Blue and White Society: Best File 3: Human Unity

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February 14, 2004.

Xiao Gou touched his hair, which was so stiff that it pricked his hands, with a smile on his face.

“I didn’t expect it to be so simple, just cut off the scalp.”

Since returning to the headquarters from Antarctica last time, Xiaogou has been quarantined for inspection.

After trying various methods, the research department determined that the ice crystal hair is perfectly connected to the scalp and absolutely cannot be separated.

So I simply performed an operation, cut off the entire scalp of Xiaogou, and then transplanted a new piece of scalp, and re-transplanted the hair.

The ice crystal monster cannot be eliminated, but being separated from the human body and imprisoned is equivalent to elimination.

It is worth mentioning that although it was separated from its host, the ice crystal monster did not die.

It does not have a true parasitic relationship with the converted.

Although it has the characteristic of not directly harming the host, even if the host dies or is injured, the ice crystal monster will not have any impact.

Then why do we need to protect the host? There’s no reason, it’s just a characteristic… it ‘thinks’ it’s a parasite.

“As expected of a contained object.”

Xiao Gou’s understanding of the contained objects has become deeper.

Contained objects only have characteristics and phenomena. As for the principle? What is the principle? Containment objects don’t need that kind of thing at all.

“That’s right. Contained objects have their own unique principles and cannot be popularized. We have no way to learn technology from them.” Qi Ye said.

“Okay, okay, are there any missions?” Xiao Gou smiled. In order to solve the hair problem, he stayed in the research department for two months.

Now that I have completed my training, I can’t wait to work.

Master Qi knocked him on the head and said: “Suzhou, there is a person in the mental hospital who we need to check.”

Xiao Gou blinked and said: “Investigation mission?”

Master Qi smiled and said, “What? Don’t you want to go?”

“Go!” Xiao Gou nodded.

The two of them flew to Suzhou. On the way, Mr. Qi told Xiaogou about the mission.

Investigation tasks, as the name suggests, require members to investigate if abnormalities are found to determine whether they are caused by the contained objects.

“The target is a mentally ill man named Li Wen with multiple personalities. There are 130 personalities that have appeared…”

“What? 130 personalities!” Xiao Gou was startled.

Master Qi nodded and said: “Yes, it has broken the world record. Before that, the most multiple personalities were 24.”

Xiao Gou quickly said: “This must be caused by the containment object!”

Master Qi rolled his eyes and said speechlessly: “What do you mean it is definitely? This cannot be taken for granted. We must investigate clearly.”

“I have sent people to investigate all of his interpersonal interactions and places he visited from a month before the onset of the disease until he was sent to a mental hospital.”

“The result is that there is no abnormality. In other words, Li Wen’s case is an isolated case.”

Xiao Gou nodded, he understood what Mr. Qi meant.

If there is an isolated case, it means that even if there is a contained object, it is not the contained object that causes Li Wen’s 130 personalities, but at most it is Li Wen’s own characteristics.

Otherwise, the place where he got sick, or other people around him, should have a similar situation to him.

Xiao Gou thought: “Can there be as many as 130 multiple personalities?”

“Theoretically it’s possible.” Mr. Qi said.

Xiao Gou shook his head and said, “I don’t believe it. Can his brain bear it?”

Master Qi said: “This is what’s unusual about him. He has a transforming multiple personality. None of the personalities that have appeared before have appeared again.”

“His 130 personalities were calculated by psychiatrists.”

“He changes a personality almost every day. Judging from the current situation, it is very likely that after the new personality is born, the old personality disappears, so he does not have 130 personalities at the same time, but a total of 129 new personalities. .”

Xiao Gou thought: “Does the personality change every day? Are the rules dead?”

If the law is a dead law, then it is most likely a characteristic.

Master Qi shook his head again and said: “No, it has only been three months since entering the mental hospital, but 130 personalities have appeared. Because sometimes, they change several times a day.”

“There seems to be no pattern. For the time being, we don’t know what causes the personality change.”

Xiao Gou stopped talking and was erratic. Although it looked more like a real mental illness, he might actually be a containment object.

Due to the characteristics of the contained objects, personality changes can also be required to be random.

Qi Ye said: “In fact, after he was imprisoned in the mental hospital, experts did not expect that he would change his personality every day and treat him as a normal patient.”

“It’s nothing more than chatting, asking him if he has been frightened or persecuted in any way. Then using some guiding techniques, I hope he can find himself again.”

At first, when Li Wen was working in the company, he suddenly became mad and his eyes turned red. He took a fruit knife and chopped everyone he saw.

After that, he was sent to a mental hospital. After getting to know him in every possible way, he found out that Li Wen thought he was a soldier in the border army in the late Ming Dynasty. At that time, he thought that everyone around him was Tatar.

Because he has violent tendencies, he is locked in a room alone. He is emotionally disturbed and very excited, so he occasionally has to calm down.

A few days later, the nurse reported that his mood was very stable, so the expert wanted to find the cause and chatted with Li Wen.

As a result, Li Wen called himself “Liu Zhi” at that time, spoke a Suzhou dialect, and believed that it was the 26th year of the Republic of China. His character was cowardly, and he thought he was being arrested for traitor crimes.

Experts concluded at the time that Li Wen might have watched too many TV series and developed the personality of a soldier and a traitor.

Another week later, the expert interviewed him again and continued the topic from last time, talking to him about the Republic of China. As a result, Li Wen remained silent and talked about the late Ming Dynasty. He still looked indifferent.

At that time, experts disagreed. It was very common for psychiatrists to ignore doctors, so they left after chatting for more than ten minutes. And suggested that the nurse talk to him more.

I really discovered that Li Wen’s personality was changing after that interview.

The nurse often went to chat with him, and soon realized that the other person was no longer a soldier or a traitor, and his personality changed frequently.

When you go there today, you may be a stupid beggar, and the next day you may become a fierce bandit, and after a while, you may become an honest worker.

This has been repeated until now, there are 89 clearly recorded personalities, and a conservative estimate of 40 suspected new personalities observed by cameras.

With 129 personalities, plus ‘Li Wen’ himself, he should have had a total of 130 personalities.

There is no doubt that it is too strange, and it quickly attracted the attention of peripheral personnel of the Blue and White Society, and it was used as an investigation mission.

This task, before formal members take over, is investigated by peripheral personnel.

With the level of many peripheral personnel, it is enough to find out whether he is really mentally ill, and there is no need for members to personally intervene.

The reason why Mr. Qi took over this task was entirely to cultivate Xiaogou’s investigative abilities.

Three hours later, the two got off the plane and arrived at a public mental hospital in Suzhou.

“Here, here is the certificate. I am a psychiatrist from Shanghai, and you are my graduate student.” Mr. Qi said with a smile.

Xiao Gou took the certificate and complained: “Why are you giving it to me now?”

After saying that, Mr. Qi had already rushed to the concierge of the inpatient building to register.

Xiao Gou quickly followed, handed over his ID, and glanced at his name.

Xiao Gou was stunned when he saw it, because his name had been changed. In fact, it was okay to change it. It was normal to use a pseudonym for a fake ID.

But the name above is: Gou Dongxi.

“…” Xiaogou glared at Master Qi with murderous intent.

“Hehehe.” Mr. Qi turned away and ran upstairs with a smile.

Xiao Gou reluctantly finished the registration, and the concierge looked at him with strange eyes.

The two went upstairs and were warmly received. Mr. Qi asked to meet Li Wen, and someone quickly arranged it.

While waiting, Xiao Gou grabbed Mr. Qi’s collar, slobbered on his face and said, “Are you a beast! What the **** is a dog! Believe it or not, I will throw you out!”

Master Qi said with contempt: “Can’t you control your emotions over such a trivial matter? Bad review!”

Xiao Gou said angrily: “What a bad review. I have already completed one containment and got the Alpha badge. How can you still send me back for internship!”

Master Qi smiled and said: “Calm down! Calm down! I’m on a mission!”

At this time, a doctor came over, and Xiaogou quickly calmed down and sat down with a kind face.

“Professor Qi, the patient is not cooperating today. He doesn’t even eat and is making trouble in the ward…” the doctor said.

Master Qi smiled and said: “It’s okay, then we will go to the ward to see him.”

Someone from Blue and White Club has already called the hospital, and the hospital is fully cooperative.

Soon, Mr. Qi and Xiaogou were brought to the ward.

I saw Li Wen with his hair disheveled, wearing formal clothes, fixed on the bed, his eyes fierce.

He kept roaring, seemingly extremely angry and sad.

The doctor said: “He often chirps like this and doesn’t know what he is talking about.”

The doctors and nurses couldn’t understand it, but the members did.

Every member of the club has eaten translation konjac, and as long as it is a systematic language, they can understand it directly.

“Big mistake! Big mistake! The princes are rebelling, and the Qing monarch is just an excuse! If you cut it, you will rebel, and if you don’t cut it, you will rebel. Now that you have cut the vassal, put down the rebellion as soon as possible!”

“I want to see your Majesty! I want to see your Majesty!”

Li Wen struggled continuously, as if he had countless things to say in his heart. He was extremely emotional and even burst into tears later on.

Master Qi and Xiaogou looked at each other and sat on the chairs.

I heard Li Wen say again: “You are not His Majesty… You are not… Who are you! Where is Chen Jia? Where is the traitor!”

Master Qi looked strange and said, “What’s your name?”

Li Wen was stunned, he understood this sentence.

Translate Konjac, and others will automatically understand what you say.

“You don’t know me?” Li Wen said in surprise.

He soon discovered that no one here seemed to recognize him.

Li Wen said with sharp eyes: “I pay homage to the imperial censor! Wu Chu’s ambition is not to cut down the vassal vassal when he is in power. The seven kingdoms are rebelling, how can they kill the ministers without permission! There must be a traitor and a traitor.”

Xiao Gou said: “I’m asking you for your name. Why are you talking so much!”

On the other hand, Master Qi came to his senses and asked, “Chao Cuo?”

Li Wen looked at Master Qi and said, “Who are you? I want to see His Majesty!”

This is the default.

“Chao Cuo?” Xiao Gou thought for a moment and said, “The Chao Cuo who was cut in half by Liu Qi during the Seven Kingdoms Rebellion?”

“How presumptuous! How dare you call His Majesty by his first name!” Li Wen glared.

Xiao Gou touched his chin and thought to himself, is this really multiple personalities?

During the period of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, Chao Cuo was the teacher of Emperor Jing Liu Qi and was very trusted. The official worshiped the Yushi Dafu. At that time, the Yushi Dafu was one of the three princes, and there was no higher official.

He made great contributions to the country and was a very capable Legalist minister. However, he had a fierce temperament, and while he was deeply trusted by Emperor Jing, he also offended many ministers.

In this case, Chao Cuo proposed to reduce the vassal status.

Zhou Xing’s enfeoffment led to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period for five hundred years. Emperor Qin unified the country and changed it to a system of prefectures and counties. However, in the early Han Dynasty, Liu Bang brought back the enfeoffment.

It was fine during the reign of Emperor Wen, but by the time of Emperor Jing, the princes no longer respected the emperor.

If this continues for several generations, I am afraid that the same mistakes will be made again, and the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period will happen again.

So Chao Cuo wrote the policy of cutting down the feudal vassals, depriving the princes of a large number of fiefdoms, correcting the private laws of the fiefdoms, and reducing the privileges of the princes.

After hearing this, Emperor Jing promulgated a decree, which soon led to the Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms. Wu, Chu and other vassal states united in rebellion and raised the slogan: “Kill Chao for his mistakes and clear the emperor’s side.”

The princes rebelled with great momentum. Emperor Jing asked Chao Cuo what to do. Chao Cuo hoped that Emperor Jing would lead the expedition himself while he would sit in Chang’an.

Emperor Jing did not listen, and then Chao Cuo’s political opponents wrote: “The purpose of the Wu-Chu rebellion is to kill Chao Cuo and restore the original fiefdom. As long as Chao Cuo is killed, an envoy is sent to announce the amnesty of the seven countries, and the deprived fiefdoms can be restored. Rebellion is fought without bloodshed.”

Afterwards, people wrote letters one after another to impeach Chao Cuo, and proposed that Chao Cuo’s entire family be executed.

Emperor Jing approved of this and sent Lieutenant Chen Jia to Chao Cuo’s house to issue an edict to trick Chao Cuo into going to court to discuss matters. As the carriage passed through the east city of Chang’an, the lieutenant stopped, read the imperial edict to Chao Cuo, and cut him in half.

Chao Cuo was beheaded in Dongshi City wearing court clothes at that time.

However, there is no reason why the rebellion can be put down by killing Chao Cuo.

The princes clapped their hands and applauded, and then continued the rebellion without withdrawing their troops. In the end, Zhou Yafu led the troops to defeat the enemy and solved the problem with the army.

“You have multiple personalities, and you actually think that you are Chao Cuo’s? How did this kind of personality come about?” Xiao Gou muttered.

Master Qi said softly: “We just need to know whether this is a disease.”

“What he said…should be ancient Chang’an dialect.”

Xiao Gou said: “Is that caused by the containment? Li Wen is just an ordinary college graduate, how can he speak ancient Chinese?”

Master Qi shook his head and said: “We can’t speak it either, or maybe he just speaks a dialect with a strange tone in a state of mental disorder. This can also be deciphered by the translator Konjac.”

After saying that, Mr. Qi turned around and asked the doctor to get pen and paper.

Then, he personally stepped forward and untied Li Wen’s restraints.

“Be careful! A nurse was injured by him last time.” The doctor said.

“It’s okay.” Mr. Qi smiled.

Li Wen loosened his bonds and looked at his smooth palms strangely.

Paper and pen were soon brought, and Mr. Qi said: “Master Chao, your Majesty will no longer be able to see you, but I can ask you to write a memorial. This is your only chance to survive!”

Li Wen was overjoyed and saluted: “Please leave your name. If I can be gracious, I will recommend you.”

He took the paper without even glancing at the ballpoint pen, as if he didn’t regard it as a pen at all.

I saw him biting his finger and writing with blood, eloquent and full of literary talent!

Master Qi and Xiaogou watched silently from the side, and the doctor was also there, admiring and saying: “Oh, this word is so beautifully written! What is it written about?”

Isn’t it beautiful? Qin Li’s handwriting is majestic.

Although I can’t understand it, I know that this word is extremely beautiful.

Of course Mr. Qi and Xiaogou can understand it. They have even memorized the oracle bone script, and can write in bronze and seal script, not to mention official script.

The characters written by Li Wen are between Qin Li and mature Han Li. They are in the same line as later Chinese characters. The difference is very small, and they can recognize them at a glance.

As for the content, it is even more brilliant in writing. It talks about the matter of reducing the vassal state and the importance of suppressing rebellion, which is very penetrating. He also used treacherous and deceptive words to persuade His Majesty not to do things that would please relatives and enemies, and every word was full of blood! Paired with a blood letter, it makes people feel even more compassionate.

“Hiss… After writing this article, Emperor Han Jing will probably take it back after reading it…” Xiao Gou said with a smile.

Master Qi whispered: “This literary talent is too much!”

“Isn’t that too much! I’ve never heard of someone who is mentally ill and can write ancient Chinese prose!” Xiao Gou said.

Master Qi said: “But if it is true that Chao Cuo was in history, it would not be surprising to write about it…”

Chao Cuo is a super academic, eloquent and sharp in his writing. He can talk about everything at length and analyze problems in detail.

Unfortunately, in history, Emperor Jing did not give him a chance to escape, nor did he give him time to submit a letter. He tricked him into going to court, and when he passed by Dongshi on the way, he was dragged and beheaded.

You can’t tell whether the ancient Chinese is true or not, but this article cannot be false.

Amazing talent! How could a modern person write it?

The two members were both knowledgeable, and the way they looked at Li Wen was immediately wrong.

Where is Li Wen? Isn’t it Chao Cuo’s fault?

“Time travel? No, this face is Li Wen. Soul travel?” Xiaogou said softly.

Master Qi said: “At least I’m sure, this is definitely not a mental illness…”

Putting away the article, Mr. Qi asked everyone to go out.

Then he asked: “Master Chao, do you remember what you were doing before you lay here?”

“Your Majesty announced that I would go to court, and ordered me to behead me halfway. Hum! There must be traitors who will impeach me!” Li Wen said.

Master Qi asked: “Then…has the execution been carried out?”

Li Wen looked hesitant, but said: “Your Majesty declares me to be in the imperial court, how dare the traitor kill me!”

Little Gou was very happy, and he could tell at a glance that he was lying, and said, “Don’t you see what’s wrong? Where do you think this is?”

“Zhao Prison?” Li Wen said with a tense expression.

The windows of this ward are all welded with steel bars. It does look like a prison, but the whole environment is still very different from that era. Can he really not see it?

“Okay! You’re dead!” Master Qi suddenly took out a mirror from outside and faced Li Wen.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Li Wen said hysterically: “Hey! Hahahaha! I know… I just know… Are you Mr. Taishan?”

“…” The Qin and Han Dynasties did not speak of the underworld, but only said that the souls of dead people returned to Mount Tai.

Taishanjun is the **** of Mount Tai and the Lord of the Ghost City of the Underworld.

The ‘Chao Cuo’ in front of me actually remembered that he had been cut in half and survived for a few breaths after being cut in half, which was deeply impressive.

In his impression, shortly after being cut in half, when he opened his eyes again, he was tied to the bed, and no one paid attention to him even if he shouted loudly.

He was thinking wildly there, thinking that he was not dead and that being cut in half was just a fantasy. In fact, he was knocked unconscious and imprisoned here.

Now, Mr. Qi suddenly took out a mirror that reflected the person in detail and shouted: “You are already dead!”

In an instant, he was in chaos, and the memory of being cut in half to death emerged again. He knew that this was the ghost capital of Hades, and the person holding the artifact mirror in front of him was the Yin Lord of Mount Tai!

Xiao Gou smiled and said: “He is Lord Taishan, then who am I?”

After saying that, he hugged Mr. Qi and the two stood side by side.

Li Wen said with a sudden look on his face: “Are you two Shen Tu Yu Lei?”

Xiao Gou laughed.

Master Qi pushed him, walked out of the ward and said to the doctor: “This patient needs to be transferred to another hospital. Let’s go through the handover procedures.”

The doctor has no objection. This is not a prisoner, just a patient. The superiors have already told him that if Professor Qi requests to be transferred to another hospital, he will cooperate with him.

An hour later, a special car driven by peripheral personnel arrived, and all the procedures were completed.

It is not an emergency, so follow whatever procedures are required.

For now, this person is safe and poses no threat.

“Come with us!” Xiaogou helped Li Wen out of the ward.

Unexpectedly, Li Wen broke away from him and said fiercely: “Let me go! I won’t go! I would rather die than accept the guest!”

He turned out to be girly, pursed his lips, held up the cloth on his pants, stumbled two steps, and hit the wall with his head, looking forward to death!


Xiao Gou reacted very quickly. Just now he was just holding him gently, but when he felt the opponent struggling, he immediately grabbed him back as soon as he let go.

Pinch Li Wen’s shoulder with one hand, hold Li Wen’s hand with the other and cut it behind his back, easily pressing it against the wall.

“Ah ah ah!” Li Wen screamed and twisted his body.

Master Qi raised his eyebrows and said, “He has changed!”

Xiao Gou was stunned, good guy, he has a new personality all of a sudden?

Is it a woman this time? Picking up guests?

“What’s going on?” Hearing the scream, the hospital staff gathered over.

“It’s okay… I’m sick.” Mr. Qi said calmly.

The doctor said: “He has serious violent tendencies and his personality is very violent most of the time. It is recommended that he be tied up.”

“No need, I…” Xiao Gou wanted to say that he could easily control the other party.

But Mr. Qi said: “Tie it up.”

“Okay. Xiao Zhang is here to help!” the doctor shouted.

They were all very professional, and soon they hugged Li Wen’s chest again, and restrained him tightly.

“Ahhh! Let me go!” Li Wen looked like he was crazy. When he was restrained by everyone, he opened his mouth and bit someone.

It’s a pity that he can’t stand up to several big men. The people in the mental hospital do things neatly.

“Come on, let’s carry him away!” They knew that Mr. Qi had a lot of background, so they tried their best to carry Li Wen all the way to the yard and put him in the car.

“Let me go! Wuwuwuwu…” Li Wen cried, his eyes desperate.

Suddenly, with quick eyes and quick hands, Xiao Gou suddenly reached out and pinched Li Wen’s chin.

However, it was still a step too late, Li Wen actually bit off his own tongue!

“Oh shit! Stop the bleeding!” Everyone was shocked and quickly laid him on his side and forced him to open his mouth.

Master Qi took out the ointment from his body and rushed forward in three steps. He first pulled out his tongue and then applied the ointment to stop the bleeding quickly.

“If you are stimulated, you must be patient when dealing with mental illness.” Mr. Qi said.

“Yes yes yes.”

“I don’t need you anymore, I’ll do it.” Xiao Gou picked up Li Wen and left.

Seeing them get into the car, the doctors were still talking: “That ointment is so powerful, it stopped the bleeding immediately.”

“Director, which hospital are they from?”

“Jinling Military Hospital, this is probably the ointment in the army.”

“Why are people in military hospitals so concerned about mental illness?”

“Who knows? It’s confidential, so there’s no need to ask.”


In the car compartment of the speeding car, Mr. Qi and Xiaogou looked at Li Wen who was **** tightly.

Li Wen’s eyes were full of fear and his face was filled with tears.

Master Qi took out the needle and thread, Xiaogou pinched his chin, and the two began to sew Li Wen’s tongue.

After a while, the tongue felt as if it had never been cut, bouncing as before and bending as desired.

Only the dried blood around Li Wen’s mouth meant that he had bitten off his tongue.

Absolutely stitched! Master Qi is one of the members who possesses this characteristic. His skills are so advanced that even if they are chopped into thousands of pieces, they can be sewn back together.

Of course… If you really have to chop it into pieces, then it will just be a corpse if you sew it back together.

“You…you…” Li Wen said in horror.

“We won’t gag you anymore, don’t bite your tongue and kill yourself.” Mr. Qi said.

Li Wen was so fierce that he tried to bite again.

Xiao Gou smiled and said: “If you bite off your tongue, you won’t die. Don’t say you are dead, my buddy can sew it back for you immediately.”

Li Wen was extremely desperate, tears flowed unsatisfactorily, and his face was ashen.

“Don’t be sad, we are not taking you to pick up guests.” Mr. Qi said gently.

His voice is soft and gentle, and his directness is like a spring breeze.

Master Qi is the kind of middle-aged man who looks very respectable, giving off a very kind and secure aura.

The eyes are not only not fierce, but also a little playful.

With some hypnotic techniques, Mr. Qi easily relaxed Li Wen’s mood.

In just a few sentences, his personality at the moment became clear again.

An ordinary person, a very ordinary woman from a good family, was born during the Qianlong period and was only seventeen years old.

They were already married, but on the eve of their wedding, her fiancé was beaten to death by a bully, and she was raped and humiliated. However, she had a strong temper and bit off the bully’s ear.

So he was beaten to death and sold to Goulan Court.

She refused to accept the guests and just wanted to die. She had the impression that she had hit a pillar and died. Unexpectedly, when she opened her eyes, she was supported by Xiao Gou again. She thought she was not dead, so she continued to commit suicide.

Especially when the people from the mental hospital forcibly tied her up, she was so ashamed and angry that she decided to bite her tongue.

Master Qi and Xiaogou looked at each other, and a certain absolute characteristic appeared in this person.

Continuously causing his personality to twist into someone else.

“Don’t be afraid, girl, we won’t harm you. If you feel uncomfortable, we can untie you now.” Mr. Qi said with a smile.

Li Wen nodded, and Master Qi immediately untied him.

He was also very honest, sitting neatly in the corner of the carriage, neither crying nor fussing, and his expression was gloomy.

“So far, they are all dead. As far as his memory is concerned, the front legs are dead, and the back legs are here as soon as they open their eyes.”

The carriage is very big, Mr. Qi sat aside and said softly.

“It’s like soul penetration. The soul of the ancients covered Li Wen?” Xiaogou replied.

Master Qi said: “It could also be a simple distortion of the mind. The original personality was washed away and a new personality was randomly generated to cover it.”

According to existing information, the personalities, occupations, and eras of the people who appear have no rules.

Sometimes it is the Republic of China, sometimes it is the Han Dynasty, sometimes it is the late Ming Dynasty, sometimes it is the late Qing Dynasty…

There are even foreigners in the case records, speaking crackling English.

“They are all historical figures.” Xiao Gou said.

“Most of them are unknown people. There are very few celebrities like Chao Cuo. In addition, according to the records, the most recent one died twenty years ago. He is almost our contemporary.” Mr. Qi said.

“Within this scope…could it be that as long as the person is dead, his personality may appear in Li Wen?” Xiao Gou asked in shock.

Master Qi nodded and said: “It is very possible that this person needs to be observed for a long time. We don’t know the conditions for personality switching yet.”

“It seems random, but even so, he may appear…the personality of the victims of the Blue and White Society in the past. For example, the fifth generation president…”

Xiao Gou said excitedly: “Yes, if we find out the rules, maybe we can resurrect the personality of the fifth generation president!”

Master Qi was not excited, he stared at Li Wen with some worry.

At this moment, the ‘woman’ was looking blankly at her man’s hand, and then shrank back in fear, with a confused look on her face.

According to the available information, it is indeed possible to randomly visit the victims of the Blue and White Society.

But among the people who have died throughout the ages, ordinary people and unknown people account for the majority. From a probability perspective, it is very rare to randomly find a famous person.

In addition, if the scope of Li Wen’s personality is really so broad, then it is possible that the dead of the Gaia Church or the Little Brotherhood will appear in the past.

Fortunately, it was discovered early. Now take Li Wen away. From now on, we will live in the base of Blue and White Society and study slowly.

Master Qi and Xiaogou were discussing in a low voice. Suddenly, Li Wen, who was cowering in the corner, suddenly stood up.

“Huh?” Master Qi immediately said: “What’s your name!”

You don’t need to think too much this time to know that his personality has changed again.

Because of Li Wen’s momentum, the entire situation has undergone a transformation.

Although momentum is illusory, it does exist.

At this moment, Li Wen’s eyes were like those of an eagle, and there seemed to be fire flickering in his eyes, suddenly rising up, and switching between movement and stillness without any hindrance.

He just stood there, standing quietly, motionless, looking like an iceberg.

Xiao Gou exclaimed: “It changed too quickly. He didn’t switch personalities so quickly in the hospital!”

According to hospital records, it is usually two or three times a day, up to four times a day.

And now, just over an hour later, it has already changed twice!

Obviously, this kind of personality switching should be regular or conditional.

Qi Ye and Xiaogou should have triggered certain conditions many times, causing them to switch personalities repeatedly in a short period of time.

“You… are wrong, it’s dangerous!” Mr. Qi was experienced and immediately sensed the danger.

The hair on his body was rising, but he still stopped in front of Xiaogou.

At the same time, Li Wen moved. He only took one step forward and placed his palm on Master Qi’s chest.

“Pfft…” Mr. Qi spat out a mouthful of blood, his chest sank deeply, and there was a continuous sound of bone cracking, as if he was hit by a train and flew backwards.

“Boom!” Mr. Qi flew out and broke six of Xiaogou’s ribs. Then the two of them got together and flew out, actually smashing the carriage door!


The peripheral personnel driving heard the noise and immediately braked.

When I got off the car, I saw that the carriage door had been blown open. Mr. Qi and Xiaogou rolled out more than ten meters and collapsed on the ground. Mr. Qi was vomiting blood.

“What!” The driver was shocked and inexplicable. In his eyes, the members were extremely powerful. He didn’t expect that he was beaten to the point of death at this moment!

I saw a person walking out of the carriage, and an indescribable momentum hit him in the face.

His appearance and clothes are Li Wen, but is he really Li Wen?

“Bang!” The driver was stunned for a moment, then immediately pulled it out and shot Li Wen in the head.

Then something amazing happened. With his back turned to him, Li Wen suddenly tilted his head and dodged the bullet!

“He escaped!” The driver was shocked and felt cold all over his body!

The other party turned around, and Li Wen, or rather the person in front of him, turned around and walked towards the driver.

The breeze blew, and there was a faint sound like the roar of tigers and dragons. He came slowly, his steps were as sonorous and powerful as a drum, with a certain strange rhythm. His momentum was rising with every step, like a great river rolling eastward, unstoppable.

Although he was shot once, his demeanor was calm and steady.

Although the driver was a peripheral officer, he couldn’t stand the overwhelming pressure of the iceberg. He fired repeatedly, but missed because of nervousness.

Even though he was only a few meters away, the opponent seemed to know that he would not be able to hit him, so he still walked towards him without making any dodge move.

“This person…”


The driver wanted to say something more, but he saw the other person suddenly stretched out his figure, as light as a gust of wind, and struck with a palm.

Then he turned around without hesitation, as if the palm was just a slap on his sleeve, and he didn’t even look at the driver.

“…” The driver couldn’t utter a single word. His mouth was already clogged with blood. As hisses flowed out, his body seemed to be deflated and he fell limply to the ground, making no more noise.

Dead, with one palm strike, this strong peripheral officer was killed instantly.

Such a powerful strength cannot be explained by pure personality.

Li Wen’s body is not strong, but when his personality is switched, he is able to hit out with such great power with one palm, instantly knocking away two club members, breaking through the carriage, and even dodging bullets.

This is not a personality switch. Is this even switching the attribute panel?

For a long time, because the transformed personality was just an ordinary person, and because he was tied to the bed in a mental hospital for a long time, he did not show this.

But now, there is no doubt that Li Wen’s personality has changed into an extremely remarkable person.

This character had extremely powerful power during his lifetime.

After the personality switch, Li Wen, whose physical fitness was ordinary, had no changes in his muscles, bones and internal organs, but he still possessed such powerful power.

This feeling is like the forcible realization of attributes, which is the same as the song of reversal turning into a child. The strong physical fitness of the club members, even if the skin and flesh are soft, is still powerful and amazingly defensive after becoming a child.

With this precedent, it is not difficult to understand why ‘Li Wen’ suddenly became so powerful.

The body is still Li Wen’s body, but the ‘attributes’ are no longer the same.

Who is he now? The Little Brotherhood of Ancient Assassins?

“Bastard!” Xiao Gou only had six broken ribs. When he stood up, others could see that the undersides of his left and right ribs were completely deformed protrusions.

But despite his injuries, he looked as if he was not injured.

Xiao Gou drew out a short alloy blade, ripples trembled under his feet, and he rushed forward like a cannonball.

No matter who he is! He killed the peripheral personnel in front of the members. Xiaogou just wanted to defeat the opponent at this moment.


Xiao Gou is extremely fast and can reach more than ten meters in an instant.

The knife was stabbed in front of his eyes, but the other party was still motionless.

Seeing that Xiao Gou was about to pierce Li Wen’s heart with a knife, suddenly… the situation suddenly changed!

He only felt his hand getting cold, and the dagger shot out from his hand.

“Uh…” Xiaogou’s hand was empty. When he lowered his head, the hilt of the knife was already deeply pierced into his chest, leaving only the tip exposed.

‘Li Wen’ actually shot out a burst of energy and hit the short blade. The short blade flew out of his hand and the handle of the knife was inserted into Xiao Gou’s chest.

“What the hell…”

Not from the Little Brotherhood! Qi Jin, is this Qi Jin a wall of air? Is the other party a former member of the Blue and White Club? No, Blue and White Club members will not kill people without saying a word.

Xiao Gou endured the severe pain, and following his strong combat intuition, he felt that the terrifying attack was coming, and immediately jumped up.

Stepping on the air, he soared upwards, and in an instant, with the help of the air wall, he was standing more than ten meters in the air.

‘Li Wen’ raised his head, his expression finally changed, as if he didn’t expect Xiaogou’s body to be so strong and his vitality to be so tenacious.

At the same time, he didn’t expect Xiao Gou to be able to stand in the air, so he couldn’t help but admire: “What a wonderful light skill!”

This sentence contains a huge amount of information.

Both of them were stunned, what the hell, Qing Gong?

Master Qi fell on the ground and said with blood in his eyes: “What’s your name…”

The man said angrily: “Shangguan Jinhong.”

“…” Xiao Gou was confused.

Master Qi’s pupils suddenly shrank, realizing that the contained object in front of him was a huge threat.

What a joke! Personality switching comes with character attributes, forget it, because Mr. Qi has already thought of this possibility.

Just like this, the threat is only Beta, because the characters in the past are only so strong no matter how strong they are.

Even if the ancient super assassin is resurrected, Mr. Qi thinks he is still capable of fighting and there is nothing to be afraid of.

But… Shangguan Jinhong?

What the **** is this! Where can this person be! Isn’t this a character in a novel?

A generation of heroes in martial arts novels, ranked second in the weapons spectrum, Shangguan Jinhong with dragon and phoenix rings?

Although he ranks second in the weapons spectrum, in his prime, he was invincible in martial arts and was actually number one. There are no rings in your hands, but there are rings in your heart! The protagonist Li Xunhuan in the novel will be killed instantly without even having a chance to take action!

Of course, he died in the end.

When all his plans are completed, everything is under control, he dominates the martial arts world, he is invincible, and he can kill Xiao Li with a flying knife and Li Xunhuan with just one move, and the plan is completed.

Shangguan Jinhong just made a redundant move and wanted to know if he could catch Xiao Li’s flying knife…

Then he died.

Master Qi’s face looked ugly. According to the available intelligence, Li Wen’s personality switches were all dead.

He never expected that this kind of character panel switching would be so wide-ranging that even fictional characters in novels could appear.

Martial arts! The contained objects directly enabled Shangguan Jinhong’s martial arts to be realized!

This is a trivial matter that can be accomplished with absolute characteristics.

Shangguan Jinhong is doing pretty well! Just a martial arts character.

What should we do if there is an ancient demon lord here? Stain the sky with my demonic blood?

This contained object is definitely not a Beta, at least it is a Gamma, or a Delta!

Even if the containment object has the restriction of switching to humans only, the threat is still great.

How about banning all novels with too high force value?

Master Qi’s thoughts were racing and his face was getting uglier.

The one who defeated Shangguan Jinhong was Xiao Li’s flying knife.

But in reality, where is Xiao Li’s flying knife? That absolutely hitting sky-defying flying knife didn’t even have a similar containment object.

Xiao Gou didn’t think so much. The only thing in front of him was Shangguan Jinhong. Xiao Gou only knew that the current task was to defeat him!

He is human and will die!

Xiao Gou pulled out the handle of the knife, applied ointment, and gave himself an injection at the same time.

“Don’t be impulsive!” Master Qi saw that Xiaogou was about to attack again and quickly called him.

Master Qi’s injuries were extremely serious. He received a palm from Shangguan Jinhong from the front, and all his internal organs were shattered.

This palm will kill him! Fortunately, he was extremely tenacious and managed to survive.

But he also lost his combat effectiveness. Although Xiaogou’s injuries were minor, Shangguan Jinhong didn’t use all his strength at all and remained calm and composed.

Master Qi’s idea is to delay it if you can! He has already called for support. This is Suzhou, and there are many members nearby. I’m afraid they can arrive within ten minutes.

However, Xiaogou said confidently: “Shangguan Jinhong, right? I heard that you were killed by a flying knife?”

He still knew something about Shangguan Jinhong. He was extremely ambitious and was a powerful figure of his generation.

So it’s impossible to expect him to be honest. Let’s defeat him openly.

Shangguan Jinhong’s expression changed slightly. Of course he remembered that stunning flying knife.

When he opened his eyes from the carriage, the last scene in his memory was his disbelief at the power of Xiao Li’s flying knife.

That was truly a magical sword. He never thought that if he gave Li Xunhuan the chance to use the sword, he would never have the chance again.

“Is it a hallucination… No, I am already dead…”

“Now, is this a resurrection of the dead? Where is this place?”

Shangguan Jinhong’s mind was wandering and he was full of confusion.

At this moment, Xiao Gou seized this opportunity and touched his side unknowingly!

Assassin’s pace! Stealth that loses its sense of existence!

This is an absolute characteristic, so what if you have great martial arts skills?


Xiao Gou didn’t hesitate and stabbed Shangguan Jinhong’s heart with one knife.

However, Shangguan Jinhong’s true energy rushed out on its own, roaring like a tiger and roaring like a dragon, stirring for several feet to fight back against Xiao Gou.

Even if Xiao Gou had expected it, he immediately retreated several meters after being pierced through the heart, avoiding the killing move.

He was still swept up by the invisible energy, and the protective air device was not broken. The so-called internal force actually penetrated the air wall directly and was introduced into Xiaogou’s body.

In an instant, he felt that the muscles and bones in his body were shattering like an explosion. Xiaogou spat out a mouthful of blood, spun and fell to the ground.

“I didn’t even notice it…” Shangguan Jinhong covered his heart. The knife was still stuck in it and he had not pulled it out.

If he loses his sense of existence in front of Shangguan Jinhong’s Qi, Shangguan Jinhong’s combat experience, even if he can’t find Xiaogou, he can definitely hit him with coverage.

However, Xiaogou used words to stimulate Shangguan Jinhong in advance, leading Shangguan Jinhong to recall the memory of being killed by a flying knife.

After being resurrected from the dead, the environment has changed drastically, the body is not his own, and other circumstances, even Shangguan Jinhong, a great hero of the generation, can’t help but be led astray and unable to settle down.

In this way, when the Xiaogou assassin disappeared, Shangguan Jinhong did nothing and was stabbed in the heart by a knife!

The tip of the knife penetrated into his heart and punctured a few inches. For a while, he would not die.

However, this is already a fatal injury!

Successfully, with Xiaogou’s life-threatening blow, Shangguan Jinhong would have died if he had not been treated in time.

But he… also failed.

Because Shangguan Jinhong did not die immediately.

This is the reason why Mr. Qi doesn’t want Xiao Gou to go up. This is Shangguan Jinhong, who was the strongest in the martial arts in his time.

With the wisdom of the club members, there are many ways to kill him, and Mr. Qi also thought of many.

But so what? The other party has some unknown internal strength, and he probably also has some body-protecting energy.

If there is no corresponding internal force flowing through the weapon, no matter how powerful it is, it may not be powerful enough to kill him instantly.

The martial arts masters in the ancient dragon world, unless they are instantly killed by the same master, can often counterattack before death. And if his life couldn’t be killed instantly, with Shangguan Jinhong’s terrifying strength, it would be very easy to replace one or two people.

Master Qi doesn’t want anyone to sacrifice anymore. There is obviously a better way, so why trade lives for lives?

For example, Xiaogou’s strategy in the first half is very good. He uses words to match the situation of “bringing a corpse back to life” to lead the other party to be confused, think about themselves, and even ask about the current situation of the world, etc.

This can greatly delay time. When support arrives, it will be almost easy to defeat him.

However, Xiaogou wanted to kill Shangguan Jinhong now. After leading the opponent to lose consciousness, he took the opportunity to stab his heart with an assassin’s steps.

Although Shangguan Jinhong was severely injured, he did not die immediately! Still standing!

Still…too young…

Master Qi doesn’t blame Xiaogou, because this child has always been like this.

People must grow up after all, just like themselves.

“B*tt! Are you alive?” Mr. Qi coughed and said with difficulty.

He is not pretending, and it is already a miracle that he can still speak.

“I’m not a dog…” Xiaogou was lying on the ground, his mouth moved slightly, his head turned slightly, but he was not dead.

But he was paralyzed and could no longer move.

The scariest thing is not this.

It was Shangguan Jinhong, with a knife stuck in his heart. He was still strong and strong, and his invisible energy was vented all over his body. His aura was terrifying, and he rushed towards him.

Judging from the fact that the true energy burst through the body and gushed out like bursting blood vessels, according to the novel, this was a dispersal of power, and Shangguan Jinhong might have gone crazy.

But even if he went crazy, in this short period of time, he became more powerful.

“Ahhh! I’m dead! Hahaha! I’m dead!”

“Xiao Li’s flying knife! Xiao Li’s flying knife! I can’t catch it… What a knife! What a knife!”

Shangguan Jinhong went crazy, and his meridians burst.

Like a madman, he passed over Xiaogou’s body and struck with a casual blow. The antelope hung its horns, but the power was extremely terrifying!


Seeing that Xiao Gou was about to turn into pieces, Master Qi unexpectedly stood up and rushed in front of him.

No, he didn’t stand up, it was the air wall that was flying!

The power of solid air wrapped around his body and flew to Xiao Gou’s side, blocking the blow.

A simple wall of air cannot stop the internal force, he must resist it with his physical body!


Shangguan Jinhong’s dying blow directly penetrated Qi Ye’s lower abdomen.

The terrifying energy surged, and Master Qi’s body exploded. Countless pieces of flesh flew into the air. His head and half of his chest rolled out dozens of meters and hit a tree.

The little dog was paralyzed on the ground, his eyes were about to split, and his liver and intestines were severed.

“Grass!” Xiaogou angrily created a wall of air, which hit Shangguan Jinhong’s heart like a cannonball, blowing him up immediately.

The short knife also completely penetrated the heart.

“Master Qi…”

Xiao Gou was dizzy, his whole body was in severe pain, and his consciousness was blurred, but he had given himself an injection before.

The effect of that injection was still there, which was why he didn’t die before.

At this moment, the effect of the medicine was hanging on his life. Xiao Gou gathered his energy and condensed the air wall again, pushing himself towards the tree, and the small part of Master Qi’s body came closer.

He was like a piece of rotten meat, being pushed past by his own wall of air like garbage.

After scrolling several times, I finally came to Mr. Qi’s side.

At this moment, Master Qi is gone from the chest down. It was actually split into two pieces by the blow just now.

The Master Qi in front of him was just his head plus lungs and heart.

Xiao Gou could see that his heart was broken and his lungs were fused together. It was obvious that he would not survive.

“Don’t die, you **** girl.” Xiaogou had never experienced the death of a teammate, and his mind went blank at this moment.

However, Mr. Qi, who is extremely tenacious, is actually not dead yet at this moment.

He opened his eyes without focusing. It seemed that he could no longer see anything, but a faint sound came from his throat: “Smoke…”


Xiao Gou went crazy and was about to die, but Master Qi still smoked!

He searched quickly, but Master Qi’s clothes were torn. Where was the smoke?

And Xiaogou himself, even less so, because he doesn’t smoke!

“Grass! Grass! Grass!”

Xiao Gou cursed angrily and kept looking for cigarettes in Master Qi’s tattered clothes.



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