Automotive Black Technology Chapter 409: : Acura changes ownership, and counterattack is coming. (Please subscribe for more updates!)

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It is not difficult to sell a car, but if you want to become famous all over the world and complete the invasion of the market, there are many factors involved. In the luxury-level market, these factors are even more intertwined.

If a luxury car wants to achieve very good sales, then the design, taste, craftsmanship and style of the car itself are rigid standards. So we will see that there are very few ugly cars with millions of dollars or more, which are the good cars we often talk about.

To be honest, Acura’s JLX is better than the A8 in terms of appearance.

But this is the Chinese market. According to the metaphysical theory passed down by our ancestors, the factors above this rigid standard can be boiled down to three points;

That is the right time, the right location, and the right people.

Let’s analyze the listing situation of JLX.

In terms of timing, although Acura has advanced the launch plan of JLX and has fully advanced its publicity activities. However, due to the rapid development progress of the A8, they still did not open a long enough gap. One week is not enough for the market to fully accept the JLX and give up its long-standing expectations for the bubbling A8.

Needless to say, the geographical location is favorable, this is China. Although China’s automobile industry has always lagged behind, Zhengxin’s products still have a certain reputation in the market. There are naturally many people looking forward to the A8, a benchmark product that represents a national car.

The so-called national sentiments are not lacking among Chinese people if they have a choice. That’s what the so-called geographical location is.

If the first two are secondary reasons, then the factor that really makes the A8 surpass the JLX in actual sales comes down to people and people.

It has to be said that Acura, with its absolute control and cooperation model with a single major dealer, squeezes too much from 4S stores in various places.

Just like Brother Long, the owner of the Zhengzhou Acura SSSS store, dealers who cannot find a profit point in the sales process are trying their best to find ways to make money. What are the mandatory decoration packages when buying a car, what are the high-priced insurances that must be purchased in the store, what are the added prices to pick up the car, what are the high-priced engine oil, high-priced after-sales parts and repair labor hours… Anyway, everything can be used to extract money from car owners. Used it.

Most of the customers who can afford a car worth more than one million are really not short of money. But after making a good deal, there are so many extra items when it comes time to pay, which is simply annoying.

So, after losing the support of its first batch of customers, Acura JLX missed its only opportunity to overpower the A8.

Faced with this situation, everyone in Acura’s conference room, from the president to the sales manager, had bitter expressions on their faces.

Although the current luxury car market looks very big, in fact, excluding Mercedes-Benz and Europa, two German giants with more than a hundred years of history, their share is only that small.

These two big guys have been operating in China for nearly thirty years. With their history, values ​​and heritage, they have deeply ingrained the definition of luxury into people’s hearts. To be objective, sales of such brands have stabilized. There has been a big increase in market share, but as long as they are not trying to kill themselves, almost no new brands and models will pose a threat to them.

Throwing this part aside, all that is left for the Acura JLX is the remaining space. But one wrong step and the next, this space is about to be occupied by the A8.

So the atmosphere in the conference room at this time was very depressing.

Tanaka Chiki looked at Kubota, who was sitting on his left with a sullen expression and said nothing, and knocked on the table.

“Kubo-kun, regarding the current situation, what do you have to say?”

Tanaka Ikeki’s patience with Kubota is already very limited. Relying on the importance he attaches to the Japanese headquarters, this guy has gone his own way behind his back time and time again, meddling in the company’s business and posing a serious threat to his position.

So now that the company is in crisis, Tanaka directly targets Kubota.

As if he was prepared for Tanaka Ikeki’s question, Kubota took his hands off his chin and grabbed the pen in front of him.

“President, do you think the A8’s sales are real?”

Hearing what he said, a ball of anger arose in Tanaka Chixi’s heart.

This arrogant and arrogant guy! Why do you always have a contemptuous attitude towards everything!

In order to verify the accuracy of the Zhengxin news, Tanaka Chixi sent people to several Guangqi Zhengxin sales networks to inquire. The information obtained is basically the same as that published on the Zhengxin website. Doesn’t this explain the problem?

Tanaka Chixi slammed the table, his thin lips pursed into a thin line because of anger, and his nostrils breathed out, like a toad about to choose someone to devour.

“Kubo-kun, you are too arrogant. I think you have completely failed to play your due role in your management position. I have read a book called Quotations, which says that we should pay attention to the enemy strategically, and I think it makes sense to tactically despise the enemy, but your current behavior is exactly the opposite of what is described in this book! You have a childish and frivolous heart in your young skin!”

Faced with the poor sales of the JLX that he carried alone, and now being stepped on by the Chinese brand that he always looked down on, Kubota is also surprisingly angry.

Seeing Tanaka Chiki saying that he was incompetent in public, he also got angry: “You old man who can only chatter endlessly! Don’t always use these sentences that you plucked from nowhere to preach! The Mashin A8 has only been on the market for one day. I haven’t completely lost yet! As long as the method is right, JLX can still achieve good sales. Your accusations against me now are meaningless in changing the situation! So I will report this matter to the headquarters personally. , afraid of taking responsibility, I can fully take responsibility for JLX’s sales performance! ”

Tanaka Chiki pointed at Kubota’s nose, said “you” several times, then put down his hand angrily, and then called the headquarters.

But to be honest, he has been away from the headquarters for a long time.

In the Chinese market for so many years, the headquarters evaluated him as being too stubborn and not aggressive enough, so the headquarters sent Kubota in an attempt to bring a bit of vitality to Acura China, which was as stable as a brick.

Now, faced with this dispute. After a little research, Acura’s Japanese headquarters decided to let Kubota be responsible for this project and the subsequent operations of JLX.

Hearing the news, Tanaka Chixi sat down on the chair dejectedly.

In a sense, he has been sidelined.

After receiving the authorization, Kubota immediately summoned the heads of various departments and began to plan JLX’s next marketing strategy as director.

With the power in hand, Kubota’s arrogance was completely ignited.


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