Blue and White Society Chapter 125: Appease the Taotie

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Watching the old ghost moving the meat, Mo Qiong did not just stand aside and ask questions.

He also went up to help carry the meat, but asked by the way.

Now the main thing in the research institute is that they suppress Taotie, and David is alone upstairs dealing with many contained objects with mind-distorting effects.

“The person who occupied the elevator upstairs couldn’t be David, right?” Mo Qiong recalled that he was chased by mushrooms before, the person who made it impossible to get off the elevator for a long time.

Taotie went berserk for a reason.

As a containment object with a brain and temper, Taotie has been on record for going berserk many times.

Its containment measures mainly depend on its awareness. Once it is determined to escape from prison, it will definitely be able to break through the containment measures.

The reason this time is quite strange. When the Blue and White Society transported Taotie, they ignored that there was another contained object, the Evercrying Robot.

Because this robot has neither weapons nor aggression, it is just a low-level AI, equivalent to a chat robot, with a huge vocabulary library to answer human questions, so its containment measures are nothing more than a cell. .

Its combat effectiveness is not even as good as that of an ordinary person. As long as it is restricted from accessing the Internet, there is nothing special at all.

The only exception is that it seems to be a robot with a mind, because it can not only cry, but also be affected by many mind-distorting effects.

Not to mention other things, such as wood carvings, you can make it sleep and dream.

All the emotions expressed by the robot are sadness and tears.

So far, Blue and White Society has not figured out where those tears came from, because there are no components with corresponding functions on the robot.

It can make all thinking things cry, even if it does not have the function of crying, it can still do it, just like itself.

The infection of this eternal crying effect comes from its various trivial sad things. Everyone who listens to its story will cry forever.

However, because it had never been found to have the ability to chat with people remotely, it was only after finding Taotie crying during the containment breach that he realized it was a robot.

Taotie cannot cry at all and has no crying function at all.

So after discovering that Taotie was crying and fierce, losing his temper and crying at the same time, everyone knew that it was the root cause of Taotie’s rampage.

That robot, separated by three floors of obstacles, made Taotie listen to its story.

It means that the robot deceived the Blue and White Society that it has the means of remote communication, or that it has recently greatly improved its spiritual awareness and evolved corresponding functions.

“No matter what the possibility is, we decided to destroy it.” The old ghost said.

Mo Qiong nodded. Since it can be destroyed, of course it is better to destroy it.

It can cause Taotie to go berserk today, but it may affect other contained objects, even humans, tomorrow.

Although it now seems that it only has the ability to communicate remotely, this ability has not been discovered before. It was either hidden or it evolved suddenly recently.

No matter which possibility is available, it is extremely dangerous. If you can’t keep it all and evolve other abilities in the future, what’s the point?

A robot that has thoughts and emotions like humans, whether it knows how to conceal or how to evolve itself, is very dangerous.

“Okay, this matter will be handled by the elucidator. Come with me and put the meat in.” The old ghost grabbed a piece of beef, which was basically half a cow’s body.

With a flick of his arm, the large piece of beef was thrown in front of Taotie.

“Suck!” Taotie opened his mouth and ate half of the cow with tears in his eyes.

I didn’t even chew it, I just swallowed it whole.

“Don’t stop, calm it down first.” The old ghost opened his bow from left to right and kept throwing beef.

Mo Qiong also followed suit and grabbed a large ham and smashed it to pass.

The two of them were fed by all the gluttons, and they all took the food in one bite and ate it happily.

It doesn’t matter if the shot is missed, Taotie can **** in the missing meat by opening its mouth.

“Don’t throw it too far, and finally send it within one meter of its body.” The old ghost staggered after being sucked and said hurriedly.

Mo Qiong curled his lips. The piece of meat that he threw just now was not his. It was the old ghost who didn’t throw it properly.

The old ghost doesn’t have to worry about Mo Qiong throwing it away. As long as Mo Qiong wants to, he can directly smash the meat into the darkness in Taotie’s mouth, and Taotie doesn’t want to eat it!

“You have good strength.” The old ghost asked.

“Well, I was lucky. I voted a 2 and my cardiopulmonary function has doubled.” Mo Qiong said.

“That’s it.” The old ghost nodded.

Don’t underestimate this doubling. If the strengthener’s cardiopulmonary function is at the athlete level, then after twice the strengthening, he will reach or even exceed the limits of the normal human body and become a human with extremely strong athletic ability.

Although Mo Qiong was not at the level of an athlete originally, he was still among the strongest in society. Now his heart and lungs have been strengthened twice, and his explosive power and endurance are many times higher than those of office workers.

In fact, even without the strengthening of the heart and lungs, Mo Qiong could still smash these heavy meats into Taotie’s mouth. This had nothing to do with strength.

The meat in the trash can was taken out continuously. After throwing away hundreds of pieces of meat, it was obvious that Taotie had calmed down a lot.

It was just eating the meat seriously, piece after piece, constantly opening its mouth to catch it.

The old ghost winked at Mo Qiong and whispered: “Slow down…you don’t have much meat with you.”

Mo Qiong understood this and put in a full feeding rhythm. Likewise, the old ghost also deliberately delayed for a while before throwing out a piece.

This resulted in Taotie not being able to eat meat for two seconds, and looking at the two of them helplessly, with tears in his eyes…

He is completely different from the ferocious and irritable look before.

It can be seen from this that Taotie has been calmed down step by step. Feeding it will make it calm, serious and concentrate on eating the food thrown over, without thinking about killing and hunting.

Even if the rhythm is interrupted for a while, Taotie will not lose his temper. Instead, he will stare at the two of them intently, waiting for them to feed him.

As if thinking: Why haven’t you submitted yet? oh! Throw it over. What about the next piece? Why haven’t you submitted yet? No more feeding? oh! Yes, yes, throw it over…

This is really a strong sense of déjà vu. Although Mo Qiong cannot read minds, he can realize this with a vague guess.

The timing of the deliberate pause must be grasped well, and the pause cannot be too long. If the pause is too long, Taotie will lose his temper: Why don’t you come over? Um? No more feeding? snort! Not fed yet! hateful! Hoo wah wah!

The pause cannot exceed two seconds at most. Each feeding requires 500 kilograms of meat, and less is uncomfortable. Therefore, at the end of a day, it requires at least more than 20 million kilograms, which is more than 20,000 tons.

Note that this is the minimum food intake. In actual operation, if you always let it wait for two seconds, it will take a big breath irregularly to remind the feeder, and even directly chew the surrounding ground, alloy walls, etc. Eat a big piece.

This shows: hurry up! I need to eat, otherwise I will go crazy.

What’s more, it will rush out of the cell directly and eat the meat that is expected to be given to it but has not been given to it.

“Isn’t this a containment failure?” Mo Qiong was surprised.

The old ghost said: “It didn’t go berserk. It’s not a containment breach. It’s just that it’s more eager to feed. Its cell is actually useless to it. As long as it wants, it can break out at any time. . So the focus of the care is on feeding. As long as the food is constant, it will continue to eat without moving.”

“In order to prevent it from breaking through the measures, the feeding machine was destroyed, which in turn caused the feeding to be interrupted and caused it to run wild. The feeding efficiency of our machine is maintained at 500 kilograms per second. This is the only way. The safest thing is that it will never go crazy because of food problems.”

Mo Qiong nodded, this is to suppress the risk to a minimum. Although the cost is much higher, it is very safe and can ensure that the hidden dangers in feeding are reduced to zero.

“In this case, it would take more than 40,000 tons and nearly 50,000 tons a day. It would take more than 18 million tons a year… close to one-fifth of China’s annual meat production. Can you afford it? “Mo Qiong said in shock.

“Although our meat production is also very high, and we even have rapid breeding technology that has no nutritional value, we still spend 5 billion US dollars importing meat every year for it. Counting the cost of our own production, The amount of money spent on gluttonous food every year exceeds 100 billion U.S. dollars,” the old ghost said.

“Holy shit…” Mo Qiong was confused. Just such a thing, consuming the Blue and White Society 100 billion US dollars every year? This is just food, not counting other expenses for housing Taotie.

“Problems that can be solved with money are not problems. Safety is the most important.” The old ghost said with a smile.

This is so pretentious, but Mo Qiong still made it clear: “But don’t you still choose to destroy it? When you send it to Meng Island this time, don’t you just plan to send it to an obliteration container? Have a ‘Contained Object Showdown’?”

“Uh…haha, haha…” The old ghost laughed dryly, having nothing to say.

Taotie is indeed very powerful, with rough skin and thick flesh, and terrifying recovery power. Although it is not immune to attacks, all injuries caused by attacks will be recovered instantly.

Coupled with the fact that it can eat almost anything, the Blue and White Society did not destroy it even though they tried their best. Instead, they angered Taotie many times, and finally managed to calm it down by feeding it more meat.

But if we keep it like this, the financial pressure will be too great every year. Problems that can be solved with money are not problems. This is indeed the true thinking of the Blue and White Society, but it does not mean that they are really inhumane.

There are too many places where they have to spend money, and no matter how rich they are, they will be driven into poverty by the countless pressures of internment…

The old ghost hesitated for a moment and said: “It is impossible without financial pressure. Although I am not in the finance department, I also know that the company is currently in debt. Every year, we are increasing revenue and reducing expenditure, but every year there are new big money swallowers… …”

Mo Qiong said speechlessly: “Aren’t we uniting all countries to suppress the containment? Aren’t we giving you resources to operate? Why does the Blue and White Society still have to spend money?”

The old ghost looked at Mo Qiong in surprise and said: “Our needs are too great, and the economy will collapse if we don’t provide money. Countries do business with us and give us very favorable conditions, but they cannot give us resources in vain, otherwise who will lose it?” The economy will be dragged down and destroyed.”

“Although we have a lot of material needs, they are affordable for human society and beneficial to the market. The money we pay is also circulated in countries around the world. The flowing money is money. In fact, it has a very positive impact on the world economy. ”

“In the end, although we are under great pressure, normal human society is progressing steadily and prospering. This is also the meaning of our existence, and it is impossible for other countries to let us collapse. The United Nations supports our business to achieve full The world, while having a positive impact on the world economy, also gives us money to spend. ”

“Do you understand? Containment measures are a necessity. All the money we make is spent because of it, but it can help the development of the world economy. In addition to the economic development of various countries, they also provide us with conveniences to help us make money. The money we make is also Spend it…Productivity continues to improve, the economy continues to prosper and develop, and everything moves forward in a healthy and sustainable way.”

“Blue and White Society is a major hidden economy in the world. We have long been integrated with the world economy. We all prosper and suffer.”



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