Ask the Mirror Chapter 69: Many parties compete to deduce the true meaning (Part 1)

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The attitude of the flower girl is very strange. Is it really okay to sow discord in such a big way?

Yu Ci would not agree with her “done-in-one” attitude. Lu Suhua had not yet grasped it, and had begun to discuss how to divide it… Besides, Mahakala’s side should not assume that Lu Suhua belongs to Them?

While thinking about it, Lady Hua cast her gaze over:

“What do you think of Fellow Taoist Yu Ci? I think that when Brother Guiyan fought against the Qijian Tianluo Sword Formation in Yishan Yunzhou, he was indeed majestic and toyed with the three thousand sword cultivators on the Juxian Bridge. In the palm of his hand, he has unintentionally shown where his limit lies…”

Yu Ci’s heart moved. This person was clearly speaking to him.

Could it be that she has seen through Gui Yan’s puppet nature?

It doesn’t matter if he sees through it. Today, Yu Ci has almost revealed all his cards. After the confrontation and comparison with several forces, he has a clearer positioning, exposing Guiyan, he really Don’t be afraid.

He winked at Baoyun on the side and sent a few words, asking her to carefully locate Lu Suhua’s position. Don’t let anything go wrong at this time. Xiaowu also went with her.

At the same time, Hua Niangzi seemed to be interested and began to analyze Guiyan’s situation at that time.

How could Yu Ci not know what Gui Yan did?

The few steps out of the sword formation seem simple and calm, but they are actually very carefully arranged… “Brother Guiyan Dao’s arrangement is very clever. The first step is to secretly use the magical power to directly hit the source of form and spirit to disrupt the situation. The mentality of several key targets, but just starting from here, you can know that there are some problems with the application of magical powers.”

The flower lady was always smiling, and there was absolutely no sign of her hatred for the two murderers who “ruined her life.”

Maybe she really doesn’t care.

“Brother Guiyan Dao’s second and third steps are actually to buffer himself. Whether it is using a long laugh to cover up, or using his precise grasp of the situation to borrow the power of the sword array It didn’t matter whether it caused chaos or stimulated the Ten Evils of the East China Sea to jump out and become a model. It wasn’t until the fourth step that he activated his magical power again, confusing a very small number of sword cultivators, and ending the chaos. It was solidified and expanded, and it also affected the operation of the sword formation.”

At this point, she raised **** and moved them casually twice, looking relaxed and leisurely: “After that, she rushed left and right in the sword formation, creating a calm and casual image, and In fact, these are more based on his unexpectedly superb swordsmanship, and there are also some traces of the magic power to pierce people’s hearts. The last strike that broke the formation was purely a “lust spirit” magical power. It was used ingeniously. In fact, it was true. He has fallen back into the mold of the demon sect, and has taken a huge step back in terms of magical power.”

At this point, she paused for a moment and finally came to a conclusion: “As far as I know, at the level of magical power that touches the source of form and spirit, if Brother Guiyan Dao really masters it and activates it without any hindrance, Qijian Tianluo , Three Thousand Sword Cultivators is nothing at all. Without Li Bocai’s leadership, it will be defeated in one blow and there will be no need to waste any more troubles.

“It can be clearly seen that every time Brother Guiyandao uses a similar magical power, there will be a period of buffering. At the last critical period, he will no longer even use it, which means that he is not effective yet. The consumption of using this magical power is definitely beyond his control… In fact, this is not what it should be!”

Yu Ci raised his eyebrows.

Guiyan’s attack on the sword formation was indeed shocking at the time, but there was no way to compare it with the impact after Li Bocai appeared. However, Hua Niangzi analyzed it so solemnly and took the trouble to analyze it. I’m afraid it was just for This sentence.

The “supernatural power that points directly to the source of form and spirit” mentioned by Lady Hua is actually the “Black Forest” method that Yu Ci just realized in the East China Sea. It points to the place where form and spirit meet and controls people’s fundamental thoughts.

Yu Ci must admit that it is really difficult to use such magical powers, because the changes in people’s thoughts really change in an instant, especially the divergent pattern, with branches and branches, and you want to control its general appearance. The flow is really difficult.

He even knew where his shortcomings were… Hua Niangzi’s voice seemed to directly ring in his heart: “The scriptures I teach have a clear saying: ‘The vines are densely woven with green trees, and everything is new from the beginning of one yuan’ , if you read this article carefully, you may remember it.

“It means that the source of form and spirit is like a forest, with dense trees and vines. But with just a change of thought, the appearance of the entire forest will be completely changed. If you just rely on mental memory and control, any Everyone will get lost in it and waste their energy.

Hua Niangzi’s bright eyes flickered over the faces of Yu Ci and Guiyan, and then she said with a smile: “At this point, I may boldly infer that Brother Guiyan has not yet gone deep into the art of deduction and calamity. Let’s do some research, or is there something missing?”

Hit the point.

Yu Ci wanted to praise her for her “good eyesight”, but in the end she remained silent. Instead, Gui Yan, under his instruction, spoke in a dark voice: “Then what do you think, derivation and calamity? Which of the two items is missing?”

“You didn’t say I didn’t know, but now, I understand that you lack everything…or in other words, you don’t understand the true meaning of it at all.”

Her response seemed to be disgusted with the ghost, but it was actually a slap to Yu Ci’s face.

However, Yu Ci still said nothing.

In this case, people’s usual psychology is first to refute, and secondly to be curious. Once they become more serious, it is equivalent to falling into a trap, and the topic will be directly deflected. Now he really wants to know the truth, but he doesn’t have the time to study it.

Guiyan on the side rolled his eyes and sneered: “Then Taoist Master understands that you want to use the technique of deduction and the secret method of overcoming tribulations to take a piece of Lu Suhua’s pie, right? This is easy to discuss. …”

What Guiyan showed was a messy attitude, which just broke Hua Niangzi’s “lasso”.

Hua Niangzi shook her head, looking a little helpless, and then lightly brushed her hair, as if sorting out her mood and thoughts. Yu Ci watched her movements intently.

At this time, her black hair was really as thick as smoke, and the layers were clear, with strands visible, but Yu Ci’s eyes stopped on it, but it was not because of lust, but because he wanted to see the female cultivator’s current true state. .

Guiyan has become his spokesperson. After receiving the instruction, he stepped forward and said with a smile: “Don’t talk nonsense! Lady Hua came to stop her alone, but she doesn’t know how much strength she still has left? Can she stand up to Master Dao? Kneading? If you think you can, just come up now, the time has passed and Master Tao is too lazy to wait!”

The flower girl turned her face slightly, as if she was too lazy to pay attention to the pervert, and she seemed to be asking for a response from Yu Ci.

“Yu Daoyou…”

Before he finished speaking, the ground shook, shaking up and down like waves.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Xiao Wu jumping out of the ground not far away: “Oh, it’s so hot!”


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