Ask the Mirror Chapter 73: The Authority of Heaven and the Network of God (Part 2)

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The first thing that came was not the thunder, but the strong pressure of Tianxin that was revealed in the calamity.

For God, it is very mysterious to talk about the flow of will, but this “will” is clearly revealed in the changes in the birth and death of laws.

He has done the work of holding the authority of heaven many times. In terms of experience, he may be the one with the richest experience in the entire practice world.

So he knew very well that in order to be a “human-shaped heavenly tribulation”, he must first have an awareness: that is to understand what God is “thinking” and what the laws of heaven and earth are implementing, and then act in this direction.

This question is not difficult, Yu Ci already has an idea.

But there is also a prerequisite, that is, a channel for “communication” with the will of the laws of heaven and earth. When he was in the Northern Wasteland, he achieved it through Xuanhuang Sword Intent, but now, he has a good choice.

When the Thunder Prison was just paved, Yu Ci had already passed on clear enough information. Even though it was now separated by a dark area, through the connection between life and death, he was sure that the person had known about it, and he readily agreed. !

There was no hesitation or time for hesitation.

Outside the “Thunder Prison” that was almost formed, the black robe was retreating continuously, but then he saw that the two Guiyan people who had been lingering outside the Thunder Prison suddenly made a move.

Guiyan suddenly turned into nothingness and disappeared in a flash. At the same time, the alien beauty laughed “ha”, blooming from the inside out in a series of red rays of light, shining in all directions, but still condensing. Set within a few feet radius, the surrounding Qi movement has undergone obvious changes.

Then she stepped forward.

Right ahead was the Thunder Prison, and she crossed a distance of several feet in one step, and had already touched the main body of the Thunder Prison. When the two sides touched, light and dark alternated in the sky, and Qi burst out. The black robe was startled, and saw only a true color. It was dark, but there was blood on the edge. The strange electric fire struck down, hitting the beauty at the top of the door.

The electric light penetrated the whole body, and the bright red light wave spread out in an instant, and was directly thrown into the thunder prison by the terrifying impact.

You can also see from the outside that the six-day ghosts and gods bred inside are all arrogant for a moment.


The red flames flowed in the black robe’s eyes, but he couldn’t figure it out no matter what: Why did it look like it was wrapped in lightning and it was killing people?

The confusion and chaos outside have no meaning to the world inside Thunder Prison.

Lu Suhua pounced several feet, and it was really a thought. If it were not for exerting force, the effect of the fist would have been interfered by some three-party vitality, which might lead to some unpredictable consequences. Lu Suhua didn’t even have to pounce. Pounce, with the power of his punch, Yu Ci didn’t even have time to raise his hand to shout.

Even so, when the words were still swirling in Yu Ci’s mouth, Lu Suhua had already rushed to the distance where he could hear his breath. Without paying attention to any physical exertion, she pressed her elbows and punched him hard in the chest.

The fist intention was transformed into a substantial impact, and the majestic power of the fist exploded inward at the moment of contact with Yu Ci’s body.

This punch was not intended to take Yu Ci’s life, but to shock his soul and internal organs, completely paralyzing his ability to move.

Without the barrier of the three-party vitality, Yu Ci, whose true cultivation level is not in the Buxu realm, is like a fish on the chopping board, and she can do whatever she wants.

But at the moment when the power of the fist was released, her heart suddenly started to throb, and she wanted to change again, but when the power of the fist hit her body, she had lost her only chance.

The force of the punch bounced off the skin, and what bounced back was the lightning that bloomed on Yu Ci’s body.

The color of the thunder light is dark, just like its light color, and the power it bursts out is also extremely feminine and strange. At first contact, it seems like a wind blowing, but once there is a strong blockage, a violent thunder force bursts out, and At that time, it had already penetrated for several minutes. When it exploded again, the lethality was more than doubled?

What makes people even more fearful is the blood sprayed after the lightning exploded. There was a filthy and fishy aura lingering in the air, which connected with the force of her fist and seeped back, specifically tainting the intention of the fist, making it very difficult to deal with.

This was a change in the Six-Day Bloody Thunder Prison of Ghosts and Gods, called the ‘Taiyin Blood Thunder’. Lu Suhua had been prepared to deal with it, but she was still quite surprised that it was contaminated by Yu Ci.

This person is truly worthy of the title of “Heavenly Tribulation in Human Form”, and he is actually able to attract the power of the Heavenly Tribulation into his body without being harmed by it.

Of course, she also saw that due to the limitations of the three-party vitality, the Taiyin blood evil thunder could not be released externally. It only circulated between the inside and outside of Yu Ci’s skin. If she avoided it, it would not be able to hurt her at all. , but if you take the initiative to touch it, that’s a different matter.

Not to mention the sequelae, at least for now, it is a relatively good way to protect yourself.

Lu Suhua hesitated with her fist, and in a blink of an eye, she wiped out the Taiyin blood evil thunder power, and then laughed: “Have I tortured you too much before? You dare to get this kind of thing on your body…”

Yu Ci stared at her, suddenly smiled, and simply closed his eyes, blending his mind with Baoyun.

Just now, Bao Yun let go of his mind, established a circuit of faith with him, and officially became his “believer”. Based on the mysteries of life and death instilled by Yu Ci, this process was very smooth. It is precisely because of the treasure that he can use the channel of faith to bypass the constraints of the three-party vitality and use it for his own use.

At this time, he is also using Baoyun’s special way of existence to realize the various mysteries of the “Six Heavens of Blood, Light and Thunder Prison of Ghosts and Gods”

The Six-Day Bloody Thunder Prison of Ghosts and Gods is a very famous calamity. Not only Yu Qingxuan, but also many masters of calamity and great calamity methods have been sent to this calamity when they are trying to reach higher realms, just because this calamity is too great. “Treatment” – “Six Heavens Blood Light of Ghosts and Gods” specializes in attacking the true meaning; “Thunder Prison” re-binds the law, leaving no room for error.

Since Yu Ci wanted to borrow his power, he naturally had to run it well. At this moment, rumbling thunder sounded, reverberating in every joint or acupoint of his body.

Although there are treasures to guide and help, as Lu Suhua said, it is difficult to handle even a little bit of this kind of thing that specializes in destroying people’s true intentions and binding laws.

If you focus solely on testing yourself, then you are just stuck!

Obviously, Yu Ci is not that bad yet… He naturally has his own methods.

In the Chengqi sky hundreds of millions of miles away, another “silk thread” invisible to the naked eye is projected out and flies into the vast sky.

This situation has been going on for some time. Countless “silk threads” are thrown out one after another, flying on the mostly abandoned law system of heaven and earth. Even though it is not as neat as before, it is enough to form a web in the void. Huge web.

Beihuang, Northland Three Lakes, Nanguo, East China Sea, and many other areas where Yu Ci has never been, but whose “seeds” have been scattered, have received feedback one after another, forming thousands of nodes in a large network. Huge amounts of information began to intersect and connect among them.

The information gathered from many sources was coherent but not chaotic, just like a whisk whisking by, making his mind clearer.


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