Ask the Mirror Chapter 72: Wonderful thoughts about internal and external birth and death (Part 2)

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Yu Ci still had his eyes closed, but his eyelids were twitching several times. He sensed the sudden changes in the outside world.

From this aspect, the will of the laws of heaven and earth must have sensed a sign that he has not yet noticed, and after that sign, there is Lu Suhua’s ultimate goal.

Heaven’s heart senses that great tribulations have accumulated. When the two are in contrast, how could Yu Ci not wake up?

There is no doubt that the disaster will be overcome!

Lu Suhua wants to survive the calamity, why should she survive the calamity? Where did she spend her time?

As his thoughts fluctuated, the three-party vitality that had gradually calmed down also suddenly wavered.

The divine consciousness distributed among them fed back every subtle change. From this, he knew what was really mixed in between the three directions of energy. He also knew that the other party was in the law of heaven and earth that originally belonged to the true world. When there is collapse and reorganization, let the trend permeate in.

But where exactly is it… Before he could stop thinking about it, his body suddenly shook, because he discovered that almost a few feet in front of him, there was a fist that filled the sky and the earth, and spanned the space, in three directions. In the vitality, stand up!

Back in Beihuang, Yu Ci once experienced Lu Chen’s fist intention in Lu Suhua’s sea of ​​consciousness. It still leaves an indelible mark on his heart. But now, this fist intention may not be as endless as it was then. Climbing up, overlooking everything is as majestic as ants, but it still has a proud artistic conception that is not bound by any rules and is high above the heaven and earth.

It means something like a human being.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and Lu Suhua’s proud and arrogant face came into view clearly, clearly still smiling. Then, under his gaze, he calmly took a step forward.

It was this step that made Yu Ci’s eyelids twitch again.

No one knows the nature of the three directions of energy better than him. This thick shell was formed by the intertwining and twisting of the three directions of energy from the True World, the Land of Eternal Fall, and Chengqitian over more than ten years. It is made of brand-new From a visual perspective, the basis for its existence is the weird laws of the three-dimensional void that are twisted together. The most stubborn power comes from the Land of Eternal Destruction. The situation there is still something he cannot understand.

So, even though he thinks about breaking free all the time and has made some progress, his freedom is still limited to this day.

However, Lu Suhua’s current performance has easily trampled on his more than ten years of hard work.

She moved among the three directions of energy, moving freely and leisurely, like an illusory shadow, without arousing any reaction from the laws within it.

But Yu Ci knew that she was not a shadow, and the fist that almost suffocated him was not an illusion. As for the voice that sounded in his ears, it was Lu Suhua’s consistent tone; “It’s such a good place, then, Just borrow the precious land and use it!”

As she said that, she ignored her and looked up.

Due to the closed wind and fire tornado, the field of vision is narrow and cannot penetrate ten feet at all. However, both Lu Suhua and Yu Ci are facing the mighty power of heaven and earth that is slowly coming down from the sky and becoming more violent every moment. Have a very clear understanding.

Yes, he must have survived the catastrophe, and he was thinking of relying on the nature of the three-party energy to seal off the inside and outside, taking advantage of the shade and saving energy.

This is a fact that can make people frustrated to death and make them mad.

However, Yu Ci’s mind was very calm, and he only stared at her, never looking away. He needs to know:

What is Lu Suhua’s current state? Why didn’t it cause any reaction from the three parties’ energy?

So, he raised his hand and touched Lu Suhua’s body in the most direct way.

Lu Suhua was looking at the sky, but now she also lowered her gaze. The smile on her face did not change, and she watched Yu Ci reach out.

With a low explosion, Yu Ci failed to touch Lu Suhua’s body. He was knocked back from a distance of more than a foot, and half of his body was paralyzed.

The vitality of the three parties was finally shaken, but that was in response to Yu Ci’s changes. For Lu Suhua, it was still waiting for nothing.

But at this time, Yu Ci really felt the other party’s state:

From the inside to the outside, it is filled with the fist intention, only the fist intention, and apart from that, there is no other impurity.

Was it blocked by the fist, or… A flash of lightning pierced his mind, and he suddenly remembered a sentence Xiao Wu once said to him when he was in the Nine Palaces Demon Realm, which described how Haodian escaped from the Land of Eternal Destruction. : “Senior brother, when you became the true meaning of Yuhua, she grabbed the Yunlou tree and came out of Chengqitian. Because of the sword’s intention, her flesh and bones were transformed, and she had to be reincarnated…”

Suitable for the sword!

What does it mean to be in harmony with the sword’s will? Why is it possible to fight out of the land of eternal damnation by conforming to the sword’s will?

Yu Ci has always wanted to ask this question, but he was unable to do so because Haodian had been sleeping.

But now, seeing Lu Suhua’s condition, he suddenly woke up.

Yu Ci, in the way of God Lord, with the help of the Super Demon Seed, once stood at the top of the law system of heaven and earth, overlooking all things in the world, and the laws evolved. At that time, he had a feeling: He was also the top existence in this world, with God Lord In this state, you can see the system of laws of heaven and earth more comprehensively and use it more freely.

Just like the Rakshasa Ghost King, with the help of the power of the law, he could easily transmit her voice to all directions without any hindrance.

The seven earth immortals who were still fighting seemed to be a little worse. At least Yu Ci never felt that they were deliberately using any law power – of course, the law system of heaven and earth around the battlefield had long been rotted into a pot of porridge. But the seven Earth Immortals were able to preserve their own strength extremely completely in an environment where the laws collapsed, and they could move and transform very freely.

Yu Ci then knew that if the Lord of God is regarded as a spider spinning webs, then the Earth Immortal Power is like a bird in the forest. Although it is inevitably stained with dust from branches and leaves, it flies freely with few restraints. .

He has been thinking that if the essential difference between the God Lord and the Earth Immortal is investigated, this item should be very important.

It is undeniable that Yu Ci has been leaning on the path of the God Lord, and has even been given the name “Gecko” by the Rakshasa Ghost King. Although it is just for fun, it also proves that his model is that of a big person like the Rakshasa Ghost King. Yes, it is accepted.

Because of this, the deeper he practiced, the clearer he became. According to the current cultivation model of monks, each level is a summary and coordination of the laws of heaven and earth, until the tribulation is broken and immortality is achieved. The contradiction between time and the will of the laws of heaven and earth has become acute, but inevitably, “compromise” is always accompanied. The sword fairy who wants to break the shackles of all laws is no longer the mainstream in today’s world.

But this way, he had a doubt in his mind:

On the one hand, we must maintain ourselves, on the other hand, we must converge with the laws of heaven and earth. When we finally touch the fundamentals, there is no longer any compromise, so what should we do?

At this moment, he finally understood.

It turns out that there are not so many mysteries. In the end, we always reach the same destination through different paths. Perhaps monks from Shi Xuan and other sects still compromise with God most of the time, but in the end, they still follow the same path, just like now Lu Suhua transformed herself into the independent and unchangeable fist that spanned space, and was absolutely in opposition to the laws of heaven and earth… and jumped out!

Therefore, heaven and earth cannot tolerate it!


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