Automotive Black Technology Chapter 410: : Everyone makes their own moves (please subscribe!)

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In fact, if you look at it from Kubota’s perspective, Mashin is a non-mainstream car company. Firstly, there is no historical foundation behind it, and secondly, it has not achieved any impressive results in the industry. Therefore, it is puzzling to Kubota why every model of Mashin is so popular.

In his heart, he looks down on this car company that has been established for less than a year. But facing the strength of the A8, he had to sort out Zhengxin’s marketing methods and product features online, and analyze them point by point with his staff.

To be honest, Zhengxin A8’s marketing method is the simplest and most traditional compared to the past.

When X-power came off the production line, Li Fanyu relied on his driving skills to completely defeat Risfast’s RF-12, and directly climbed to the top of this sports car brand that has been awesome for more than half a century. The advertisement that left the RU12 and the airplane behind on the runway was also used by the automobile industry as an excellent creative idea.

When the A4 rolled off the production line, it continued to use to show the development progress and test results of the first national B-class car. Before going offline, he showed off his performance in front of tens of millions of netizens through Weibo and Douyou live streaming platforms.

A6 is a road movie directed by Ma Rao. If it weren’t for the plot of “Perfect World”, which won a lot of awards abroad, the entire movie would have been said to be too long. Edition A6 advertising.

TT’s limited marketing and reliance on big data for precise advertising have become a new way of advertising in the automotive industry. Not to mention mini, Zhengxin relies on high degree of customization and personalization to lead a group of young people who love to have fun and have a good time. Even the movement was outside the atmosphere and could even be seen by weather satellites.

When it comes to A8, in addition to giving free cars to the embassy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and successfully occupying the pit of national protocol cars, the publicity similar to TV advertisements and online advertisements can only be described as low-key.

So apart from using the political background to elevate its product positioning, Acura really has no other advantages.

There are differences in configuration between the JLX flagship 900 model and the W12 A8, but JLX has more advantages in appearance.

Acura’s design language is relatively unique, so even for luxury-level models, the appearance is quite avant-garde and fancy.

Through these comparisons and analyses, Kubota had an idea in his mind.

After a detailed comparison between the Zhengxin A8 and the Acura JLX, Acura reworked its marketing plan. Taking Zhengxin A8 as the number one competitor, a targeted layout was carried out.

Facing the crisis of losing sales, Acura’s work efficiency has reached a very terrifying level. In just two days, a new round of large-scale publicity and promotion activities was launched.

In terms of public media, previous publicity has covered mobile communication software, web pages, television and other channels. Increasing investment will have little effect, so under Kubota’s planning, the Internet trolls will only increase the hype and once again promote JLX’s so-called “King of Luxury Car Sales” After a while. We also cooperate with some operating accounts on Weibo to carry out soft articles and reposted marketing.

The new target of this round of publicity for Acura JLX is focused on the currently popular reality show.

“This Is Possible” is a celebrity challenge reality show that is currently so popular in China that it has no friends. The core highlight of this show is to allow a group of popular entertainment stars to use various death-defying methods to challenge themselves and complete seemingly impossible tasks.

One of the most commonly used challenge methods is to let celebrities travel throughout the city in search of local delicacies and engage in eating challenges like a big eater.

Acura valued the popularity of the show and the large number of stars in it, and directly spent huge sums of money to sponsor, allowing the program team to insert a large number of JLX promotional images into the grave-digging recording, and use JLX as the star car in the show.

Including previous advertising investment and this wave, JLX’s publicity expenses have exceeded 200 million.

After spending such a large amount of publicity expenses, Acura once again issued a notice to 4S stores in various regions, ordering them to vigorously promote sales and cooperate with advertising to achieve the purpose of increasing sales.

After some hard work, JLX’s sales have increased slightly.

After a new round of marketing, according to sales statistics submitted by 4S stores in various places, during the golden sales period in the second week after JLX went offline, actual sales finally exceeded the 300-unit mark.

Based on the average net profit of RMB 200,000 per car, the capital repayment is nearly RMB 50 million. will reach a quarter of the publicity costs.

Of course, it is impossible for Acura to publish such embarrassing data differences.

At this time, the sales staff of 4S stores across Zhengxin are keeping a close eye on A8 users who have purchased cars, making return visits and communicating with them.

It is said that birds of a feather flock together, and there are naturally a large number of potential users in the social circle of existing A8 users. Therefore, after using return visits and customer surveys to establish a relationship with users. The sales staff of Zhengxin Guangqi Sales Department naturally expanded sales.

With this silent method of moisturizing things, the sales of A8 are rising steadily like buckets under the eaves after rain.

But it sounds ridiculous. Without knowing the actual situation of Acura, Zhengxin was nervous internally in the face of their huge publicity efforts.

In Zhengxin’s conference room, as the head of the Audi department, Huang Qi was analyzing Acura’s recent actions with the senior executives using the slides.

“Everyone, the positioning of Acura JLX is the same as that of our A8, and now our A8 is about to enter the golden period of sales. At this juncture, their vigorous promotion will put a lot of pressure on our sales. . In response to this situation, do you have any opinions? Please discuss what methods we should use. ”

As the main person in charge of A8 planning, Li Kai paused the pencil in his hand and said, “Mr. Huang, I looked at yesterday’s latest report. The current sales trend of A8 is not bad, and it can be said to be a good one. Even with Acura’s crazy advertising and promotion methods, our sales have not had any impact, so I don’t think any special measures need to be taken in response to this situation… In my opinion, this is what Acura is doing. Die.”

Huang Qi frowned, “How do you say this?”

Li Kai spread his hands and said, “A publicity like Acura’s is destined to be short-lived. Models are all about continuous exposure, but it is definitely not a barrage-like exposure like JLX. In the two rounds of publicity after it goes off the assembly line, , let’s not talk about how much money they invested, let them spend it if they have money.

As far as the model itself is concerned, don’t you think such a large exposure is a bit excessive for a luxury class that pays attention to taste?

And I really don’t understand how a luxury car used to promote a reality show will have any influence on potential users worth tens of millions of dollars?

Just wait and see, this round of Acura is likely to be used as false propaganda by themselves. ”

Huang Qi thought about it and felt that although what he said was a bit arbitrary, it was not unreasonable.

The ultimate goal of advertising is to promote the consumption of the target group. Acura’s current approach is quite a waste of money and money.

“But shouldn’t we do something?”

Li Kai shook his head when he saw her asking, “That’s not true, but according to my opinion, we shouldn’t struggle with them on the misunderstanding of momentum. Instead, we should maintain our own rhythm and implement the established tasks well. Sales planning, on the other hand, we can go further and expand based on our own understanding of the market.”

“For example?”

“For example, if it were me, I wouldn’t recharge reality shows!”

“Speak seriously!”

“Hey, I heard that Acura spent more than 60 million to sponsor “This Is Possible”. If Mr. Li is willing to spend this money, we can definitely prepare a golf star tour. Although the popularity of golf is not high , but the impact on potential A8 users is much stronger than a reality show.”

Huang Qi’s eyes lit up, “Tell me carefully!”

“You see, although the sport of golf has entered China not long ago, due to social connections, the popularity of this sport among the wealthy Chinese is rapidly increasing. We can definitely take advantage of this momentum to introduce some golf courses abroad. Invite celebrities and join forces with better golf venues in various places to create a national tour.”

“Then? How to operate it specifically, how can we use this event to promote it?”

“If you want to invite more famous golf stars, the competition situation should be held in the form of a championship. If you want the best effect, a million-dollar championship award is almost enough. The golf venue is It doesn’t require too much investment. After all, being able to use their venues for star games is also a publicity for their venues. In addition to some publicity, we can cooperate with sports channels like CTV5 and give them the broadcast rights. But let them do the event promotion, so our investment is actually not much.

The competition part is roughly like this. As for the benefits we can get from it, haha…”

Seeing this guy’s expressions of joy, Huang Qi immediately urged: “Don’t be so secretive! Speak quickly!”

“Haha, you see, we have the naming rights for the TV broadcast, and the venues around the tour can also display our Zhengshin advertisements in the largest possible space. Moreover, we are the organizers and operators of the competition, so we can completely take advantage of this competition. , interact with A8 users. Give them free tickets for amateur competitions between the main competitions. This will not only increase Hu Ke’s recognition of the company, but also take this opportunity to let more potential users know about Zhengxin. Get to know the product A8!

Going a step further, if we are willing to be embarrassed, we can also give out some car purchase vouchers, car purchase discounts and lucky prizes through some on-site activities. It’s a bit unflattering to do this, but if you really want to increase the sales of the A8, you can use it. ”


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