Blue and White Society: Best File 1: Eclipse Ice Core (Part 1)

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November 23, 2003, Queen Maud Land, Antarctica.

In the Glacier Square outside the Blue and White Society’s Antarctic No. 1 Containment Base, the wind and snow were roaring like blades.

On the land covered with ice and snow, everything is white as far as the eye can see. The wind is twisting the snow, and the snow is flying in flakes, blurring the entire field of vision in an instant.

A strong and strong young man, shirtless and cheerfully performing various extremely difficult training movements in the freezing wind and snow of minus 46 degrees Celsius.

A few meters away, another man smiled and said: “Xiao Gou, training that is too extreme will not improve your physical fitness.”

Different from the young man, this man was wearing a thick fleece jacket and a jacket, with a large down jacket as the outer layer. He was extremely warm.

While training himself, the young man smiled and said: “I know, I’m just doing routine training. I don’t expect the ice and snow to make my body stronger. I just hope that this cold blizzard can make me shrink back. Go back to the warm base.”

The man raised his eyebrows and said, “Oh? Then you won’t go back?”

The young man Xiao Gou laughed and said: “I also want to go back to the warm indoors, but unfortunately, this level of wind and snow is not worthy!”

The man’s heart says that’s how it is, is it training his will?

“Then what level of wind and snow will make you flinch?” the man asked.

Xiao Gou finished the last action carefully and then said: “Uh, I don’t know either, sorry I can’t imagine.”

“Huh?” The man laughed and said: “The research department is developing a virtual reality device, and a test machine will be available soon. I heard that priority will be given to pain simulation to temper the will of the members. Xiaogou, wait. When the machine comes out, can you sign up and give it a try?”

Xiao Gou said: “No problem, I will be the first to volunteer.”

“Haha, it is said that the intensity will be very scary! Xiaogou, I don’t want you to collapse.” The man laughed.

Xiao Gou said excitedly: “I’m looking forward to it even more!”

“Also, Mr. Qi, how many times have I told you not to call me Xiaogou, my nickname is ‘Crazy Devil’.”

While he was talking, he was still exercising vigorously, consuming his own body energy while also maintaining his body temperature.

The man named Qi Ye sneered: “How can you give yourself a nickname? Didn’t you just get it, right? You are so crazy. If you continue to practice like this, you will become rheumatism for yourself.”

Xiao Gou grinned and said: “I’m not making this up. Several of my brothers on Extreme Island said that I fight like a madman!”

Master Qi clicked his tongue and said, “What? Do you think I’m praising you?”

Xiao Gou smiled and said: “I take it as a compliment. Members of the club must move forward courageously and dare to sacrifice.”

Master Qi kicked out Xiao Gou five meters away.

“Why are there so many nonsense? Going forward is the final decision. If you don’t let it go, just go forward. If you can leave a way out, who likes to dig into a dead end?”

If there is no way out, you should move forward, but members should try their best to prevent themselves from falling into a situation where there is no way out.

Xiao Gou also understands this truth, otherwise the instructor will not let him graduate.

You can understand that although Xiaogou passed the assessment during the internship period as a member, he was not good at strategy.

It’s not that he is not smart, but that at critical moments, he always prefers a strategy of sacrificing himself.

Sometimes, this is a necessary sacrifice. But sometimes, it’s not necessary.

Obviously there could have been a smarter way to complete the containment and achieve zero casualties, but in the end they were replaced one by one.

“You have graduated, Xiaogou, do you think you can be ‘resurrected’ just like your internship?”

“Sacrifice is an important quality for club members, but it is not the only one.”

“The biggest gap between outstanding members and ordinary members is not the gap in ability and belief.”

Xiao Gou thought: “What is it?”

Qi Ye’s lips slightly curled up as he said, “It’s alive.”

“Huh?” Xiao Gou was stunned.

Master Qi said seriously: “Who is worse than who can become a member of the society? Whether it is wisdom, strength, or talent, they are all the best.”

“When you are a club member, you cannot be a mediocre person. As long as you can continue to grow, anyone can be a president.”

“What prevents ordinary members from becoming outstanding members is death and whether they can live until that time. As long as they live long enough, anyone can be the best.”

Xiao Gou struggled with his facial features, always feeling that what Master Qi said was a bit too ‘greasy’.

He is just a Beta member, so slick. Could it be that his energy has been sapped by the containment?

Seeing that he didn’t listen, Mr. Qi frowned and said: “You only have one life, and you only have one chance to grow. How many members do you know who died in the first mission?”

“It is undeniable that most of them are unlucky, but there are still some who could have survived, but in the end, the choice… Listen clearly, it is a choice! Choice! Sacrifice!”

“This is the flaw in member selection and the shortcomings of the containment belief.”

Xiao Gou was stunned. Are there any drawbacks to the belief in containment?

Master Qi stared at him and said: “When there is no way to retreat, we must contain them even if we die. This is our belief. And the reason why we have no way to retreat lies in our mission and responsibility.”

“It is wisdom to avoid falling into a situation where there is no escape as much as possible.”

“Wisdom, responsibility, and sacrifice are the three basic qualities of a cooperative member. Every qualified member has these three qualities, but the fact is that many members do not grasp the ingenious balance among them.”

“A belief that is too strong will eventually overwhelm the members’ sanity and turn the shelter operation into the realization of their own personal values…so that members who could have survived ended up exchanging their lives for shelter. What a fool. .”

“Xiao Gou, learn to control your beliefs. When you need to move forward, you will move forward. When you need to leave room, you will leave room.”

“Maintain the perfect balance between sacrifice and survival, gambling and prudentness, winning even if you die and surviving no matter what.”

“Excellent members are those who can still grasp a glimmer of hope in extremely desperate situations.”

“Containment is for living, not for dying.”

Xiao Gou nodded, he understood. I have to say, it makes sense.

However, he smiled and said: “It would be better if everyone survived. Unfortunately, reality is not always so perfect.”

“Okay, okay, I understand, please stop talking.”

Master Qi didn’t know if Xiaogou heard it. As a team leader, he could only say this.

Xiao Gou graduated with very excellent evaluations. Both his physical fitness and his will were top-notch, exceeding the full score level by many.

The only shortcoming is that the strategy is mediocre and has too much exuberance, which can be called reckless.

In Master Qi’s eyes, as long as Xiaogou learns to control his beliefs and grows steadily for another ten years, he may be able to become a member of the Gamma Society.

If you are very lucky, it is not impossible to become the top member.

However, you only have one life, and it is hard to say whether you can live until that time.

The three major qualities are all top-notch. It is easier said than done to skillfully grasp that balance. Even Mr. Qi himself has not actually achieved it, so he can only talk about it.

The growth of club members still depends on themselves. After all, every member is extremely confident.

Confidence is a good trait, but sometimes it can become a hindrance to growth.

“There is no perfect container in the world.” Mr. Qi said with emotion.

“Huh? Aren’t all past presidents the most perfect recipients?” Xiao Gou said sideways.

Mr. Qi shook his head and said: “The president may be the best member, but he will not be the most perfect. The Blue and White Club itself is also growing and advancing with the times. The original president may have had strong beliefs, But its wisdom may not be as good as ours.”

“Hey, hey, hey!” Xiaogou’s dream is to become the president, and he felt a little dissatisfied when Master Qi said this.

Mr. Qi smiled and said: “Don’t be dissatisfied. The original Blue and White Club system was not perfect. Generations of predecessors worked hard to correct it and adapt to it today. Only the second generation president began to improve the mission and system. The third generation president The four generations continued to improve and correct the mistakes of the predecessors and some outdated ideas. ”

“Where is Wu Dai?” Xiao Gou asked.

Master Qi looked at the wind and snow in the sky and said with nostalgia: “President Wu Dai is a real genius. If you have never seen him, you don’t know his golden smile when he led us to fight against the Zerg!”

There is no doubt that he admires the fifth generation president very much. In his eyes, the fifth generation is amazingly talented and has indescribable charm, and seems to always give everyone confidence.

“So according to you, the Blue and White Club has been making progress and improving, getting stronger as time goes by, and the fifth generation is the most perfect president?” Xiaogou said.

Master Qi shook his head and said: “I respect President Wu Dai, but I still have to say that he is not the most perfect.”

“Are your demands too high?” Xiao Gou curled his lips.

Master Qi said: “It’s not that I’m demanding, but I’m asking you, what is the goal of the Blue and White Society?”

“Destroy all contained objects?” Xiaogou said.

Master Qi said: “That’s right, so those who can’t do this are not the best. Although each generation is stronger than the next, before the ultimate ideal is realized, there is no best, only better.”

“The best president must be the last generation of presidents!”

Xiao Gou’s eyes lit up and he said: “I see, you are right. I have decided…”

“Huh?” Mr. Qi looked at him.

Xiao Gou said: “I want to be the last blue and white president!”

“Haha, don’t be the last president of the Blue and White Club who is coming to an end!” Mr. Qi said with a smile.

The last president who realized his ultimate ideal and the last president who perished are both the last presidents, but their concepts are completely different.

Xiao Gou said angrily: “I have to do it for you to see.”

Master Qi turned around and walked towards the base and said with a smile: “President is not doing this for anyone to see.”

The two returned to the warm base. In the lounge, Mr. Qi happily lit a cigarette and started smoking.

Then he handed it to Xiaogou and said, “Let’s have a cigarette.”

However, Xiaogou waved his hand and said: “I never smoke.”

“Try it! The tobacco I cultivated myself has special ingredients. Our bodies can easily degrade it and it will not harm the body.” Master Qi coaxed.

Xiao Gou shook his head stubbornly and said: “Members should not have any bad habits. Although it will not harm the body in the long run, it will take time to degrade and there will still be short-term damage.”

Master Qi chuckled and said: “It’s not good to be too tight at a young age. You must have some bad habits to vent the pressure.”

“What’s the nonsense? If I say I won’t smoke, I won’t smoke.” Xiao Gou was very stubborn.

Master Qi relaxed his shoulders and did not force anything. He smoked his cigarette happily and turned on a computer at the same time.

“The handover will be tomorrow. You can choose these tasks yourself. Or do you want to stay in Antarctica for another six months?”

The two people’s job is to guard the Antarctic Base No. 1 on a routine basis. The containment tasks are not available all the time. Newcomers like Xiaogou often follow the old members to guard various bases to prevent accidents.

Xiao Gou took the initiative to go to a place with harsh conditions, so the two came to the Antarctic.

It has been half a year since graduation. After the handover is completed tomorrow, they can go to other places to perform tasks.

When the task was mentioned, Xiaogou became interested and carefully looked at the various ‘non-urgent tasks’ on the computer.

Since it is not an urgent mission, there is no doubt that it looks like they are all defense missions, **** missions, or training missions.

“Why don’t you even have an investigation mission?” Xiao Gou muttered.

Master Qi looked at it and said happily: “That’s a coincidence. I saw three investigation missions yesterday. Unfortunately, they were all in the northern hemisphere. I didn’t take them. It seems that they were all taken away.”

Xiao Gou was sitting on the sofa, feeling that he couldn’t get out of his body. Investigation missions are potential containment missions. Although most of the time, some anomalies are just hype or natural phenomena, but once it is found that they are caused by a containment object, the investigation will be immediately converted into a containment mission. It’s a pity that it has been relatively peaceful recently, and I can’t even receive investigation tasks.

“Don’t always think about having containment objects. You should be happy if you don’t have them. Isn’t it nice to live in peace? People will die in containment missions.” Mr. Qi said with a smile.

“Whatever, you pick one, I’m going to train.” Xiaogou closed the computer, took a big gulp of hot soup, and planned to continue to endure the cold.

Master Qi stood in front of the window holding a cup of hot tea, just watching Xiao Gou training in the wind and snow.

In terms of hard work, Xiaogou is simply a machine. Apart from sleeping, he can train all day long.

Anyway, his physical strength was replenished by the seafood soup in the club, so in the past six months, in addition to routine inspections, Xiaogou had been training himself crazily every day.

Whether it’s cold, windy, raging, snowy or calm, his enthusiasm for training remains unchanged.

I didn’t rest long after that. I took a sip of soup and went out again.

Gradually, the wind and snow stopped.

Master Qi walked out leisurely and stood under the not-so-warm sun, holding a thermos bottle and looking at it.

There is quite the calmness of an old man basking in the sun and watching his grandson work hard.

Suddenly, it got dark.

Master Qi was stunned. This kind of darkness was different from the previous dimness caused by the wind and snow.

It is winter at the moment, with white night at the North Pole and day at the South Pole. It shouldn’t be so dark.

He raised his head and saw that the sun was being obscured and there was a sun deficiency. This was going to be…a solar eclipse!

“Hey, I haven’t seen the solar eclipse in Antarctica yet.” Xiaogou finished the last movement of the training and looked up to watch the solar eclipse in novelty.

Master Qi said: “Don’t say you haven’t seen it… This is the first time in human history that a solar eclipse has been observed in Antarctica.”

“That’s right!” Xiao Gou said with a smile: “I’m lucky, I’ve caught up with this.”

“Your luck is really ‘good’! This is abnormal…” Mr. Qi frowned.

Xiao Gou puzzled: “Solar eclipses can occur in Antarctica. There are no observation records in the past because no one lives in Antarctica. Is this abnormal?”

Mr. Qi said seriously: “What’s abnormal is not the location, but the time. In fact, the company has already calculated this solar eclipse and made a forecast. You usually don’t read much internal news, so you don’t know.”

“The predicted Antarctic solar eclipse is tomorrow, not today.”

Xiao Gou thought: “Really? Misprediction? Or… a containment incident?”

It is normal to make mistakes when predicting this kind of thing, but an error of one day is outrageous.

The error is as long as one day. It is no longer a question of which day the solar eclipse is, but whether there is a solar eclipse.

The formation of a solar eclipse is very subtle, and errors may directly lead to a total solar eclipse turning into a partial solar eclipse, or even no solar eclipse at all.

The two looked up at the sky and could see that the solar eclipse was taking shape rapidly, and it was very positive. Judging from the trend, it should be a total solar eclipse.

Master Qi said: “The solar eclipse should appear on the first day of the new lunar month.”

“Today is November 23, the 30th day of the tenth lunar month. There must be some special reason why the solar eclipse appears on this day.”

No matter where the earth rotates, there will always be a line of longitude facing the moon. When the Moon is in its full position, the same longitude lines on the Earth point toward the round Moon.

The longitude lines go from one pole to the other, passing through both the northern and southern hemispheres. Therefore, according to the lunar calendar, the full moon will be seen on the same day in both the southern and northern hemispheres.

Because the subjective feelings of “roundness” are different, the fifteenth moon can be sixteenth round.

But the new moon is different. The moon moves between the earth and the sun, and appears and disappears almost at the same time as the sun. This day is called the new moon.

This is the most basic condition for a solar eclipse. Therefore, all solar eclipses occur on the first day of the lunar calendar.

Of course, it is not absolute, because the human calendar is not perfect, there will be errors if the time is too long, and the New Year may also occur on the 30th day of the month.

But that’s not the problem. Even if there are errors in the lunisolar calendar due to the re-determination, there is no way the calculations in the Blue and White Society will be wrong.

The solar eclipse predicted by the Research Department based on the observatory is tomorrow, that is tomorrow. This is not a calendar issue, but a calculation issue.

It happened today. Either the company made a miscalculation, or the moon reached its expected position ahead of schedule.

Master Qi didn’t believe that the company had made a mistake, so he realized that this might be an abnormal event.

“Didi didi.”

Master Qi’s bracelet rang quickly, and he quickly turned on his computer. Sure enough, the containment department took the initiative to issue an investigation task.

“The club has determined that what is covering the sun at this moment is not the moon, but the shadow of the moon.” Mr. Qi said.

Xiao Gou quickly asked: “Projection?”

Master Qi said: “Let’s put it this way, the moon has a ‘double’ in the place where it will pass in the future. You can understand it as having two moons. The real moon is still in its normal position, running silently. ”

“The newly appeared fake moon is just a shadow. It has no mass and cannot be touched. It can only reflect and block the sun’s light. It seems to exist only to create a solar eclipse.”

“It appeared where the moon should be in the future, triggering a solar eclipse in advance.”

Two months!

One is true and the other is false, both are visible, but one has quality and the other has no quality.

It has no mass and can still orbit the earth. The detectors launched by the society cannot touch it, but it can block sunlight. This is definitely a contained object or derivative.

“Is this contained object with us?” Xiao Gou had already rushed into the house and changed his clothes, ready to go at any time.

Master Qi said: “It’s just a possibility, and we are still investigating. The people responsible for the investigation are the space team members on the lunar base. They are investigating the phantom and whether there are any contained objects on the moon.”

“In addition, this solar eclipse can only be seen in Antarctica. To be precise, only Wilkes Land and Queen Maud Land in Antarctica can see the total solar eclipse.”

“While other areas of Antarctica, plus southern Australia and other places, can only see a partial solar eclipse.”

“So there are members in Australia and Antarctica investigating this incident, and we are just one of them.”

The moon splits into a shadow, which does not necessarily mean that the containment object is on the moon.

Because the phantom caused the solar eclipse to occur in Antarctica and Australia, it is very likely that some kind of containment object appeared in these areas, and its certain characteristics unreasonably forced the solar eclipse to occur in the area where it was located.

Similar to this situation, there are several investigation teams investigating this phenomenon in different areas at the same time.

Xiao Gou and Qi Ye were in Queen Maude’s land. There was an abnormal total solar eclipse in their jurisdiction, so they were naturally responsible for the investigation.



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