Ask the Mirror Chapter 73: The Authority of Heaven and the Network of God (Part 2)

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Yu Ci spread the network of the God Lord and established a deeper connection with the system of laws of heaven and earth.

The relationship between the Lord of God and the laws of heaven and earth is quite close. The ghost king of Rakshasa once used the metaphor of a spider spinning silk, which is very appropriate. This metaphor very truly describes the structure of the system of laws of heaven and earth, and how the Lord of Gods uses his supernatural powers within it.

The Divine Lord is like a huge spider, entrenched at the top of the system of laws of heaven and earth, waiting in the center of a spider web.

Before all this, there must be a means of “weaving a web”.

In the past, Yu Ci thought that the so-called “weaving a web” meant directly treating certain operative laws as “spider threads”, and through various manipulations, re-weaving a “web” exclusive to him in the system of laws of heaven and earth. cobweb”.

But later he discovered that the system of laws of heaven and earth was not so easy to use directly. Thinking of turning it directly into his own spider web was nothing more than wishful thinking.

Take Yu Ci as an example, adhering to one law of life and death is already the limit. He has no energy to involve others, and it shouldn’t be the case. The Divine Lord’s magical power has always been a method of “borrowing power”, and it also needs to go through a process, which is to adhere one’s own faith circuit, that is, the “spider thread” to the laws of heaven and earth, and then indirectly exert power.

The adherent nodes are the believers.

The more believers there are, the higher the realm, the wider the laws of heaven and earth that can be involved, and the power of the God Lord will naturally become more powerful.

Currently, Yu Ci does not expect anything else. He just wants to expand his own perspective to the limit through the spread of the God Lord Network, so that he can more easily understand the manifestation and will of the laws of heaven and earth in the “Six Heavens of Ghosts, Gods, Blood, Light and Thunder Prison”. Implement and use this network to break through the mental limitations caused by Yang Shen’s travel.

The effect is relatively obvious. The name “Six Heavens of Ghosts, Gods, Blood and Thunder Prison” was actually selected from them, which gave Yu Ci a basic concept and saved a lot of effort.

Of course, what’s more important is that through this network, Yu Ci conveys the power of the catastrophe that could only be borne by himself.

He does not need believers or family members to bear the thunder for him, he only needs a channel to release it.

This can probably be regarded as the highest level of “internal energy and external sparkle”, and it is also a helpless choice to bypass the interference of the three-party energy blockage.

So far, the results are good.

The sound of thunder not only resounded in Yu Ci’s body, but also resounded in the air and in the Thunder Prison.

The thunder in the sky is caused by the “Six Heavens Bloodlight Thunder Prison of Ghosts and Gods” itself, and what is in the thunder prison is the result of the joint action of Yu Ci and the will of the laws of heaven and earth.

The two go hand in hand and have no impact on each other for the time being.

Lu Suhua was standing in front of Yu Ci, within reach – the three-dimensional energy was actually only a small amount of space. Under normal circumstances, it expanded to five feet outside her body. Just now, in order to resist her Yuan-Destroying Hammer, it expanded to about ten feet. It’s a square circle, but that’s the limit.

The three-party energy is shrinkable. If Yu Ci shrinks it to a close-fitting level, she will also follow it.

Of course, there is no need to be so ambiguous. Her whole body is transformed into the fist intention. Although it is temporary, it is like the Yang Shen Dharmakaya or the Jiuzang Demon Body of Guiyan. It can gather and disperse freely and can be released into the heaven and earth. Can be turned into mustard seeds.

As long as Yu Ci can’t really turn the concept of space into nothing, it makes no difference to her.

Obviously the other party also understood this and did not do any unnecessary things.

Of course Lu Suhua also knew that Yu Ci was making an even crazier attempt: did he really think he was a calamity in human skin?

God did not give Lu Suhua too much time to think. The six-day ghosts, gods and demons that had been gestating outside the Thunder Prison for a long time finally took shape. There was no step-by-step process. After an earth-shattering thunder, the entire Thunder Prison, They were all filled with demons gushing out.

These so-called “Six Heavenly Ghosts and Gods” are the evil spirits, evil spirits, resentment and anger in the world under the will of the laws of heaven and earth; formed. A kind of “Taiyin Blood Evil” was condensed on his body, which was the source of the previous Taiyin Blood Evil Thunder.

The Taiyin Blood Demon specializes in tainting people’s true meaning. If there is even the slightest flaw in the true meaning that is refined, it will be penetrated through the gap and expand infinitely until it is completely tainted. Even if there is no flaw, if you have been contaminated in it for a long time, you will still fall into the Taoist line, and you will be sensed by the heavenly demons such as the Heavenly Tribulation and the Mo Dharma Lord in the Nine Heavens Outer Realm, or they will incarnate, or have their true bodies, or drive the “Thirteen Heretics” to cross the boundary. Come, specialize in dyeing things.

Of course Lu Suhua knows the power of this, and he also understands that when the disaster is here, he can use various methods to slow down, resist, and eliminate it. The only thing that cannot be done is to avoid it.

She used Yu Ci’s three-dimensional energy to find a bunker to ventilate and rest, to increase her chances of surviving the disaster, instead of just hiding in there and not getting out – it didn’t make any sense.

Without the tempering of the Heavenly Tribulation, Lu Suhua would not have been able to break through; what’s more, if she could hide for a while, could she still hide for the rest of her life?

Thunder rumbles, gradually becoming a climate. Above the nine heavens and below the nine earths, there are all rolling and rushing rivers.

Thunder is the birth of all things.

Thunder causes all things to come into being, which is actually the beginning of the reconstruction of the system of laws of heaven and earth. Lu Suhua can hide, but when the law system specially prepared for her by the will of the law of heaven and earth is built within the scope of the thunder prison, the terrifying calamity will be set in the four extremes and eight desolations. When the mighty power of nine heavens and ten earths comes, the energy of the three parties will probably be as fragile as a bubble. At that time, even if Lu Chen comes back to life, he can’t save her!

Lu Suhua knows this very well.

So, she glanced at Yu Ci again, without any hesitation, rushed out and ran straight into the community of ghosts, gods and demons in the six days.

There was a muffled “buzz” sound, and the dazzling light formed by the impact of huge force and friction penetrated through the gaps between the dense six-day ghosts and gods, radiating in all directions.

Lu Suhua did not use the three-yuan hammer technique in this blow, but the tyrannical power of the punch was overwhelming in all directions, especially in a closed space like Thunder Prison, it formed a strangulating storm.

When the storm subsided, the entire Thunder Prison suddenly emptied out. Thousands of six-day ghosts and gods turned into dirty blood and poisonous slurry, gathering into rivers and lakes, soaking through the land, and accumulating a layer up to the feet.

It looks like a great victory, but Lu Suhua doesn’t value this, and God is not so easy to get rid of.

Sure enough, after six days of ghosts and gods disappearing, in the blood everywhere, Taiyin Blood Thunder seemed to be rising bubbles, floating up, spreading and blocking every corner.

In the outer wall of the Thunder Prison, monsters are struggling out one after another. They are not afraid of the thunder **** scattered all over. On the contrary, the Taiyin Blood Evil on their bodies is interconnected with the thunder balls, forming the Taiyin Blood that shares life and death. The thunder net covered the sky and covered the earth, and it fell straight down.

In response to this, Lu Suhua changed into a boxing stance, with energy intertwined and yin and yang rubbing, and suddenly a dazzling electric light burst out from between the boxing stances.


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