Blue and White Society Chapter 298: Go to Thailand

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Hua Xu saw the footprints of the God of Thunder in Leize and was inspired to become pregnant out of wedlock.

Based on the previous summary, green thunder eggs love to roll around on the ground and will explode without hurting anyone.

Then Hua Xu saw a green ball of lightning hitting the ground, making a crater, thinking it was the footprints of the God of Thunder, and then gave birth to the son of the God of Thunder?

“Thor’s footprints and so on may be Hua Xu’s excuse for getting pregnant out of wedlock…” the researcher said.

“Then why are they all Thunder Gods? The Yellow Emperor was also born from the God of Thunder. Does the God of Thunder love to take the blame so much? Maybe there is a prototype.” Mo Qiong said with a smile.

“Are these just conjectures?” the researcher asked.

Mo Qiong shook his head and said: “Mozi also has an experimental spirit, but it is a pity that he does not have the means to verify paternity. Only the wife of the man who was burned to ashes in Chu State was indeed found out in the tenth month after that man’s death. , gave birth to a ‘posthumous child’ as evidence.”

“In comparison, we can better verify that after all the years Blue and White Society has been studying ball lightning, there must be some witnesses still there. Check whether any of the women among the witnesses tested pregnant shortly after witnessing the incident. If so, take a DNA test to see if it matches your husband.”

The researchers looked at each other, yes, it would be nice to verify this conjecture.

Although they have never captured ball lightning, there is plenty of eyewitness information.

“Immediately arrange for someone to verify it, get it secretly, and don’t alert the witnesses’ families.” This is a good proof. Blue and White Society acted quickly, and someone immediately went to find the witnesses.

While waiting for the results, Mo Qiong continued: “Mozi didn’t know what the electromagnetic equation was, and he didn’t know what charges and ions were. He could only observe and summarize through these phenomena, so his thinking was different from ours.”

“Isn’t that what’s happening with contained objects? When we check from a physical point of view, sometimes we don’t have a clue.”

“Mozi believes that the nature of thunder eggs is extremely lustful, and when they are born, they will be accompanied by strange pregnancy. In other words, whoever it likes will be given the buff of getting pregnant before marriage. If it is a married woman, The wife, the husband might be burned to ashes, or hacked to death, and if the husband never had a child, the thunder eggs would just scare her.”

“The miraculous pregnancy effect is divided into visual induction pregnancy, thunder vibration pregnancy, and lightning penetration pregnancy…”

After hearing this, everyone scratched their scalps and felt numb, feeling that Mozi really dared to think.

“The emergence of ball lightning is related to pregnant women? What are the conditions?” the researcher asked.

“I don’t know… Mozi never found the answer in his life, including his descendants. This is something that the Mo family is unable to contain. If you know how to summon ball lightning, then you can figure out a way to contain it, right? ?” Mo Qiong said.

The researcher nodded and said: “Well, this idea itself is also very important information, otherwise we would never think of it. If the verification results are really consistent, then we only need big data to count the personal conditions of all pregnant women. Just find common ground and see what conditions attract thunder eggs.”

Mo Qiong smiled and said: “You should study this slowly. There are still some objects to be contained and you can see if the Blue and White Society can contain them.”

He talked about a few more, including the stone figurines of the Qin State, the Immortal Blade of the Yan State, and the Immortal Bird of the Chu State. These were all already taken in by the Blue and White Society.

Until Mo Qiong finally talked about a totem of devotion.

“In Jiaozhi County in the Han Dynasty, Sang Qiu, a Mohist, heard that the barbarians in the south were offering lewd sacrifices and using human beings to sacrifice totems, so he led his men with swords there. After a hard battle, they annihilated them. They killed the obscene priest and burned the totem, but after returning, these Mohists also began to worship the totem and carved an identical totem pole.

Master Gou immediately said: “They are mentally distorted. The image of that pillar may be a meme, making people unable to help but worship it.”

“Yes, even though there were wooden armored people who were not affected, the Moh family also cleaned up internally more than ten times before finally confirming that no Mohist still remembered what the totem looked like. Many people died for this. , killing many Mohists who believed in that totem, but even so, they did not completely eliminate the people who knew that totem, because there are still natives in the extreme southern forest who believe in that thing. The belief in totems would not be cut off, and could even continue to grow, but the Moh family was already unable to deal with it. They were already weak at that time, and too many Mohists had died. The large-scale production of wooden armor weapons would be surrounded and suppressed by the current rulers. So we can only hope that those natives will stay in the mountains and forests forever,” Mo Qiong said.

The researcher said: “Until the end of the 20th century, there were many scattered indigenous tribes in the tropical rain forests of Southeast Asia, isolated from the rest of the world. However, by the 21st century, they were basically accepted by the local governments, but there were some reluctances. To integrate into society, let them live in the jungle and give them some financial aid every year.”

“So even if the totem belief has not spread in the deep mountains and old forests, it should have spread in the past ten years!” Gou Ye said.

Everyone frowned. This matter is very serious. Judging from the results, it has not spread to a large extent yet, at least the Blue and White Society has not noticed it yet.

But it is also possible that the totem belief is very hidden. After all, it is normal for some primitive tribes to believe in totems. They have believed in totems for hundreds or thousands of years, and peripheral intelligence personnel will not regard this as an abnormal event.

This is precisely the most terrifying thing. That totem may be spreading its influence subtly and secretly.

“This matter must be taken seriously, and the totem must be found.” The researcher immediately reported to his superiors solemnly.

Master Gou also stood up and said: “I think we can set off to look for it now. Mo Qiong and I have taken over this task.”

“Just the two of you cannot do it. It requires the cooperation of multiple departments and multiple teams investigating simultaneously in multiple areas. The last remnant of the totem that the Mohist knew was in Southeast Asia, but it is not possible to ensure that someone has brought out the totem image in recent decades. into the dense forest and spread to other areas,” the researcher said.

“If this is the case, it would be easier to handle. If someone in a modern country believes in a primitive aboriginal totem, then you can be suspicious. Just search online and you will definitely find it. Try to delete it when the time comes. Can memory eliminate this meme?” Gou Ye said.

“I’m afraid it’s not that simple. Just pick a country. You can be responsible for a small area at most.” The researcher said.

Mr. Gou said with a smile: “Southeast Asia must be the most severely affected area. As the first members to know about it, we naturally have to choose to deal with the source of the incident! Mo Qiong, did the Mo family’s intelligence tell you that the root cause is in Southeast Asia? Which country? There are so many dense forests south of Jiaozhi County.”

Mo Qiong said: “It’s not in Vietnam anyway. The Jiaozhi County at that time was further southwest, which is now Laos or Thailand.”

“Okay! Let’s go to Thailand!” Mr. Gou said with a grin.

“Why?” Mo Qiong asked.

“It’s okay, I’m familiar with that place!” Mr. Gou said, patting his chest.



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