Ask the Mirror Chapter 93: The True Wen Ling Fu God Enters a Dream (4)

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When the true meaning of the runes is revealed, it is like a cloud of darkness, spreading across thousands of miles, pouring in, and accumulating in the heart.

Shen Wan’s heart was shaken, and she felt as if someone had punched her hard. In her dizziness, she vaguely saw the head and face of a ferocious demon emerging from the clouds, which looked surprisingly familiar.

Tao worship!


Thunder battle!

The current pressure and the almost insurmountable barrier in the future appeared at the same time. Shen Wan groaned and felt suffocated. She wanted to stop all this, but her whole mind was pulled by the true text talisman, and she could not retreat.

Tao Zongfeng is a real person who has achieved immortality and is Rongchang’s right-hand man. He represents the dominant force of Suixin Pavilion’s “three major surnames”.

As for Lei Zheng, the head of the Lei family who single-handedly destroyed the Shen family, under his seemingly fair face, he has the mind of a poisonous snake who wants to choose people to devour. Since the fall of the Shen family at the beginning of this calamity, there have been elites who wanted to accumulate strength and make a comeback, but they were defeated one by one by this person using various means. In the end, their talents withered and it was difficult to have successors. If not for this, the huge Shen family would not have been reduced to the point where she, a female figure, could hold up half the sky.

Shen Wan is extremely clear that as long as Lei Zheng is around and the Lei family is around, the possibility of the Shen family making a comeback is slim to none. During this period, any trend she made would be ruthlessly suppressed by Lei Zheng.

The transfer from Beihuangping, where she had already established a solid foundation, to Donghua Mountain was just a warning disguised as impartiality. Next, every time she took a step forward, the guillotine above her head would fall; and she even There is no chance to retreat, because once something goes wrong – just like today, Lei Zheng will never mind adding another foot to the well!

In the overwhelming haze, it was Lei Zheng’s face that occupied the most central position. Next to it was Rongchang’s seemingly kind but cold face, and Tao Chongfeng, who was holding her handle. The shape was distorted, and he opened his big hands and grabbed it face to face.

Among these three people, there are countless strange shadows in the flowing haze, which are vaguely the eagle dogs that have been driven by Lei Zheng and have been in trouble with her over the years. He just pounced on her, screaming and screaming, trying to eat her.

This is a nightmare, a nightmare from which you can’t wake up!

After struggling in the circle of Suixin Pavilion for many years, no one understands better than her the overwhelming power she faces.

Under the cover of the mature rules that Sui Xin Pavilion has formed over tens of thousands of years, she can still maintain basic safety, but once she loses this layer of protection, she will undoubtedly be completely strangled.

At this moment, in her nightmare, she was facing this situation!

Her mind was shaking one after another. She didn’t know why she fell into such a situation. Wasn’t she comprehending the mystery of the true text talisman given by Guiyan?

If this was a trap and Guiyan wanted to harm her, why would he use this method?

In the years of strife, the calmness engraved in the bones allows a judgment to emerge from the panic:

To untie the bell, you need the person who tied it. Whoever caused it will seek relief…

As soon as the thought came to mind, the sky was full of haze. Behind the layers of dark clouds and turbidity, there was light shining through. The true spiritual talisman seemed to be there, and it seemed like an indifferent eye. Watching her struggling in embarrassment was like looking at an ant. Like looking at dust.

As an ant and dust, Shen Wan shivered under the clouds and invaded by demons, but the light seemed impenetrable, always separated by a layer, and there was no light.

Actually, all it takes is a little light and a little heat…

Shen Wan opened and closed her lips and teeth, wanting to ask for help from the powerful existence that dominated her mind at this moment, but at this moment, she remembered that from beginning to end, Guiyan never mentioned anything to her about the “Lord” The information, of course, included the name that she had always kept secret, so that even if she wanted to call, she didn’t know how to speak.

In the end, she could only moan and squeeze out two syllables:

“Save me!”

The syllables are simple and the meaning of the words is simple, but once she uttered the words, Shen Wan suddenly lost all her strength, and her whole mind was in a coma. The deepest part of her heart, the dam that had been built, was instantly overwhelmed by an unstoppable wave. The terrifying power penetrated with one blow, and the confusion, fear, pressure, and despair that had been accumulated for many years poured out, drowning everything she could sense.

At this moment, there was stillness in the chaos, and the light in Shen Wan’s heart flashed, illuminating the spiritual platform, and also reflected the true meaning hidden behind the crazy emotions:

Yes, in the desperate situation, she has been resisting, but she has also been hoping, hoping that a powerful existence will emerge from the sky, blocking the wind and rain, and opening up a clear sky.

She is a female after all, an ordinary woman who is destined not to look down on the world like Mrs. Huangquan and Ye Bin.

Under the protection of her parents, she should have accumulated experience in Suixin Pavilion’s first-class store step by step, and grown up along the way. During this period, she might have married a kid with a big family name, and when her wings were full, she would have leapt into the sky and taken charge of a party.

Even if you can’t do it, you should still be rich and prosperous for the rest of your life, just like the underachievers of the Sui Xin Pavilion, they are naturally among the rich. And we should never be afraid, walking on thin ice, struggling in the hypocrisy, indifference of human nature, and risking our lives.

This should not have been her fate!

Taking a step back, even if fate has set limits, it is just a trap that is difficult to get out of, but before she puts in all her efforts, shouldn’t she make some changes? Give her a little breathing room?

She didn’t get what she deserved. Although she didn’t want much, she just wanted to get out of this quagmire – but she still fell deeper and deeper into it, gradually drowning, until today!

Just today, she met a “powerful being” who only existed in imagination and could change everything.

And, showed a little bit of “intention” to her.

Just like a drowning person holding on to a piece of driftwood, in the closed space of her mind, she no longer has to pretend to be strong. In the haze and misery, facing the endless haze, facing The Zhenwen spirit talisman, which was always separated by a layer, threw away all reservations and shouted:

“Save me…as long as you can get me out, you can do whatever you want!”

The space in the mind shook, and the light finally tore through the layers of haze, revealing its true face. Countless lines were intertwined, creating tortuous and profound talisman characters. The talismans shook the heart for a lifetime and pointed to the true meaning. And that was different from what had been said before. See completely different…

To be more precise, it’s the complete opposite.


The next moment, life turns into death, and death turns into life, turning endlessly, and changing every thought.

Shen Wan’s mind suddenly became silent. She vaguely felt that there was a deeper meaning in it, but for her, there was no need to delve into it any further. She only chose the one she had been looking forward to and pursuing!

“I choose ‘life’…ask the Lord for grace!”


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