Ask the Mirror Chapter 8: A king of one country (5)

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Outside the Wubao of Sidingtang, a figure flew down. Seeing the bustle outside the fort, he frowned slightly.

When the Taoist priest Hui Feng saw him, he was overjoyed: “Head of the courtyard!”

He is the more casual type, and the monks in Siding Hall inside and outside Wubao, no matter far or near, all immediately salute and behave politely, even Zhang Miaolin, who has always been rough-tempered, is no exception.

Lingjiao looked over curiously and saw a female crown, wearing blue cloth and black collar, a turban on her head, not even half a jump silk, white socks on her feet, green cloth round-top shoes, and her whole body was tidied up , but it is too simple, and there is no ornament that shows off a woman’s temperament.

However, her face is as plain as jade, and her facial features are elegant and pleasing to the eye. However, there is a shallow mark between her eyebrows, which seems to be something that is always on her mind and cannot be solved. It is thorough, and when it shines on others, it is as frosty as snow, and it is natural that others cannot get close to it.

Lingjiao greeted him with a smile: “Headmaster Wuyu… He is even more famous when we meet him. He seems to be difficult to deal with.”

The second half of the sentence was in a lowered voice, speaking to Taoist Hui Feng, but even Wang Shen could hear the voice. The Taoist priest Hui Feng coughed and was about to introduce him to several parties when Ling Jiao, the most sensitive person, let out a sigh and looked back.

She was just the first one to react. The real-life level qi hedging had an impact far beyond a hundred miles. Wu Yu, Huifeng Taoist, Zhang Miaolin and others also turned around.

I saw that in the northwest sky, the sky was clearly divided into two sides. One side had clouds like mountains and majestic water vapor, while the other side was dark and deep, with flickering will-o’-the-wisps. Such a wonderful scene only lasted for less than two breaths. There was a roar in the clouds, and a spiritual light burst out of the clouds. It had many angles and twists and turns, and instantly turned into a four-clawed sword. The evil dragon on the single peak spread its spiritual waves, and the vast water vapor in the high sky turned into ice crystals and flying snow, falling in pieces.

“It’s Master Black Jiao.”

Ling Jiao was a little surprised. She was also very familiar with the other side. Who else could it be if it wasn’t Gui Yan?

After Gui Yan escaped that day, only Master Xuanhao stayed. Master Black Jiao and Sheng Tong both left. They didn’t want to appear here again today, and they were clearly targeting the ghost who had not been seen for the past two days. Disgusted.

After being stunned, Lingjiao clapped his hands and said with a smile: “That’s good, he’s been really helpful!”

She didn’t care about anything else and shouted “Don’t be surprised”. Her figure suddenly turned into a stream of light and flew into the air, heading straight over there. Following her escape, the Qijian Tianluo in the distant sky suddenly appeared. It emits a rainbow of light, forms a bridge in the air, and goes straight forward.

“It’s Juxian Bridge…”

The Taoist priest Hui Feng took a breath and wondered how many swordsmen were hidden in this Hongqiao. With Qijian Tianluo in the center, Lunjianxuan could definitely dispatch thousands of swordsmen at any time within a radius of 2,400 miles. Sword repair, the ability to attack and turn into battle. That ghost has shown his signs, and even if he passes the test of Master Black Jiao, he will most likely fall into the sword formations of Lunjianxuan.

He quickly came back to his senses, and used this little time to explain to Wu Yu the origin of today’s events. Only halfway through, the evil dragon transformed by the spiritual light, blowing the wind and snow, turned nearly a hundred miles around into ice and snow. On the ground, snowflakes are flying, even falling here. While Huifeng Taoist was talking, his throat suddenly became dry and his Qi was suffocated. It was as if the river was frozen, the water was stagnant, and the flow of breath became stagnant and difficult.

Wuyu hummed, not letting him continue: “I know…”

Nv Guan saw the evil dragon stirring up the wind and snow over there, but her expression did not change much. She only said: “The black dragon master released the realm of real people first… How does Gui Yan compare to him?”

The realm of real people is formed by the interplay of real people’s magical powers and the laws of heaven and earth. It reverses the five elements and reverses the four seasons, forming a realm of its own. As long as the opponent is trapped in it, the movement of qi will inevitably wax and wane. The “Buxu Dharma Domain” created by some Buxu monks was borrowed from it, but its effectiveness is completely different.

Any real person’s method of transporting the realm is a superior mental method that has been refined over time, or has been passed down for hundreds of generations. Without that level, looking at this method, it is just like a frog in a well talking in the sea, and it is difficult to see the true meaning. But the two of them have learned a lifetime, have a deep foundation, and have a broad vision, so it doesn’t hurt to talk about superficial things.

“Master Black Jiao became enlightened by a different kind of person, and he has stood firm in the southern country for many years without falling. Naturally, he has his own merits. As for Guiyan, this person has always behaved badly. According to legend, he has been imprisoned in the Buxu realm for many years and cannot make any progress. However, The two tribulations of crossing the devil and thunder are like strolling in the courtyard, making people unable to see clearly.”

The Huifeng Taoist is talking nonsense. This situation occurs mainly because Gui Yan has not released the realm of real people so far. There is only a dim light flying in the air, like a long line, flying in the wind and snow.

From the perspective of the returning Taoist priest, it is already a bit difficult.

As for Lingjiao, who came up to him with his flag and sword Tianluo, he saw a different scene: “The ghost is tired of not letting go of the real person’s realm, and it is clearly unwilling to confront the black dragon real person. As for his whole body evolving into ghost light, the legal body Nothingness, if Master Heijiao does not restrict it, he will really be unable to hold it…”

Behind Lingjiao, the rainbow light from Juxian Bridge was flying over. Among them, the swordsmen had already formed a sword formation. When they arrived, I am afraid that no matter whether the Black Jiao Master could succeed or not, the Qijian Tianluo Sword Formation would definitely be heavy. Seal the area and take over. As for the timing, it depends on the “reception” above Hongqiao.

Lunjianxuan has a total of five guides on the Juxian Bridge, each of whom is at least the level of Immortal Immortal. This time, Guiyan broke through the tribulation and became the Six Desire Demon, infecting more than 100,000 living beings. More importantly, He killed nearly a hundred swordsmen under Peng Suo, and thus offended Lun Jianxuan’s counter-attack. Therefore, five people from Juxian Bridge came together to search for the demon-infected creatures. Once Guiyan was found, he would We must use the power of thunder to kill this beast to set the record straight.

With so many powerful people taking action, Lingjiao feels relaxed and relaxed.

At this time, she could also see that Master Heijiao was clearly a little anxious, and seemed to be unwilling for her to intervene. That’s right, that man is not a righteous demon who supports good and eliminates evil. It is really strange that he ignored the danger today and became a ghost and asked for nothing.

As soon as my thoughts came to this point, I saw the ghostly light in the wind and snow pushed by the black dragon. It suddenly flashed out, the energy was unstable, and it spread thousands of miles. The real black dragon took advantage of this opportunity, and in one fell swoop It showed its original shape and transformed into a black jade cold dragon about ten feet long. It connected with the evil dragon transformed by the spiritual light in the air. It opened its mouth violently, and its sharp teeth were clanking. There was a huge suction force in it, and the ghost was emitted. The disgusting light went straight into his mouth.

“It’s done!”

Master Black Jiao was overjoyed. Gui Yan could resist the Blood Plague and Dragon Plague for so long, which was beyond his expectation. Now another Ling Jiao flew in, with flags and swords flying all over the sky. If he was not careful, he would be boiled. The cooked duck really flies away. Fortunately, a message came from his bloodline, and Guiyan finally couldn’t hold it back. Under the control of the plague, his true body cultivation level quickly slipped, and he was suppressed by his cold snow realm, and was no longer able to stand up.

His sharp teeth were chattering, and the breath in his mouth was transformed into the nature of the “Future Star Tribulation Sutra”. As soon as it fell on the dim light, a layer was eroded away. Guiyan’s struggle became weaker and weaker, and Master Heijiao could no longer focus on him, fearing that Lingjiao would intercept him midway and ruin his good deeds.

At present, Lingjiao has done nothing except being a little surprised. But at this moment, the Hongqiao in the distance is about to fly over. Judging from Jianxuan’s tyranny, Master Heijiao does not expect that he will follow the first-come-first-served basis. As a rule, give him a sip of soup.

He could no longer care about anything else, he let out a dragon roar, and the corrosive power of his breath increased again. The ghostly light transformed by Guiyan was still struggling, but it had been shrinking, and was as weak as a candle in the wind.

Only one step away, only one step away from him being able to swallow Guiyan, complete the “Future Star Tribulation Sutra”, reshape his bloodline, and reverse the true form of Tianlong!

Only one step away…

Walking back and forth on the edge of success several times, Master Black Jiao was suddenly startled. The warning sign was like a red-hot sharp needle, piercing into the depths of his soul. Before he could grasp the accurate information, Changsheng’s keen spiritual sense and monster’s instinct had already driven him to make the most correct reaction.

The breath in his mouth turned into vomiting, like thunder, and he forcefully pushed back the light at his mouth… half a minute!

It’s not that his thunder was loud and the raindrops were small, but that the dim light swept away the weak shell in an instant, revealing the **** inside. Not only that, the dim light seemed to be expanding and retracting, like ripples in water, reciprocating like a wheel. It had a sharp edge that penetrated the bones and penetrated the marrow. His breath seemed to be nothing, and it penetrated from the muzzle and penetrated straight into the brain.

The real Black Dragon let out an earth-shattering roar, and at the same time spit out **** foam from broken teeth. Incited by his anger, the surrounding area turned into a frozen world, and his giant tail swung heavily in the icy air. , the speed does not decrease but increases.

But all the counterattacks were half a step too late. Guiyan Youguang succeeded in one attack and was not greedy for success. He took advantage of the situation and soared into the sky. No matter how frozen he was, he passed by suddenly and soared in the blink of an eye. Thousands of feet.

Lingjiao marveled at the outside: “It is said that the magic of the demon sect can lead to the transformation of gods and demons, but this ghost can use the light of transformation to be unrivaled, and it is unparalleled and powerful, just like using a sword… Ah ah Yeah! ”

She widened her eyes and looked at the sky. The clouds were humming and scattered. The visible and invisible sword energies intertwined and turned into layers of sky nets, covering the sky and the earth. There were also five real-person level sword cultivators in the sky. Use your strength to seize the five directions and five elements, imprison the vitality of heaven and earth, and turn this piece of heaven and earth into an unbreakable prison. Such a big deal would give a tribulation master a headache.

This is not what Lingjiao is concerned about.

She saw that under the siege of the “Qijian Tianluo” which had no flaws at all, the ghostly light drew a continuous arc and spiraled upwards. Among them were the marks of the previous wheel. However, the movement of Qi within it progresses layer by layer as the arc increases and the height increases, becoming increasingly profound.

Youguang spun five times in the air. In the first three times, it was still restrained by Qijian Tianluo and was relatively stagnant. But in the fourth time, it broke through a certain node and sounded loudly. Listen carefully, Rather, it seems to be the sword chant that Lingjiao and other Lunjianxuan disciples are most familiar with.

At the fifth circle, the sound of the sword chanting was faintly heard or not heard, but wherever the dim light touched, the sword energy snare was clearly unable to withstand it, causing visible deformations.

At this time, Lingjiao had a strange idea in his heart:

Sixth lap, what will happen in the sixth lap?

Unfortunately, it didn’t go as she wanted. The changes in Guiyan Youguang’s path have come to an end. The light and shadow over there changed, and Guiyan’s true body appeared. At the same time, the dark void behind his head condensed into a wide-mouthed weapon. After taking a breath from the big bottle, the deformed sword energy net was peeled off and swallowed, revealing an obvious gap.


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