Blue and White Society Chapter 1: Arrow Chasing the Sun

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At 10:15 on April 29, 2018, an American “Battle Shadow” test reconnaissance aircraft left the airport.

Two hours later, it was found that it crashed in the eastern Indian Ocean, about 170 nautical miles away from the military port. The nearest naval base sent a search and rescue team to the accident area.

Pilot Bailey escaped by parachuting and was rescued safely.

After checking the cause of the accident, it was found that the reconnaissance plane hit a foreign object at an altitude of 6,000 meters while flying at high speed, and the wing was damaged. Because the speed was too fast, the damage continued to expand, and it was unable to return to the destination and eventually crashed.

Military employees investigating the accident found it strange that, based on the pilot’s description, no flock of birds was detected at the time of the accident.

What hit it was a very small object. It was flying at high speed, so it was not expected that there would be foreign objects at high altitude, and the joint detector did not detect any metal reaction.

Fortunately, in the cockpit video, through the reflection of the pilot’s helmet, we could see the blurry image of the object hitting the wing during the incident.

“It’s a stick-shaped object, it’s definitely not a bird.”

“Why is there a stick at an altitude of 6,000 meters? Is it falling space junk?”

“Even if it is space junk that falls six kilometers above the earth’s surface, even if the surface is not burning, there will definitely be a falling airflow trajectory.”

“But there is no such thing. In other words, when the impact occurred, the stick was flying high in the sky? Unfortunately, the video only saw a little bit and it was impossible to judge its trajectory.”

“Anyway, space junk must be ruled out. The reconnaissance aircraft could not detect any metal products at the time of the incident. It may be that the metal content of the foreign objects is too small. And in this case, it is impossible to remove items that are not made of heat-resistant materials. Those who fell from space to a height of six thousand meters should have evaporated long ago.”

Several investigators analyzed it for a long time, but could not figure out what was going on.

High-altitude foreign objects, flying across the sky, and the aircraft hitting the target at high speed causing damage to the wings. I don’t know how to write down the causes of such accidents in the report, because it is more like being attacked.

After they honestly reported this, a weapons expert from the military quickly paid attention to the matter.

That Dr. Robert said: “It may be some kind of special invisible alloy material that escaped our joint detector.”

“The foreign object itself has propulsion force, which makes it rigidly stressed in the unsupported air and crashes the wing.”

“This may not be an accident!”

Bystanders were surprised: “In other words, it may be a stealth missile? Or a micro-aircraft?”

“It is very possible that this is a new type of weapon that we are not aware of yet. Theoretically, this propulsion force is most likely the acceleration of falling, but the video proves that this is not a high-speed falling object, so it must have the ability to self-propulsion , It should be an aircraft.” The doctor said.

Soon, ships still in the accident area reported that no foreign objects were found in the nearby waters, and there were no fragments of foreign objects in the aircraft wreckage.

“It may still be in the air, and more aerial search forces will be sent.”

Although the flying object was not detected, the aircraft in the search formation still found the foreign object.

Because the speed of foreign objects is supersonic, as long as you search carefully at a certain height, you can still see objects passing through the clouds and causing sonic boom shock waves.

It’s just that this thing doesn’t emit any signals. If it hadn’t shot down one of their planes and locked a rough trajectory, it would have been impossible to find it passing by from such a high place.

“It’s a supersonic stealth fighter… No, it’s not a fighter plane. It’s too small. It should be an unmanned aerial vehicle!”

“We don’t even have this kind of supersonic stealth unmanned micro aircraft technology, and its size is too small. How to solve the fuel storage problem?”

“Is it the latest drone?”


After discovering the foreign object flying at high speed, the military quickly determined the flight trajectory.

A supersonic fighter jet was dispatched from the military port to pursue it.

“The target speed is about 500 meters per second, and we expect to catch up in five minutes.”

“There is such a high-performance unmanned aerial vehicle…”

“Its target may be over the base. Can it be shot down?”

“No, the speed is too fast, and the detector cannot detect any signal from it…”

The American military quickly compiled a lot of information about the mysterious flying objects.

Although the speed of this mysterious flying object is supersonic, it is still far behind compared with a real supersonic fighter.

The really scary thing about it is its extremely small size and incredible radar invisibility.

If it hadn’t been flying straight and straight at an altitude of only six thousand meters, the trajectory would have been too obvious. Instead, it is raised to an altitude of 8,000 meters or even 10,000 meters, and there is no way to detect it.

No electromagnetic waves were detected, no control signals were intercepted, and there was not even a metal reaction. Its material is completely unknown.

“Previous videos showed that this stick-shaped flying object was broken into several pieces during the impact. Why can it still maintain such a high flying speed now?” Dr. Robert asked.

“Does it also have nano-repair function?” Others asked in shock.

Just when they were wondering, five minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and a message came from the chasing aircraft: “I have caught up with it. Its trajectory is very straight. I can attack it. Are you allowed to shoot it down?”

The doctor said: “Didn’t the course change? This may not be an aircraft, but a warhead?”

“Try to be parallel to it and send the image over.”

Soon, the supersonic fighter approached the target about 20 meters away. If the target exploded within this distance, there would be enough time to evade it.

Under parallel flight, the image of the mysterious flying object can finally be seen clearly.

After observing carefully, the pilot was completely stunned and immediately transmitted the image of the foreign object back to the base.

“What? Arrow?”

The so-called foreign object is a pure carbon arrow.

Due to the previous impact, the arrow had been shattered. The arrow shaft had broken into more than a dozen pieces, and the arrowhead had detached.

However, these fragments still stabbed diagonally into the sky at a speed of nearly 500 meters per second.

This was completely inexplicable, and everyone in the base who saw this scene was dumbfounded.

What they were looking for was a mysterious aircraft, but what they found was an even more mysterious flying arrow.

It’s still a broken arrow. There is obviously no jet flow or rocket propulsion, but it just flies at supersonic speed.

At high speeds, the arrow body obviously heats up, with a small amount of steam lingering on the surface. However, the pure carbon fiber material has good heat resistance, and less than twice the speed of supersonic speed is not enough to burn it.

“It did not burn, but there was steam following it… Could these steam be the gases that evaporated when it hit the ‘Battle Shadow’ before? Why have these gases followed this broken arrow at supersonic speed?”

Dr. Robert looked at the impact in shock, feeling the absurdity of the picture.

What does this arrow rely on to propel itself?

Why can it be pushed forward even if it is broken?

Why can gas still advance even after some of the matter has evaporated?

Where is this inexplicable flight going?

Many doubts suddenly stunned this weapons expert.

When there was a dead silence in the hall, a colonel said solemnly: “Dr. Robert, please give me the information. This matter is classified as 3A secret.”

The doctor said in shock: “Huh? It’s…”

The colonel immediately sent out the information compiled by the doctor, and soon the superior ordered: “Two other supersonic fighters have arrived to respond, and let the pursuing pilots cooperate to capture it.”

The colonel who received the order immediately conveyed the order to the pilots near the arrow.

Not long after, two other fighters were also parallel to the flying arrow.

One of them was an unmanned aircraft, which launched a tight catching net and successfully captured the pile of scattered flying arrows.

“Slow down gradually!”

The drone began to slow down, but as soon as it slowed down, the drone lost its balance!

The place where the metal catching net was connected to the bottom of the plane was stretched straight, and the flying arrow actually dragged it to maintain its own speed without slowing down at all.

“Out of balance! Out of balance!”

The towing aircraft was spinning behind the arrow, but no matter which direction it flew, it could not stop the arrow from slanting toward the sky.

The speed of the arrow measured by a nearby parallel aircraft was still 500 meters per second.

“Cut off the catching net!”

In desperation, the superiors ordered the capture net to be abandoned, only to see the pile of arrow parts continuing to fly with the net, while it took a long time for the unmanned aircraft to stabilize again.

“Oh my god, what is this?” Dr. Robert looked at the screen and collapsed.

Can’t help but ask: “Is this a UFO?”

The colonel shook his head and said nothing.

The commander’s superiors also had no news and seemed to be discussing how to deal with it.

The three planes responsible for the pursuit could only keep following, as time passed by.

The flying arrow gradually crosses the U.S. base in the Indian Ocean. After a while, the aircraft will not be able to follow. Whether it is fuel restrictions or free flight zone restrictions, American aircraft will not be allowed to follow this flying arrow around the earth. .

At this time, Dr. Robert also gradually calmed down, and his scholar’s instinct allowed him to continue analyzing and thinking based on this absurd basis.

He seemed to have thought of something and suddenly said: “Huh? It seems to be always chasing the time zone?”

“Time zone?” The colonel was stunned.

Dr. Robert controlled the computer and pointed out the path of the arrow: “Compared carefully, you can find that it is always facing the sun. Its speed is about 500 meters per second, which is just faster than the rotation speed of the earth at 35 degrees north latitude. A little.”

“The arrow flies from east to west. If it keeps this speed, it can circle the earth in twenty-four hours. And in the process, it will almost always be at the same local time.”

He called up the time of impact of the battle shadow and said: “The impact time was just after twelve o’clock at noon. The arrow passed over Indu at this speed. When it reached the west coast, it was also the local twelve o’clock. Continue Moving forward, across the Indian Ocean, and reaching the sky above the peninsula, it will also be the local twelve o’clock.”

The colonel asked in surprise: “What does this mean?”

Dr. Robert shook his head and said: “I don’t know, this is like an arrow chasing the sun…”

“Chasing the sun? Shouldn’t chasing the sun fly straight out of the atmosphere? Why should we circle the earth?” the colonel asked puzzledly.

Dr. Robert seemed to have thought of something and was calculating wildly. After a while, he stood up suddenly and said: “Actually, it is not orbiting the earth!”

“I know why it is so fast! It is not rotating with the earth! So to us, its speed has reached supersonic speed! And it is always under the sun.”

Robert quickly built a model, and saw that in the model, the flying arrow remained unchanged as an anomaly, while a sphere rotated aside.

The sphere represents the earth, and one rotation of it represents one day. So for that abnormal point, one day later, it will pass through the sky above the earth.

“That’s not right…”

Robert soon overturned this model because he discovered that the flying arrow was not stationary relative to the earth. Even if the speed of the earth’s rotation was excluded, it still had a speed of several meters per second.

This speed is exactly the speed at which the arrow leaves the ground.

In other words, its inexplicable propulsion does not simply come from the rotation of the earth. Even if the earth does not rotate, the arrow still has a strange propulsion that drives it away from the earth.

It was originally an arrow flying upward. Because the earth is rotating, its rotation speed is obviously faster than its upward speed, which makes it appear to be flying across the sky.

“Stay away from the surface… stay away from the surface… I understand! It is rising in orbit!”

Robert quickly started building a new model, but he wasn’t very good at the project, he was just a weapons expert.

I could only explain to the colonel verbally: “Colonel, you are right, it is indeed flying straight out of the atmosphere, but its speed is too slow! The distance away from it is only a few meters per second.”

“If an object is in a state of continuous advancement without exceeding the second cosmic speed, it will orbit the Earth and continue to rise in orbit.”

Robert drew a ‘mosquito coil’ pattern at random, and then at the end of the mosquito coil pattern, the line stretched out a straight line, symbolizing freedom from the constraints of gravity.

“I can’t explain this inexplicable propulsion, but if this propulsion can be maintained, its height will gradually move away from the sea level at a speed of several meters per second, and eventually it will leave the atmosphere.”

“For some reason that I can’t understand, it always faces the sun, so it does not rotate with the earth. The rising trajectory is just an illusion caused by the earth’s rotation.”

“When it escapes from the gravity of the earth, it will continue to move toward the sun in the vacuum…forward…until it is swallowed up by the sun in the distant future.”

The colonel immediately reported this idea, and his superiors soon recognized this conjecture.

An old professor appeared on the screen and said to Robert: “Your idea is right. Although it is absurd, it may be true. This arrow… is rushing towards the sun unstoppably… to Extremely slow.”

Robert said with an ugly face: “I was just thinking about it, but this is too ridiculous. This propulsion out of thin air allows it to break through the resistance of the air and the traction of the earth’s rotation.”

“It makes sense to exist. We can only speculate based on the facts. Just now, the arrow suddenly rushed to the outer space forty kilometers high at an extremely fast speed. Our plane could no longer keep up. Fortunately, we have placed a detector on the capture net, which will continuously report the arrow’s position and speed to us,” the old professor said.

Robert frowned and said: “Suddenly accelerating? No, doesn’t this overturn my conjecture? If it can reach a speed of forty kilometers per second, why doesn’t it just rush out of the atmosphere?”

The old professor explained: “No, your idea is right. This is still not its own speed, but the speed of the earth’s revolution… It’s not that the arrow is accelerating away from us, it’s just that it suddenly stops following the earth’s revolution. …”

“Although this is more absurd, we can only make a series of conjectures about it.”

As he spoke, a more rigorous model appeared on the screen.

The old professor said: “The idea of ​​an arrow chasing the sun that you mentioned is one of the dozens of conjectures we have listed, and it is also the most likely one.”

On the plane model, there is a dotted line drawn between the sun and the arrow, and the earth’s revolution is not a perfect circle. There are times when it is closest to the sun and times when it is farthest from the sun.

If the earth is rotating close to the sun, then the arrow will receive help from the earth, so that the force pushing it towards the sun will be superimposed on the force of the earth approaching the sun. It makes it look like it is bound by the earth’s gravity and rotates with the earth.

It can be seen that the previously observed away speed of several meters per second is not actually its own speed. It is just because the earth was slightly close to the sun during that period. When the direction is the same, the arrow has almost no speed. away from the surface.

But if the earth rotates away from the sun, even just a little, the flying arrow won’t follow. Under this condition, its propulsion force seems to have been increased by a value that maximizes the benefits. After offsetting the gravity of the earth, it can actually maintain its own away speed.

From the perspective of people on earth, the arrow will suddenly move away at an extremely fast speed.

In fact, the arrow did not accelerate, it was just that the speed of the earth was too fast, and the two parted ways.

“The distance between the arrow and the sun is not increased by the gravity of the earth. On the contrary, the arrow always heads towards the sun and shrinks the distance from the sun at an extremely slow speed… This value, through calculation, is approximately After removing all influences, the arrow will fly at a speed of forty-five meters per second in a vacuum.”

“To put it simply, no matter how much you pull on this flying arrow, you can’t prevent it from flying towards the sun at a speed of less than 45 meters per second. On the contrary, it can help propel it.”

“Whether there is a way to stop this unstoppable ‘constant advancement’, we can no longer explore. It has already moved away from the earth.”

Speaking of this, the old professor felt sad for a while.

Robert was also a little distracted. He had been engaged in engineering all his life and had never seen anything so weird before.

It’s simply… simply an alien product.

After the serious thinking based on the absurd reality ended, he began to fall into a state of collapse of the worldview again, and the physics in his heart was completely destroyed by this arrow.

No matter how good the analysis is, the basic premise is simply broken!

God’s constant advancement, neither classical physics nor subversive physics, can explain this strange phenomenon.

“Oh God, where did this arrow chasing the sun come from?”



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