling the police!”

Suddenly everyone understood why Mo Qiong beat people so confidently, but the few who were beaten were so cowardly that they desperately wanted to make things right.

“Damn! This hotel has been open for many years, and the owner is actually a human trafficker!”

“Damn it, you’re still confusing right and wrong. You’re obviously the criminal, but you’re still calling others unreasonable?”

“You had the nerve to call for help! I almost did it a disservice! If I had known this, I couldn’t have beaten you to death!”

While saying that, there were a few people who particularly hated the traffickers, so they just stepped forward and kicked them.

They had seen Mo Qiong fight so hard before, but now that they thought about it, they actually wanted to fight a few more times.

For ordinary people, beating human traffickers is in vain. If there is no police to stop them, they may be beaten to death.

The bald man and others were lying on the ground, their faces ashen.

Unexpectedly, Mo Qiong had already figured out that those children were abducted. What Ting Ting said meant that Mo Qiong knew the parents of the children, or that he had seen the notices of those children looking for their babies.

Sure enough, while calling the parents of the five children, Mo Qiong told the police: “Originally, I just wanted to find a place to sleep, but they insisted on saying that I was looking for trouble and that I deserved to be beaten. I was useless. I fought with them and chased one of them to the second floor, where I saw those children. I saw the information posted by the parents of five of the children and recognized them as the abducted children. , so we know they are human traffickers.”

“Maybe they were afraid that I would find out and want to kill me, so I had no choice but to beat them up like this.”

The bald man and the others burst into tears after hearing this.

It’s so unfair. They got into a fight over a trivial matter and their big business was ruined.

They were no longer in the mood to criticize some hidden things in Mo Qiong’s narrative. For example, they were actually very restrained and wanted to calm down the conflict, but Mo Qiong was so unreasonable that they were forced to kill him.

Can you say this? At this point, does it make sense to say it? Are the police willing to listen? Are the people willing to listen?

At this moment, the surrounding people were already excited. Even the police just grabbed the passers-by who wanted to retaliate, and did not care about Mo Qiong’s heavy hand to subdue them.

And this is why Mo Qiong dared to make trouble and use the method of making trouble to force out this group of people.

When Mo Qiong saw those children with his own eyes, he knew that the beating was destined to be in vain.

Even if he is really making trouble, dealing with human traffickers can’t be called a fight.



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