Ask the Mirror Chapter 93: The True Wen Lingfu Divine Lord Enters a Dream (5)

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Across several layers of rocks and space, Yu Ci frowned slightly.

So far, he has not done any guidance and has no intention of doing so.

Everything that happened was a spontaneous hallucination caused by Shen Wan’s mind being pulled by the talisman of life and death, which also shows her foundation.

Shen Wan is very thoughtful and is really not very talented in practice.

What Guiyan gave her was a fragment taken from the true meaning of Yu Ci’s Life and Death Talisman. In a similar situation, Wuyu could understand the true meaning of Xuanwu, condense the true martial arts, and push his own realm back to the Buxu realm. However, Shen Wan just had a nightmare and was confused. The difference between the two was really huge.

Of course, her condition is really not good. Whether in Taoism, Buddhism, or other systems or sects with the inheritance of “True Wen Ling Fu”, in order to understand these secrets, burning incense, purifying one’s hands, and clearing one’s mind are the minimum requirements.

The so-called “True Text Spiritual Talisman” is originally an image and description of the system and method, expressed in a more efficient way that is different from ordinary text. High efficiency also means large capacity and more profound and heavy pressure.

It was a taboo for her to touch the True Text Talisman in a daze, and it was natural for her to receive backlash.

To be honest, Yu Ci is quite disappointed with this. With Shen Wan’s determination, she should be able to do better, but the weak nature in her heart has greatly reduced her effectiveness, and her original “diligence” quality…

Um, no!

He soon realized that he was not planting a demon! In this case, why do we need to calculate the levels of six desires, energy, transcendence, etc., and distinguish them so clearly? I always unconsciously focus on the quality of the “seed”, which is more or less affected by the magic door’s mental methods. However, this idea does not apply to the current situation.

As soon as he thought of this, his mentality became calmer, and he just watched with cold eyes to see what Shen Wan could get from him from the true meaning of the “Life and Death Talisman”.

So far, even though Shen Wan has touched the true meaning of the “talisman of life and death” and initially established a connection with this place, she is still separated by one layer and has not been able to get in.

The reason is that the “seed” that connects the two is no longer actively implanted by Yu Ci, but must be completed by Shen Wan herself.

With Shen Wan’s qualifications and current mentality, it is really difficult to achieve this step by following the conventional method.

Shen Wan also gradually felt this.

She has established a connection with the life-and-death true text talisman, and feels the magnificent power inside. But no matter how she begs, the power is always close to her, and there is always an invisible layer between it and her. The barrier is in the middle.

What is that?

The confusion did not last long. After all, she is proficient in business. No matter what she is about, she has a concept, that is:


And now, what does she have in exchange?

What did the “Lord” who looked on coldly see in her?

She doesn’t know because she knows nothing about “Lord”. But she understands how to make a deal almost absolutely complete——

Keep her “value” and let her “price” fall!

She then prayed in the mental space that was like a dream but not a dream: “The believer Shen Wan, I only hope that the Lord will use his boundless supernatural power to grant the wonderful attainment of ‘life’ to help the believer protect the Shen family and keep its roots. Believing women have nothing but the inner and outer parts of the body and mind, and offer them to the Lord. Thunder, rain, and dew are all received, rejoiced, and blessed. They bow down to see the divine mercy!”

At least at this moment, every word and every word of Shen Wan’s prayers came from the bottom of her heart, without any cover or pretense.

It was this sincere prayer that finally reached the last requirement of the “deal”. The weak but true “faith” sprouted from the heart, like a hook thrown out, and the true text talisman. Connected with each other.

At this moment, Shen Wan did not receive the expected magical power. On the contrary, she was pulled up by the power of the Zhenwen Talisman, facing the projected light, and fluttering into the depths of the hazy clouds.

The ferocious faces of Lei Zheng, Rongchang, Tao Gongfeng and others passed before her eyes, but Shen Wan didn’t even have time to be afraid, so she left them behind along with the clouds of gloom.

She raised her head and looked up, only to see the clear blue sky, the celestial palace looming, heaven and humans flying cranes coming and going, the palaces and clouds and bridges connected, layer by layer, gradually spreading out, and it was difficult to see the edge.

In a blink of an eye, there was another fairy laughing and flying in the sky to attract her, and she came here, attracting her to this place. Follow the curved railings of the Cloud Bridge, pass through halls and rooms, and arrive at the Hall of Fragrance, a room of emerald jade, with hanging curtains and pink tents inside.

In a trance, the maids of Xian’e gathered together, hugging her with smiles and walking behind the curtain, taking a bath in Yuchi orchid soup, incense and washing away the dust. The hot air was thick again, making me feel sleepy. I was so drowsy that I wrapped myself in a silk robe and was pushed up to my gums.

The pink curtain is like smoke, the brocade quilt is like clouds, she is also in a daze, as if she is in the clouds,

What is coming is so clear that even if you are in a state of confusion, you can know it. However, she had no strength at all in her whole body, and only had one thought, which grew from weak to strong, and finally rumbled in her heart;

Thunder, rain and dew are all divine grace; thunder, rain and dew are all divine grace!

Thunderbolts flew across the sky, the palace trembled, the jade room shook, the sound of the sky was intermittent, the fairies were scattered, and she was the only one, curled up on the Yunjin gum. She opened her eyes drowsily, only to see that in the supreme realm, the cold eyes that had always been indifferent were ignited with fire, and instantly turned into a blazing sun, reflecting the palace, and suddenly flew down!

The next moment, the scorching heat penetrated her with a blow. She arched her body while moaning, and Xuan lost the last bit of strength in this weak struggle. She completely collapsed, allowing the internal and external heat to converge and interact. Burst out and overflow.

Yu Ci was stunned.

He never expected that Shen Wan’s dream would turn out like this, but looking closely at the root cause, it was not without reason.

That Shen Wan didn’t know his name, didn’t understand his true meaning, didn’t know his method, and entered the door purely with “faith”. She knew almost nothing about him. The only knowledge he had came from Guiyan, and Guiyan There is no need to mention the reputation of Yan in this world. It is not incomprehensible that all kinds of factors come together, intertwined and mixed in a trance and confusion, misleading and derived, and turned into an **** dream.

Just like this, wouldn’t he have become a member of the evil **** worshiped by the secular world?

This is really ridiculous.

It just so happens that this kind of muddle-headed scene actually has an effect.

The haze and hallucination of Shen Wan’s consciousness is partly due to the shame and instinct in the subconscious, and partly due to his “faith” that triggered the mystery of the Zhenwen Talisman, but because of the information contained within The amount was too huge, beyond the limit that she could bear, and she didn’t have Wu Yu’s solid foundation and the ability to analyze the “Five Dou Sanyuan Zhenyi Sutra”. When she was washed away by the torrent, her Qingming was stained.

But this situation also represents her relaxed state of being completely open physically and mentally, with no autonomy at all.

Just like a piece of white paper, the power derived from the “talisman of life and death” can naturally flow out and twist into marks.


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