Ask the Mirror Chapter 68: The discussion about life and death transforming into wilderness (Part 2)

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Lu Qinghua’s words must also follow the rules of the Guanghua World and flow in as the voice of his heart.

Uncle Li is the one who knows Hua Niangzi. Although he “arrived late”, he is very familiar with what happened on the Yishanyunzhou. Moreover, because of Chen Longchuan and Lu Erniang’s singing and dancing, they also have a certain understanding of the relevant background.

“You’re a pretty girl from the Yinan class…Does this count as not showing her real face?”

Actually, he is still very interested in the so-called “like-minded people”, and there is no problem in discussing it. However, wouldn’t it be better if all the doubts in his mind could be cleared up before the discussion?

So, he took advantage of the situation and sold Lu Qinghua:

“You are so mean-spirited, you beggar lady, that is the leader of the Yinan class; now that people have manifested the dharma bodies of gods and humans and are in charge of the glorious world, they naturally have to have dharma names… I don’t know if that is true or not? ”

The last sentence is, of course, directed towards the dharma body of heaven and man standing above the sea of ​​clouds.

Sure enough, the other party’s voice came through directly: “I have reported my Dharma name before, how could Li Jianxian not know about it?”


Li Bocai has a very quick mind no matter what. He was stunned and remembered the verse when the first black lotus bloomed, and he recited it smoothly:

“Flowers bloom for a lifetime, and flowers wither for a lifetime. The disillusionment of life and death is only in a crazy dream…it turns out to be a deity in a crazy dream.”

The so-called “heavenly beings” actually have two meanings in the Buddhist system:

One refers to those who listen to the Dharma, practice Buddhist services, practice successfully, and do not follow the secular world in the Buddhist heavens. It is a broad concept; the other refers to the heavens and humans who are reborn in the six paths, and the definition is relatively narrow. .

Hua Niangzi, or Chi Meng, seems to belong to the latter category. However, during the Sword Immortal’s Western Expedition, the six paths of reincarnation had completely collapsed under the urging of the Thirteen Ancient Buddhas, and the Buddhist methods related to it, It also became waste paper.

How did she practice?

He wanted to continue asking, but then he saw Chi Meng holding up flowers in his hands, and there was a scream in the glorious world.

The shadow that exposed her traces and forced her to appear has been suppressed since the appearance of the heavenly beings. Now, under the power of the great light, it evaporates and turns into smoke, and is almost washed away in the blink of an eye. But in the end, a wisp that was hard to see was left behind, sucked into the fingertips of the dream out of thin air.

At the same time as this scene was happening, thousands of miles away, Yu Ci let out a “hiss” sound. The death demon was transformed by his natal magical power. It didn’t feel very good to have his magical power broken. Besides, his opponent clearly still had Later move.

At this time, he and Bao Yun had broken through the calamity cloud and were throwing themselves into the mountains below. Lu Suhua had already begun to hide his aura, but Bao Yun was related to the heart-locking calamity in her body. Although this sense was blocked by Lu Suhua in many ways, The means block and weaken it, but it never stops.

Based on the current impression, they are not far apart.

“Speed ​​up!”

He tried his best to attract the help of Li Bocai and Lu Bo, and also used the death demon magical power to force the nominally dead Hua Niangzi to reveal herself. Wasn’t he just trying to get the upper hand?

Now Hua Niangzi has been trapped by Li Bocai and others. She is thousands or tens of thousands of miles away, and she will definitely not be able to come in a while. He must seize the opportunity.

Now that Lu Suhua is at the end of her strength, Yu Ci is using fishing techniques, reeling in and releasing the line. The purpose is to drain this terrible woman’s energy and will, and then take action again.

It must not be like moving mountains and clouds on boats, leaving her with a chance to counterattack – this time it is no longer a test!

After arranging the cards in his hand several times in his mind, Yu Ci called out “Xiao Wu”. The nine-dimension magnetic divine light on the ground was released, and Xiao Wu appeared and waved to him.

Yu Ci was about to give instructions when his eyelids suddenly jumped. Thousands of miles away, the death demon that had long been on the verge of destruction was still there. Moreover, the other party had clearly seen its most essential part. With a flick of his finger, it was like As he had done before, he separated the laws of life and death.

The other party’s movements were as if they were right in front of him; and Yu Ci’s reaction was also not hidden from the other party.

This is a mutual induction based on the law of life and death. It is a closer and more direct connection than the “soul locking” technique. Not to mention the current distance, even if they are outside the territory and separated by the endless starry sky, it is probably difficult to cut off.

This also directly proves that Yu Ci’s previous conjecture is correct: there is indeed considerable attainment in the law of life and death.

It’s going to be eventful from now on… Yu Ci’s thoughts didn’t stop, but the feeling came again. There was an inexplicable change in the surrounding environment. If you look closely, you will find that all the breath of life has suddenly been wiped away.

Soon, Bao Yun also discovered the problem, and came over and said: “All the wild beasts around were dead. At the same time, he fell to death inexplicably in the mountains, with no external injuries…”

Yu Ci did not respond, but raised his head and looked forward. The law of life and death seemed to tremble on the tip of his heart. It was the death of these creatures that provided strength to a certain existence.

The void cracked, and a familiar figure stepped out across the sky. At the same time, the death energy generated by the death of thousands of wild creatures in the mountains gathered from all directions and poured into the figure, just like a death demon absorbing death energy— —Or simply a number.

The only difference is that Yu Ci’s method is to directly condense the death demon, while the other party fills the death energy into his own projection clone.

And the image of the projected clone is clearly the flower lady.

Restrictions thousands of miles away are not perfect after all.

This woman who transformed into a black lotus, disintegrated and disappeared, as if nothing had happened. She was still wearing the same clothes as tonight, especially the half-sleeved shirt that was ripped off by Guiyan, and she was only wearing one on her upper body. The tube top reveals the smooth shoulders and half of the plump chest muscles. It makes people wonder, where has all the turbid death energy been absorbed by her?

Yu Ci sighed and said nothing.

Hua Niangzi’s resurrection from the dead confirmed one of his guesses.

Now that time can no longer be wasted, there is a low whistle, and not far in front of you, another person steps out of the void, but it is Guiyan.

Although this man just took a blow from Li Bocai, he still has fighting strength.

“Stop her, she is yours!”

Hearing the ghost’s green-flame demonic eyes, Hua Niangzi still smiled unchanged: “Why bother to fight again? With all this delay, the goal may be far away. Why don’t we all discuss it and discuss it? What’s a reasonable division? ”

“No!” Baoyun was ahead of everyone, smiling slightly, but his will was firm and there was no room for concession.


Hua Niangzi’s persistence is also unparalleled, “Er Niang, you only want revenge, but you don’t care what others think. How can this happen?”

Without waiting for a response, her eyes fell on Guiyan who was standing in front of her: “Just like Brother Guiyan, his magical power that points directly to the source of form and spirit is indeed remarkable, but Brother Dao has never thought about going further. Easy to use? ”


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