Big Bodhi Chapter 8: Buddha by borrowing flowers



   The moonlight is dim, and the snow is all over the sky.

  ”Master, come back to the house soon, in this freezing cold weather, you always stand here and wait, it is not a solution.”

  The woman is about thirty years old, wearing a red-brown brocade embroidered dress with intricate patterns, carefully dressed the man standing still under the eaves with a gorgeous fur, she looked a little cowardly Already brought a little anxiety and concern.

   This snow is not Fanxue. Even if the practitioner accidentally gets some of it, he may be worried about the cold.

   The man looked cold and solemn, and the frost and snow all over his eyebrows seemed to be heavier than the heavy snow of goose feathers outside the house.

   stretched out his hand to straighten the thick Diaoqiu, but his gaze has not changed at all. Through the two main entrances dozens of meters away, he stared motionlessly at the dozens of densely distant places under the moonlight. Figure.

  ”Master, don’t worry too much. Take care of your health.” The concern in the woman’s eyes does not seem to be false. “If the leader Xu Jianghe takes someone to find him, he will surely be able to find him soon. Come back.”

   “Shut up!”

   The man turned his head abruptly, and the cold light in his eyes swept across the woman’s fair and pretty face, causing her to shiver fiercely and kneeling directly on the ground involuntarily.

  ”Master, concubine body…concubine body is really worried about the safety of the young, sir, you…”


The    woman was slapped by this sudden slap, and there was a bright red palm print on her left cheek, and there were even traces of blood oozing out on her pampered face.

   “If Nian’er really dies in the Qingluan Mountains, I will sweep you and your daughter out of my Jijia Menting!”

   The man is like an angry lion, and even a little blood appears in his eyes, obviously he is extremely angry.

  ”Nian’er has more than a dozen Jijiafu military guards beside him, how could he disappear in the Qingluan Mountains so silently? It must be you, a poisonous woman, unwilling to the mediocrity of Ji Quexue, think She wanted to find the position given to the Ji family by the ancient city of Taichu, so she set up such a trap to murder Nian’er!”

   The woman knelt down on her knees, she couldn’t help hiding her face and weeping, tears streaming down like broken beads, even soaking the complex and gorgeous brocade sleeves.

   As the continuation main room of Ji Hong, the owner of the Ji family, she has been careful for more than ten years. She has taken care of everything in the Ji family in an orderly manner, which is praised by the Ji family inside and outside.

   is very envious of Ji Yuenian’s irreplaceable position in the Ji family, but she never dared to do anything wrong, even the daughter of Ji’s daughter Ji Quexue born to Ji Hong , In front of Ji Yuenian, he was also a little cowardly, and there had never been a situation where the descendants of the Patriarch’s lineage among the remaining several families in the ancient city of Taichu vie with each other.

   Not long ago, Hexuan Shangzhen, who oversaw the ancient city of Taichu, handed down the first edict that was stationed here for more than 30 years. The strongest sect Taiyu Shengzong within the Yuanyan realm is about to open. The gate of the mountain has recruited disciples from the nineteen ancient cities under its rule to participate in the assessment of entering the outer sect of the Taiyu Shengzong.

   The several cultivating families entrenched in the ancient city of Taichu are extremely wealthy, and they usually respect Hexuan Shangzheng, but this time it is logical that they can enter Taiyu Shengzong without an examination. The position of cultivation, and this position of the Ji family fell on Ji Yuenian, the grandson of the Ji family without any suspense.

  The root of whether a living being can practice lies in the fire of the heart, and whether the fire of the heart can really be ignited is not only related to the blood, but also to the spiritual resources acquired by the day after tomorrow. Therefore, the descendants of the spiritual family have almost never failed to ignite. Worry about fire.

   The woman raised her head tearfully, her lips trembling slightly, but she couldn’t say a word.

  The fact that Ji Yuenian had no news in the Qingluan Mountains was not what she did, but she knew very well that it was impossible to listen to her explanation based on Ji Hong’s character. If Ji Yuenian hadn’t been found, then She and Ji Quexue… I’m afraid that Ji Hong will really go out!

   Thinking of this, the woman climbed her belt and knelt to Ji Hong’s feet, and trembled: “Master, I really didn’t do it, it’s really not me, sir!”

   Jihong squatted down and gently supported the woman’s trembling shoulders. His eyes were filled with indifference: “A whole day, there is no news from the new year, the old people of the Ji Patriarch’s Association The cows, ghosts, and snakes of the Ji family all jumped out, and Xu Jianghe, who was just now, was the person who was looking for in the fourth wave. I only have two descendants of Nian’er and Ji Quexue in Ji’s family, and Ji Quexue is a woman. .”

  When the words were over, the woman subconsciously stopped the trembling. She is not stupid, she is even very intelligent in some aspects. At this moment, under the circulation of her thoughts, she immediately figured out what was going on, but her complexion became more difficult to look at.

   If Grand Prince Ji Yuenian really died in the rumored Qingluan Mountains where demons and ghosts were rampant, I am afraid that the tremendous pressure Ji Hong faced was beyond her imagination.

   There are many collaterals in the Ji family, and these collateral forces are intricately intertwined, although Ji Hong, in addition to the Patriarch, also assumes the position of the second elder of the Ji Patriarchal But even he can’t help it. Completely control all the side forces of the Ji family.

   “Think about it, if Nian’er disappears completely, who will fall on the position given by He Xuan Shangzhen?”

   Jihong gradually reduced the coldness in his eyes, and his tone became softer.

   The woman trembled: “Ji Baiyu, who is only one year younger than the younger! It is the great elder Ji Luoyan! It must be Ji Luoyan who bought off the guard by Nian’er and brought Nian’er into Qingluan. Mountains!”

   Jihong looked at her silently, without saying a word.

   “Master, what do you mean,” the woman looked in a daze, “Let me and Quexue confess this crime?”

   “Ji Luoyan is the great elder, and the power in the Ji family is second only to my family leader,” Ji Hong remained expressionless, “If I can’t find a new year at this time, I will even attack him directly. , There is no benefit at all. Instead, Ji Luoyan will grab the handle and take the opportunity to send Ji Baiyu onto the table.”

The    woman was so crying, she couldn’t say a complete sentence.

   “Lian’er, I’m wronged you, just go out and hide for a while.”

   Jihong’s voice came to my ears.

   The woman’s body shook slightly, she was actually shocked in place.

   Over the years, no matter how well and how careful she is, she has never received a compliment from Ji Hong.

   just now, he actually called himself “Lian’er”.

   “Master, you…”

  ”Don’t worry, when Xu Jianghe returns tomorrow, I will take the opportunity to get angry and anger you and Ji Quexue, and then secretly send you two to a safe place, and then take this opportunity to support the three-room superior , Will not leave any opportunity for Ji Luoyan.”

   Jihong stood up and turned around, but a cold light flashed in his eyes that the woman hadn’t noticed.



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