Blue and White Society Chapter 126: Taotie’s soul mate

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Mo Qiong finally knows why he said that Blue and White Society is a hidden power. It does not have any political significance, but it does have economic significance.

The Blue and White Society cannot collapse. They both prosper and lose. Their economy affects the world economy, and their security represents the security of all mankind.

We depend on each other and have long been integrated into the world. Once the Blue and White Society is destroyed, the whole world will be shrouded in the shadow of crisis and doomsday.

There are economic problems in Blue and White Society. We must first solve them by ourselves. We must increase our revenue and do more business, and we must reduce expenditures and destroy the big money-hoovering households.

However, no matter how great the pressure is, we can only hold on and solve it in formal ways, and we must not rely unilaterally on aid. Otherwise, the problem will never be solved and the economy will only get worse and worse.

If it doesn’t work, you can still get a low-interest loan. Anyway, the money is spent and everyone makes money.

It is precisely because of this that Blue and White Society has such great convenience and industry in various countries around the world, and no one will be stubborn enough to viciously squeeze their economy.

Containment measures are a necessity. The more the Blue and White Society makes, the more they spend. Countries are enjoying the profits from their orders. I wish the Blue and White Society could make more money, but they have to spend it anyway.

Spending money on research, spending money on improving production technology, spending money on suppressing contained objects, a stall as big as the Blue and White Society costs money on everything. This is a bottomless pit, only seeking better, not the best.

So everything is developing, everything is upward, everything is moving forward sustainably, and the world is so prosperous on the surface that it has never been brought down by containment.

“Can’t it eat anything? Can’t it be fed garbage?” Mo Qiong asked.

The old ghost said: “We do use it to destroy garbage and deal with environmental problems. Every year, hundreds of millions of tons of highly polluting garbage that is difficult to degrade are handed over to it for digestion. But this does not mean that we can no longer feed meat. Animals Meat is the food it likes, or that is the real food, so that it can be appeased and kept fed without actively hunting. ”

“Other than that, whether it is plants or stones, air or sea water, it is no different from garbage to it. Although it can eat them all, only meat is its real food.”

Mo Qiong nodded, then there was nothing we could do. You could feed it garbage, but you couldn’t give it less meat.

Feeding anything else means not feeding at all. What is the difference between it and ordinary substances? It is everywhere in the world. It can swallow a lot of matter with just one **** or bite. It can eat through the earth even if it lies still. Does it need to be fed by humans?

Only meat is the favorite, so that it can become docile and can be kept in captivity.

If there is no meat, it will run rampant, go berserk, and hunt everywhere.

“Can any meat be used?” Mo Qiong asked.

“Any kind of meat can be used. Nutritional meat quality is meaningless to it. The protein content does not matter. The key is animal cells. So the meat we purchase from various countries is actually importing spoiled rotten meat. And meat that cannot be sold for various reasons,” the old ghost said.

Mo Qian was speechless, but indeed, how could it be possible to feed it expensive food? It must be dumping meat that cannot be sold and cannot be eaten by humans.

It is cheap and can also dispose of those toxic things. Taotie can eat anything, which means it is a garbage disposal station.

Thinking about it carefully, Mo Qiong encountered many contained objects during this containment failure, but none of them were animals.

It’s either plants, fungi, or weird and miscellaneous things.

This made Mo Qiong couldn’t help but ask: “Are you all eating the animal-shaped shelter objects?”

The old ghost said: “No, although we always use it to destroy some contained objects, we need to be cautious and cautious. We will not take risks if they are easy to contain, only if they are troublesome and we understand them clearly. Contained objects will be given to Taotie to be eaten and destroyed.”

“But we can’t be sure whether it was destroyed or not, because we still don’t know what is going on in Taotie’s stomach. Digestion is just a way of saying that eating will not increase Taotie’s weight.”

“So we don’t dare to feed things like wax figures that are very dangerous if left alone for a long time. What if there is a very large special space in Taotie’s belly, and the exponential growth of wax figures is so terrifying, and Taotie can’t eat What to do if it explodes?”

“Even if Taotie just feels uncomfortable and vomits it all out, we can’t bear the consequences. Needless to say, the wax figure only needs to grow in Taotie’s belly for a few days, which is an extremely terrifying number.”

Mo Qiong knows that this is the uncertainty of the containment duel.

The best possibility is that the wax statue will be digested and annihilated by Taotie and cease to exist.

There is also the worst possibility, the wax figure is growing crazily in Taotie’s belly.

Just because there are good results, you cannot ignore the bad results. It depends on whether you can bear the worst results.

There is no doubt that, like a wax figure, the worst outcome is unbearable, absolutely absolutely unbearable.

So even if the wax figure enters Taotie’s belly, based on our understanding of Taotie, it is very likely that the wax figure will never come out, but we can’t take risks and we can’t even try.

It’s not that we can’t be contained, and it’s not that the world will end if we don’t feed Taotie. Even if the cost of suppression is high, you have to bear it and choose the lesser of the two evils.

The same is true for the Taotie transportation this time. They decided to do this after carefully considering all the consequences of failure to erase.

“You two, go down there and clean the wax statue immediately, and then bring more meat over. We will guide the Taotie back to its steel lair step by step.”

Seeing that Taotie was gradually settling down and being comforted by the meat, other members began to slowly remove the weightless instruments.

When Taotie slowly fell to the ground, neither running around nor biting, but only eating the meat fed by the old ghost and Mo Qiong, the other six members were all liberated.

In this case, the old ghost directly reassigned the task and asked the two of them to deal with the contained objects on the negative tenth floor.

“And you, go to other floors and re-contain all the escaped objects. If you encounter those that cannot be dealt with, save your life first. Reinforcements and Team Best will be here soon,” the old ghost said again.

Suddenly, two more members left. Apart from the rest, only the old ghost and two other members were left.

There is really no one available. If Mo Qiong hadn’t delivered the feed, these people would have been forced to stay here to suppress Taotie, and they might have died at any time.

Although the weightless instrument seems to be very easy to deal with Taotie, in fact Taotie can still break through once he shows off his power.

Although Taotie cannot fly, its explosive power is terrifying. Being weightless does not mean that it cannot use its strength at all. If Taotie gets angry, he can blow himself out.

It’s just that Taotie is a stingy person and usually doesn’t spit out the things he puts into his stomach. If the air is sucked in, it will not be used for jet propulsion unless it is really violent.

The few times it slid in mid-air just now were all because it was roaring and exhaling some air.

If you really spray paint with all your strength, six weight loss instruments will not be able to trap it.

With only seven of the one hundred and sixty people left, you know that it has exceeded the weightless range many times.

According to the old ghost, there were more instruments at the beginning. When Li Qing entrusted the task to Mo Qiong, there were forty people on their side. However, when Mo Qiong broke out of the siege and contacted him in the stairwell, there were only There are seven of them left…

You can imagine how important it is for Mo Qiong to send feed.

There is no need to suppress it at all at this moment. Feed it directly and keep the rhythm constant to restrain it.

This is the classic containment method for Taotie. It has been tested many times and there will be no problems. At this moment, Mo Qiong was reassured and immediately sent four people to deal with the containment in other places.

Mo Qiong and Xiao Feng stayed here to help feed Taotie.

Taotie will move slightly if it is thrown slightly deliberately, leading Taotie step by step to the negative tenth floor and back to its damaged nest.

However, damage is fine and constant feeding is the real containment measure.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!”

Just as everyone was steadily leading Taotie away, Taotie suddenly went crazy again. It roared crazily, with pain on its face and tears in its eyes.

Angrily, it pounced on the ceiling, biting through the floor partitions in one bite.

The two members reacted very quickly. They jumped up high and held the weightless instrument to restrain Taotie so that it could not run away.

Unexpectedly, Taotie turned his head fiercely, rolled painfully in the weightless mid-air, stepped on the broken ceiling, and pounced on a member.

The club member reacted very quickly, jumped into the air, and jumped back several meters to avoid it.

However, Taotie took a strong breath, and suddenly a strong wind swept through him, like a vortex, and he sucked the member into his mouth in mid-air and swallowed it whole.

“What! How is that possible!” The old ghost was shocked and confused. Past experience told him that as long as Taotie is fed continuously, it is impossible for him to go crazy.

What’s going on? Why did you go berserk again? Who the **** messed with you?

“It’s still crying! And it seems to be in pain. Did the crying robot mess with it again?” Mo Qiong said.

The old ghost also thought of this, and immediately contacted the elucidator David: “David! What happened to the robot? Was it destroyed?”

“I’m destroying it. I’ve already torn it down. What’s wrong?” David said calmly.

“Speed ​​up and destroy it completely!” the old ghost said.

“Well…” David hardened, and there was a fierce metal stirring sound.

At the same time, Taotie was in even more pain. It howled loudly and ran upstairs crazily, gnawing on everything in its path as if it was trying to eat its way out.

“No! No! Stop!” the old ghost shouted. He realized something was wrong. What happened? Why is it so painful for Taotie to destroy the robot?

“David, stop first, stop destroying!” the old ghost said urgently.

David’s side obviously stopped working, leaving behind the remains of the robot. Sure enough, Taotie’s pain had eased a little, but he was still in a berserk state, running around like crazy.

“Strange, why is Taotie in so much pain? What does it have to do with us destroying the robot?” the old ghost murmured.

“Feeling the same? Soul mate?” Mo Qiong said nonchalantly.

He didn’t understand it very well. As soon as he heard about this phenomenon of telepathy, he thought of the soul mate situation that Karl told him not long ago.

Mo Qiong just talked casually, and the old ghost frowned and said: “Nonsense, how can two contained objects be soul mates? They… uh…”

As he spoke, the old ghost was frightened. If he thought about it carefully, it was really possible.

You must have an open mind when dealing with contained objects.

Taotie has extremely strong psychic resistance, and his psychic power is even much stronger than that of club members who hone their spiritual power.

The Yongqi robot is not just a robot, it is a robot with thoughts, emotions and a heart.

“No way…such a thing can happen…”

“Taotie, do you still have a soul mate?”



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