Blue and White Society Chapter 124: The angry Taotie

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The fate of D-class personnel is to die.

No one knows this better than the D-class personnel themselves. They know that they will die tragically sooner or later, and they have already foreseen that that day is not far away.

But Xiao Feng and the others still longed to live, even if it was just to have one more meal, breathing greedily and experiencing the feeling of being alive.

Mo Qiong is not a D-class personnel, and he deeply felt it after getting along with him for a short time.

“Old ghost…”

Mo Qiong held the sword, contacted the old ghost, and explained everything that happened here.

They successfully contained the Swordsmith, sacrificing a D-class personnel to do so.

Mo Qiong’s tone was depressed, and the death of Blonde shocked him quite a bit.

“You’ve done a great job…it’s exceeded my expectations. I’ve even prepared for the worst,” the old ghost said.

“It’s all his credit, otherwise we might all be killed by that hammer.” Mo Qiong said.

“This is the honor of all of you.” The old ghost said.

Mo Qiong’s eyes lit up and he said: “Can D-class personnel also perform meritorious service? Then they may actually be pardoned?”

“There is no amnesty. The so-called honor only improves their quality of life to a certain extent and does not give them a mission to die. Give them a certain amount of respect, but nothing more.” The old ghost said calmly.

“Then what hope do they have for living?” Mo Qiong said quietly.

“There is no hope at all, don’t you know? They have been ‘executed’ long ago. Every D-class personnel is allowed to live because they can devote themselves here to all mankind. There is no D-class The identity of the people, they died long ago, we ask them every month if they want to go back and accept the death penalty, 70% of them refuse,” said the old ghost.

Mo Qiong was silent. Of course he knew this, but he had not come into contact with D-class personnel at that time.

I have not personally experienced that they can transform into such a completely different person despite being on the verge of death many times. Maybe this is only part of it, but at least this part deserves his respect.

“The mission continues, Mo Qiong, you go there, it’s not far from us. Send the feed here, quickly…” the old ghost said.

Mo Qiong hummed, picked up the sword and dragged it away: “Xiao Feng, push the car up, let’s go!”

Now is not the time to feel depressed. Even though he is emotionally agitated, he understands what is more important.

Blonde is dead, and now he is walking at the front, dragging the giant sword made by Blond.

He knows that the one who walks in the front is definitely the most dangerous. This role was originally played by the blond, but now it is his turn, and there is nothing to shirk.

However, in the next three corridors, they restored power safely and did not encounter any more contained objects.

“Old ghost, are the swords transformed by people alive?”

Mo Qiong dragged this huge heavy sword on the road. After studying it for a while, he asked in a low voice.

He didn’t want this sword to stay there like a lot of ordinary swords. This one was different. It was a sword made with human beings, a sword that his friend turned into.

Although Mo Qiong couldn’t feel any life in the sword, he still expected that people are special. Maybe after being forged into a sword by this characteristic, they would also have thoughts.

However, the old ghost said: “Dead, under the sword hammer, people are just a kind of material, no different from gold, silver, copper and iron.”

He knew what Mo Qiong was thinking about. It was nothing more than a person being hammered into a sword. A person was still a person, but was forged into the shape of a sword.

This is really too naive. This hammer will not create derivatives with special characteristics. If a sword has human life and thoughts, then it is also a contained object.

“Unless the person being forged has the ability to maintain his thoughts no matter what form he is in, then he will still be alive even if he is forged into a sword.”

“Understand? The sword-making hammer itself does not give the sword any abilities. Even if the shape and craftsmanship are top-notch, they are only what technology can achieve.”

“Whether there is any abnormality in the sword depends on whether the material itself is abnormal before being forged by the hammer.”

“If what is forged is a containment object, then the containment object becomes a sword, but it is still a containment object.”

After listening to the old ghost’s words, Mo Qiong frowned and said: “Containment objects can also be forged? Then why not use it to kill Taotie?”

“Innocent, it can’t even kill 202, how can we talk about Taotie? According to our speculation, Taotie can even eat it and destroy it.” The old ghost said.

“Is this… speculation? You haven’t tried it?” Mo Qiong asked strangely.

“How can we try this casually? Although we really want to know all the characteristics of the contained objects, we must think carefully about the showdown between the contained objects and cannot just try it casually.” The old ghost said.

Mo Qiong asked: “Why? Whether the hammer killed Taotie or Taotie ate the hammer, there would be one less container object, right?”

The old ghost said: “The Blue and White Society who had such an idea once paid a heavy price. According to past experience, even if the hammer turns the Taotie into a sword shape, the Taotie will still be a Taotie, and its characteristics will not change. Many of the characteristics of the contained objects have nothing to do with their appearance. There are even extremely sharp breads in this world. Can you imagine…”

Mo Qian was stunned, extremely sharp bread?

In this regard, the old ghost did not say much and continued: “On the other hand, if Taotie eats the hammer, we cannot be sure whether it can digest it, because it is known that there are many contained objects that it cannot digest. For example, Containing that extremely sharp bread…the strongest metal in history.”

“If the Taotie cannot digest the hammer, then a hammer that will fly around on its own will make the Taotie who eats it violent. There have been precedents for runaways caused by indigestion, not to mention… there is also a containment The object obtained another precedent for the characteristics of a contained object.”

“Maybe you think this is nothing, but we, who have learned our lesson deeply, need to be cautious and cautious when conducting oppositional experiments on Gamma and above contained objects. I won’t go into too many examples. You just need to know, It almost caused the end of the world.”

Mo Qiong’s expression condensed. Although the old ghost couldn’t explain clearly, he still understood the meaning.

Confrontations between different contained objects are as dangerous as chemical experiments. They may be mild, or they may lead to huge dangers.

The hammer is not a very difficult thing to contain. Under normal circumstances, the sword prison can suppress the hammer well, so there is no need to take this risk.

Only for Taotie, a contained object that has a bad temper every day, the Blue and White Society couldn’t help but want to **** it to another erasure-type container and destroy it.

Soon, Mo Qiong took the lead and led Xiao Feng and others to find the large army in the square.

Along the way, you can see that the square is full of holes, and the collapsed floors and ceilings were obviously caused by Taotie.

At this moment, Taotie was suppressed by six members from six directions with a large instrument. The instrument seemed to be a machine that could create a weightless environment.

The Taotie floated in the air, its four little legs flapping in mid-air, its ferocious dragon-like mouth swaying repeatedly, grinning at the members.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Taotie roared, his little eyes bulging outward, as if to say: I am very fierce! If it wasn’t crying…

Yes, those little eyes were filled with tears, and they were crying like crazy.

Mo Qiong ran over and felt that the gravity behind the instrument was very low. He walked lightly, like walking on the moon.

As you can imagine, the Taotie located in the center of the six instruments is completely weightless. It cannot fly and cannot borrow any force. It can only squirm bit by bit through reaction forces such as jet roars.

Once it gets close to an instrument, the six members immediately adjust its position to prevent it from damaging the instrument.

Mo Qiong took a look and thought, so that’s it. He was thinking before that Taotie could eat everything except a few contained objects, so how could he suppress it?

Gun? gun? Will any of this work for it? Based on the absolute characteristics of urine, maybe even a nuclear bomb can be eaten, right?

However, the Blue and White Society has obviously found an effective method of suppression, and that is gravity.

Li, Taotie cannot be eaten, otherwise why would it still be on earth? I should have eaten away the gravity around me and kicked off my legs to travel into space.

“We are here! The feed is all here!” Mo Qiong shouted.

“There is only one barrel…” a member said worriedly.

At this time, the only old ghost on the field who did not control the instrument came over and patted Mo Qiong’s shoulder heavily and said: “One bucket is good, I didn’t have any expectations.”

Mo Qiong counted the people again and couldn’t help but ask: “There are only seven of you for such a big thing?”

There are too few people. With such a small number of people, it is no wonder that they have been struggling with Taotie for so long and cannot spare any time.

“Including peripheral personnel, there are one hundred and seventy of us.” The old ghost said calmly.

“What about the others?” Mo Qiong was startled and remembered that many security guards had come down before.

The old ghost glanced at Mo Qiong, with an indescribable complexity in his eyes. He did not speak, silently opened the trash can and took out the meat.

Mo Qiong’s brows trembled. He didn’t see a single corpse here, which meant that they were all eaten…

“How could it be…the elucidator was also eaten?” Mo Qiong asked in shock.

“That’s not true. He went to solve the root cause of Taotie’s rampage, a robot that always cried. It gave Taotie the effect of crying no matter what happened, which angered Taotie. The angrier he became, the more he cried… and ran away… ”



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