Big Bodhi Chapter 7: The Obstacle of the Furnace


   Ji Yuenian’s eyes were calm, and she looked up at the wolf demon.

   “You were never taken away by the mountain ghost!?”

  The color of surprise in the wolf monster Mo Yuanmu’s eyes became more and more intense.

   He had already faintly guessed the whereabouts of the mountain ghost’s yin power before, but at this time, Ji Yuenian’s cultivation base and the vitality of the whole body have already told him that the boy in front of him is not that. Mountain ghost Qingyan.

   Ji Yuenian never responded, but still just quietly looking at the badly injured wolf demon, the cyan light of “Unexpected Secret” is already running all over the body, and there is a little killing intent in his eyes. .

   Wolf demon, eat me.

   just… the wolf demon is a return-to-true upper realm cultivation base. Although it is already a severely injured body, it is not something that he can deal with at this time. Ji Yuenian is very clear about this matter.

   After the dark heart fire helped him absorb the original yin power of the mountain ghost, most of the memory of the mountain ghost was also absorbed by the spirit of Ji Yuenian, so that he knew the approximate realm of the beginning of the spiritual practice.

   enter the early stage of the Xuan, enter the upper stage of the Xuan.

   return to the first realm, return to the upper realm.

   If the wolf demon Mo Yuan has not been seriously injured by the spiritual body of the mountain ghost, like Ji Yuenian, who has never practiced any magical powers, it’s nothing but an extinction. .

   Mo Yuan, the wolf demon, saw Ji Yuenian looking at him with such a gaze, his eyes couldn’t help showing an incomparable fierce light, but his body didn’t dare to move at all.

  Because he clearly knows that the movement here has already alarmed the ancient temple, and in a short while, there will be a guardian demon general coming to inspect, if he dares to move rashly, I am afraid that he will die very miserably. What’s more…not to mention that I was seriously injured, but the fact that this child could quietly make the mountain ghost Qingyan disappear is already scary enough.

  ”The barrier of the sky furnace was placed by the Egret Monarch himself.” Ji Yuenian looked away from the wolf monster and looked at the sky beyond the Qingluan Mountains. “The function of this barrier is to imprison Qingluan. The demon spirits and ghosts in the mountains have no effect on the human race.”

   murmured in a low voice, Ji Yuenian glanced at the wolf demon Mo Yuan deeply, and without any hesitation, there was a faint azure blue light around him, and he sank straight into the forest. Swiftly headed outside the Qingluan Mountain Range.

   This is the northwest corner of the Qingluan Mountains, only a short hundred feet away from the barrier of the Heavenly Furnace. However, in just a few tens of breaths, Ji Yue Nian walked to the front of the barrier of the Heavenly Furnace, and walked out without realizing it.

   The wolf demon’s body rolled around with fierce anger, several times he wanted to stop adjusting his breath and made a bold move, but the strange disappearance of the mountain ghost Qingyan seemed to be a huge boulder, casting a large shadow in his heart, making him think again and again. Give up the plan to shoot.

After    disappeared for a few breaths in Jiyue, two changhongs crossed towards the northwest corner of the Qingluan Mountains from the sky at the very far distance. The tyrannical aura overwhelmed the world, and countless demons, ghosts and spirits in the mountains were all bowing their heads respectfully. , I dare not be disrespectful.

   “Where is the night ghost?”

   These two figures finally reached the sky at the northwest corner of the Qingluan Mountains, and their cold voices spread throughout the vast Qingluan Mountains.

   A ray of black air condensed from the void, turning into a gloomy black-clothed boy. First he glanced down at the wolf demon Mo Yuan who was sitting cross-legged and adjusted his breath, and then he respected the two above. He saluted and said: “Given the two demon generals, the nightmare is here.”


   A big hand quickly condensed from the void, directly grasping the body of the nightmare, and grabbing an infinite amount of pure ghost energy from it.

  The black-clothed youth looked extremely painful, and his body trembled from time to time, but he did not dare to show any resistance.

   “The incompetent! The temple asks you to discipline the demon spirits and ghosts on the west side of the Qingluan Mountains. How do you discipline?” After Qi Shu ingested a bell, the cold voice yelled, “The sound of fighting and roaring here has reached the ancient temple. What are you stupid doing? Young Master Chu just took over the Qingluan Mountain Range. Could it be that you are trying to embarrass me and I can’t wait. !?”

   Night Ghost lowered his head, his tone still respectful: “Demon general, Night Ghost knows it was wrong.”

   Another red-clothed demon general snorted and said, “Let’s not take it as an example. If Master Chu’s practice is interrupted by this kind of bad thing in the future, no matter who it is, I will directly list it as the next alchemy pill. Material.”

  Chu Yuehe is not very majestic for the time being, but his identity is a real disciple of the Egret Demon Lord. At this time, when he first took control of the Qingluan Mountain Range, these demon generals naturally didn’t want to be too ugly on the face. Therefore, with such a big movement in the northwest corner, there will be enough two monsters in the ancient temple to personally inspect it.

   The black-clothed boy saluted again, saying: “Night ghost knows.”

After    said, he lowered his gaze, and his gaze at Mo Yuan, the wolf demon, was full of killing intent.

  Although he is also a little puzzled about what happened here before, but at this time the two demon generals are on the top, it is too late to study it, it is better to quickly crush them.

  ”Master Night Ghost, Master Two Demon Generals, I have a word!”

  Mo Yuan’s body trembled a little.

  The night ghost took a peek at the two demon generals standing still in the void. Seeing that the silver armored demon general was already a little impatient, he was slightly startled, and immediately turned his head and shouted: “Niezha, Committing a serious crime, don’t kneel down and die!”

  Between waving his sleeves, a black air filled the depths of the spirit of the wolf demon Mo Yuan, making it sluggish for an instant.

   After a few short breaths, this wolf demon who had returned to the upper realm completely turned into countless black spots of light, dissipating into the void.

After the   Namika put away all the black light spots, he bowed and stood still, not daring to say more.

   The silver armor demon general was silent for a moment, and a radiant silver demon light appeared around him, and he moved towards all directions.

   “Lone palm is difficult to scream, this wolf demon must be fighting with the rest of the monsters to make such a big movement,” another demon general chuckled, “I just noticed the breath of entering the Profound Beginning Realm. Walking along the barrier of the Heavenly Furnace, being able to pass through the barrier, I think it should be a human being who has strayed into the Qingluan Mountains.”

  魇鬼 looked around, carefully inspected for a while, then raised his head and said: “Given the two demon generals, the one who fought against the wolf demon should be the mountain ghost Qingyan, returning to the true realm, but I can’t sense it at this time. Its breath, presumably this lizard is already gone.”

   The silver armor demon general snorted coldly, put away the silver light around him, and said: “Nightman, I don’t care how these pill materials fight, in short, it’s because you have no way to discipline. If there is another time, you too Wait for me to die!”

   The black-clothed boy trembled slightly, and his voice should be answered in a low voice.

  When the two demon generals were about to leave, the Nightmare ghost raised their heads again, and said: “Two demon generals, can those who have left the Qingluan Mountains still chase the Profound Realm human race?”


  The Silver Armored Demon General turned his hand and condensed a giant starlight hand, squeezing most of the nightmare’s body to pieces, and countless pure ghosts escaped and filled the world.

   “Night ghost, you can barely be regarded as my subordinate ~ When did you become so stupid?” The silver armor demon general said indifferently, looking down at the black-clothed boy who reunited his body, “You are still The identity of the elixir, can it be the obstacle of the heavenly furnace? Or, you mean that I and the Red Luan Demon General will personally go to chase and kill an ant who enters the Profound Realm?”

   The Red Luan Demon General stretched out his hand to stop the silver armor demon general who wanted to continue to shoot, and shook his head and said: “The generation of ants, don’t care. Nightmare, as a patrol demon general, there are many things to do. If every one of them strays in The creatures in the Qingluan Mountains have to be killed personally, so we are afraid we can’t be free.”

  The silver armor demon general gave a cold glance at the nightmare, and his body turned into a rainbow of light and pierced through the air.

   “Thank you, Hong Luan, the demon general for your help.”

   The boy in black lowered his head and spoke respectfully.

   Hongluan Yao gradually turned his eyes indifferent, as if he became a human, and said: “Cut out half of the source of ghost power and give it to me.”

   “What!? This…”

  The night ghost’s complexion changed drastically, and his figure trembled, but under the gaze of the Red Luan Demon General, it gradually wilted, and his low-down gaze was full of resentment and despair.

   “Why, you don’t want to?” The Red Luan Demon will speak softly.

   “I…I do.”

  Night ghost gritted his teeth, enduring the pain of tearing the soul, stretched out his hand and took out a large group of black ghost power source from his head, and his body became more and more vain, seemingly at any time Will fall apart.

   The Red Luan Demon will easily grab the source of the ghost power, snorting coldly, turning into a crimson brilliance and walking towards the ancient temple.

   “Hateful, hateful! Wolf demon, mountain ghost, and the ant people, you all deserve to die!”

   The night ghost’s eyes were extremely resentful, his body gradually faded, and finally turned into a black mist and completely hidden into the forest.



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