Blue and White Society Chapter 219: Blue and White President is vacant!

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The next day they heard about the general’s resignation. Yi Bo told them that this kind of thing happens occasionally. After all, people in high positions in various countries will basically know about the existence of the Blue and White Society.

But because of the difference in the amount of contact, not all of them fully understand the importance of the Blue and White Society to the world.

On this day, everyone really saw off Chris, and Chris went to the orphanage to visit Christina.

He said that during the mission, for his own benefit, he deceived Christina. Until now, Christina must still be worried about that Asha.

However, Yi Bo smiled mysteriously and told him: “Christina, because she was involved in a containment incident, became a peripheral personnel the year before last…”

“What? She is a peripheral employee?” Everyone was shocked and didn’t notice it at all.

Anyone may be a peripheral person, just any office worker may be the person who can contact the Blue and White Society and provide information.

There are three types of peripheral personnel, one is part-time. They still have their own main job in society, and providing abnormal information is only an occasional episode in life. Most of the time in their lives, they are actually not exposed to any abnormal events at all, and they are no different from ordinary people.

The other is to work for the Blue and White Society, work in the industries under the Blue and White Society, make money for the Blue and White Society, or buy supplies, etc., and become one of the countless gears in the huge structure of the Blue and White Society.

The third type, which can be called semi-members, is almost indistinguishable from members. They are people who participated in the membership assessment but failed. Instead, they learned various other skills and skills under the training of Blue and White Club. Knowledge, working in the more important strongholds of the Blue and White Society, or managing the many foundations and charities of the Blue and White Society.

The same was true for the previous medical team and some of the peripheral personnel involved in capturing the shadow. Apart from being inferior to the members in terms of strength and other aspects, they could be considered to have devoted their entire lives to the shelter business.

“So, if Christina trusts me, is she acting…” Chris sighed.

“No, I didn’t ask her that. It was her own decision to help you. But it was also because she knew it was a drill. Otherwise, when she discovered that you were using the containment object, she would not help you hide it at all and would contact you as soon as possible. The local Blue and White Club.” Yi Bo smiled and said, “But Mo Qiong, she is really acting in front of you. Fortunately, liking children is her natural weakness. If you don’t treat her like a child, If contacted, she would never take the initiative to reveal Chris’s identity.”

Mo Qiong said clearly: “If I hadn’t been a child at that time, it would be useless to persuade her… In this case, Chris would have run away.”

“He can’t run far, can he? He was caught by the gang.” You Xin said.

“That was just a mistake. The instructor forced me to be unconscious for thirty minutes, but after I woke up, I could still use my shadow to fight out. I could even subdue the gang and continue to deal with you.” Chris said unwillingly.

Yi Bo said: “There are no ifs. Chris, congratulations on your graduation, but your grades do not allow you to be awarded a medal. Whether you can get the Alpha Medal later depends on whether you can be recognized by your partner. As long as you don’t get the medal, your partner has the right to ask you to come back and rebuild at any time!”

Unless you graduate with the best grades, after graduation, although you become a formal member, you will not receive a medal representing a formal member.

The medal has five levels, namely Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and the ultimate Omega.

After three years of training, only by graduating with the best evaluation can you get the Alpha Medal.

The requirements are very high, and basically only the Rookie King can obtain it. This is also the only way to get the medal without participating in the containment. This opportunity is only once for each club member.

After that, you can only get the medal by completing dangerous unknown containment missions.

Five medals correspond to five dangerous-level containment objects. If the highest medal obtained is only Alpha, then this member is an Alpha-level member. Even if he participates in completing Beta-level tasks, it will only be converted into multiple Alphas. Just a level medal.

To become a Beta-level person, you need twenty Alpha Medals. After completing the Beta-level mission, you will get the Beta-level medal.

Of course, the requirements for higher titles decrease, but if you want to be promoted, you must have experienced hundreds of battles.

There is no high-level promotion, there is no discussion and decision from above: you are very strong, you should be promoted to Gamma personnel.

Since the founding of the company, there has been no such thing.

Therefore, high-ranking members such as Gamma level and Delta level are all achieved through hard work and hard work. They are promoted entirely by relying on their profound containment experience without any cheating.

They are all extremely experienced beings who have dealt with countless contained objects.

Gama is already a high-ranking member of the club, Delta is even rarer, and Omega, it is said that there are less than ten people in the whole society, and they are now in charge of important departments, or sitting in one party, shouldering the greatest responsibility.

As they studied with Yi Bo, they gradually understood more and more. No matter how much you have, you will be further away from them.

However, Mo Qiong still asked: “Is the person above Omega the president? What are the requirements to become the president?”

Everyone looked at Mo Qiong. Everyone was still a reserve member of the club, so Mo Qiong began to care about the criteria for becoming the president?

Yi Bo smiled and said: “Do you want to be the president?”

Mo Qiong said: “Why not? The five major honors are obtained step by step through hard work. Behind each medal is the contribution and merit of the members to the shelter cause. There is no doubt that the president is dedicated to the shelter cause. The person who contributes the most must naturally become the best if he wants to be a member.”

“Another person who wants to be the president… Mo Qiong, there are many people who think like you, but as of today, there are only five generations of presidents in the Blue and White Society. Many people have such a dream and work hard. , but it often stops at Gamma or even Beta, which is too far away for you.” Yi Bo said.

Mo Qiong smiled and said: “This is a goal. To be honest, I have been thinking about the decision to become a member for a long time. I didn’t have any goals before, but now that I have left my ordinary life behind, I must not Just becoming an ordinary club member may really stop me at Gamma, Beta, or even die in the first mission, but this does not prevent me from pursuing higher goals.”

Yi Bo smiled and said: “If you want to become the president, there is no problem. Any member has a chance. There are only two conditions. First, the president must be an Omega member.”

Everyone thinks that this is of course, the Omega Medal is definitely just the foundation of the president.

What about the other condition?

“Second…the president must be an evangelist.” Yi Bo said.

Many people didn’t know the expounder very well, so Yi Bo explained it to them.

Of course Mo Qiong knows that the elucidator has only two characteristics. First, he is recognized by all members. He is the most trusted existence of the Blue and White Society. He is the person with the strongest belief in protecting mankind. He can sacrifice for mankind. everything.

Second, the Elucidator holds, fuses, and uses the containment objects, which will itself be a containment measure for one or several containment objects, bearing many unknown and huge costs.

Evangelists may not necessarily have high ranks, like David, who is just a Gamma-level member.

There are very few evangelists as young as David. It can be said that the fact that David became an evangelist since he was a child played a huge role in the Blue and White Society.

In addition, it is actually not difficult to become an elucidator. If a person has great achievements in containment, is a veteran in the society, and is willing to sacrifice himself to seal the containment objects, it will be easy for him to be recognized by the members.

As far as Mo Qiong knows, there are many more elucidators than Omega Club members.

The difficult thing is that the elucidator dies too easily. He either dies young or is sacrificed in an extremely dangerous mission. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. In addition, he also has his own containment. It can be said that the elucidator is not If you are tortured for a long time, you will easily die early.

“Wait a minute… the president must be an evangelist? Doesn’t the president often… change? Yes, the century-old Blue and White Society has had five generations of presidents, and each generation of presidents has only been in office for twenty years on average. .” Mo Qiong said in surprise.

Yi Bo said: “No, only the second generation president has been in office for twenty years. The first generation president has been in office for nine years, the third generation president has been in office for four years, and the fourth generation president has been in office for eight years. , the fifth generation president took office… for one year!”

Everyone calculated that this was wrong, it only lasted forty-two years in total.

Yi Bo said: “The conditions for becoming the president are rigid, and there is no improvisation. If there are no candidates who are qualified to serve as president in the club, we would rather leave the vacancy vacant! So most of the time since the establishment of Blue and White Club, There is no president! Instead, the three most qualified evangelists and the three Omega members with the most medals are called the six arbiters. The remaining evangelists and Omega members also have the authority to make decisions. Every member with a title is qualified to participate in public discussions and put forward his own suggestions. Of course, in emergencies, the six arbitrations can directly decide everything.”

“Even the two conditions I mentioned are only to qualify to become the president, but not necessarily to become the president. It also depends on whether he is willing and whether he has the tolerance.”

“Since the death of the fifth generation president, the Blue and White Club… now has no president!”

There is no doubt that the Blue and White Club only needs the best leaders. After one president dies, another president does not necessarily have to take over.

The president must be the person who can best lead the Blue and White Club. There is no need to lower the conditions to let someone do this kind of thing first.

Of course, co-governance cannot be applied to all situations. Sometimes a society needs a bold leader who can bear the greatest responsibility and decide the choices most related to the survival of mankind.

If there is a president, it will naturally be a lifelong president system. If there is no president, then it will be co-governance. The Blue and White Society has always been in operation, and has switched back and forth five times over the past century between the two models of co-governance and lifelong president leadership.

Mo Qiong thought to himself: “Strength and courage are indispensable. To be able to shoulder the greatest responsibility and decisively decide the fate of the Blue and White Society and even all mankind against all opinions, can I do this kind of thing?”

“I can’t do it now, but I want to do it…”

“Since I have chosen to take this path, I must be the best member. I want to be the president of Blue and White!”



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