Ask the Mirror Chapter 73: The Authority of Heaven and the Network of God (Part 1)

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Yu Ci didn’t dare to say that this was the final correct answer, but it was the only way to explain it.

Extending from this idea, the Yuan-Destroying Hammer is actually a means to remove obstacles to the greatest extent, but the Yuan-Destroying Hammer alone is not enough. You must also cultivate the true meaning that can carry all your own marks.

The so-called true meaning can be implemented in practice, and there are broad and narrow meanings. Yu Ci understood the meaning of the sword in the realm of spiritual communication, which can be said to be the “true meaning”; he cultivated the soul to the point where the magic power of the soul shines both inside and outside, and he became the Yang Shen. , shifting elements and changing qualities, independent of true form, can also be called “true meaning”.

Both of the above are narrow senses.

As for the broad sense, it is called “perfect enlightenment”. It is well said in Buddhist scriptures that it is the true wisdom of realizing all dharmas. To put it simply, it is to explore the foundation of the system of laws of heaven and earth, and not to do it. It is the supreme spiritual cultivation that is shielded by appearance and not disturbed by its various appearances.

The “purification” and “pureness” that Xuanhuang and Yinggui talked about back then were nothing like that.

But no matter what the highest state, the foundation is in the mind, soul.

In fact, Yu Ci had vaguely had similar thoughts when he was in the East China Sea.

At that time, he saw that the laws of heaven and earth did not have many restrictions on methods such as wandering, and the higher the level, the less restrictive means.

I also remember that Hua Niangzi said something not long ago, to the effect that everything can be calculated clearly, but only the human heart is difficult to calculate. From another perspective, understanding it from another perspective, the mind, soul, and soul are indeed the most powerful thing that transcends the system of laws of heaven and earth. fundamental carrier.

So, no matter which side you are on, if you want to transcend, you must land on this.

Well, Yu Ci is not here to analyze how Lu Suhua and even all the great powers in the world are transcendent, he is here to find the limitations within it!

He believed that there must be other problems inside.

On the one hand, although the power of divine will has the ability to transcend constraints, most of the time, it still relies on the physical body to exist. Losing the physical body will be a serious injury even to the monks who have cultivated the Yang Shen; on the other hand, On the one hand, those monks who specialize in cultivating the Yang God and abandoning the physical body are very few who can truly reach the realm in the end. Xin Yi is the best example.

This kind of inseparable relationship… Yu Ci’s head would explode just thinking about it, but it would be too funny if he could understand this secret of detachment even if he wanted to explode his head.

His thoughts were in a mess, even a little hurt. A feeling of weakness came over him. He groaned and forced down a mouthful of blood.

Having half of Yang Shen thrown into Star Orbit, his soul power is much weaker than others. In the past, he didn’t even realize that there was a Guiyan clone whose soul power could be borrowed. Once he consumed too much, this weakness would be revealed.

At this time, in the calamity cloud that had begun to “leak” before, a certain kind of power finally accumulated to the limit. At the intersection of the wind and fire tornado and the calamity cloud, a huge drop of “ink” took the shape of the most perfect drop of water. , hanging down.

The wind and fire tornado could not bear it immediately, and turned into a violent turbulence of wind and fire, sweeping across the surrounding area, but its collapse speed could not match the speed of the “ink droplets” falling. It had just spread no more than three to five miles, and there was a muffled sound on the ground.

The “ink drop” weighing more than ten thousand pounds fell heavily, hitting the top of the three-party vitality shell.

Yu Ci only felt his body sink. Looking around, the ground for several miles around had sunk at least ten feet in a slight arc. The deepest point, where he was, was nearly two feet deep. Now he seemed to be standing on In the bottom of a large pot.

And the “ink droplets” splashed out, turning the surrounding area into a dark color. It was dark and quiet. If you look closely, you can see layers of blood. In the blood, it is clear that something is gestating, and the outline It’s ferocious, the smell is filthy, and it’s disgusting.

Lu Suhua completely turned her attention away from Yu Ci and looked around, with a look of peace on her face.

Yu Ci also looked at the disaster that fell from the sky, and then he discovered that he was actually in the wrong place. He didn’t need to think about “why” at all, but only needed to think about the actual “what” and “how” he should do. ,Will suffice.

No, he didn’t even have to think about “how to do it”. The disaster in front of him was simply the most straightforward reminder.

Heaven’s heart senses and releases the calamity, which is like the diagnosis of the holy hand of medicine, with few mistakes.

Then everything is simple, just follow the instructions!

My thoughts are clearer, my mind is running more smoothly, and my senses are a little sharper.

The feeling this calamity gave him was extremely filthy, and it was the same as the previous wind and fire tornado. The power of confinement was super strong. From this, it can be seen that the direction of the will of the laws of heaven and earth is still the soul in the final analysis. In addition, it is also against Lu Suhua. A counterattack that breaks away from the constraints of the law.

It seems very simple, but at Lu Suhua’s level, aren’t there only a few rules that can bind her?

The higher the level, the simpler the essence. It just depends on whether you have the ability to grasp it.

Yu Ci doesn’t care whether Lu Suhua has this ability or not, anyway, he does.

Although there are many restrictions and dangers, at this time, all those things should go away!

He remained calm and quietly opened a certain closed “organ”.

Currently, it is still in the preparation period before the disaster breaks out, but once it is launched, it will definitely be thunderous. Although Lu Suhua has found a good “shield” or “fortress”, she is still extremely cautious in her heart. Various subsequent changes are being deduced.

At this time, she felt Yu Ci’s gaze again. Inexplicably, she knew that this vision was a little different from before.

Looking back, I saw Yu Ci speaking:

“This is the Six Heavens Bloody Thunder Prison of Ghosts and Gods. It is said that the furious, angry, filthy and poisonous energy from the four extremes and the eight desolate corners is gathered into the Thunder Prison, specifically to taint people’s true intentions and restrain the form and spirit. The realm of knocking down is specially designed for those strong people who intend to break away from the system of laws of heaven and earth… “Yu Qingxuan detonated this calamity back then. Although he did not reach perfection, he still became a master of the great calamity method. Today you are the second one Yu Qingxuan? Or should we go further? ”

Lu Suhua responded with a smile: “Then it’s all up to you.”

Yu Ci also smiled: “I have been working hard outside for these years, and I really haven’t gained a good reputation. It is said that someone even gave me a nickname. Although I have always disliked him, I need to inform him now…”

After a moment’s pause, Yu Ci showed his white teeth at Lu Suhua:

“Human catastrophe!”

As his smile bloomed, Lu Suhua suddenly pounced, his eyes cold and penetrating into his heart. Yu Ci had no doubt that Lu Suhua at this time definitely had the means and ability to subdue him.

But he did not put up any defensive posture. He could not cultivate an independent and unchangeable true meaning like Lu Suhua. He could not integrate himself with the true meaning. It was destined that he would not be able to escape the shackles of the three-party energy. How can you resist being a prisoner of brothers and feet?

So, he didn’t do anything extra, he just opened his arms suddenly and roared towards the sky as dark as ink:

“Thunder is coming!”


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