Blue and White Society Chapter 122: Big bang

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“Mo Qiong! What is it! Tell me what it is!” The old ghost’s voice sounded from the headset.

But Mo Qiong had no time to pay attention. At the critical moment, he threw the rifle in his hand directly.


The automatic rifle was like a flying knife, hitting the big hammer flying in the air.

Sure enough, the big hammer directly smashed the rifle into a long black sword, with dozens of fine button-like bronze decorations on it, which may be made of bullet materials.

On the other hand, the hammer only paused slightly before continuing to swing.

Could this thing be able to beat all matter into a sword?

“Where’s the sword…” Mo Qiong couldn’t think much, he could only fight.

In an instant, he suddenly squatted down, leaned back, and slightly distanced himself from the hammer that was aimed at his head.

At the same time, he twitched his right leg with all his strength, and hit the black sword forged from a rifle in the air.

This kick was powerful and heavy, and the black sword was directly shot towards the hammer at an extremely fast speed.


The hammer was finally struck, flew out in mid-air, passed Mo Qiong and hit the ground a few meters away.

I saw that an area of ​​more than four meters on the metal floor exploded into swords, and I could directly see the passage on the lower level.

Mo Qiong fell to the ground, his heart beating violently, his whole body feeling hot, and he felt like he was on the verge of death just now.

No, it still is, because the hammer flew up again.

And, this time it’s faster!


Mo Qiong quickly got up, rushed towards the sword on the ground, grabbed one and threw it away.

Without a doubt, extremely accurate.

But… this time it was a head-on collision. The hammer just paused, stepped back slightly, and then continued to attack.

Mo Qiong didn’t know if he could hit the hammer with his sword, so he could only retreat on the ground while grabbing a sword and throwing it over.

If his cardiopulmonary capacity had not greatly increased, and his strength was much greater than that of ordinary people at this moment, he might not have been able to stop the hammer.

But even so, this only treats the symptoms, not the root cause. Generally speaking, the big hammer is still approaching him. Once he is hit by it, he will definitely die.

“Phew!” Suddenly, an unkempt shadow rushed over, bit a sword that bounced in mid-air, and chopped directly on the hammer.

It’s Feitou Man 202, this guy flew back to help again.

Obviously, like Mo Qiong from a distance, it understood the hammer a little bit. Seeing that Mo Qiong was in danger, it immediately rushed to help, holding the sword between its teeth to block the hammer.

Its help is still useful. After all, this guy is stronger and faster than Mo Qiong.

Mo Qiong relies on absolute hits, so there is no need to talk about the accuracy of the flying sword. However, the 202 is fast and cannot be thrown. He can always bite the sword and chase the hammer to chop.

With a clang, the hammer was pushed away, and all 202’s teeth fell off, shattering into a pile of sword-like objects.

It didn’t turn into a sword entirely. I don’t know if it was because of holding the sword to block, or because 202 had some defensive characteristics.

“Old ghost! It’s Hammer! Beta-300!” Mo Qiong finally regained his composure and shouted hurriedly.

When the old ghost heard this, he hurriedly said: “Don’t touch it, it can forge everything into a sword!”

“I know that it can’t forge a sword into a sword, so the sword can block and suppress it.” Mo Qiong said.

The old ghost said: “No, never hold the sword in your hand to suppress it. Even if you are just shocked by it through the sword, it will still be forged and smash you into a sword alive!”

“Unless someone can hold a sword and collide with a hammer without feeling the force of the shock.”

Mo Qiong suddenly understood. No wonder 202 fought with a hammer and sword in his mouth, but only his teeth were forged.

This is simply because 202 is too strong, and the interaction force can only be felt by the teeth.

Just as I was thinking about it, there were a few more jingles, and I saw that 202’s chin was gone, and half of his face turned into a sword and fell down, leaving only most of his head floating.

Now it couldn’t hold the sword in its mouth, and when it saw the hammer coming, it had to turn around and run away.

“I’ll lure it around twice, ask how to contain it!” 202 said, flying away with a whoosh, trying to lure the hammer away.

If this guy hadn’t run faster than anyone before, Mo Qiong would have almost thought his character was the Virgin.

But it obviously cannot be the Virgin, because it cannot ‘die’. 202 cannot die. If it could die, it would have been destroyed long ago. On the contrary, once it ‘dies’, it will be reborn as a flying beast. state, and is violent. So no matter what it thinks it is, it cannot be destroyed, otherwise it will be refreshed.

If the Blue and White Society wants it to cherish its own life, it must have a strong desire to survive and be in awe. In order to facilitate control, but also have a lot of kindness and spirit, and be willing to contribute when you can, it can be said to be quite complicated.

“It would be great if it could lure the hammer away…” Mo Qiong frowned.

Mo Qiong and Lao Gui communicated quickly. If the Blue and White Society can contain him once, there will naturally be corresponding containment measures.

The old ghost told it that the hammer would not stare at one target, but would frequently change targets to hit, giving priority to nearby ones.

Hit anyone you want, whether it’s a person or an object.

In other words, although it can forge anything, it may not hit the target. Its speed is equivalent to a normal person throwing a hammer with the same force.

Its truly terrifying absolute characteristics lie in its automatic flying and instant death upon contact.

“Ah! Be careful!” Xiao Feng suddenly shouted and pointed at the hammer.

Sure enough, 202 was extremely fast and jumped far away with a whoosh. However, the hammer did not chase it, but drew an arc and swung it towards the brown hair. It was impossible for 202 to lure it away with its speed. On the contrary, It can only rely on speed to protect itself.

202 also realized this and could only watch from a distance. He had no mouth and could not help at the moment. He rushed over just to give it away.

The brown-haired man was still staring at the painting dutifully, his expression tense but unblinking.

He didn’t even move when the hammer hit him, he didn’t even know.

“Squat down!” Mo Qiong shouted, and the brown hair squatted down without thinking, regardless of whether he was told to himself or not.

“Ding!” A flying sword quickly hit the hammer, which slightly relieved it, but it was powerless.

“Smash me!” The blond had already finished eating. He rushed over anxiously to save the brown-haired man, but he was too late.

At the critical moment, Mo Qiong suddenly flew up and kicked the blond man in the lower back.

I saw the blond hair flying in the air, spanning more than two meters, and hit his head against the big hammer.


The blond hair was jumped by the fish, then the hammer flew away and fell to the ground.

He quickly got up and touched his head. It was okay!

“Nice! I’m fine!” Blond smiled.

“Only you can touch it! Send it to the ‘sword prison’ in the room, and you can suppress it with strong magnetic force.” Mo Qiong shouted.

Communicating with the old ghost, he already knows how to contain the hammer. The so-called sword prison is a cage made of various special swords, mainly composed of six giant swords.

The specially made sword body activates a strong magnetic force after charging, which can firmly attract the hammer to it.

Under normal circumstances, a sword is the only thing that can touch a hammer with no problem. The speed and strength of the hammer are not absolute, or even limited, but it just seems to never stop.

Then using powerful magnetism, we can suppress it and prevent it from flying around.

The power outage just now caused the magnetism to weaken, and the hammer gradually broke free from the sword prison, smashed through a wall and flew out.

It will be forged upon touching it, which means that Mo Qiong cannot touch it at all, which is tantamount to committing suicide.

The only person present who can hold the hammer without being forged into a sword is the blonde who can activate the ‘Ten Seconds Immortality’.

“Da da da!”

Mo Qiong raised his spare gun and shot the blond repeatedly because his time was almost up.

The blond man was stunned, nodded heavily and said: “Understood, I will suppress it!”

After being shot several times, food finally exploded from Blonde’s body, which meant that he had another ten seconds of immunity.

“Come on!” The blonde ate the chocolate while rushing towards the hammer that flew over again.

“Dang Dang!” The blond man directly used his head to catch it because he was trying to stuff something into his mouth with both hands.

After two consecutive hits, the hammer hit Xiao Feng again, seemingly no longer wanting to hit the blond hair.

When the blond saw this, he thought about what he was doing, so he stuffed the remaining beef jerky into his mouth, freed his hands and pounced on it.

I saw him grabbing the hammer and pulling it back with all his strength.

The hammer moved wildly in his hand, flying left and right, but it was still tightly held by the blond’s hands, unable to escape.

Countless sword-shaped air currents are emitted with the swing, and it looks like the blond is using a hammer to release the sword energy…

The blond hair was pulled by the hammer and staggered a few steps, unable to stand still. He was directly thrown against the wall beside him, and many swords suddenly came out with clatter.

“Hurry! You don’t have much time!” Mo Qiong shouted, and at the same time, he and Xiao Feng quickly took out the backup generator to restore the magnetism of the sword prison.

“Yeah…I know…” The blond, still chewing beef jerky in his mouth, hummed and stood firm, then dragged the hammer flying in the air toward the room with his eyes wide open.

I don’t know if it also has a temper. After the hammer thrust in other directions twice, it suddenly turned around and hit the blond’s face with the hammer.

Then he swung it again and hit the blond’s head wildly, making a clanging sound.

Because the blond was holding the hammer tightly, it looked like he couldn’t think of it and smashed his own Tianling Cap with the hammer.

“Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang…”

The blond walked into the room while holding a hammer and hitting himself. Nothing happened at all. He was so stubborn.

At this time, the power supply has been restored, and the surrounding area is brightly lit.

But time was running out. Mo Qiong raised his gun and shouted: “No, you are too late, let go of it.”

“Shet, almost!” The blond hair had already arrived in front of the sword prison.

“Let go!” Mo Qiong said, and at the same time he was counting in his mind, and he would shoot directly at the blond after about nine seconds. Anyway, when the time is up, there will always be a bullet that can trigger it.

But the premise is that the blond has to let go of the hammer, otherwise the bullet will never be able to trigger faster than the hammer that is continuously held in his hand.

The blond naturally did not dare to be greedy and immediately released the hammer.

With his forehead facing the bullet fired by Mo Qiong, the blond man spread his hand, but was horrified to see that the hammer did not fly away automatically after he let go, as everyone expected, but followed his hand. Spread out together, as if they were glued to each other.

“What!” Mo Qiong’s eyes widened.

Immediately afterwards, I saw food falling from the blonde’s body, and chocolate and beef jerky were scattered all over the floor in an instant…

Big bang!



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